It is very difficult for parents of special children to accept the very fact of sending a son or daughter to a special school. Therefore, many of them resort to the services of a tutor and try to arrange a child in a regular educational institution. The choice, of course, always remains with the parents, but it is worth understanding how difficult it will be for a special child to adapt in the classroom. In addition, often teachers themselves do not know what to do with an unusual student, because they do not have sufficient qualifications. In addition, the occupancy of classes in ordinary schools does not allow teachers to pay due attention to each pupil. As a result - difficulties with the assimilation of educational material, psychological problems, conflicts with classmates. All this speaks in favor of correctional schools, the best of which in Kazan will be discussed below.
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The main difference from a general education institution is the division of the school day into 2 parts. The first half of the day is regular lessons, the second half is classes with educators, speech therapists, and psychologists.
As a rule, these are entertaining games that are aimed at teaching children with disabilities to develop communication skills.
To begin with, it is worth noting that a correctional school is the same educational institution. It's just that the program is adapted to the characteristics of the students, which allows them to better absorb the material.
Often, already by the 5th grade, children (hyperactive, with minor speech impairments) catch up with their peers in terms of knowledge, and can be transferred to a regular educational institution.
At the end of the correctional school, the guys receive a certificate of the established form, take exams.
The number of students in the classes of correctional schools rarely exceeds 15, which makes it possible for teachers to pay more attention to each of them. For example, speech therapists who have completed special defectological courses work in institutions for pupils with speech development delays and complex speech pathologies.
Also, in specialized educational institutions, students are under the constant supervision of doctors, educators, and receive the necessary treatment.
The work of correctional schools is also aimed at the social adaptation of students - behavior correction (aggression or vice versa isolation), stimulation of emotional, intellectual activity, taking into account the individual characteristics of each pupil.
Between students of correctional classes, as a rule, there is no fierce competition for superiority, in contrast to general education. Accordingly, there are fewer reasons for conflict situations.
Teachers teach children to interact with each other, form communication skills, jointly solve problems
It should be noted that adaptation in special educational institutions is much faster and easier.
The direction is issued on the basis of the conclusion of medical specialists or teachers. After a decision is made that the child is not able to learn school material on an equal basis with peers. When choosing a special educational institution, you should pay attention to:
When choosing a specialized educational institution, you need to pay attention to the location. For example, if parents do not have the opportunity to take a student to classes every day and then pick them up, it is worth considering the option of studying at a boarding school.
Below is an overview of the best correctional schools in Kazan. With the description of specialization, the list of educational services. All educational institutions are state-owned, have appropriate licenses and provide services free of charge.
Formed in 1959. The only educational institution in Tatarstan for children with severe speech pathologies. Education is conducted according to the usual general education school curriculum in Russian, adapted for special students. Correction of speech disorders is carried out not only during lessons, but also at extracurricular activities.
For first-graders, a special, step-by-step adaptation program has been developed. So, in the first half of the year, 3 lessons lasting 35 minutes are held daily, in the second - the number of classes increases to 4. The rest of the time is devoted to walks, educational games, and excursions.
The term of study is 10 years. During this time, children go through a full-fledged school program, at the end they receive a state certificate.
Teachers and educators are professionals with extensive work experience and defectological education. Many of them received awards at the regional level for achievements in their professional activities.
Technological rooms are equipped with carpentry and locksmith equipment, girls are taught to sew and cook simple meals.
Phones: ☎+7 (843) 564-81-45, +7 (843) 564-83-30
Opening hours: Mon.-Fri. from 9.00–18.00
Address: Okolnaya st., 25 A (metro station Yashlek)
Works since 2001. Accepts for training children with disabilities, including those who are completely blind. Children study according to an adapted general education program from grades 1 to 11. Modern computer technologies are also used. Lessons are conducted both in Russian and in Tatar.
In addition to school subjects, the program of the educational institution includes:
The educational institution actively cooperates with the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology, which allows teachers and educators to create their own developing training programs.
Enrollment in the first class is carried out without any entrance examinations on the basis of the recommendation of the Republican PMPK.
Phone:☎ +7(843)562‑53-72
Opening hours: Mon. – Sat from 8.30–17.00
Address: st. Bondarenko, 29 A
Works since 1966. Children with disorders of the musculoskeletal system, as well as with the consequences of cerebral palsy, are accepted for training and simultaneous treatment.
The main tasks of the educational institution are medical, psychological and social adaptation. The boarding school is open 24/7. Comfortable conditions for studying and living are created here. In 2014, major repairs were made in the dormitory building, the furniture was completely replaced in the rooms. Play areas for primary school students are equipped with everything you need.
The educational process is divided into two parts. The first half of the day is devoted to classes, the second - to the passage of prescribed medical procedures, organization and participation in extracurricular activities (excursions, walks). The training plan includes:
All classrooms are equipped with multimedia screens and have their own computer class.
The medical unit includes: exercise therapy, electrotherapy, underwater massage rooms. As well as a swimming pool, a sensory room and a treatment room, which allows you to follow the recommendations of doctors without interrupting the educational process.
Phone:☎ +7 (843) 272-04-80
Address: st. Dawn, 11
Working hours: around the clock
Accepts children with hearing impairments. On the basis of the educational institution, there is a preschool department for children from 3 to 7 years old, a school and year-round health camp "Lastochka".
To date, 179 people study here, 39 children are in preschool education.
The building consists of 2 buildings: educational and sleeping. In the educational building there are offices, a gym, a library, carpentry, locksmith workshops. The dormitory building is designed for simultaneous accommodation of 60 students.
There is a private medical office, students annually undergo clinical examination, fluorography.
The term of study is 10 years (general education), 12 years - complete secondary. In parallel with the educational process, pupils of the school receive professions:
Everyone is engaged in sports sections, circles based on the basis of an educational institution.
Contacts: ☎ + 7 (843) 273-82-70, +7 (843) 279-55-21
Opening hours: Mon. – Fri. from 8.00–17.00; Sat. from 8.00–14.00; boarding school - around the clock.
Address: st. A. Popova, 21
The main area of activity is the correction of psycho-physical developmental deficiencies, speech disorders, and the general improvement of pupils.
Thanks to specially designed curricula, an individual approach, children master the general education school curriculum and develop their potential. There are a lot of circles at school, so you can choose the ones that you like best.
On the basis of the school there are extended day groups, circles:
Perhaps individual training at home, with a plan that takes into account the characteristics of the pupil. This service is provided for children with disabilities upon prior request of the parents.
Phone:☎ +7(843)-279-55-13
Address: st. Popova, 17
Working hours: Mon. – Fri. from 8.00 - 17.00 (long day group - until 18.00)
The main specialization is children with developmental delay, mental retardation.For training, special programs are used, much attention is paid to the development of speech, the skills of expressing one's own thoughts, and communication. In parallel with the educational process, monitoring and analysis of progress and development of students takes place.
The school operates on several principles, the main of which is an individual approach to each child.
In addition to the main subjects, it is possible to master such professions as:
The school complex consists of 2 buildings. The educational building, where there are classrooms for classes, workshops, and a bedroom - for living and recreation. On the territory there are sports grounds, a football field and a private plot.
Psychologists and speech therapists work with children.
Pupils participate in various regional competitions, win prizes.
Phone: ☎ +7 (843) 571-47-14, +7 (843) 570-79-14
Address: st. Timiryazev, 3
Working hours: Mon. – Fri. from 8.00–17.00, Sat. from 9.00–14.00; boarding school - around the clock
In Kazan today there are more than 15 institutions specializing in the education of special children. Schools are located in different parts of the city, designed for both daytime and round-the-clock stay (boarding schools). Therefore, it will not be difficult to decide on an educational institution.