
  1. What are patches
  2. Applying patches
  3. Variety of cosmetic patches
  4. How to choose the right patches
  5. Popular patch makers according to 2022 data
  6. Ranking of the best Korean eye patches in 2022
Ranking of the best Korean patches in 2022

Ranking of the best Korean patches in 2022

Stress, lack of sleep and overwork have a negative impact on health. The body signals us about problems with the help of a deterioration in appearance. The skin around the eyes is especially susceptible to damaging factors. It is here that ugly swelling, dark circles, mimic wrinkles appear in the morning. It's no secret to anyone that there are tools that can cope with these problems. The patches have been a real lifesaver. Below are the best Korean patches for 2022.

What are patches

These are small patches, often in the form of a drop or a comma on a tissue or gel basis. They are impregnated with cosmetics: hyaluronic acid, extracts of medicinal plants and other components. Often the composition of the impregnation includes peptides, antioxidants, vitamins, essential oils, useful fruit acids.

Applying patches

How to use cosmetic patches is not at all difficult to figure out. Each package comes with detailed instructions. First you need to carry out a cleansing procedure, dry your face well with a paper towel. They are glued to the area under the eyes, so that the edge of the "patch" does not reach the cilia by 2-3 mm.

It is necessary to ensure that wrinkles and creases do not form under the gel petal, otherwise the effect will be exactly the opposite.

The procedure takes about 30 minutes, after which the agent is removed. Hydrogel patches after use are dissolved in water for washing or rubbing the face. Residues of cosmetic impregnation have a beneficial effect.

The best manufacturers pay attention to the convenience of packaging. The jar is closed with an additional membrane to prevent drying out and is equipped with a plastic spoon, which makes it easy to get hydrogel patches.
The package usually contains 60 plates., 2 pcs. on every day. The weight of the jar usually does not exceed 90 g.

After applying the product:

  • dark circles under the eyes disappear or become almost invisible;
  • edema and bags disappear;
  • mimic wrinkles are reduced - crow's feet;
  • the skin in the area of ​​application becomes elastic, moisturized, acquires an even tone and radiance.

Variety of cosmetic patches

Patches are disposable and reusable. The former are more convenient to use, while the latter fit perfectly into the fashion trend of environmentally responsible consumption.

The effectiveness of the funds depends only on the composition of the impregnation, the material is different.
The base is:

  • tissue
  • collagen;
  • silicone;
  • hydrogel.

Fabric and silicone are relatively cheap. These are budget funds with limited functionality. Collagen effectively fight aging processes, as they contain coenzyme Q10 and collagen.

The most popular hydrogel patches. Contain the optimal dose of hyaluronic acid and various useful components. Smoothes, softens and gives a tightening effect.

How to choose the right patches

When choosing these eye products, there are many parameters to consider. Selection criteria may vary.


There are products for young skin, recommended for girls, and for mature skin. Many manufacturers have products for women over 50-60 years old.


Hydrogel patches are designed to preserve beauty, but women's skin has its own peculiarities. Therefore, before choosing a tool, you need to decide what to look for in the first place.After all, mistakes when choosing a product with an inappropriate function can turn into an aggravation of problems.

What are the patches:

  1. Nutritious - saturate the epidermis with trace elements and vitamins.
  2. Lightening - make dark circles on the lower eyelids less pronounced.
  3. Moisturizing - enrich with moisture, restore hydro-balance.
  4. Toning - give a quick effect of fresh and rested skin.
  5. Smoothing - have a rejuvenating effect.

Often, patches are combined and have several effects at once.


Patches from Korea differ significantly in price. There are inexpensive products, and there are premium, branded ones. The characteristics of both are easy to find in the description of the goods in the online store, where they can be ordered online. The question of which patches are better to buy can be decided based on reviews, recommendations, and advice.

Active substances

The hydrogel base is usually impregnated with hyaluronic acid and other cosmetics. The most popular supplements are:

  • black snail extract, or mucin;
  • colloidal gold;
  • swallow's nest collagen;
  • black pearl powder;
  • snake poison;
  • red wine extract;
  • as well as many herbal ingredients, oils, extracts.

Perfumes are often added to these care products to give a pleasant scent.
Before you choose which company is better to purchase patches, you need to understand the substances that make up a particular product.

  • Hyaluronic acid

The main component of cosmetic patches. It is a natural polysaccharide found in the skin of every human being. It provides a supply of moisture, maintains elasticity. On the surface of the skin, it forms a film, preventing the evaporation of liquid and protects against external factors.A sufficient level of hydration is necessary for the synthesis of collagen and elastin, as well as for maintaining the natural rhythm of regeneration.

  • pearl extract

Contains 22 amino acids and protein - conchiolin, vitamins B and D, essential minerals. Conchiolin contains mother-of-pearl, it perfectly moisturizes. Pearls have an antioxidant effect, reduce the appearance of pigmentation, and protect against the harmful effects of sunlight.

  • Gold

Colloidal gold saturates cells with oxygen, removes decay products, improves nutrition and blood supply to the dermis, thereby protecting it from premature aging, making it supple, radiant and toned.

  • snail mucin

The mucus secreted by the snail contains elastin and collagen proteins, glycolic and glucuronic acids, vitamins A, E, B, and antioxidants. Cosmetics containing mucin accelerates regeneration processes, softens and nourishes, evens out the tone of the face, relieves peeling, inflammation, and pigmentation. Snail mucus is also known for its bactericidal action, and the ability to remove toxins. It is worth noting that, unlike many other remedies, mucin allows the skin to breathe.

  • Swallow's Nest Extract

The remedy used in Korean cosmetology is obtained from the nests of salangans - distant relatives of swallows. These birds build houses from their own saliva, rich in amino acids, proteins, and trace elements: iodine, phosphorus and iron. But the most valuable component is the EGF protein - a stimulator of cell division and growth. The substance has a lifting effect, helps to tighten the oval of the face, prevents aging, nourishes and moisturizes.

  • Peptide Syn-Ake

A protein that is identical in properties to snake venom.Under its influence, blocking of nerve impulses occurs, the muscles of the face relax, due to which wrinkles are gradually smoothed out. Puffiness and dark circles under the eyes are removed.

  • red wine extract

Rich in iron, manganese and zinc. The organic acids included in its composition effectively moisturize and nourish the epidermis. Polyphenols have antioxidant properties and prevent the breakdown of elastin by the action of the elastase enzyme, and also protect the skin from the effects of an aggressive external environment.

Popular patch makers according to 2022 data

According to cosmetologists and consumers, products of well-known brands deserve special attention, such as:

  • aesthetic house;
  • petitfee;
  • Secret key;
  • farmstay;
    and some others.

How to recognize a fake

Thanks to various reviews and online shopping, the questions “how much does it cost? and where to buy? are no longer so acute. It is much more important to solve the problem: “How to distinguish a fake?”

In order to protect yourself from acquiring a fake, you need to take some precautions. Firstly, it is better to buy Korean cosmetics from trusted sellers who have been working directly with the manufacturer for a long time. Secondly, always pay attention to the quality of the packaging. The paint is not erased, the font must be clear, not blurry. The packaging design of Korean cosmetics is unique and often changes, especially so that the packaging does not have time to fake. You can track how this or that tool looks on the official website of the manufacturer. Thirdly, the original products have a characteristic texture and smell. If the product is purchased for the first time, you can look at its reviews on the Internet, chat with knowledgeable people. And finally, look at the barcode markings.The code for Korean manufacturers starts with 880.

Each manufacturer has the most popular models. You can make a choice with the help of various ratings and reviews, or you can focus on reviews on the Internet. Based on the opinions of buyers, there are several of the best types of Korean-made patches.

Ranking of the best Korean eye patches in 2022

aesthetic house. Black pearl & Gold Hydrogel Eyepatch

The top ten is opened by a popular model of a well-known brand. Contains particles of colloidal gold and black pearl extract. The product also includes an extract of aloe vera, chamomile, grapefruit, camellia, pomegranate and tea tree.

These patches have a pleasant, unobtrusive smell, dark color with golden blotches.

aesthetic house. Black pearl & Gold Hydrogel Eyepatch
  • Provide hydration;
  • Soften and improve skin elasticity;
  • Lighten up.
  • The first time they can crawl;
  • The result is short-lived;
  • Quite thin, sometimes torn.

Price: from 850 to 1300 rubles.

farmstay. Black pearl & Gold

In ninth place are Farmstay patches, also containing pearl powder and gold. Suitable for absolutely any type of skin. Due to the collagen in the composition, they provide nutrition, hydration and tightening. Relieve puffiness and circles under the eyes. The composition of the impregnation additionally includes extracts of aloe vera, cucumber, grapefruit, bamboo stem, extract from the leaves of such medicinal plants as Baikal skullcap, camellia, swamp pine, artemisia.

The petals have a pleasant chocolate shade, a delicate fragrance.

farmstay. Black pearl & Gold
  • The product has proven itself perfectly;
  • Easily performs its functions, relieves swelling and bruising.
  • Quite high cost;
  • The effect may be short-lived.

Price: from 900 to 1700 ru.

aesthetic house. Syn-Ake Hydrogel Eyepatch

Eighth place is rightfully occupied by well-known patches containing snake venom peptide. They have a botox effect. The best patches for anti-aging care. The composition, in addition to the main active ingredient (an analogue of snake venom), contains extracts of pearls, lemon and adenosine.

The tool stimulates the synthesis of collagen in the dermis, smoothes fine wrinkles, removes swelling.

aesthetic house. Syn-Ake Hydrogel Eyepatch
  • The patches are colorless, rather thin;
  • One of the most effective patches.
  • High price;
  • Pinch the skin a little, there is a risk of developing allergies.

Average price: 1300 rubles.

petitfee. Collagen & CoQ10 Hydrogel Eyepatch

In seventh position are patches with a high content of collagen and coenzyme Q10. According to customer reviews, the product after the first procedure allows you to get rid of edema and makes the skin toned. Actively fights against darkness under the eyes.

Recommended for women over 40.

Contains grapefruit seed extract, bamboo stem, aloe vera, ginseng root, green tea.

petitfee. Collagen & CoQ10 Hydrogel Eyepatch
  • Petals are transparent with a pleasant aroma;
  • Perfectly refresh and tighten the oval of the face.
  • The cumulative effect is weakly expressed;
  • In the first minutes after application, they can slip.

Average price: 1000 rubles.

secret key. Gold Racoony Hydro Gel and Spot Patch

Legendary Korean patches with a cute raccoon on the package rightfully occupy an honorable sixth place.Unsurprisingly, their popularity is based on unsurpassed quality. They are rich in hyaluronic acid, contain colloidal gold and collagen. The composition of the impregnation includes an extract of rose, camellia and rosemary.

As a result of application, the skin is smoothed, microcirculation improves, which stimulates regeneration processes. Deep mimic wrinkles become less pronounced.

secret key. Gold Racoony Hydro Gel and Spot Patch
  • Perfectly remove swelling;
  • Relieve inflammation;
  • They don't slip or dry out.

This tool has a significant plus. Instead of the standard 60 patches, there are 90 patches in a pack. As a bonus, there are 30 round hydrogel pads designed for spot application to problem areas.

  • The specific shape is not for everyone;
  • Too thin;
  • Not good for dark circles.

Average price: 1300 rubles.

aesthetic house. Bird's Nest Hydrogel Eyepatch

The top five patches for eyes and eyelids are opened by the products of the already familiar company Esthetic House. This original product with an extract from the nests of swifts-swifts fell in love with many for the excellent effect of moisturizing and nourishing the skin. Impregnation rich in essential components based on swallow's nest extract helps restore elasticity and radiance.

aesthetic house. Bird's Nest Hydrogel Eyepatch
  • Well impregnated;
  • Nice smell.
  • At the beginning after placement under the eyes may slip;
  • Pretty high price.

Price: 1000 - 1300 rubles.

aesthetic house. Gold & Snail Hydrogel Eyepatch

In the ranking of the highest quality eyelid skin care products, Esthetic House patches with snail mucin and gold particles take the fourth place.This remedy in a short time restores smoothness to the skin, making it radiant, refreshed, as if rested. Regular use of cosmetics with a snail allows you to get a noticeable effect of rejuvenation.

aesthetic house. Gold & Snail Hydrogel Eyepatch
  • Well tighten the skin;
  • Soften and moisturize;
  • Remove dark circles.
  • Too much liquid;
  • Not a very comfortable spatula;
  • Lightly pinch the skin;
  • High price.

Price: about 1200 rubles.

petitfee. Black pearl & Gold Hydrogel Eyepatch

The top three is opened by Petitfee with products whose composition is recognized as the best. The duo of golden particles and black pearl powder provides excellent hydration and evens out skin tone.

petitfee. Black pearl & Gold Hydrogel Eyepatch
  • Perfectly perform their functions;
  • Do not slip;
  • Convenient spatula;
  • Petals are very beautiful, golden color;
  • No allergic reaction;
  • The best of the patches with the same composition.
  • In some cases no cumulative effect was observed.

Price: about 1000 rubles.

petitfee. Gold & Snail Hydrogel Eyepatch

A well-deserved second place is taken by a remedy from Petitfee. These plasters containing gold and snail secretion effectively eliminate puffiness, blackness under the eyes, swelling. Wrinkles are smoothed out, and small "crow's feet" disappear without a trace.

In addition to the extract of skullcap root and camellia leaves, the composition includes an extract of wormwood, guttuinia cordifolia and Yuzu fruits.

petitfee. Gold & Snail Hydrogel Eyepatch
  • Perform all the declared functions;
  • There are no complaints;
  • Beautiful packaging design.
  • Not

Price: 1000 - 1200 rubles.

aesthetic house. Red Wine Hydrogel Eyepatch

According to numerous positive reviews, the first place of honor is occupied by original patches with red wine extract. The secret of the effectiveness of this remedy is provided by resveratrol, a unique antioxidant that not only protects the skin from the effects of free radicals, but also triggers its regeneration at the gene level, as a result, it looks healthy and fresh, and immune properties increase. These hydrogel patches relieve tension, refresh and activate defense mechanisms.

aesthetic house. Red Wine Hydrogel Eyepatch
  • Refresh the skin;
  • Remove bruises and swelling;
  • Smooth out wrinkles;
  • The skin becomes smooth and elastic;
  • The petals are rich red and look very impressive.
  • Not detected.

Price: about 1300 rubles.

Based on the described characteristics, we can conclude that even products with the same composition of different companies behave differently. The effect also depends on the individual characteristics of the skin, the age of the woman, the severity of the problems.

Judging by customer reviews, patches containing colloidal gold, pearl powder, and snail mucin have proven themselves well. But such unusual, exotic ingredients as snake venom, red species extract and swallow's nests also work great, maintaining the beauty and health of the skin.

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