
  1. General information about correctional kindergartens - selection criteria
  2. Rating of the best compensatory and correctional kindergartens in St. Petersburg for 2022
  3. The best kindergartens of the combined direction of St. Petersburg for 2022
  4. Conclusion

Rating of the best correctional kindergartens in St. Petersburg in 2022

Rating of the best correctional kindergartens in St. Petersburg in 2022

Kindergarten is the first stage for adaptation in society. A solid foundation is the key to success in all endeavors. Many children, in order to get a good foothold in the beginning of life, need additional help on top of the tasks that they perform daily. For this, there are correctional gardens in which a special approach is practiced to a child with mental or physical disabilities. The review was compiled by the best correctional children's institutions in the city of St. Petersburg for 2022 with their pros and cons.

General information about correctional kindergartens - selection criteria

Many parents have a number of questions about correctional gardens, to which, in a brief context, you can find out the answers (set out below). In fact, there are such types of gardens as correctional, compensatory and combined.

How to choose the right institution? Each type of kindergarten teaches and accepts children according to its own rules. But first, you need to understand what is the difference between the three types of these institutions.

Table - "Varieties of kindergartens and their features"

Type of:For which children:Main learning objectives / description of the institution:
Corrective:frequently ill or with specific congenital (acquired) health disorders (for example, cerebral palsy, vision or hearing problems)eliminate health problems, help children adapt, develop properly, learn to establish contact and be trained at the level with other pupils
Compensatory:without deviations in intellectual development, but for one reason or another find it difficult to master the general education programcreate a rehabilitating space around the pupil, eliminate violations of working capacity and arbitrary regulation of activity, protect and strengthen physical and neuropsychic health
Combined:healthy and mentally retardeda kindergarten with a specialized class and regular groups

Note! It is generally accepted that correctional and compensatory gardens are essentially the same meaning, therefore, in the names of institutions, they use the softer wording “compensating organizations”.

Individual characteristics of children as an important criterion when choosing a kindergarten

The question of where to support and teach a child, parents ask already a year later, after the birth of a child. In this short period, thanks to the close observation of doctors, homework and education, it can be determined whether he has any deviations.

Correction class (group) - small groups in which children are located according to one specific indicator. These guys include:

  • sick often;
  • with general underdevelopment of speech (OHP);
  • with disorders of the visual organ;
  • with disorders of the skeletal system;
  • with mental retardation (ZPR);
  • with musculoskeletal problems.

The first category includes babies who are often susceptible to viral and other diseases. You can get into a special educational institution with such a feature at the conclusion of a pediatrician (a certificate is prepared for 6-12 months).

The group with OHP includes pupils with a speech defect inherent in the younger generation of preschool age, as well as various types of pathology, without correcting which the child will not be able to master the skills of writing and reading. In fact, this is a speech therapy class, upon graduation from which the level of the pupil will correspond to the speech development of their peers. To visit a speech therapy corrective kindergarten, you need to have the conclusion of a speech therapist.

Strabismus, low vision, blindness and other eye diseases that limit the baby in the perception of the surrounding pictures - a ticket to the correctional class issued by the optometrist.

Picture - A group of children in kindergarten, a collection of constructors

There are many orthopedic educational institutions. Defects in babies in this area can be identified immediately. However, recovery is a long and laborious process, which is facilitated by specialized kindergartens for parents. Recommendations and referral for admission to a specific preschool institution are issued by an orthopedist.

The mental development of the child is disturbed for various reasons. In this case, an examination to visit the relevant institution is issued after a general conclusion (more than one specialist examines the child).

If the functionality of the motor apparatus is impaired in a baby, then staying in a regular garden is unacceptable for him.

The activity profile of the correctional group is in the treatment and teaching of pupils.

Choosing a correctional institution for preschoolers - tips

Based on the knowledge of what kindergartens are, first of all, specialization is chosen. Then, an important criterion is the internal atmosphere and arrangement of the group.

Note! Some institutions hold an "Open Doors Day", where parents and children can safely visit the kindergarten and get answers to all their questions. This will let you know if the child likes the group or will have to go in search of a new one.

Leadership is very important for preschoolers. If the baby has a negative attitude towards the teacher, then he will not want to go to kindergarten and learn from him, which can provoke changes in the nervous system. In this regard, any educational institution sets the terms of the adaptation period, after which the parents' answer is finally accepted: whether their offspring will attend this institution.

What else to look for when choosing a corrective kindergarten? One of the important indicators is the location and work schedule. It is necessary to choose an institution in such a way that it is convenient to get and pick up your son / daughter, without prejudice to your and the educator's work.

You need to pay attention to the type of institution. Kindergarten can be private or public. If a state preschool institution requires payment only for food and education with the opportunity to receive preferential terms of stay, then in a private one you will have to pay a lot, since the degree of work with pupils and the arrangement of the territory and rooms is higher than in budget organizations.

Rating of the best compensatory and correctional kindergartens in St. Petersburg for 2022

This category includes institutions that have one or more sites, accept children on a preferential or paid basis, and are engaged in one or two areas. The list was made by:

  • a kindergarten with two playgrounds for children with severe speech impairment and mental retardation (3-7 years old);
  • preschool institution with a compensatory direction for a severe form of speech disorders and mental development (5-7 years);
  • a kindergarten with a speech therapy direction for all age groups (0.2-8 years);
  • kindergarten for children with varying degrees of intellectual disability (3-8 years);
  • centers for the development and rehabilitation of intensive correction and preparation for school of urban and nonresident children with intellectual disabilities;
  • private kindergarten-club for special children.

"GBDOU Kindergarten No. 93"

Addresses: st. Budapestskaya, d. 79, building 3, letter A / Dunaisky prospect, d. 33, building 2, letter A, St. Petersburg.

Contacts: ☎ 773-84-12/ 708-21-07, 708-23-07.

Working hours: 07:00-19:00, daily, except weekends and holidays.

Official website:

Preschool is suitable for a child with severe speech impairment, mental retardation. With them, depending on the need, teachers are involved - a speech therapist, a defectologist and a teacher-psychologist.

Each of the sites is equipped with sports and music halls, there are rooms equipped with the necessary "tools" for each teacher to conduct classes, both individual and group. Thanks to the dark sensory room, the psychological unloading of the pupils is carried out.

An accessible environment has been created for the disabled and people with limited mobility (opened in 2014): signal thresholds on the steps, a street tactile stand in front of the entrance to the institution, a tactile mnemonic diagram on the 2nd floor, as well as tactile signs with Braille, a call button and signal beacons . Schemes with the name of the premises and the order are also tactile.

Picture - Braille Transcription, Visual Aid

The main characteristics of the institution:

Orientation:compensation/combination group
The form:budgetary
Foundation date:29.07.1974
Number of sites:2 pcs.
Working day length:12 hours
Food:4 times
Number of groups (units):11 - the first platform, 7 - the second
Total number of children:267 people
Age limit:3-7 years
Conducting the educational process:in Russian
  • qualified specialists;
  • convenient work schedule;
  • infrastructure;
  • a list of "lotions" for different groups of children.
  • not identified.

"GBDOU Kindergarten No. 68"

Address: st.Shelgunova, 18, letter C, Nevsky district, St. Petersburg.

☎: 362-44-37

Work schedule: weekdays from 07:00 to 19:00, weekends - holidays, Saturday, Sunday.

Official site:

The kindergarten deals with healthy children of preschool age, as well as those who have disorders of the speech apparatus or mental development. The main activity of the organization is to convey to the pupils of the general educational program and consolidate the studied material. In groups of a compensatory orientation, such education is carried out in accordance with a program that is developed within the institution, according to the basis of an exemplary general educational program for a preschooler.

Educators, in conjunction with teachers, try to teach the child the necessary skills and behavior in society as much as possible. Playgrounds are equipped with slides, sandboxes, awnings and other elements. Ramps and handrails are installed in the building and at the entrance.

Picture - Children's toys, bright colors

The main characteristics of the institution:

Kindergarten established:in 1962
Food:4 times a day
Form of study:full-time
Age limit:5-7 years
Language of education:Russian
Nature of education:secular
Number of students:110 people per day
  • many positive reviews;
  • convenient location;
  • full and part-time groups (extension);
  • home schooling is possible.
  • not identified.

"GBDOU Kindergarten No. 118"

Address: Izmailovsky prospect, 18, letter V, Admiralteisky district, SP.

☎: 8(812) 251-58-10.

Working hours: 07:00-19:00, days off - Saturday, Sunday, holidays.

Official site:

Specialization: teaching children with severe speech disorders.

Children in the garden can be: for a short time, on a shortened, full and extended day. Depending on the age and attendance, the amount of the payment to parents is calculated.

In compensatory groups, they are engaged in an individual program. In addition to the speech therapist, a psychologist conducts a conversation with the kids, examines the doctor, in order to identify the exact reason why he cannot speak correctly. The training takes place in a playful way so that the pupil feels at ease and is interested in the lessons. Conduct both group and individual lessons. In addition to studying in preschool education, parents, according to the recommendations of a speech therapist, should repeat and consolidate the material covered at home - this contributes to the speedy restoration of the speech apparatus.

Picture - Creative hours in kindergarten, drawing

The main characteristics of the institution:

Date of creation:09/01/1958
Groups:4 things.
Age limit:from 2 months to 8 years
Working hour day (full):12 hours
How much does a monthly visit cost 5-6 days (rubles):2125 - 0.2-1 year;
1692 - 1-3 years;
1554 - 3-8 years old
  • a wide range of ages;
  • few groups;
  • inexpensive payment terms;
  • choice of day visit: you can pick up the child at any time.
  • not identified.

"GDBOU Kindergarten No. 97"

Address: st. Turku, 12, building 3, letter A, Frunzensky district, St. Petersburg.

Contacts: ☎ 268-48-79, 268-34-30.

Working hours: 07:00-19:00, weekdays.

Official site:

The Consultative and Practical Center for Children with Intellectual Disabilities accepts pupils of various ages.Groups are formed taking into account the age and characteristics of potential pupils: mental retardation, mental retardation, autism spectrum disorders, with complex defects.

Classes are held individually or in groups of 3-5 people, sometimes the presence of parents is required - training with the participation of relatives. Pupils are examined by doctors, teachers of various profiles, and then a program for aging the course of lessons is introduced.

Picture - Children's corner in a preschool

The main characteristics of the institution:

Foundation date:07/14/1975
Total number of children:137 people
Age limit:3-8 years old
Total groups:12 pcs.
  • there are short stay groups;
  • individual approach to each pupil;
  • a variety of educational activities for children.
  • not identified.

"Light City" / "Rainbow"

Address: st. Trefoleva, d. 6/30 / st. Academician Konstantinova, 4/1, room 7.

☎: 8 (812) 612-20-69.

Working hours: 08:00-19:00, weekdays.

Official site:

The institutions are designed for the development, habilitation and socialization of children with special needs: cerebral palsy, ASD, mental retardation, ADHD and autism. The organization "Bright City" is engaged in intensive psycho-speech correction, adaptation to school (it has its own kindergarten). The Raduga Center with an inclusive approach for special children conducts individual and group classes (3-10 people).

The centers employ specialists in the field of neuropsychology, speech therapy, defectology and psychology. They provide pupils with the necessary baggage of knowledge. According to numerous reviews, the organization has helped many families achieve success. The center is visited by both city kids and LO kids.

Picture - Coloring for children, the necessary tools for creativity

The main characteristics of the institution:

Orientation of specialists to work:with children with moderate and severe developmental disabilities
Near the subway:"Polytechnic" / "Academic"
Weekly visit:3-5 times for part-day groups
Price (rubles):10200 - part-time group (64 hours at any convenient time);
39600 - intensive development and socialization (daily visit, per month);
9600 - individual lessons (8 hours)
  • the possibility of teaching non-resident children;
  • learning effectiveness;
  • democratic prices for services;
  • different types of visits.
  • in demand, sometimes difficult to get.

CODE "Big change"

Address: st. Shostakovich, 3/1

☎ +7 967 967 15 20



Being in its essence the center of socialization and development of children, "Big Change" does not call itself a kindergarten, it is a Club for Special Children (KOD). A place where children with autism, ASD, Down Syndrome, ZPRR, ZRR, ONR, cerebral palsy and other developmental disabilities feel comfortable, feel themselves in a circle of friends.

The teaching staff of the center are enthusiasts, people with specialized education and experience working with children. In the staff, in addition to specialists in supervision and care, creative and musical development, there is a typhlodefectologist.

Staying at the club involves visiting 2,3 or 5 times a week for 4 hours a day. Available time: from 9:00 to 13:00 or from 15:00 to 19:00.

In groups - no more than 9 children, supervision of which is organized by 3 educators.

Job OrientationChildren 3-7 years old with autism, ASD, Down syndrome, ZPRR, ZRR, ONR, cerebral palsy and other pathologies.
Near the subwayEtc. Enlightenment
week visit2, 3, 5 times a week for 4 hours
Cost (without recalculation):2 times a week (Tuesday, Thursday) for 4 hours - 10,100 rubles.
3 times a week (Mon, Wed, Fri) for 4 hours - 14,400 rubles.
5 times a week (Mon-Fri) for 4 hours - 22,200 rubles

Group stay includes:

  • Development of socialization and communication skills;
  • Individual creativity classes 1-2 times a week;
  • Interactive fairy tales - twice a week;
  • Musical-developing classes, musical game library;
  • Organization of joint games, creative activities between children;
  • Development of social and household skills.

The club organizes children's holidays (4 times a year) and birthdays. Parents can get advice on consolidating the acquired skills.

In addition to group events, the Club organizes individual classes with a defectologist, typhlopedagogue, speech therapist.

  • Small groups;
  • 3 teachers for 9 people;
  • Professional team of teachers;
  • Versatile development of kids;
  • There is a recalculation of the parental fee;
  • Friendly attitude.
  • Not marked.

The best kindergartens of the combined direction of St. Petersburg for 2022

Preschool institutions of this type have several specialized and ordinary groups, the main task of which is to prepare the little ones for school. However, different teaching methods are used, taking into account the physical and psychological development of the offspring. The list of the best institutions was headed by:

  • pre-school organization for children of early development, general developmental and correctional / compensatory orientation (children with TNR ONR, ZPR);
  • multidisciplinary preschool for all ages;
  • private institution.

"GBDOU Kindergarten No. 19"

Address: People's Militia Avenue, d.11, letter A, Kirovsky district, St. Petersburg.

Contacts: ☎ 377-37-23, 376-01-71

Working hours: 07:00-19:00, weekdays.

Official website:

Recruitment is carried out in groups (total number):

  • early age (2-3 years) - 3;
  • general orientation (3-7 years) - 9;
  • speech therapy (5-7 years) - 3;
  • for children with mental retardation - 1.

In the kindergarten, for older pupils, paid services are offered: “Mental arithmetic”, “Tiko-designing”, “Education and education of preschool children with phonetic and phonemic underdevelopment of speech” (group and individual).

Picture - Learning to count, numbers from 1 to 4

The main characteristics of the institution:

Year of foundation:1964
Near the subway:"Leninsky Prospekt"
Age limit:2-7 years
different groups:5 pieces.
Number of groups:20 pcs.
Average price (rubles):from 1232 rubles, depending on the group
  • functional;
  • low prices for meals and services;
  • types of different groups;
  • teaching material for children is presented in a different way;
  • schedule.
  • not identified.

"GBDOU Kindergarten No. 53"

Address: st. Marshal Kazakova, 5/2, letter A, Kirovsky district, St. Petersburg.

☎: +7 812 757‑02-88, +7 812 753‑56-18

Working hours: 07:00-19:00, weekdays.

Official website:

An institution of a combined type with a priority implementation of the qualification correction of deviations in the physical and mental development of children. The purpose of the institution is to organize the provision of public and free preschool education in basic general education programs. Pupils are provided with qualified medical and pedagogical special assistance (correctional groups).

Orientation of groups (number): general developing early age (3) and preschool (4), preschool age health orientation (4).

Image - Children outdoors, nature

The main characteristics of the institution:

Date of registration:1977
Mastering the program:full-time
Near the subway:"Avtovo", "Leninsky Prospekt", "Prospect Veteranov"
Teaching language:Russian
Age limit:1.6-7 years old
Total groups:11pcs
Number of children in groups:15-20 people
Total pupils:260 children
Hourly day of short-term groups:3-5 hours
  • many positive reviews;
  • small groups;
  • developed infrastructure;
  • convenient opening hours.
  • not identified.

"Zero Plus"

Address: Leninsky prospect, 114 / st. Vasi Alekseeva, 14, St. Petersburg.

Contacts: ☎ +7 (812) 981-89-36/ +7 (812) 940-08-39

Working hours: 08:00-19:00, Monday-Friday.

Official website:

Kindergarten nursery / nursery garden + developmental center invites healthy and children with speech disorders to master the general education program. A private institution does not differ from a combined municipal garden. The groups are small, which allows teachers and educators to fully fill in the gaps in the education of each pupil.

You can visit the institution for a couple of hours or a full day. Classes with a speech therapist are carried out at any convenient time for the baby and his parents.

Picture - Outdoor games with children, summer

The main characteristics of the institution:

Institution form:private
Age limit:1-6 years old
Food:5 times a day
Cost per month:from 16500 rubles
  • quick results after classes with a speech therapist;
  • highly qualified teachers;
  • interesting for children;
  • several branches;
  • a good base for admission to the school.
  • not identified.


In the Leningrad region and the administrative center, hundreds of organizations of various kinds for preschoolers are implementing their activities. They are public and private format, and the first option is the most common, due to the fact that such organizations provide more affordable services. The most demanded directions are speech therapy and mental nature.

In order not to make mistakes when choosing a kindergarten, you need to take into account the physiological and mental characteristics of a small person, as well as listen to the recommendations of specialists who observe the offspring.

It is important which group is suitable for the baby, how to get to the kindergarten faster, what kind of relationship will develop with the teacher and how the team will meet him. To do this, it is better to visit the institution for the "Open Day" and be like an adaptation group.

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