
  1. What are hydrogel masks
  2. What is the difference between sheet and hydrogel masks
  3. Rules for the use of hydrogel masks
  4. The best Korean hydrogel masks
  5. Conclusion

Ranking of the best Korean hydrogel face masks for 2022

Ranking of the best Korean hydrogel face masks for 2022

It is better to start caring for your skin from a young age. Face cream has become a common thing, it nourishes the skin, relieves irritation and dryness. But with age, one remedy is not enough. It should be supplemented with other care products. In order to preserve beauty and youth, someone visits a beautician, others do not have the time or financial opportunity for this. One of the easiest ways to maintain your appearance at home is to use masks. First entered our lives sheet masks, and now hydrogel ones have appeared. Korean cosmetics skin care is gaining more and more popularity among girls and women. And this is well deserved, because with its help a visible result appears in a short time. Let's talk about the best Korean hydrogel masks below.

What are hydrogel masks

In its form, this version of a cosmetic product resembles many favorite sheet masks. But hydrogel masks have surpassed fabric masks in their functions and are now gaining popularity in the cosmetic market. They have a gel base. Because of this, they are able to retain moisture for a long time. The consistency of the product is similar to jelly. During contact with the skin, the gel begins to dissolve and penetrate the epidermis, thereby saturating the skin and moisturizing it. Hydrogel is an absolutely hypoallergenic product, and such a care product is suitable for anyone, regardless of gender or age. It is recommended to use them a couple of times a week, but more frequent use is also acceptable. It all depends on your desire and ability. In addition to the hydrogel, there are serums in the composition, the effect that you want to get from the mask will depend on their features.

What is the difference between sheet and hydrogel masks

Both of these skin care options follow the shape of the face. In addition, what these two products have in common is that they have an intensive impregnation that nourishes the face during use. Both versions of cosmetics do not dry out for a long time, due to this feature, the skin contacts the active ingredients for as long as possible.But still, they have a significant difference, which lies in the material for making the base of the mask.

The base of the sheet mask is made from cotton or bamboo, and can also be cellulose-free. The hydrogel version is based on a gel. This feature allows the product to fit more closely to the skin, while creating an airless space and nutrients quickly and deeply penetrate the epidermis. For a good fit, fabric masks need to be straightened for a long time, things are easier with the hydrogel version. You just need to attach them and press well. Also, for better convenience, they are divided into two halves.

Sheet masks work better with irritated skin, eliminate acne, blackheads and fight pigmentation. The hydrogel version is necessary to create a lifting effect, moisturizing and nourishing. A visible result appears almost immediately, because when used, a greenhouse effect is created, at which time the elements of the mask penetrate deep into the layers of the skin.

Rules for the use of hydrogel masks

First, before applying the mask, you should thoroughly wash your face, and then wipe your face with a tonic. It is important that the skin is cleansed and properly prepared. Cleaned pores will contribute to better penetration of nutrients. When applying, it is better to adhere to the time indicated by the manufacturer. With prolonged use, the product may begin to dry out, and this will cause the mask to begin to draw moisture from the skin. This will mean that there will be no positive effect from the procedure.

Secondly, the procedure is best performed in a prone position, so it will be easier for substances to penetrate the skin. The best time to do this is in the evening, when you can focus on yourself.

If you want to relieve swelling or get a cooling effect, then the mask should be kept in the refrigerator for a while.

The most important thing about using both hydrogel and sheet masks is to remember to throw them away after use. Many, without knowing it, pack them back, store them in the refrigerator and use them several times. Under no circumstances is this permitted. Since during use, the mask gives the epidermis useful substances, and takes away the harmful ones. Using it again, the skin will get back everything harmful that it got rid of last time. As a result, acne, blackheads and irritation may appear.

The best Korean hydrogel masks

Petitfee Black Pearl and Gold Hydrogel Face Mask

This product from the Petitfee brand will help moisturize the skin, eliminate wrinkles, and stimulate cellular metabolism. The mask consists of two separate parts. One of them is applied to the upper half of the face, and the second to the lower. It fits snugly to the face, does not slip off during application.

The main active ingredients are black pearl and gold. Black pearl powder enriches the skin with useful trace elements, thanks to which the skin receives moisture and nutrition. And besides this, the complexion becomes better and begins to shine. Thanks to colloidal gold, cellular metabolism improves, an exfoliating effect appears, and age-related changes are inhibited. Hyaluronic acid, which is part of the composition, provides intensive hydration, helps to smooth mimic wrinkles. Not unimportant components are herbal ingredients, such as green tea extract, avocado oil, lemon.

Such a rich composition of "Black Pearl and Gold" has a complex effect, thereby helping to get rid of a large number of problems in a short time.

Before use, you need to wash your face, then apply toner to moisturize. After that, remove the protective film and apply the mask on the face. You need to press it well and smooth it out. With proper application, it will hold securely and not slip even with active sports. "Black Pearl and Gold" should be left for approximately 30 minutes. After removing the remnants of the product, “drive” into the skin with massage movements. Finish the procedure by applying the cream.

The average cost is 250 rubles.

Petitfee Black Pearl and Gold Hydrogel Face Mask
  • As part of a complex of oils and plant extracts that nourish and moisturize the skin;
  • Fast visible result;
  • Tight fit;
  • Consists of two parts, which simplifies the method of fixing.
  • May be small for a wide face.

Petitfee Gold Hydrogel Face Mask

A hydrogel mask with gold will help restore a beautiful complexion, and also helps prevent aging. In addition to gold, the mask contains extracts of medicinal herbs, collagen, hyaluronic acid.

The main component is colloidal gold. It plays an important role in maintaining the beauty of the skin. Gold is able to accelerate the positive processes taking place in the layers of the epidermis, it also improves complexion and gives the skin a radiant appearance. Hyaluronic acid will intensively moisturize the skin, as well as create a protective barrier against the harmful effects of the environment. Thanks to collagen, the skin will receive the necessary moisture and will fight the aging process.Plant components relieve irritation and inflammation, and also have an antibacterial effect.

The hydrogel base gives a reliable and strong grip to the face. But upon contact with the face, the gel will begin to melt and be absorbed into the skin. Before use, you need to wash your face, if necessary, carry out a scrubbing or peeling procedure. Then apply a hydrogel napkin to the dried face. For convenience, the mask consists of two parts. The mask should be left on the face for about 30 minutes. For the best effect, after absorbing the essence, apply a nourishing cream.

The average cost is 220 rubles.

Petitfee Gold Hydrogel Face Mask
  • Relieves irritation, eliminates inflammation and has a beneficial effect on skin regeneration;
  • Removes toxins and harmful substances from the skin;
  • Well moisturizes and nourishes the skin.
  • For better fixation, some time should be spent in a horizontal position, otherwise the product will slip.

Petitfee Agave Cooling Hydrogel Face Mask

Ultra-thin cooling hydrogel film with agave extract promotes enhanced skin hydration. It also increases the elasticity of the skin, tightens the oval of the face and eliminates skin imperfections.

Agave extract, which is the main component of this product, has an antibacterial effect, relieves skin irritation, inflammation and fights itching. After the procedure, the face becomes fresh and rested. This effect is achieved due to the presence of blueberry extract. It also hydrates and rejuvenates the epidermis. Eggplant extract will help get rid of blackheads and acne. In addition, Agave Cooling Hydrogel Face Mask contains caffeine and spirulina.These components tone and rejuvenate the skin.

Before applying the Agave Cooling Hydrogel Face Mask, thoroughly cleanse the skin, then apply the gel base and leave for 30-40 minutes. After removing the remaining funds, spread over the face and allow them to be completely absorbed.

The average cost is 270 rubles.

Petitfee Agave Cooling Hydrogel Face Mask
  • The mask not only nourishes and moisturizes, but also tightens the oval of the face and fights skin imperfections;
  • The cooling effect helps to relieve swelling.
  • Not found.

V Line Hydrogel Chin Pack

This product from the South Korean brand "Kocostar" was created specifically to combat the aging process. "V Line Hydrogel Chin Pack" can not only smooth out wrinkles and make the skin more elastic, it also helps to get rid of flabbiness, returns the old face oval and tightens the chin.

The mask contains collagen, hyaluronic and tartaric acids, as well as silk amino acids. The combination of these components enhances the regeneration of the skin, keeps the skin hydrated, promotes the healing of minor wounds.

Before use, thoroughly cleanse the skin of the face, paying special attention to the chin area. For the best effect, you can use a toner. After removing the product, it should be well fixed with the help of special slots for the ears. The procedure lasts about 20-30 minutes. After removing the remaining essence, lightly rub into the chin and neck. Passing a full course of 10-15 procedures makes it possible to get rid of the second chin and noticeably tighten the oval of the face.

The average cost is 300 rubles.

V Line Hydrogel Chin Pack
  • Well moisturizes and nourishes the skin;
  • Does not contain parabens and sulfates;
  • A full course of procedures will help get rid of the second chin and tighten the oval of the face.
  • The mask is designed only for the chin area and does not cover the entire face.

Beauugreen Antioxidant Glutathione Hydrogel Mask

This product of the Korean brand "Beauugreen" has a pronounced antioxidant effect, promotes rejuvenation, hydration and restoration of the skin. In its composition, "Antioxidant Glutathione Hydrogel Mask" has a lot of useful components that have a complex effect, resulting in a visible effect after the first procedure.

Adenosine, which is part of the composition, promotes the production of collagen, as a result of which the number of fine wrinkles is reduced, and deep wrinkles become less pronounced. In addition, the composition contains hyaluronic acid and collagen. Do not forget the herbal ingredients and vitamin supplements. For example, extracts of soybeans and licorice can help reduce inflammation, relieve irritation and brighten the skin. And the red algae extract will fill the cells with moisture and have a rejuvenating effect.

The natural composition of the product does not cause irritation, and can be used for any type of skin. An exception may be an allergy to a separate component of the mask. Before use, wash your face, dry your face well with a towel. It is important that moisture does not remain on the skin. After that, attach the mask and with light movements ensure its snug fit. The procedure lasts 30-40 minutes. After removing the mask, it is desirable that the remnants of the essence are absorbed by themselves. After that, you can apply any nourishing cream.

The average cost is 370 rubles.

Beauugreen Antioxidant Glutathione Hydrogel Mask
  • Eliminates irritation and inflammation;
  • Pronounced rejuvenating effect;
  • plant composition;
  • Returns a radiant look to the skin.
  • High price.

Beauugreen Anti-wrinkle Pullulan Hydrogel Mask

A feature of this product from the Beauugreen brand is the active ingredient pullulan. Pullulan is obtained by the interaction of a certain type of mushroom with starch, so it is a natural polymer. Until recently, it was not used in cosmetics, but was actively used in hygiene products. But as a result of research, its antioxidant effect has been proven. In addition, pallulan has a lifting effect and protects the skin from external irritants.

Also in the "Anti-wrinkle Pullulan Hydrogel Mask" there is collagen and plant extracts and oils. Together, this complex moisturizes well, removes toxins, smoothes wrinkles, and has a healing effect.

The procedure takes about 30-40 minutes. After that, you should slowly remove the hydrogel film from the face and allow the remnants to be absorbed.

The average cost is 380 rubles.

Beauugreen Anti-wrinkle Pullulan Hydrogel Mask
  • Fast rejuvenating effect;
  • Natural composition;
  • Suitable for all skin types.
  • High price;

Aesthetic House SYN-AKE

This product from the cosmetic brand "Estetic House" has a rejuvenating effect, and also helps in the fight against skin imperfections.

The main component is the SYN-AKE peptide, which acts like snake venom. It relaxes the muscles, as a result of which wrinkles are smoothed out, and with constant use, new ones do not appear. In addition, the composition contains herbal ingredients.Aloe and tea tree extract have an antibacterial effect, remove acne and acne. It also contains algae and eucalyptus, thanks to which the epidermis is saturated with vitamins and increases resistance to adverse environmental factors.

The hydrogel film should be firmly applied to the cleansed face. The procedure lasts no more than 20 minutes. After that, the remnants of the product should be distributed with light movements over the surface of the face.

The average cost is 250 rubles.

Aesthetic House SYN-AKE
  • Regular use guarantees the elimination of wrinkles;
  • After the first application, the skin becomes radiant;
  • Suitable for all skin types.
  • Application is permissible only after 30 years.


Timely care is necessary to maintain youth and beauty. Hydrogel mask is one of the simple but effective ways to preserve youth. It can be used both as an express assistant before an important event, or as a course. Since this remedy is not exactly cheap, it can be used for course procedures twice a week for a month. The second month of the procedure can be reduced to one. After completing the full course, you will fully experience the effect that this cosmetic product will give you.

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