
  1. Varieties used in modern sound cards
  2. Nuances of application
  3. Analysis of the best views for audio and radio devices for 2022
  4. How to choose
Ranking of the best audio capacitors for 2022

Ranking of the best audio capacitors for 2022

An excellent acoustic system is distinguished not only by the fact that it reproduces a clear and loud sound, but also by the fact that these sounds are able to spread throughout the area. To feel the entire sector of the reproduced sound and increase the power by an order of magnitude, music lovers use life hacks. A tricky assistant device for this purpose is a capacitor. A very small device whose purpose is to store the necessary amount of energy. What is its operating principle? Installed on a sound card, it conducts current, filters out the load, helping to play sound.

Now on the market there is a wide variety of models that differ in price, power level and technical features. To choose the best option, you need to understand well what varieties are there, what are their advantages and what sound cards they are suitable for.In order to know exactly which capacitors are worth buying, the site editors have compiled the top 2022 using real user reviews, technical specifications and a comparative analysis of the most popular models.

Varieties used in modern sound cards

A few categories that should be distinguished for energy storage devices used in amplifiers are:

  • based on electrolyte;
  • based on different types of film;
  • based on paper.

All such subspecies are used to create a sound wave. If there is no experience, it is difficult to understand the differences between different types of parts on the modern market, everything seems to be about the same, in fact, a properly selected capacitor affects not only the quality, but largely the usability of a sound card.


When the oxide in the base of the metal (foil) is used in the main role of the dielectric, and the electrolyte is on the cathode, such devices are called electrolytic.In such models, a sufficiently large capacity and a long service life - various options for such a product allow you to work from 3 to the maximum value - 8 thousand hours in the most maximum temperature conditions. The advantage of this type of device can be called relatively good reliability and low price. The disadvantage is that in order to develop reliable Hi-Fi equipment on it, you need to make a lot of effort.

Devices of this type are very mediocre for sound, since a long charging process and a slow discharge process (all the fault of ionic processes) interfere with high-quality sound reproduction. In practice, breakdowns occur quite often, due to which not only the sound card, but also other equipment can fail, although in theory such devices have a high barrier to wear. Used in inexpensive models to reduce the overall price of the finished product, as it is economically beneficial for manufacturers. As for the consumer, such a choice is to his detriment. The low price, unfortunately, in this case does not come with high quality in a pen, as a music lover would like.

Of course, there are a small number of instances that give good results, and this fact could cause joy if not for one unpleasant moment. Such models were often installed on limited editions, sometimes it is not easy to find such a copy.


When a film (fluoroplastic, polyethylene, polystyrene, etc.) is used as a poorly conducting substance, this type is called film. The type in question is characterized by increased insulation resistance. A distinctive feature is the ability to self-heal, after the breakdown of the dielectric. The temperature for normal operation should not exceed 200 degrees.

In comparison with electrolytic film ones, they lose in capacity, but win in speed of work. Film models act as a voltage filter, plus, separating-transition duties are assigned to them. This improves the sound quality many times over. Although the price of film ones is an order of magnitude higher than electrolytic ones, they cope with the main task much better.

For each individual device model, such devices are selected purely individually. The use of film options greatly influences decisions in the manufacture of sound cards. The problem arises because of the low power, they have to either be combined with electrolytes or use other constructive approaches.

With a pair combination of several types of capacitors, most of them are film-type, and the smaller part is electrolytic. Due to this, electrolytic ones do not significantly distort the sound, but they help in a more rational use of energy.


The next type of energy-accumulating devices that are successfully used in sound equipment are paper ones. In such products, parts are used that include paper, it can be either dry or impregnated with a special substance. This is the highest quality and highest priced type of product. Despite the fact that they are combined in use with electrolytic paper ones, they retain the highest sound quality and leave behind excellent performance. Of course, it's no secret that knowledgeable music lovers are able to distinguish the sound of paper devices from all other types.

There are paper and film versions, and there are only paper versions. The considered option is more often installed by special order of the client, so we can say that this is a piece goods.

Nuances of application

When choosing a capacitor for yourself, it is worth paying special attention to the parameters that meet the needs, since in the end this will affect how pleasant the audio will sound.

Electrolytic can be chosen if the quality of the reproduced sound is not very important. If you stop at such a model, then the capacitor at the middle level will complete the task. Such a device will not cost much and will not require super complicated when installing a sound card. As expected, the considered type of capacitors will be installed in models of the lowest price segment and high Hi-Fi results are not to be expected.

Another thing is when it comes to devices based on film and paper. In the manufacture of sound amplifying equipment, in the first place, it is worth giving preference only to this type of capacitor, but still something worth considering.

Film capacitors often suffer from interference, therefore, not all models in a row need to be used. This is partly caused by parts that may indicate non-linear distortion, particularly at specific frequencies. It is advisable to use such devices for feeding and in not the most important circuits on the board. For the main work, it is better when film capacitors are responsible, and they will be able to accumulate current.

Analysis of the best views for audio and radio devices for 2022


Purposefully film devices incorporate different types of material, which serves as a dielectric. The advantage of this design is its excellent strength, which allows a long service life in circuits with increased voltage, practically reducing the risk of leakage to zero. The obvious disadvantage is the small volume.


It opens the top three film leaders JB JFGC, it is able to produce excellent sound without hitting the budget too hard. A distinctive feature of the model is the connection of a film of polypropylene and polyester with the participation of resin. This combo model works by combining AC and DC electricity, and harmonizes perfectly with the filters in your speaker system.

The maximum temperature that this model can withstand is 100 degrees. The voltage fluctuates within 1000 V (250-1250). Unfortunately, capacitive indicators are not great, no more than 35 microfarads. The diameter is not large 0.8 mm, the dimensions of the product are small, and the thoughtful design helps the product to easily become an addition to every style.

  • attractive price;
  • design look;
  • sound quality at a high level;
  • a wide range of naming.
  • insufficient sound detail.

MKP Jantzen Cross Cap

Another film-type model is the MKP Jantzen Cross Cap. It stands out from the competition with excellent sound quality and excellent performance. Using this device will allow the user to enjoy the sound without any extraneous distortion.

The coating materials are perfectly matched: polypropylene film, and on top, a coating of a mixture of zinc and epoxy. The film device functions within the range of 0.1-300 microfarads, is resistant to voltages not exceeding 400 V, and it is also not of overall dimensions - these are excellent indicators of a product that is perfect for the consumer. All in 2 in 1 format (price and super quality).

MKP Jantzen Cross Cap
  • electrically intensive;
  • conscientious design;
  • 2 in 1 format.
  • case features - quickly loses its appearance.

Visaton MKP 3.3/250

Honorary 3rd place is occupied by the product of Visaton. The price is already an order of magnitude higher than the two top leaders and the class is already lower. It is used as an addition to AC-class High-End filters.

The advantage of this model is the reduced probability of current loss during intensive operation. Visaton MKP 3.3/250 withstands increased DC voltage of 250 V, this fact is added by manufacturers to the name of the device. The appearance of the product, although it cannot boast of an exclusive design, but small dimensions and correctly, 30 mm technically verified distance from one output to another, makes it possible to use it in various sound installations. A significant drawback that can upset the low quality of the mounted parts.

Visaton MKP 3.3/250
  • sold in almost any store;
  • compatible with AC class products;
  • reduced chance of current loss.
  • low build quality.


Devices in which special paper acts as a dielectric are called paper devices. Due to the low hardness, such a product is lowered into specially prepared metal shells. The range of use of such products is very wide, which allows them to be used at different frequencies.

Jensen NOS 600V 0.071uF 1

Thanks to Jensen, the resulting sound is of decent quality, it will be without interference on any equipment. The devices of this manufacturer are distinguished by a long service life and reliability. A distinctive feature is the absence of leaks. The design of the 600 V 0.071 uF 1 model is not unique (elongated shape and small size), but the palette of colors pleases - blue and gold.

As indicated in the name, it can withstand a voltage that will be in the region of 600 V. Capacitive indicators are not high - not higher than 10 microfarads. The materials used by Jensen NOS in manufacturing are aluminum foil and specially formulated paper.

Jensen NOS 600V 0.071uF 1
  • decent quality;
  • not a high price;
  • multifunctional model;
  • at the output sound at a good level is reproduced.
  • small capacity.

Duelund Alexander by 900V 0.68uF copper

Another rating line rightfully belongs to the Duelund Alexander brand. An obvious plus when using this model is excellent sound reproduction on different types of equipment. In production, copper foil with oiled dielectric paper is used.

A feature of the model is the use, without any additives, of silver-plated copper (oxygen-free) which is placed on the terminals. The case when the high price is justified, due to the possibility of using it on completely different devices.

The characteristics of this model can only be envied: the ability to cope with voltages up to 900 V, the capacitance selection range from 0.1 up to 1 uF.

Duelund Alexander by 900V 0.68uF copper
  • excellent sound quality;
  • application for different types of equipment;
  • excellent characteristics.
  • the price is above average.

Audio Note NOS AN 630V 0.01uF Puretinfoil

The latest rating model with an extravagant look from Audio Note. The price of the model is above average, but the resulting sound is quite good. The advantage of the model under consideration is the possibility of using both a separating element and as a filter element.

The peculiarity of the sound is that the product is able to amaze not only with a clear sound, but also with well-distinguished high sounds. Technical indicators of the model: able to withstand a voltage of not more than 630 V, capacitance options within 0.001-0.1 uF.

Audio Note NOS AN 630V 0.01uF Puretinfoil
  • excellent sound quality;
  • reliable materials are used;
  • wide area of ​​application.
  • not a budget option to buy;
  • low capacity.

Electrolytic view

This type is the most unpopular. One of the reasons for its not wide distribution is its fragility. A small amount of metal oxide is used as a dielectric. Products of this type are "friendly" exclusively with a constant and sufficiently high voltage. Metal variations are possible.

ELNA Silmic II

The leader of this ranking of the electrolytic species is ELNA Silmic II. An inexpensive model that has excellent technical performance that can significantly improve the final sound. Perfect for high quality audio playback.

It comes in an aluminum case, thanks to which the inside is well protected. The appearance is quite simple, not volumetric parameters allow using the product in composition with a variety of techniques. In the manufacture are used - silk fiber and thread (oxygen-free). The combination of these materials gives an amazing result - a minimum of sound change at all frequencies.

ELNA Silmic II
  • high assembly reliability;
  • not a high price;
  • availability in stores;
  • the ability to work in all frequencies.
  • the maximum operating voltage does not exceed 100 V.

JJ Electronic TE030

The capabilities of this model are great for making the sound of the audio stream much cleaner. The use of this model is well combined with Hi-Fi devices, and above that it can act as a device capable of filtering the sound. Although these are not very expensive options, practice shows that they can be used with specialized equipment. Devices Electronic TE030 are very wear-resistant and high quality, putting this device you can once again not think about the possibility of current leakage.

Product indicators: the maximum allowable voltage should not exceed 385 V, an impressive capacity of 47 - 800 microfarads! Even very expensive models of this type can envy such indicators.

JJ Electronic TE030
  • adequate price;
  • manufacturing materials at a high level;
  • huge capacity;
  • used in specialized equipment.
  • more often sold exclusively in professional stores.

Mundorf E-CapAC Raw

An honorable third place goes to Mundorf E-CapAC Raw, which can raise the power to a good level, but, unfortunately, it is not able to cope with the final sound as well. It can suit those music lovers for whom reliability and not fast discharge of the device are in the first place.

The technical performance of this model is at an average level, but do not forget about the low final price: a good capacity of 22 microfarads and a voltage of no more than 100 V. The usual appearance of the product allows it to be combined with different types of devices.

Mundorf E-CapAC Raw
  • not a high price;
  • good capacity;
  • holds a charge for a long time.
  • able to withstand a relatively low voltage (100 V).

How to choose

At the moment, the leader is changing on the market, instead of bulky toroidal devices, impulse-type devices are coming. To select the best capacitor for quality music lovers, it is necessary to build on important criteria:

  • type of;
  • manufacturer company;
  • impedance;
  • the power of the entire system;
  • voltage circuits;
  • product price.

It is important to take into account the fact that, if necessary or changing needs, comparable substitutes can be selected for each model, they can not lose to eminent models in terms of technical qualities, but on the contrary, do not yield to them in anything and cost an order of magnitude cheaper.

When choosing a device without outside help, you need to carefully study the entire range offered on the market by comparing technical indicators and find more reviews about the models. Thanks to this detailed and rigorous analysis, you can better understand the types of devices that can be installed on the corresponding audio equipment.

The best choice would be two types of capacitors - paper and film. A distinctive feature of them will be good quality and wear-resistant design, in this they are much superior to electrolytic ones. It is clear that models from popular brands are more expensive, but who wants to constantly replace faulty parts instead of enjoying pure sound? Good luck with your purchase!

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