
  1. Existing wood floor paints
  2. Features of coloring wooden floors
  3. Concrete floor and special paints for it
  4. Ranking of the best floor paints for 2022
  5. Instead of an epilogue

Ranking of the best floor paints for 2022

Ranking of the best floor paints for 2022

The vast majority of people believe that painting the floor is an extremely simple procedure in the manufacture of repairs. However, before you start painting, you need to decide on many different factors, such as the need to select a dye with the desired characteristics and its compliance with the material from which the floor is made. The right choice of paint and varnish material (LKM) will completely affect the final result (the appearance of the future coating and its durability). Today, the market offers a huge variety of paints and varnishes, which differ in price and characteristics. In order not to get confused in such a variety, it is necessary to obtain basic knowledge about each type of paint and the nuances that arise when using it.

Existing wood floor paints

The current reality is that most often only wooden floors have to be painted, and for other bases (concrete, metal) it is customary to use other materials (engineering board), although not in all cases. Nevertheless, the wooden floor has long been a sought-after and popular element in any room, from residential to official. This was due to its environmental friendliness, aesthetic appearance, relative cheapness and safety, along with a good heat retention function. To preserve all its positive properties, you just need to choose the right paint for it.

IMPORTANT! You should always remember that not every wood paint is suitable for every floor covering.Much will depend on where the floor is located, at what temperatures it will be operated, what type of wood it is made of, as well as the intensity of the impact of external factors on it (from the load of human traffic to interaction with natural phenomena).

Acrylic paints

This dye is the most popular due to its versatility. It contains a sufficient amount of moisture and special resins based on acrylic. This material can cover not only the floor, but also other surfaces, such as external walls or the facade of a house. The staining procedure can be carried out with a roller, brush or spray gun. The use of the latter tool is even preferable, since the consumption of the mixture per square meter of the surface to be painted will noticeably decrease, which means financial savings. This factor is quite significant, if we remember that acrylic coatings are quite expensive. At the same time, some types of wood (for example, soft ash and birch) may require the application of several layers of material, because their structure absorbs paint very well. In any case, layering for any type of wood will only mean increasing the life of the floor (unless there is a question of achieving some special appearance, for example, stylization "antique").

Acrylic coatings have the following undoubted advantages:

  • They practically lack the property of toxicity - these materials are equally safe both when painting the floor and when it is further used;
  • They are absolutely odorless, which is important for people with allergies and small children (when work is carried out in their places of permanent residence);
  • Their special fire resistance is achieved due to being in the composition of water;
  • Moisture resistance and heat resistance allow them to be used in special rooms with high temperatures and humidity (baths, kitchens);
  • These materials can be easily washed without fear of damaging the coating;
  • Good resistance to low temperatures;
  • They are easy to apply, drying occurs in a very short time;
  • The paint is easily removed from the surface with warm water and a sponge - the main thing is not to let it dry;
  • The range of acrylic coatings is very, very wide, there are many different shades;
  • Additional ingredients will increase the resistance of the dye to ultraviolet rays.

All of the above qualities make the acrylic base the most popular among flooring materials.

Alkyd paints

The composition of this material is almost similar to the above-described acrylic with one exception - the resins present in it are more focused on creating a glossy surface. Its significant "advantages" include:

  • Almost instant drying of the treated floor surface;
  • If paintwork materials are used in rooms with high humidity, then the composition will reliably protect the wood base from decomposition;
  • Due to the excellent penetration of the composition into the structure of the tree, a long service life is ensured;
  • The special ingredients of this material successfully fight mold and mildew;
  • Among the existing color range, fresh and bright shades prevail;
  • Successfully resists aggressive weather phenomena (rain, snow, hail, etc.).

However, unlike acrylic coatings, alkyd ones have some "cons":

  1. They have an unpleasant and pungent smell, which, in principle, calmly disappears (but not quickly);
  2. They interact poorly with some chemically active substances (solvent, acids and alkalis), with close contact, the paint layer may be destroyed;
  3. The mixture is flammable.

Nevertheless, it is not worth discarding alkyds right away - they are quite suitable for use in enclosed spaces with an average throughput load.

Polyurethane enamel

Quite a whimsical material, because it can only be painted on well-prepared surfaces. If you apply such enamel on a damp base, then after drying, cracks will definitely appear on the coating, and the paint may also “bubble”.

However, if the floor base is prepared in accordance with all the rules, then polyurethane will perfectly protect it from rapid aging, prevent premature wear of wood, and help avoid decay processes. Polyurethane enamel is preferable to use in rooms with a large traffic load. A significant disadvantage of the material is extreme toxicity (during painting work, it is necessary to use a respirator mask).

Oil paints

At one time, they were very popular in the vastness of the Soviet Union due to the fact that there were simply no other options. Currently, they are not relevant, since they lose to modern mixtures in terms of drying speed (oil ones have at least one day), the quality of penetration into the wood, and the presence of an unpleasant (albeit weathered) smell. However, the high degree of protection of the flooring from mechanical damage and low susceptibility to temperature extremes remain positive properties.

Epoxy paints

They are obtained by mixing two substances - directly the epoxy itself and the dye of the desired color. The possibility of self-tinting is the main feature of these paints. Also, they are characterized by resistance to abrasion, durability of service, special resistance to weather phenomena (precipitation) and even to some chemically aggressive substances. They are perfectly absorbed into the concrete surface and resist the fading of the painted layer in direct sunlight. However, the range of dyes that can be added to the mixture is extremely small. Therefore, it will be difficult to choose a similar color, if the need arises for repainting.

Paints rubber (latex)

This species can be called relatively new. He received the development of his own popularity due to the fact that it can be used to paint almost any surface: from wood and plastic to metal and concrete. The material is weakly susceptible to aggressive liquids and ultraviolet radiation, has a special elasticity, is resistant to mechanical damage, and successfully resists peeling. Separately, it is worth mentioning the economy during application - very little mixture is consumed. Many users consider this paint to be the best in terms of price / quality ratio.

Features of coloring wooden floors

The above paints can be used for wood flooring, but the specific choice must be made only on the basis of the following parameters:

  • The type of wood from which the floor is made;
  • The intensity of the load on the flooring (number of people passing per day);
  • Will further renewal, restoration or preventive treatment with protective compounds be required;
  • The average level of humidity constantly kept in the room;
  • Estimated maximum service life.

Floor preparation for painting

First of all, you need to make sure the surface is clean. If there is a previous coating, then it must be removed, however, this step is necessary only for certain types of coatings, for example, especially outdated ones - oil or epoxy. Experts recommend preparing the floor in the following steps:

  • A special protective oil is applied to the surface, which the future surface to be painted will absorb for about 72 hours (this step is optional for some types of dyes, but in any case it will never be superfluous);
  • After the protective layer has dried, the first coloring layer is applied with a roller, spray gun or brush and left to dry for at least a day (the time can be adjusted depending on the drying properties of a particular type of paintwork materials, however, the longer the better);
  • The final step is to cover the surface with paint in a thickness of one to five layers (again, depending on the type of paint).

If the flooring has significant defects, then before painting, you will need:

  1. Fill all large gaps with putty and clean the repair site with sandpaper. In the future, it is desirable to cover the repaired area in two or three layers.
  2. If painting is carried out on top of the old layer, then after completing all the procedures, it is better to protect the updated surface with a special varnish. In its absence, ordinary oil paint with a glossy effect is also suitable for wood.

Optimum dye consumption

Professionals agree that for almost any type of paint per square meter of area, two hundred to four hundred grams of dye is required. It should also be mentioned here that the consumption when working with a spray gun or roller will be lower, while when working with a brush, the consumption will increase.

Caring for painted wood floors

There are a number of simple rules, thanks to which the painted wooden floor will last much longer:

  • Three to four times a week you need to carry out wet cleaning and wash the floor with a wet cloth;
  • If stains from oily liquids have formed on the surface, then it is possible to remove them with the help of ammonia;
  • If you need to increase the degree of glossiness of the floor, then it can be rubbed with vegetable oil. The main thing is to wipe everything dry afterwards to prevent slippage;
  • If cracks have formed in the coating and dust and small particles of dirt get there, then they must be removed with a vacuum cleaner.

IMPORTANT! It is always necessary to remember about what paint the floor is painted with. If the dye does not interact well with chemically aggressive substances, then it should not be washed with household chemicals. This may damage the paintwork!

Concrete floor and special paints for it

As a rule, a concrete base is used in rooms where there is a significant load on the use of flooring. The use of water-based paint in such conditions is extremely impractical - in this case, alkyd or oil paints and some special-purpose mixtures are perfect. They just have all the necessary properties:

  • Have increased wear resistance;
  • They penetrate well into the structure of concrete, increasing its security;
  • Perfectly interact with aggressive environments and substances (from weather precipitation to household detergents);
  • Often do not require complete leveling of the surface before painting.

Concrete painting may be needed for floors that are:

  • Outdoors;
  • In large hangar-type rooms;
  • In rooms that are characterized by temperature fluctuations.

In any case, the process of painting a concrete floor is much less laborious than for a wood floor, therefore, it can be done with some deviations from standard technologies.

Ranking of the best floor paints for 2022


2nd place: Tikkurila Yki
votes 0

A good sample from the world famous Finnish manufacturer. It is highly resistant to external influences, can be used as a restorative material for repairing small cracks, and can be tinted. Drying time is maximally reduced - no more than 50 minutes.

Manufacturer countryFinland
Coloring baseAcrylic
Packing size, liters/kilograms2.7
Cost, rubles2200
Tikkurila Yki
  • Minimum consumption;
  • Improved heat resistance;
  • Variety of application (brush, roller, spray gun).
  • Narrow specialization (only for concrete).

1st place: Aquastrong (gray)
votes 0

This dye is equally well applied both on wood and plastic, and on concrete and metal. It is characterized by a high level of strength at the end of drying, it is able to qualitatively prevent the access of moisture to the painted surface. The composition additionally implements the function of counteracting the formation of dust under the protective layer.

Manufacturer countryRussia
Coloring baseAcrylic
Packing size, liters/kilograms6
Cost, rubles3100
Aquastrong (grey)
  • Has no smell;
  • Resistant to chemicals and gasoline;
  • Can be used at low temperatures.
  • Not found.


2nd place: Dulux Domus (semi-gloss)
votes 0

One of the most popular domestically produced coloring mixtures, which is directly positioned on the market as paintwork materials for painting all types of wooden surfaces. It has good protection against adverse weather conditions, the floor is able to maintain a high load intensity. The price is relevant for the declared properties and the volume of sales containers.

Manufacturer countryRussia
Coloring baseAlcides
Packing size, liters/kilograms1
Cost, rubles1100
Dulux Domus (semi-gloss)
  • The possibility of tinting;
  • Variability of the application tool;
  • Good color base.
  • Long drying time - at least 2 days

1st place: TEKNOS Kirjo (semi-matte)
votes 0

This dye is specially designed for application to metal substrates. It is intended mainly for industrial premises. It has a high degree of adhesion (adhesion) and prevents corrosion on the treated surface.

Manufacturer countryFinland
Coloring baseAlcides
Packing size, liters/kilograms1
Cost, rubles1200
TEKNOS Kirjo (semi-matte)
  • Excellent adhesion;
  • Protects against corrosion;
  • There is a possibility of tinting.
  • High consumption per square meter.

Latex (rubber)

2nd place: MasterGood (dark green) RAL 6005
votes 0

Excellent dye for solid substrates (concrete, reinforced concrete, brick). It can be used as a restoration agent (it is convenient to repair small cracks).It has a fast drying period of each layer (2-4 hours), with the necessary application of a minimum of three layers. The composition includes antiseptic ingredients.

Manufacturer countryRussia
Coloring baseLatex
Packing size, liters/kilograms2.4
Cost, rubles2500
MasterGood (dark green) RAL 6005
  • Antiseptics in the coloring composition;
  • Fast drying;
  • Large packaging container.
  • Tinting is possible only by machine.

1st place: DALI (terracotta)
votes 0

Universal paint, which has earned popularity among buyers due to its versatility - works great on both concrete and wood. Particularly noted is good adhesion with special wood bases - MDF, chipboard, fiberboard, OSB. It is applied in two layers, the drying period between which does not take even two hours.

Manufacturer countryRussia
Coloring baseLatex
Packing size, liters/kilograms12
Cost, rubles2900
DALI (terracotta)
  • Extra large packaging option (12 liters);
  • Adequate price;
  • Multifunctionality.
  • Requires renewal every two years.


2nd place: Brozeks MA-14 (white)
votes 0

The standard sample comes from the last century. It has all the properties necessary for the oil composition - it protects the tree well, it is applied only with a brush, it has an unpleasant odor. It is not subject to tinting, but it has a wide range of colors.

Manufacturer countryRussia
Coloring baseoily
Packing size, liters/kilograms2.5
Cost, rubles250
Brozeks MA-14 (white)
  • Good protection for a wood base;
  • Dilutes well with water;
  • The smell disappears relatively quickly;
  • Extremely budget price.
  • May melt when exposed to direct sunlight.

1st place: Lacra (light green) MA-15
votes 0

The dye is specially designed for surfaces exposed to atmospheric influences (wooden roof, wooden porch, various gazebos). It has an extended shelf life - about 1.5 years after opening the container. Diluted with white spirit. It tolerates low temperatures well.

Manufacturer countryRussia
Coloring baseoily
Packing size, liters/kilograms0.9
Cost, rubles180
Lacra (light green) MA-15
  • Democratic price;
  • Ease of application;
  • Resistant to low temperatures.
  • The ability to work only with a brush;
  • Small packaging container.


2nd place: Enamel "Monourethane"
votes 0

Enamel is specially designed for coating thin-layer polymeric floors at civil and industrial facilities. According to the method of application, it is rather decorative. However, it can be used as a fixing layer to protect the previous one.

Manufacturer countryRussia
Coloring basePolyurethane
Packing size, liters/kilograms2.5
Cost, rubles280
Enamel "Monourethane"
  • Large volume of sales packaging;
  • Ease of imposition;
  • Use as a decorating and fixing layer.
  • Narrow specialization.

1st place: Soframap Berco Sol
votes 0

An excellent example of a coloring agent from a Bulgarian manufacturer. It can be used as a base coat on a concrete floor, or as an additional coat on a wooden floor. Tinting is possible both manually and automatically.A special technology for the production of the composition makes it possible to reduce the porosity of the treated base, which will simplify its care.

Manufacturer countryBulgaria
Coloring basePolyurethane
Packing size, liters/kilograms1
Cost, rubles2500
Soframap Berco Sol
  • Expanded functionality;
  • Possesses variability of drawing;
  • All types of coloring are possible.
  • High price for small quantities.


2nd place: "Epostoun-Ultra" (gloss)
votes 0

In its structure, this enamel has suspensions of pigments and mineral fillers, specially responsible for counteracting the cracking of the painted base. It has a relatively short drying time and can be used as a re-coat to existing paint.

Manufacturer countryRussia
Coloring baseEpoxy resin
Packing size, liters/kilograms5
Cost, rubles2000
Epostoun-Ultra" (gloss)
  • Complies with all Russian GOSTs;
  • Fast drying;
  • Current price.
  • Not found (in its segment).

1st place: MasterPol EP-1 (hybrid)
votes 0

This coating has two components in its structure - epoxy and acrylic, which greatly expands its capabilities. It is designed exclusively to prevent floor wear in industrial premises, including when subjected to intense traffic loads. At the same time it can serve as a repair material.

Manufacturer countryRussia
Coloring baseEpoxy resin + Acrylic
Packing size, liters/kilograms10
Cost, rubles6000
MasterPol EP-1 (hybrid)
  • Extended functionality;
  • Excellent value for money;
  • It is used in unheated rooms.
  • Quite a long drying period between layers - 6 hours.

Instead of an epilogue

The conducted analysis of the market showed that Russian-made floor paints are very popular with the consumer. Expensive foreign brands do not receive the necessary response in the hearts of buyers precisely because of the cheapness of their counterparts made in the Russian Federation. However, if you need to purchase large volumes, it would be better to make a purchase on a trusted Internet site - it's so easy to save on the difference with the retail price.


