
  1. Features of feeding ornamental rats
  2. Feed selection criteria
  3. Review of the best feed for ornamental rats

Ranking of the best food for decorative rats in 2022

Ranking of the best food for decorative rats in 2022

Decorative rats are increasingly becoming pets due to their friendliness, playfulness, intelligence and cleanliness. These animals are easy to train, do not cause trouble in keeping.

When starting this animal, it is important from the very beginning to adhere to the correct balanced diet for him. Pet food should be nutritious, fresh, healthy, with an optimal content of trace elements and vitamins.

There are a huge number of various feeds for ornamental rats on the market. Bright packages with tempting annotations, which are littered with pet store shelves, lead customers into confusion when choosing which one is better to buy for their pet. We offer a rating of quality feed for ornamental rats from the best manufacturers in 2022.

Features of feeding ornamental rats

Many people completely wrongly think that rats can be fed homemade food. Despite the fact that these are omnivores, the digestive system and metabolism have features.

Features of the diet

It is advisable to take this into account when drawing up a balanced diet. It includes:

  • carbohydrates - 65%;
  • proteins - 25%;
  • fats - 10%.

Therefore, human food with a huge amount of sugar, salt, fat is harmful to the health of a tailed pet. And the overwhelming content of chemical additives in it is deadly.

The diet of a decorative rat consists of three components:

  1. Main feed. 30-40 g of special food enriched with vitamins is enough per day for a pet to maintain vitality. The daily rate depends on the age of the animal, its size, conditions of detention.
  2. Lure. These are the three main groups of products, the consumption of which normalizes the life processes of a pet, helps to strengthen the immune system. You should clearly know what groups of complementary foods are, how to give it to animals. The first group consists of vegetables and fruits, which are given every other day at 15-20 g per individual. An overdose of succulent products can cause diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. The second includes food containing animal protein with essential amino acids. They are recommended to be given no more than twice a week, 20 g each. Rats need more animal protein for the development of a growing organism. The third group - fermented milk products - a source of calcium, which you can pamper your pet once a week, giving a tablespoon.
  3. Goodies. Occasionally, in small quantities, you can please your pet with a delicious treat.It can be: crackers, baby purees, cookies, dark chocolate, some other sweets. The main thing to pay attention to when giving your pet a treat is not to overdo it with the amount and frequency of such treats. Otherwise, there may be serious problems with the overweight of the animal, hormonal failure, disorders in the gastrointestinal tract, refusal of regular food.

A decorative rat must be given hard food to grind down its teeth, which grow in it all its life: carrots, crackers, cookies, branches of fruit trees

When feeding with berries and fruits with a stone, it is advisable to remove it first in order to prevent poisoning with hydrocyanic acid, which is poisonous to rodents.

When including meat and fish in the pet's diet, it is important that they are low-fat, boiled, even with broth.

The following products are strictly prohibited for consumption:

  • candies;
  • sausage;
  • fatty and spicy dishes;
  • citrus;
  • raw fish, meat;
  • raw legumes;
  • raw potatoes;
  • gourds;
  • cabbage;
  • alcohol;
  • spinach.

Feeding advice

To keep your pet healthy and playful, it is appropriate to follow a few important feeding recommendations.

  1. Don't switch quickly from one food to another. The change should be made gradually, in small quantities over several days, adding to the food the food to which it is planned to switch.
  2. You can not feed the rat with food from the table. The composition of human food, the ratio of nutrients can be detrimental to the health of the animal.
  3. In the diet of the animal, it is necessary to constantly include products containing animal protein: eggs, cottage cheese, lean boiled meat.
  4. It is better not to grind the grains (oats, barley, wheat) present in the feeder every day so as not to remove the vitamins and trace elements necessary for the rat.
  5. As vitamin supplements, be sure to give green grass in summer, hay, sprouted oat greens in winter, and nettles in spring. Year-round - crushed raw and boiled root crops.
  6. Pregnant females, growing young animals must introduce mineral supplements (chalk, calcium gluconate, phytin) into the diet.
  7. Be sure to have clean water in the drinker.
  8. It is advisable for elderly, sick, weakened individuals to cook porridge without adding milk.
  9. Rats with a sweet tooth can occasionally be pampered with a portion of raisins, berries, dates.
  10. Rats up to six months old should not be limited in food, it should always be in a bowl.

When compiling a diet for a decorative rat, it is advisable to give preference to ready-made specialized dry food, balanced in terms of the amount of nutrients, vitamins, and microelements.

Feed selection criteria

When buying food for a tailed pet, it is important to avoid mistakes when choosing. To do this, you should rely on the main criteria in order to choose the best nutritional option that is best for your pet.

Release form

The produced combined feed for rats is of two types:

  1. granulated
  2. grain.

The main advantage of the granules is that the animals do not have the opportunity to delve into the food, choosing tidbits, they eat all the granules without a trace. This provides food savings, getting the body of a beloved pet all the necessary nutrients and vitamins.

Grain feed consists of whole grains of cereals, dried slices of vegetables and fruits, herbal flour. Its disadvantage is that the animal may begin to choose its favorite grains or pieces of vegetables, leaving the rest in the bowl.

The composition of both types is identical, it does not have any significant differences, in addition to the release form. Crispy granules are made from the same grain mixture and vegetables, by grinding and pressing.

Balanced composition

The key to health and energy is always a balanced, proper diet for a pet. The best option is a diet based on natural safe ingredients. Verified manufacturers always indicate the composition and nutritional value on the packaging. The owner of a decorative rat can accurately imagine what his pet will have for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Ready-made feeds must contain:

  • corn;
  • herbal flour;
  • pieces of vegetables and fruits.

According to the composition, all feeds are divided into specialized (for domestic rats) and universal, with a selected composition for all types of rodents kept at home.

Each component is characterized not only by a certain amount of nutrients, but also contains elements that allow the animal to remain active, have a shiny coat, strong claws and teeth. To do this, the feed mixture is combined in quantity:

  • vitamins;
  • trace elements;
  • fiber;
  • fats;
  • proteins;
  • amino acids.

Feed class

Food for ornamental rats can be divided into three groups:

  • Economy class;
  • premium class;
  • super premium.

Economy class - budget offers with a rather poor composition. As a rule, they are incomplete, they are difficult, according to buyers and veterinarians, to use as the main daily food, because they practically do not contain essential vitamins and minerals. The basis is grain and herbal sticks.

Well-known manufacturers of economy class feed:

  • Biosphere (Baka, Baka Lux);
  • Zoomir (Rat. Animals);
  • Biotech (Lubimchik);
  • Vitapol (Karma).

Premium food is the most popular and is preferred by most rat owners due to its excellent quality and low price. Its basis is grains of cereals (wheat, rye, millet, oats), pieces of vegetables, fruits. It does not contain animal protein, so it is desirable to supplement it with complementary foods from sour-milk, fat-containing products (eggs, boiled meat).

Premium feed is produced by:

  • Vitakraft (Menu Vital);
  • JR Farm (JR Farm Classik, JR Farm Ratten-Schmaus);
  • Mialberry (Little One);
  • Benelux (Funny Premium).

Super-premium class - the highest quality complete food with a balanced composition, enriched with vitamins and minerals. The average price is much higher than the first two lines of rat food. High-quality wheat grain is taken as a basis, animal protein in the form of pieces of real meat is an obligatory component. Also, there are always sources of Omega-3 indispensable for the body - sunflower and flax seeds, as well as dried vegetables, dried fruits. Among the main useful additives are dried alfalfa, aloe extracts, echinacea, chalk, calcium gluconate.

The most famous manufacturer of super-premium class:

  • Beaphar (Rat Food, Xtra Vital Rat Food).

Review of the best feed for ornamental rats

A lot of high-quality feed for ornamental rats is produced. Customer reviews will always help you figure out how to choose the best one, which company is better, what to choose. We offer an overview of popular feeds with a description of the main characteristics, highlighting the advantages and disadvantages.

Beaphar Xtra Vital

Super premium combined complete food from the Dutch manufacturer Beaphar, which is a combination of various granules, individual grains, seeds, pieces of dried vegetables and fruits. It is rightfully considered one of the highest quality for ornamental rats due to the natural ingredients that make up its composition. This is ecological meat, selected cereals and much more.

It contains a large amount of vitamins and microelements that have a beneficial effect on the animal's immune system, helps against skin diseases, and an additional ingredient for proper grinding of dental incisors helps strengthen teeth and gums.

Developed in collaboration with veterinarians and nutritionists, this food is highly nutritious, tasty, perfectly balanced and easy to digest. It is suitable for sick, weakened animals due to the echinacea extract included in the composition, which strengthens the immune system and activates the body's reserve forces in the fight against diseases.

Packaging deserves special attention: the food is packaged in boxes made of opaque material filled with nitrogen to preserve nutrients for a long time. Once opened, the package can be hermetically sealed with a special built-in lock to prevent air and insects from entering.

Average price: 350 rubles. (for 500 grams).

Beaphar Xtra Vital

  • the presence of natural meat;
  • balanced composition;
  • enrichment with vitamins and microelements;
  • high-quality opaque packaging with a lock for tightness after opening;
  • complete digestibility;
  • a positive effect on strengthening the immune system, the condition of the teeth, skin and coat;
  • high nutritional value.
  • animals choose tasty granules, leaving a part of the feed.

JR Farm Rat Classic

Feed mixture from natural useful components, well eaten by animals. The composition includes cereal fortified granules, grains, seeds, dates, protein supplements, legume and cereal flakes. Contains dried vegetables and fruits, carob, nuts.

The food helps to normalize digestion, strengthen teeth, improve the condition of the animal's coat. Eaten to crumb portions indicate that it is tasty for rats. Beautiful appearance, multi-colored components are provided by the added food colors.

Average price: 360 rubles. for 600 grams.

JR Farm Rat Classic
  • rich balanced composition;
  • natural ingredients;
  • improves the condition of teeth and hair, normalizes digestion;
  • animals eat everything without a trace.
  • the presence of dyes;
  • fragile packaging without a hermetic fastener.

Versele Laga Rat Nature

The manufacturer indicates on the packaging not only the composition, but also the analysis of the nutrients contained in the supplements (vitamins, minerals, trace elements). The rat is quickly satiated due to the balanced composition and nutritional value of the feed. The combination of herbal granules, whole grains, pieces of dried vegetables and fruits provides excellent digestibility. Does not contain animal protein.
The packaging is semi-permeable to light, made of durable material, with a flap closure.

Average price: 520 rubles. for 750 grams

Versele Laga Rat Nature
  • balanced composition;
  • variety of components;
  • flap for tightness of the package after opening.
  • not all granules are eaten;
  • contains dyes;
  • lack of animal protein.

Funny Muis-Rat-Gerbil Premium

Complete premium balanced food for all ages from a Belgian manufacturer is popular with rat owners. The composition contains the most delicious natural ingredients that make the animal eat everything to the crumbs, including herbal alfalfa granules, which are not always to the taste of tailed gourmets.

Rich in vitamins and minerals necessary for a full life of a rat. The omega-3s and antioxidants included in the composition help to increase the life expectancy of a pet, provide physical activity.

Average price: 280 rubles. for 1000 grams.

Funny Muis-Rat-Gerbil Premium
  • easily digestible;
  • normalizes digestion;
  • beneficial effect on the condition of the coat and teeth;
  • suitable for different ages of rats;
  • contains antioxidants and Omega-3 to maintain health;
  • full-time;
  • convenient vacuum packing;
  • low price.
  • lack of animal protein.


Balanced feed for rats of a well-known Italian brand. The composition includes natural ingredients from carefully purified high-quality vegetable raw materials. Delicious rings and granules from cereals and alfalfa have an attractive taste for animals due to the addition of honey.

The composition includes Omega-3, which improves the condition of the coat and skin of the animal. Intestinal function is normalized thanks to inulin, a prebiotic of natural origin that produces beneficial intestinal microflora. The chelated minerals included in the composition strengthen the immune system.

Average price: 370 rubles. for 850 grams.

Fiory rat food
  • balanced composition;
  • useful supplements that affect the maintenance of health;
  • natural flavor enhancer - honey;
  • lightproof cardboard packaging;
  • suitable for adult animals with intestinal disorders.
  • does not contain animal protein.

The popularity of a particular rat food is based on the quality of raw materials, the balance of nutrients and vitamins, and is expressed in customer reviews. The presented rating will tell you which food is better to choose for your pet in order to provide him with a healthy full life.

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