Rating of the best compression tights for varicose veins and for pregnant women for 2022

Rating of the best compression tights for varicose veins and for pregnant women for 2022

Varicose veins are a fairly common disease. Not only women and men of different ages suffer from it, but also expectant mothers at certain periods of bearing a baby.

For the treatment of this disease, depending on its severity, medications, wearing compression products, and in especially advanced cases, an operation is performed.

But most often, compression stockings or pantyhose are used - they prevent the further spread of the disease or its prevention, as they contribute to the correct distribution of pressure that is exerted on the veins during movement. Moreover, they relieve the discomfort associated with varicose veins.

In this article, we will take a closer look at the existing varieties of compression tights, their purpose, and which models have become the most popular among users in 2022.

What types are

Before you explore the varieties of compression stockings, you should learn a little about varicose veins. Most often, the cause of its occurrence is a sedentary or standing job, an insufficiently active lifestyle in movements, or hormonal problems. Often people with overweight and the elderly suffer from this disease. The hereditary factor should not be excluded - many genetic diseases are transmitted from generation to generation.

Women during pregnancy, especially in the last stages, are most often confirmed varicose veins. This is due to the fact that hormonal changes occur in the body that affect the walls of blood vessels and veins. Moreover, the weight of the expectant mother increases, which in turn puts a certain pressure on the veins.

To prevent further development of the disease, experts recommend wearing special tights. The essence of their action is as follows: the pressure exerted on the outer sides of the limbs helps keep the veins in good shape. As a result, the blood supply improves, the blood circulates properly, thereby preventing the development of blood clots. The vessels and tissues of the legs are better saturated with oxygen. Moreover, the unpleasant feeling of fatigue is significantly reduced.

The compression class determines how strong external pressure on the limb will be from the outside. In total, there are four main classes that help in the fight against the disease and zero, which provides preventive measures.

  • Prophylactic

Stockings or pantyhose of this type exert minimal external pressure on the veins. Their compression usually does not exceed 18 mm. rt. Art. Most often they are used by people who have a high hereditary factor, sedentary work (as a result, blood stagnation occurs in the lower extremities). They are also recommended for those who suffer from swelling in the legs and are overweight. Lovers of high heels will also benefit from preventive-grade compression stockings: they will help relieve fatigue. During pregnancy, as a preventive measure, knitwear of this type is perfect.

You can buy them at a pharmacy or in a medical equipment store without a prescription from your doctor.

  • The first

With the initial development of the disease and its first external signs, it is recommended to use knitwear of an already increased class: its pressure already reaches 18-22 mm. rt. Art. Although the degree of compression here is slightly higher, wearing the product still does not cause discomfort and there are no difficulties when putting it on.

This class will relieve fatigue and a feeling of heaviness in the legs, will have a positive effect on blood vessels and improve blood circulation.

  • Second

The degree of its pressure reaches already 32 mm. rt. Art. Pantyhose have a therapeutic effect, are used for obvious symptoms of varicose veins, cramps at night, the development of blood clots and swelling from the disease. Compression knitwear of this class is not purchased independently, only on the recommendation of a phlebologist after examination.

The pressure exerted on the limbs is distributed in such a way that the blood begins to circulate better, the vessels are enriched with the necessary amount of oxygen.

  • Third

Knitwear with this degree has a pressure of up to 46 mm. rt. Art. It is impossible to buy it on your own, for this you need a prescription document from the attending physician. It is used for the treatment of thrombosis, after surgery, valve aplasia, venous and lymphovenous insufficiency. Tights help reduce swelling that occurs from these diseases.

  • Fourth

Its compression reaches already 49 mm. rt. Art. and more. They are treated in very advanced stages of venous disease, the development of thrombosis and impaired lymphatic drainage. Models with this class are made for a specific patient and are very difficult to dress.

How to choose and wear compression stockings

Before you buy therapeutic tights, you need to determine the degree of pressure exerted.Zero and 1st class can be bought independently, but all the rest are selected by a specialist depending on the patient's complaints and the current state of the disease.

The second important factor this is the right size. In order to buy a product that fits perfectly in shape, it is better to familiarize yourself with the manufacturer's dimensional grid. Having previously measured your height, the volume of the lower leg and thigh, weight and comparing these data according to the size table, the desired option is selected. If the size is larger, then the effect with the necessary pressure will not be provided, and small underwear can not only hurt, but it will also be very difficult to put on.

Manufacturers offer several color options. It is mostly black and beige, some brands offer caramel and chocolate color tights. Each user chooses the jersey that best suits his taste. Models can have a matte or transparent texture.

It is worth paying attention to the manufacturer of the goods. There are certain brands that are engaged in the production of medical knitwear and have reached certain heights in this. Therefore, before buying, you should familiarize yourself with the names of these brands: this will warn you against purchasing low-quality goods.

One of the best German manufacturers is Medi. They offer models of all compression classes. For the manufacture of products, special materials are used, which not only perfectly perform a therapeutic effect, but are also very comfortable on the body, do not cause discomfort. It should be noted that the cost of Medi knitwear is quite high in comparison with other manufacturers of similar products.

The English company B.Well has also developed its own knitwear manufacturing technology and provides a guarantee for its products for up to 6 months. Pleasant to the body, compression is distributed throughout the leg with the right pressure. The price of English-made products also cannot be considered a budget option. But the high cost is fully justified by the excellent quality.

Another one of the best manufacturers Relaxlan (Italy). Compression knitwear is produced from the 1st to the 3rd class. For the manufacture of products using polyamide and elastane. The percentage of materials depends entirely on the degree of compression. The cost of Italian-made products is quite affordable.

It is also worth noting another popular Italian brand Ergoforma. It produces medical stockings, tights and stockings for both women and men. There are options for pregnant women. The price of European-made goods is not high.

From domestic manufacturers, it is better to consider products of the Ortho or Inteks trademarks. The products are of high quality, not inferior to expensive brands, but the pricing policy is pleasant for many users.

The final cost of knitwear, in addition to the brand and composition of manufacture, is affected by the size and degree of class. The higher the compression effect, the greater the cost of the product.

There are also certain requirements for wearing compression stockings. They should be put on in the morning, after waking up. Patients with venous disease often suffer from severe edema, which begins immediately after getting out of bed. Therefore, tights are recommended to be worn until the limbs have had time to increase in volume.But if the legs are already swollen, you can help them to become in the required position. lie down and lift them up for a while (about 5-10 minutes).

Compression underwear is difficult to put on due to its density. In order not to spoil the medical design, you need to follow some rules. It is better to remove jewelry from your hands, as they can catch and damage knitwear. If this happens, the product becomes unusable. The nails on the lower extremities and the heel should also be put in order and monitored for the duration of use.

Tights should be pulled slowly, first fold them into an "accordion" and move up the leg. Passing every 5-7 cm of the limb, you should stretch the knitwear a little.

If you take into account all the above recommendations for purchasing and wearing, you can avoid many popular mistakes made by an inexperienced buyer.

Where to buy

Online stores offer a wide range of therapeutic tights for varicose veins. In addition to different sizes and colors, the buyer can choose other types of knitwear that have a similar effect. for example, stockings, socks or stockings. There are also separate models for the male.

A potential buyer may be interested in both popular models among other users and new arrivals.

Each product has a photo and a description of all the characteristics that it has. To quickly select the desired knitwear, you need to use the search, specifying the necessary parameters: by price, size, gender, degree of compression.

After reading the reviews of previous customers, you can discard those options that do not match the description or are not effective enough in treating the disease. According to positive answers, you can choose the best knitwear that will fulfill all its declared functions.

Placing an online order does not take much time: to do this, you need to select the desired model, enter the data to receive the goods and wait for delivery within the time specified by the seller.

Buying through an online store saves a lot of time: you don’t have to look for outlets selling compression stockings. This option is convenient for very busy people whose day is scheduled by the minute.

TOP-3 preventive compression stockings

Ergoforma EU 102 anti-varicose
votes 0

Women's model, which is also suitable for women who are carrying a baby. They are prescribed at the first signs of varicose veins, frequent fatigue and heaviness in the lower extremities, sedentary work. It is also recommended for women who have a hereditary predisposition to this disease or are overweight.

Closed-toe knit with sheer texture. Outwardly, it practically does not differ from ordinary nylon women's tights, but at the same time they have a slight compression effect. To create it, polyamide (82%) and elastane (18%) are used.

Available for sale in black, flesh and chocolate colors, size range from 1 to 6. The price varies from size, so it varies from 800 to 1400 rubles.

anti-varicose tights Ergoforma EU 102
  • Several color options;
  • There is a sense of compression.
  • There are size inconsistencies.

Relaxsan Basic Collant 70 den 780
votes 0

Designed for women, they have a density of 70 Den, the degree of compression is 12-17 mm. rt. Art. This indicator exerts light pressure, which will smooth out the first signs of varicose veins and reduce swelling, as well as improve blood circulation.

Model with transparent texture and closed toe. Like many offers, they are made of polyamide and elastane. The heel and toe areas are reinforced for added durability.

Sizes from 1 (for height up to 162 cm) and up to 5 (for women up to 190 cm). The model is available in black and skin colors. The cost is from 1000 rubles.

tights Relaxsan Basic Collant 70 den 780
  • Pleasant to the body;
  • Durable, comfortable to wear.
  • Not detected.

Doctor Your Feet 40 Den
votes 0

Knitwear for women in 40 den, with a closed toe, transparent texture. It should be noted that this model has a high waist.

In addition to the standard symptoms of the initial stage of varicose veins, tights will help reduce cellulite manifestations in the thighs. To create knitwear, not only elastane and polyamide are used, but also cotton.

The manufacturer produces the model in 6 sizes, as well as in black, beige and chocolate.

Initial cost of goods from 700 rubles.

tights Doctor Your Legs 40 Den
  • Several colors on sale;
  • Low cost;
  • Pleasant to the body.
  • Not detected.

Rating of the best knitwear models of the 1st compression class

Relaxsan Basic Collant 140 den 880 anti-varicose
votes 0

This model from the Italian manufacturer is designed for women. The density of the product is 140 Den. They have not only an anti-varicose effect, but also relieve a slight swelling on the legs.

Available in two colors black and flesh.Made from 75% polyamide and 25% elastane. The upper part is made in the form of shorts.

Very comfortable to wear, elastic band fixes the product well at the top. The size range starts from XS and ends at 4XL.

The cost of goods is a little more than 1200 rubles.

anti-varicose tights Relaxsan Basic Collant 140 den 880
  • Pleasant to the body;
  • Dimensional grid corresponds to the specified indicators;
  • Comfortable to wear;
  • They have the desired effect.
  • Not detected.

Ergoforma 112 decongestants
votes 0

Another female model that is suitable for use by pregnant women. Composed of 77% polyamide and 23% elastane.

The constant use of tights with the first class of compression will help improve venous circulation. Most of the compression effect (100%) is on the ankle area. Just below the knee, its indicator is 70%, and on the upper femoral part, the pressure indicator is 40%. This change in compression contributes to the rapid outflow of excess fluid from the lower extremities.

Recommended for use by women who are overweight or have a sedentary job. Also, at the first manifestations of varicose veins and cellulite, it will prevent the further development of the disease and an unpleasant “orange peel”.

Products from Ergoforma are recommended to be worn by women in a position who suffer from swelling or have found a venous mesh on their legs. The model has a closed toe.

In addition to black and flesh color, the manufacturer also offers a bronze and brown version. Dimensions from 1 to 6. You can buy this model for 1200 rubles.

Ergoforma 112 anti-edema tights
  • Can be worn by pregnant women;
  • Gradual distribution of compression;
  • Comfortable;
  • Several color options available;
  • Remove puffiness quickly.
  • Sometimes they slip.

Orto 114 anti-varicose
votes 0

Orto tights are designed to treat varicose veins in men. The model has a closed toe to prevent the appearance of arrows on the front, manufacturers make the toe reinforced.

Composition of the product from the following components: 47% polyamide, 38% microfiber and 15% lycra. Such materials contribute to proper thermoregulation.

It is necessary to use compression hosiery at the first manifestations of varicose veins, with the genetic heredity of the disease, overweight and its sharp decrease. Also, a sedentary lifestyle, discomfort in the lower extremities and periodic convulsions are an indication for the use of tights.

But before use, you should also familiarize yourself with the contraindications to wearing. With septic phlebitis, skin diseases, disorders of cardiac or pulmonary activity, it is better to refuse to use knitwear.

The color scheme is provided in black and flesh options, sizes from S to XXL. Price per item more than 2000 rubles.

anti-varicose tights Orto 114
  • Comfortable to wear;
  • Durable material.
  • Not detected.

TOP-3 of the highest quality compression stockings of the 2nd class

Mediven Plus 211/212 anti-varicose, length: 62-71 cm
votes 0

Women's open-toe model is available in three colors: caramel, beige and black. Carries out a compression, anti-varicose effect and prevents the appearance of blood clots.

Knitwear has a matte texture, also has an antibacterial effect.The model is suitable for women who are carrying a baby and are faced with the first symptoms of varicose veins.

Production material 31% elastane and 69% polyamide. Size range from 1 to 7. The manufacturer has developed models with a length of 62-71 cm and 72-83 cm. There is also a similar option for the male.

Before buying, you should familiarize yourself with the contraindications.

jersey cost 6000 rubles.

anti-varicose tights Mediven Plus 211/212, length: 62-71 s
  • Suitable for pregnant women;
  • Pleasant to the body;
  • Comfortable to wear.
  • Relatively high cost.

Relaxsan Basic Collant 280 den 980 anti-varicose
votes 0

Women's version, has a density of 280 Den. Available in black and beige. Knitwear with a closed toe, a reinforced toe significantly reduces the possibility of tearing or the appearance of an arrow on the product.

Wearing compression stockings will help relieve tension from the lower extremities, reduce the symptoms of varicose veins and swelling, and improve blood circulation. As a result, there is no feeling of heaviness in the legs, blood clots from blood stasis are significantly reduced.

For their manufacture, polyamide (76%) and elastane (24%) are used. Provided sizes from 2 to 5. To select the appropriate option, you should use the size grid, having previously measured the height, weight and volume of the leg in the ankle area.

The price of the product 1500 rubles.

anti-varicose tights Relaxsan Basic Collant 280 den 980
  • High quality product;
  • It has a good compression effect;
  • Removes the feeling of heaviness in the legs;
  • Comfortable to wear.
  • Some users report weak compression above the knee.

B.Well rehab JW-321 round knit, decongestant
votes 0

Sheer jersey is made for women. Compression class 2 tights have a closed toe and a reinforced toe. The pressure throughout the lower limb is distributed with a different indicator: the largest is on the ankle area, the average level is in the lower leg and the minimum is on the hips. This distribution contributes to the improvement of venous circulation, as a result, pain and fatigue in the legs are much less, and the likelihood of blood clots is also reduced.

Thanks to its special 3D knitting, air circulates well, relieving the wearer of discomfort. A special pattern in the heel area has a massage effect, so the legs suffer from fatigue much less.

The constant wearing of compression stockings from a Swiss manufacturer will help reduce the symptoms of chronic varicose veins. Polyamide and elastane are used for manufacturing (74% and 26% respectively).

The cost, depending on the size, is from 1400 to 2000 rubles. The color choice is provided in 5 options and sizes from 2 to 5.

B.Well rehab tights JW-321 round knit, anti-edematous
  • High rise;
  • There is a feeling of compression;
  • Pleasant to the body material and comfortable to wear;
  • Size matching;
  • Large selection of color options.
  • Not detected.

Rating of popular compression stockings of the 3rd class

Venoteks Classic 3С313/307 anti-varicose
votes 0

Knitwear with an open toe is intended for use by women only. The material is pleasant to the body, does not cause discomfort and is recommended for daily wear.

The third class of compression removes swelling from the lower extremities, prevents the appearance of blood clots, and helps to reduce them. The venous network on the legs becomes significantly smaller after using this product. All this happens due to the correct distribution of pressure throughout the leg area.

To create a model, the German manufacturer uses 75% nylon and 25% lycra. Available colors are black or beige. Size range from S to XXXL. To choose the most suitable option, it is better to familiarize yourself with the dimensional grid on the manufacturer's website. Unit cost almost 4000 rubles.

anti-varicose tights Venoteks Classic 3С313/307
  • Effective against varicose veins and puffiness;
  • Reduces the likelihood of thrombosis;
  • Comfortable to wear.
  • Not detected.

Mediven Plus 409/410 anti-varicose
votes 0

Another offer of compression stockings for women from a well-known brand has an open toe and a matte texture. In addition to the standard black and beige colors, the manufacturer also produces caramel color.

The purpose for use is postoperative therapy, thrombosis, severe varicose veins, as well as severe edema as a complication of the disease.

Made from 37% elastane and 69% polyamide. Sizes 1 to 7, available lengths 62-71 cm or 72-83 cm. The cost depends on the chosen size, so it can vary from 7000 to 8500 rubles.

anti-varicose tights Mediven Plus 409/410
  • Several color options;
  • Easy care;
  • Comfortable to wear;
  • The product meets all the declared qualities.
  • High cost compared to other models.

Mediven Forte F317/F310
votes 0

Designed for women, this model, like the previous one, has an open toe. It perfectly copes with all the symptoms and consequences of varicose veins: relieves swelling and feeling of heaviness in the legs, prevents blood clots, reduces the venous network.

The texture is matte, and tights also have an antibacterial effect. Composition of jersey polyamide and elastane in the ratio of 79% and 21%, respectively.

The price is within 8000 rubles.

tights Mediven Forte F317/F310
  • Convenient to use;
  • Relieve swelling and symptoms of varicose veins;
  • With antibacterial effect.
  • High price.

Timely contacting a medical institution will help to avoid many of the negative consequences associated with varicose veins. With the initial manifestations of the disease, preventive tights will help relieve symptoms and improve blood circulation in the lower extremities. With a more severe course of the disease, the degree of compression is prescribed by the attending physician.

This review shows which models of anti-varicose knitwear are the choice of buyers who are faced with this disease. But do not forget that the use of compression stockings is one of the additional methods of treatment. Together with medication prescriptions and other medical recommendations, it is possible to defeat the disease.


