Hamsters are cute, fluffy animals that have firmly won the hearts of people as pets. These pets do not expect much attention, are not whimsical in care and nutrition, do not require walking or training. At the same time, they are sweet and cuddly. If your choice fell on a hamster as a new family member, you are unlikely to be disappointed. And so, the house for the pet was bought, it remains to take care of the hamster's nutrition, and the charming lump will delight you and your family. But how to choose the right food for hamsters? What are the advantages and disadvantages to consider? What to look for when choosing food?
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First of all, it is worth noting that hamsters are omnivorous creatures, therefore, in addition to plant foods and cereals, meat may also be present in their diet. Many manufacturers in the range of hamster food have mixtures that contain semi-finished meat products, consisting of various small worms, bugs, midges, or produce additional snacks.
The presence of protein for the animal in the diet is necessary.
In no case should animals in cages, including hamsters, be overfed, as this is fraught with serious diseases. Unfortunately, no matter how hard people try, home conditions are significantly different from natural ones, and the pet's activity is many times lower. Therefore, feed should be poured no more than the rate indicated by the manufacturer. At the same time, many experts recommend removing the bowl or feeder after feeding, and not leaving it in the cage all the time. The food should be replaced rather than left in the bowl for a long time if the hamster has not eaten it, as many ingredients, especially if the food is not of the best quality, can begin to deteriorate from moisture in the bowl.
The type of pet diet must be selected depending on the age of the hamster, health status, taking into account the recommendations for a particular type of rodent.
The most popular types of hamsters today are dwarf hamsters, Djungarian and Syrian.
The popularity of these species is due to the friendliness of pets, non-aggression (not counting the period of breeding in females), ease of care and nutrition. But there are also some peculiarities. So, for example, historically and genetically it has developed that for Syrian hamsters it is desirable to have a predominance of grains and a small amount of dried fruits in the feed, but for Djungarian hamsters more moisture and fruits are needed. And for dwarf hamsters, it is advisable to select food with smaller ingredients that will be conveniently stored in the buccal sinus.
Do not switch abruptly from one animal feed to another. Many pet owners make one-time, one-time food changes, which leads to indigestion in hamsters. After that, it seems to the first that the new food did not fit. It is necessary to introduce a new type of food into the diet gradually over 7-10 days, first mixing the new food with the old one. Every day increasing the proportions in favor of the new food.
For hamsters, as well as for humans, there are a number of prohibited foods that can cause significant harm to the health and even life of a pet.
Depending on the method of production of feed, there are several types:
In composition:
It is up to the owner of the pet to decide which food to buy, but it must be remembered that if you use cereal food, you will also have to buy additional fruit and vegetable or vegetable snacks for the rodent. According to buyers, the combined type of feed is the most convenient.
This list contains the most popular and common foods in the CIS countries, which are available in almost every pet store. However, many buyers and their pets are dissatisfied with the quality of these products, as they contain dyes, or a low degree of purification (the food is dusty).
Among them there are both inexpensive economy class feeds and more expensive premium mixtures. Customer reviews about these feed manufacturers are very diverse: some praise them and say that their pets eat them with pleasure, others express dissatisfaction and disappointment. Most of the other positive reviews were collected by the brands CHICA (especially the new line of feed CHICA BIO), VITAKRAFT. Some manufacturers, such as FIORY, include dyes and preservatives in their composition, which is one of the criteria for poor quality feed. PADOVAN contains a large number of seeds and dyes, which was also noted by buyers in their reviews.
This rating is based on what ingredients and what quality the feed is made from, whether the material and ingredients for mixtures and care and hygiene products are cleaned effectively and efficiently, whether or not they contain dyes and other dangerous components. Below is a brief overview and description of the best hamster food manufacturers.
It is one of the most advanced pet food companies in the world.
This is a company that manufactures everything necessary for pets, from food to accessories. Behind this manufacturer is about 150 years of experience in this field, a lot of research and innovation.
There is no need to buy any additional supplements for such food to maintain immunity, it is enough just to occasionally pamper your pet with fresh vegetables and fruits. The norm for adult hamsters is 20 grams per day. The average price of such feed is 400-500 rubles.
This company is a family business based on love and care for small pets. It is famous for the fact that, in addition to high-quality feed, in addition to them, it produces the best biologically active additives in the form of a kind of crunchy crackers for hamsters, which allows you to regulate and replenish the need for individual elements, taking into account the individual characteristics of the animal (for example, in case of illness and stress, an additional amount is needed vitamin C) or in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, against skin diseases, etc. In addition, they have separate treats for rodents in the form of dried fruits and vegetables.The feed itself has high characteristics, a well-calculated balance of composition (proteins, fats, fiber, etc.).
This is not only one of the most experienced hamster food companies, but also one of the most widespread and popular. This German company has more than 50,000 partners worldwide and has almost 200 years of experience and research in the field. A series of food products for rodents includes more than 100 items: from high-quality food (for hamsters of all ages and different breeds) to fruit and vegetable mixes, special natural crackers, chips, biscuits, fruit and vegetable, vegetable sticks and other healthy delicacies. There are no GMOs, dyes and flavors in the compositions. In addition, products of this brand can be easily found in most pet stores. How much does this company's food cost? Prices vary from 3 to 7 euros depending on weight, type of food.
A contented young company, established in the 80s, but famous for the fact that it actively implements research results and innovations into production, improving the shelf life of feed.They also have special diets designed, for example, to maintain immunity or for a healthy beautiful coat. At the moment, this company is actively cooperating with VITAKRAFT.
This brand of food is not as common and popular as others, but it has a huge advantage: they use only natural, pure products, and have also developed a special food with a low glycemic index. This is not the most budget friendly option. How much it costs - 7-10$.
One of the largest manufacturers of food, hygiene and care products for pets. This Belgian company was founded almost a hundred years ago as a small private company producing feed for livestock. Gradually, the company expanded, won the trust of customers through first-class products. To date, food for hamsters of this company is available in almost any store. In the presence of food for hamsters of different ages and the most popular species. In the compositions there are no dyes, no flavors, no impurities. Only natural, fresh, superbly processed and purified ingredients. Both combined mixtures and granules and extrudates are produced.In terms of price-quality ratio, this is one of the best options for a family budget.
A small, premium pet food company that values its reputation, sets high goals, and lives up to the standards set for those goals. Feed production is organized in such a way that it has a minimal negative impact on the environment. This is the policy of this company. In their products, they do not use palm oil, artificial dyes, various impurities, they use a high degree of purification. The only drawback of this company's hamster food is a modest assortment. If your pet has some peculiarities, diseases, you should look at other companies.
This company once began with the strong love of its owner for small pets (birds). This love, care, knowledge and extensive experience grew into something more: he was so skillful in preparing rations, selecting products, organizing care that people began to turn to Mr. Higgins more and more often. Today it is a huge prosperous company, but with the same love for small pets.The company pays special attention to the cleaning of components, which consists of 4 stages, with the function of disinfection from various bacteria and toxins. The food is supplied with probiotics and prebiotics, vitamins, omega-3 fatty acids, healthy and varied cereals.
Another German company that produces budget food for animals, including hamsters, is of quite high quality, and the assortment pleases: food designed for different types, ages of hamsters, breeds. The company also produces various additional goodies, natural snacks, minerals, herbs. The disadvantage of the feed of this company is inconvenient packaging.
The most important thing to remember is that your pet's health and longevity depend on how your pet's nutrition and hygiene are organized.A well-chosen diet, good food, favorable conditions - and your pet will delight you with its activity, positive energy and affection for a long time. Given that the amount of food for a daily diet is rather small, it sometimes makes sense to give preference to more expensive, but better food than to spend money in a veterinary clinic.