
  1. Existing types of bathroom paints
  2. Some disadvantages of modern paints and varnishes
  3. Preparing for painting
  4. Key points when choosing paintwork
  5. Ranking of the best bathroom paints for 2022
  6. Instead of an epilogue

Ranking of the best bathroom paints for 2022

Ranking of the best bathroom paints for 2022

There are many ways to paint bathroom walls. Some prefer a combined option, in which part of the wall near the bathtub or shower stall is tiled, and the rest of the space is painted. Others prefer to paint over the entire bathroom. And in this case, the question immediately arises: is any paint capable of withstanding high humidity and water splashes for a long time? Moreover, the water in the domestic water supply, as a rule, is chlorinated, and this chemical can adversely affect the paintwork. Of course, you can resort to worldly tricks and, after applying paint, cover the painted areas with transparent polycarbonate sheets. But this will mean additional costs, both financial and temporary. Thus, it is better to choose a specialized paint that is not afraid of close contact with water.

Existing types of bathroom paints

The main properties that bathroom paint should have are its excellent protective qualities, a quick drying process, the absence of unpleasant odors and excellent hygienic characteristics.

The following types of paints and varnishes can meet the above requirements:

  • Water-based emulsions;
  • latex paints;
  • Compositions containing acrylic ingredients;
  • Various silicones;
  • Derivatives from rubber;
  • alkyd composites.

At one time (20-30 years ago), oil paints were used to decorate rooms with high humidity, however, today they are no longer relevant. This is due to the fact that in many respects they lose to modern compositions (specifically, in terms of the degree of moisture resistance).

Water based emulsions

When choosing such paints, first of all, you should pay attention to their technical properties. It is conditionally possible to subdivide them according to the components laid down in their basis. In particular, water-based emulsions, which contain a pigment that binds solid particles and water, are very popular and have improved characteristics. The very same range of water-based paints is quite wide and allows you to implement any exclusive design solutions. These paints are absolutely harmless, have a long service life, can form both a glossy and matte finish.

But even here there are some nuances: the surface of the wall, located directly above the bath bowl, should be painted using a glossy base - such coatings have more pronounced water-repellent characteristics.

If in the future you still have to carry out a general cleaning of the painted layer, then you should use simple textile rags for this - any stains will be cleaned with ease. And even if the stain does not want to be removed, then it can simply be painted over with a second layer - water emulsions allow this.

Latex based paints

Paintwork materials containing natural latex belong to the elite group of paints, because they are based on the technology of production from exotic natural rubber juices. These paintwork materials “work” as follows: during the application of a thin layer to the surface, the components are polymerized, which results in the formation of a thin and elastic film with powerful water-repellent properties.However, in order for such an elastic coating to be durable and continuous, before painting, a thorough treatment of the wall surface is required, that is, any roughness must be removed, and the primer must be distributed evenly and efficiently.

IMPORTANT! It should be remembered that under a continuous latex coating, the surface practically “does not breathe”, so fungus and mold can form under it. Thus, after preparing and leveling the surface, it must be treated with a special disinfectant that will prevent the possibility of biological contamination of the wall.

The undoubted advantages of latexes include their resistance to mechanical abrasion, long natural wear, easy cleaning from external dirt, simple application and high solvent evaporation rate. In addition, by introducing special pigments into the solution, the paint can acquire any desired color. It can be seen from this that the operational characteristics of the described material fully justify the cash costs for the acquisition of these funds.

IMPORTANT! It should be noted that latexes should be used only in rooms in which a sufficient positive temperature will be maintained throughout the entire period of operation. If the temperature drops below +10 degrees Celsius, then such paint may not justify its durability and strength.

Most professional decorators prefer latex-painted walls for their pleasing appearance, creating a so-called "silky effect". A similar effect cannot be achieved by any other composition.

Coatings with acrylic component

These products, which contain acrylates, are synthetic polymers in an organic solvent. They have a light smell that does not create discomfort. After applying the solution to the wall, the liquid dries quickly and does not leave behind unpleasant odors. This coating perfectly passes air, is extremely resistant to interaction with moisture, perfectly withstands almost any temperature.

Surfaces on which acrylic paint is easily fixed:

  • Natural stone;
  • Concrete and brick;
  • Plastic;
  • Any kind of metals;
  • Glass.

Acrylates themselves are able to create an outwardly beautiful and decorative effect with a deep bright color. Acrylic coatings usually contain antifungal additives.

IMPORTANT! Like any synthetic, acrylic is extremely susceptible to surface roughness, because they can cause a breakthrough in the paint layer. Therefore, before painting the bathroom, a high-quality primer of the walls should be performed.

Currently, acrylic is the most suitable material in terms of price / quality ratio, both for decorating bathrooms in a standard apartment, and for use in baths, large kitchens, laundries and other rooms with high humidity.

Silicone paints

They are often incorrectly referred to as aqueous emulsions due to the fact that their structure includes particles of polymer compounds in an aqueous medium. Their main positive characteristic is that they are unpretentious to the untreated surface and fit perfectly even on rough walls. In addition, they adhere well to various substrates: wood and plastic, concrete and metal, natural and artificial stone. Among other things, silicones pass air and calmly withstand almost any temperature.

By themselves, silicone coatings are able to withstand a service life of at least 25 years, while not requiring any repainting. At the same time, their structure often contains ingredients that successfully fight mold and fungi. Designers working in the hi-tech style prefer to use such paint.

IMPORTANT! Although silicones interact quite well with metal substrates, it will not be superfluous to treat the metal with an anti-corrosion agent before painting them. The thing is that water vapor can penetrate through microscopic pores in silicone, which subsequently causes rust.

rubber paints

These materials can demonstrate excellent waterproof properties for a long period due to the fact that artificial polymers are present in their structure. The elasticity that this ingredient gives also allows this material to be unpretentious to the unevenness of the walls of the bathroom. Moreover, with the help of this paint, you can even cover up and level the roughness. There are few nuances in their use: you just need to carefully remove the layer of the previous paint (if any), and after that apply rubber paint in several layers - this will increase the quality of the protective film. However, although the rubber material is considered harmless, it is NOT RECOMMENDED to cover certain types of objects with which a person interacts (for example, dishes, drinking water tanks, etc.)!

Enamel alkyd products

These products are classified as quick-drying, because the white spirit present in them evaporates extremely quickly. Paints based on alkyd resins are intended for finishing exterior and interior surfaces, including bathroom walls.The products are classified as quick-drying paints, because the white spirit solvent evaporates very quickly. They may also include various mineral supplements, antimicrobial agents, and certain types of pigments. Walls painted with alkyds will hold up well in high humidity conditions and will not crack or peel. In addition, they can withstand temperature extremes quite well. Among modern designers, the paint has received well-deserved respect for the fact that it is available both in liquid form and in the form of aerosols. And the latter are very convenient to use when you need to paint over hard-to-reach places.

The disadvantages of alkyds can be called their high toxicity to the human body, so staining must be carried out exclusively in a respirator. Upon completion of the repair, you should ventilate the room for a long time or organize good ventilation in the bathroom.

Oil paints

Such a solution is the most famous and most used. It is based on dissolved pigments in oil or drying oil. The composition has a very low price, fits perfectly on walls, metal and wooden structures. A clear disadvantage here is the general fragility of the coating, its tendency to peel and crack, which is caused by prolonged contact with water or moisture vapor. It is possible to use such paint in the modern world only with a clear lack of funds or in industrial premises.

Some disadvantages of modern paints and varnishes

Oil or alkyd compounds certainly have better adhesion (adhesion to the surface) in comparison with the rest, but after their application, long-term ventilation of the room is required.At the same time, water-dispersion paints are odorless, dry quickly and can be repeatedly washed and repainted. However, surfaces treated with such materials should be constantly wiped to dryness in order to avoid the appearance of water condensation. When dry, it can partially wash off the coating itself.

Finishing professionals recommend: you should not use the same paint over the entire area to paint the bathroom. For a better combination, it is preferable to paint the top of the walls with a water-based emulsion, and use rubber, silicones or acrylics at the bottom.

Preparing for painting

Before painting, the surface of the walls must be properly prepared - it must not have roughness, otherwise the painted walls may show blotches of enhanced color or streaks. The best option would be to carry out preliminary plaster, primer and putty. In order to determine evenness, you can use a beacon suspended on a thread in the extreme corner of the ceiling and wall. It should sag freely, but be right up against the wall to detect gaps. In principle, the surface cannot be perfectly flat, but a deviation of no more than 0.1 cm is considered acceptable.

Key points when choosing paintwork

Before buying, you should familiarize yourself with the qualities of a particular paint and decide on its compliance with the necessary parameters. Most of the information about the coatings is directly indicated by the manufacturer in the instructions for use (it can be supplied as a separate booklet or printed on the paint container). So you need to get information about:

  • drying speed;
  • Elasticity of the future coating;
  • moisture resistance;
  • Approximate period of operation;
  • Features of the painting process;
  • Requirements for the evenness of the walls;
  • The presence of additional ingredients (antifungal elements, special coloring pigments);
  • Toxicity of the agent, danger to humans;
  • Price and packing volume.

Ranking of the best bathroom paints for 2022


2nd place: Dulux Acryl Matt

Economical latex-based paint sample, which is more environmentally friendly. In the standard delivery it has a bright white color, which can be diluted with colored pigments. It is intended for painting the interiors of rooms with high humidity. It has a deep matte gloss level.

Manufacturer countryGreece
Packing in liters2.25
Price, rubles990
Dulux Acryl Matt
  • Increased packing size;
  • Democratic price;
  • Color variability is achieved by adding impurities.
  • Extremely short durability.

1st place: BELINKA LATEX B3

This coloring mixture has a transparent initial base, which means the variability in the selection of colors and the application of the mixture in a second layer. It has very good washing properties. It is positioned as an interior paint of increased strength for rooms with constant humidity. The gloss level is matte.

Manufacturer countrySlovenia
Packing in liters1.9
Price, rubles1280
  • Excellent washable base;
  • Increased margin of safety;
  • Environmental friendliness;
  • Paint for tinting only.


2nd place: Z19 WATERPROOF super white

This coating has high strength and versatility - it is equally good for painting both dry rooms and bathrooms with high humidity.Separately, it is worth mentioning its great vapor resistance and excellent hiding power. Excellent resistance to condensation. For decorative purposes, by adding pigments, the paint can take on the desired color.

Manufacturer countryRussia
Packing in liters14
Price, rubles1700
Z19 WATER RESISTANT super white
  • Multifunctionality;
  • Environmental friendliness;
  • Easy application process.
  • Oversized packaging.

1st place: Pufas Gold Star 2

Another example of versatility - suitable for all types of premises. Deserved special popularity among the consumer due to the low consumption of the mixture per square meter. Allows to apply a covering in two layers. Designed for walls and ceilings. You can paint using different tools: from a roller to a brush and a spray gun.

Manufacturer countryGermany
Packing in liters16
Price, rubles3300
Pufas Gold Star 2
  • Low consumption per square meter;
  • Multifunctionality;
  • Has a deep matte finish.
  • Again, just a big box.


2nd place: Goodhim SILICONE

This siliconized sample is intended for painting mineral and absorbent surfaces. Often it is used as a finishing material. It copes well with high humidity, tolerates temperature extremes well. It has a long service life, does not crack or soften over time. Possesses the increased degree of adhesion.

Manufacturer countryRussia
Packing in liters7
Price, rubles1300
  • Good value for money;
  • Excellent adhesion to various materials;
  • Ability to tolerate temperature fluctuations.
  • Not identified (for its segment).

1st place: Caparol Capasilan

High-quality interior material based on silicone resins. It is characterized by ease of application, does not leave streaks. The composition does not use solvents, so it is immediately ready for use. The degree of gloss is mineral-matte. Has good adhesion.

Manufacturer countryGermany
Packing in liters5
Price, rubles2900
Caparol Capasilan
  • Application occurs without streaks;
  • Adheres well to various materials;
  • It can be used as a repair coating for plaster.
  • Dries for a long time.


2nd place: Hammerite smooth

This paint is specially designed for finishing metal surfaces located in bathrooms. Can be applied directly to rust layers. It goes on sale in several colors at once: from white and black to yellow and red. It has improved anti-corrosion properties.

Manufacturer countryGermany
Packing in liters0.5
Price, rubles730
Hammerite smooth
  • A very budget option;
  • Possibility of application to areas with rust;
  • Increased heat resistance (up to +80 degrees Celsius).
  • Small volume of packaging (0.5 liters).

1st place: Stainless steel RAL 1028

The composition uses a modern “3 in 1” formula, when, at the first application, the active components remove rust, while simultaneously forming a stable protective layer and applying wear-resistant enamel.It successfully resists UV radiation and high humidity. As a result, an even semi-gloss protective film is formed.

Manufacturer countryRussia
Packing in liters20
Price, rubles5500
Stainless steel RAL 1028
  • Alkyd base with polyurethane components;
  • Possesses the increased covering power;
  • Guaranteed service life of 8 years.
  • Not found (for its segment).


2nd place: Krafor MA-15

The paint does not have an unpleasant odor and is intended for painting individual elements of the bathroom. Adheres well enough to both wood and metal surfaces. Field of application The superimposed layer has a pleasant glossy degree of gloss.

Manufacturer countryRussia
Packing in liters1
Price, rubles100
Krafor MA-15
  • budget sample;
  • Effective degree of gloss;
  • Washable.
  • fragility.

1st place: Cossack M-15

The material is intended for rooms with a low level of humidity. It is used for processing cornices, wooden floors, doors in saunas. It is characterized by a slight smell during painting. The diluent includes turpentine and white spirit.

Manufacturer countryRussia
Packing in liters1
BaseDrying oil
Price, rubles125
Cossack M-15
  • Cheapness;
  • Well suited for wood paneling of saunas and baths;
  • It is applied to external and internal works.
  • Small packing capacity.

Instead of an epilogue

Nowadays, buying bathroom paint is not difficult. With relative cheapness, there is absolutely no difference where to buy: through the Internet site or at retail.However, if you need to purchase a large volume, then online stores will be preferable.

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