Painting a tile is a popular way to update any type of finish with a matching material. This method of interior repair has several significant advantages, among which are the masking of defects created by time, as well as the ability to bring new notes to the decor of the room. Moreover, the operation itself is not very complicated, and it is possible to perform it yourself. However, for this you need to correctly select the type of tile paint, because they all differ in their composition and may be incompatible with the base being painted. Some options are not suitable for the bathroom, while others will not look good on the floor and will not be able to withstand a purely mechanical load.
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The choice of such a paintwork, by and large, should be based on the goals pursued by the entire repair operation. It can be:
In the conditions of modern design business, there are several ways to paint tiles from any material. Depending on the conceived project and your own imagination, you can bring to life the most original and daring ideas. Designer color options include:
The obvious advantages of this type of work include:
Obvious disadvantages include:
IMPORTANT! If we are talking specifically about the production of repair work on the type of coating in question, then it is preferable to involve a professional specialist for these operations. In the absence of proper experience from the master, when painting, obvious transitions from one shade to another (without a visible gradient), the creation of layers of layers and other problems may occur.
Due to the fact that the type of material under consideration is extremely diverse, each type of material will require a special working solution. Such a solution should also meet the technical composition of the paintwork, and the capabilities and skills of the master, and the current needs in design. In total, three types of color can be distinguished:
Just two decades ago, painting floor/wall tiles was considered a rare operation. On the market, only some special coatings for such procedures were available. In modern sales, you can already find a large selection of coatings for all common types of tiles: ceramic, porcelain or gypsum. Moreover, these coatings have fairly affordable prices. Tiled coatings differ in their structure and quality of finishing from standard emulsions. They should adhere much better with a smooth base, which is distinguished by the absence of pores and roughness. It is these properties that allow the layer not to delaminate and prevent it from running off. Also, it is characterized by resistance to interaction with water, abrasion, scratches during daily use. It is worth noting that different types of coloring material are used for floors and walls, but most types perfectly cover terracotta, marble, gypsum, cement, ceramics and porcelain stoneware, as well as the extremely popular glaze.Most manufacturers are trying to produce multifunctional and universal compositions that can be applied to almost all popular bases, which, in principle, is not so difficult, because whatever the surface material, it always has an increased degree of smoothness. If the composition has any features or contraindications for use, then information about this will be directly indicated on the package.
They are used most often for tiles and they are the most budget option of all existing ones. Application can be done by sprayer, brush or roller. The drying speed is from one day and will also depend on the drying oil contained in the composition, which is used as a binding element. Also, the available pigment inclusions and drying temperature will play an important role. The oil-based coating is characterized by low hardness and low resistance to water. Such a coating is unlikely to withstand various alkalis (washing powders or soda), which will certainly have a devastating effect on it. Oil samples are best used on dry substrates indoors.
This is a relatively inexpensive product. Alkyd coatings, when compared to the oils described above, have a greater degree of weather resistance, they are more resistant to abrasive detergents and mineral-based oils. They are characterized by increased hardness, special external gloss and water resistance. Able to withstand significant temperature fluctuations ranging from -50 to +60 degrees Celsius. Fully retain their original properties for four years.Alkyd samples with rosin inclusions will be the best solution for flooring applications.
These compositions have almost similar properties and are a kind of offshoot from alkyd samples, which are intended for ceramic modules. There are special variations (GF and PF 115) with which it is even possible to cover street tiles, because they have good weather-resistant properties. Some samples are recommended exclusively for interior decoration (for example, PF 226), but due to the ability to withstand high mechanical loads, they can be used in rooms with high traffic. However, after applying this type of paintwork materials, its finishing primer with special compositions (FL 03 K, FL OZZH) will be required.
It is produced on the basis of nitrocellulose varnish and is recommended for application on ceramic substrates. It belongs to the segment of budget coloring materials, characterized by a high drying speed (from 10 to 30 minutes) at room temperature. It is preferable to apply by spray, but if you use a brush, then due to the rapid drying, traces of smudges and bumps may remain. Due to the increased hardness, the coating material in question has a reduced elasticity, which can lead (over time) to the formation of chips on the painted parts. The main advantage of nitro paint is its smoothness and excellent specularity. It can be applied both outside, and in rooms.
IMPORTANT! It is always worth remembering that nitro paint is flammable and toxic, so all work must be carried out by the master only in a respirator!
These water-based paints are best suited for tiles, but they are also allowed to paint ceramics with high quality.They are divided into two types: alkyd-acrylic and polyacrylate. The main disadvantage is that the price is too high. Antiseptic substances can be added to some variations, for example, penotex, which perfectly prevents the formation of mold on painted module tiles. Of the positive qualities, one can distinguish excellent moisture resistance and weather resistance. Use is possible both indoors and outdoors, but more often the compositions are used in rooms with high humidity (bathrooms, pools, saunas, etc.). Shades can be both glossy and matte.
Very rare samples that are used exclusively for design purposes for applying decorative images and patterns on modules. It is not advisable to use them for continuous painting due to the high cost. Nevertheless, glass coatings can perfectly be combined with each other, maintain color brightness and contrast, and resist moisture well. The drying speed is quite high and is three hours. After application, the painted surface will need to be finished with a protective layer of clear varnish.
These enamels can be attributed to special-purpose products, they are distinguished by increased performance. Recommended for painting tiles, for which such indicators as resistance to mechanical stress, successful resistance to alkalis, oil products and solvents, good water resistance, fire resistance and dielectricity are important. Epoxy coatings have high quality decor, easily retain their performance properties for six years.
First of all, you should attend to safety measures - for this it is recommended to use durable work clothes, rubber gloves, a hat and goggles. The entire sequence of actions will include the following steps:
Before buying, you should always pay close attention to the composition of paintwork materials. The main thing is that it should not be highly toxic after complete drying. For rooms with frequent people, it is better to select dispersion samples that have the appropriate non-toxicity label. Also, these samples should not have an obvious unpleasant odor. If it is planned to paint street structures, then the water resistance of the future coating and its adhesion will become an important property. The higher the quality data of the material, the better it is suitable for work.Of course, epoxy variations are characterized by excellent water resistance, but it is better to use one of the universal products. For example, most modern manufacturers are trying to create special recipes for special external conditions - they easily tolerate temperature changes, frequent rains and snowfalls, as well as high mechanical loads. With such a coating, it will be easy to achieve the durability of the tile.
This specialized washable rubber compound is intended for finishing ceramics and tiles, walls in the kitchen and bathroom. The composition is made on the basis of Belgian polymer latex. It forms a moisture-repellent rubber film with excellent elasticity, forming a durable coating that is resistant to repeated washing with household non-abrasive detergents. Excellent for vertical and ceiling surfaces, due to its high thixotropy, the paint does not form smudges. LKM is easy to apply, keeps on the brush, does not splatter during operation. It has the ability to self-leveling, tinting with any aqueous pigment pastes is allowed. Does not contain organic solvents, safe for health, odorless. The recommended cost for retail chains is 630 rubles.
This liquid alkyd urethane material is solvent based. Designed for painting mineral (including concrete), wooden and metal floors and stairs inside and outside the premises. Forms a moisture resistant glossy coating. One can with a volume of 0.85 l (paint weight - 0.9 kg) is enough to paint a surface up to 9 m². Color - light gray (NCS S 2002-G). Country of production - Russia. The recommended cost for retail chains is 660 rubles.
This semi-gloss water-based paint is suitable for high quality wall and ceiling tiling in wet areas such as kitchens, bathrooms, washrooms, laundries, etc. The coating is resistant to steam from household appliances (steamer, kettle, steamer, etc.). d) and condensate. The thixotropic component makes it possible to apply a layer without splashes and streaks, it is easily leveled, and has a neutral smell. Thorough mixing is required before use.To strengthen the base surface, increase adhesion and reduce paint consumption, you will need a native primer. It is recommended to apply in 2 layers at air and surface temperatures of +5 - +30 °C and air humidity from 40 to 80%. The recommended cost for retail chains is 770 rubles.
This enamel is very easy to apply and is great for wet areas. It has sufficient protective qualities, the LKM has an extended service life. The application is carried out by spraying from a can, the layer dries very quickly. The cylinder is focused on single use, the price corresponds to the declared volume. The recommended cost for retail chains is 800 rubles.
This composition is intended for interior work, it is made on an acrylic basis, it is necessary to create a wear-resistant coating. It is used for painting different types of floor coverings: wood, ceramics, granite, stone, laminate, parquet. In most cases it will not require a base primer. Dries quickly: intermediate drying - 3 hours, final - 12 hours, maximum strength - 20 days. Packing - plastic container, volume - 0.75 l.Made in France. The recommended cost for retail chains is 1700 rubles.
This material is used for painting wall tiles, furniture in bathrooms. Excellent for ceramics, glass blocks, raw wood, lacquered, painted, laminated, melamine coated, PVC, stainless steel and metal surfaces. Perfectly lays down on walls of shower cabins with a tile. It can be applied in rooms with normal and high (in the shower area) humidity. Ideal for interior work. The recommended cost for retail chains is 1860 rubles.
Ultra-resistant water-dispersion paint withstands steam, protects the surface from the appearance of fungus and algae. Due to the content of wax in the composition, it creates a "lotus effect" on the painted surface - the coating repels moisture and protects against stains. Forms a particularly durable semi-matte finish, which is easy to clean from dirt using cleaning products. It has a 7-fold margin of safety for wall coverings. LKM is easily applied without splashing and smudges, it is well leveled, almost does not smell. The product is certified for use in children's and medical institutions.Suitable for application on completely dry mineral surfaces (concrete, plaster, brick, etc.), drywall, paintable wallpaper, wood, fiberboard. Designed for interior work - recommended for painting rooms with high humidity, such as kitchens, showers, bathrooms, laundries, bathrooms. The recommended cost for retail chains is 3250 rubles.
Matte water-dispersion (latex) paint for walls and ceilings. When applied, it forms a coating with high decorative properties and excellent adhesion. Emphasizes the relief of the surface. The painted surface withstands washing with mild detergents. It is easy to apply and dries quickly, recommended for indoor use. Suitable for application on completely dry mineral surfaces (concrete, plaster, brick), drywall, paintable wallpaper. Necessary for painting rooms with moderate humidity, such as living room, bedroom, study, dressing room, etc. Certified for use in children's and medical institutions. It is recommended to apply in two coats at temperatures from +5°C to +30°C, relative air humidity <80%. The recommended cost for retail chains is 4250 rubles.
This coating is intended for painting plastered, concrete, brick, plasterboard, puttied, tiled walls and ceilings in dry rooms, as well as wallpaper, chipboard and fibreboard. Can be applied to both new and previously painted surfaces. Withstands light brushing. After washing, a slight change in the gloss of the coatings is allowed. The recommended cost for retail chains is 5300 rubles.
Tile paint is an excellent solution for a quick change of design and interior decoration. Tiles are usually laid in the hallway, in the kitchen, in bathrooms and other areas that are often exposed to water and humidity. Such a coating is particularly strong and durable, it perfectly tolerates mechanical loads and can serve its owners for many years. However, even the most beautiful design can get boring over time, and the process of replacing tile modules will require a lot of effort and will be expensive. In this situation, it is much easier to paint products in order to get an updated interior.