Rating of the best lightning protection and grounding kits for a country house

Rating of the best lightning protection and grounding kits for a country house

Lightning protection and grounding for a country house are designed to perform two important functions - to ensure electrical safety and ensure the normal operation of electrical equipment in the home. Grounding is triggered when a current leakage occurs - at this time the residual current device (RCD) is operating, and due to this, the risk of fire hazard manifestations of electric current (short circuit) is reduced, and the threat of electric shock to a person is also minimized.

In cottages and country houses, grounding must be done without fail. This is especially true if the structures available on the site are made of combustible materials - wood or prefabricated frames. The cause of a fire can be a banal thunderstorm, the lightning of which can be attracted by many elements located in summer cottages.This includes wells, pipelines (external or buried to a minimum depth), various wells. If lightning protection and grounding are absent, then any discharge of the discharge in the area will immediately equal the indispensable occurrence of a fire.

Typical lightning protection consists of:

  • Lightning receiver (lightning rod) - located at the highest point of the suburban area;
  • Down conductor - it plays the role of a connector between the grounding device and the lightning rod;
  • Grounding - a device that provides discharge discharge to the ground.

Principles of operation of individual elements of lightning protection

Lightning rod

Due to the fact that in the old days people often associated the occurrence of lightning with thunder, this device among the people received an additional name - a lightning rod. In fact, such a protection element is a conventional antenna. Its main task is to carry out the induction of current in the event of a voltage of static electricity in the atmosphere at the closest distance from itself.The greater the distance the antenna can cover, the more effectively the entire protection complex will work. In this case, it should be clearly understood that the lightning rod is the element that attracts lightning to itself, and does not drive it away. And there is nothing to worry about: first, the lightning must be caught, and then taken to a safe place.

Lightning rod

This protection element has a rather simple task: it only connects the captured energy of a lightning discharge with the ground potential, thereby discharging the lightning rod. According to the path established by him, the current will pass by the structure, albeit in sufficient proximity. However, the proximity to the house will not play any role, because the current will follow the route clearly defined by the lightning rod directly to the ground.

Ground loop

This is the third element of protection and it fully interacts with the previous one without touching the antenna. Simply put, it will ensure that the current discharge received from the lightning rod contacts the ground and extinguish it. When arranging the circuit, it is necessary to observe all the principles of electrical resistance established by Ohm's elementary physical laws. The circuit must not only be properly mounted, but also subjected to periodic checks, taking measurements with special laboratory instruments. In this case, do not neglect qualified assistance during its installation - a home-made structure in the form of scrap metal clogged anywhere or a tin sheet buried in the ground will not help in a dangerous situation.

Modular pin grounding

This is the correct name for the most common and most reliable type of lightning protection for a country house. This protection kit includes the following items:

  • Copper-plated ground rods - they are installed in the ground in the form of a consistent penetration and connection, thereby creating the design of a single module;
  • Couplings made of brass, provided with an internal thread - they are installed on the upper part of the rods (by screwing onto the upper end) and also connect them to each other;
  • Sharp grounding steel tip - mounted on the bottom of the first bearing rod and provides more convenient and easy penetration;
  • Impact head made of steel - placed on top of the first rod and should protect it from physical damage;
  • Ground clamp - is a brass strip or bar that diagonally connects the end of the rod to the conductor;
  • Conductive paste - it is coated with the junction of the rod with the coupling to prevent corrosion (after all, the module will often work during rain);
  • Insulating tape - wound over the connection of the conductor and the rod, providing some sealing.

Proper installation of the modular-pin system

If you install a lightning protection system in the traditional way, then it will require some labor-intensive earthworks. Among other things, a fairly large area will be required for the contact of the pins with the ground, which is necessary for the most uniform dissipation of the captured current. Moreover, welding will be required, because. otherwise, grounding elements cannot be connected.

No special conditions are required for a modular pin system: no large area is needed, no welding is needed, no emergency earthworks are needed - the system is mounted on the principles of compactness and versatility.Indeed, this grounding is the most advanced and modern.

Mounting order:

  • Determine a place for grounding, stepping back at least one meter from the foundation of the structure to be protected;
  • Dig a small trench around the structure to be protected - this will be necessary for the installation of one or more earthing points (recommended depth 50 - 70 cm);
  • Connect the parts of the pins to each other using couplings, lubricate the connection points with conductive paste, wrap with insulating tape to protect the grounding element terminal assembly;
  • Drive in grounding pins to a depth of 40 cm (possibly using a perforator);
  • Connect the entire system to the module by connecting the protected structure using a horizontal conductor (an ordinary 40x4 mm galvanized strip is suitable).

The entire installed system will provide reliable protection due to the location of the electrodes at the set depth, showing consistently low resistance throughout the calendar year. After 12 months of operation of the module, it is recommended to make laboratory measurements of resistance stability.

Important! In this system, the lightning rod can be fixed both in the ground and on the roof of the protected structure - this is what distinguishes the modular pin system from the classical one. It is also possible to mount the antenna on small concrete elevations located directly on the site.

Electrolytic grounding

Such grounding is used in certain areas of the globe, where the soil has a high resistivity. This includes regions with permafrost, sandy or rocky soil. To ensure reliable protection of human life and health, the resistance for this grounding should not exceed 30 ohms.It is these indicators in these soil options that allow electrolytic grounding to be achieved.

Its main advantages:

  • The system has a compact size, its installation is convenient and simple;
  • It is possible to mount it yourself, without special electrical training and without resorting to the services of specialists;
  • Due to the special mineral mixture inside the electrode, the required concentration of electrolytes in the soil is maintained for quite a long time;
  • The mixture is poured into the electrode once every fifteen years;
  • The saline solution resulting from the interaction of the mixture with the soil is absolutely safe in relation to the body of the electrode;
  • The creation of electrolytic grounding does not involve special excavation work and does not require special permits.

The only disadvantage of such a system is its high cost and limited scope.

Portable lightning protection

During outdoor events or long-term residence of people in areas prone to frequent thunderstorm manifestations, their temporary dwellings must be protected from lightning by means of mobile protection systems. They are established taking into account the perceived risks.

Most of these systems are rapidly deployable, compact and designed not only to protect temporary housing, but also to ensure the safety of specific equipment (for example, various gas and oil production installations). The whole system is always transported in a factory case.

Portable lightning protection is a conventional lightning antenna, which is supported by anchor cables. Often, in mobile lightning protection, special lightning dissipation devices are used, which look like a hollow mushroom cap and are attached to the top of the lightning rod.Due to the use of this technology, the protected object, as it were, becomes invisible to a thunderstorm.

For the stability of the antenna base, special plastic blocks can be used (water is poured into them to securely fix the lightning rod. Thus, it can withstand wind gusts up to 36 km/h).

The total weight of the entire set reaches about 100 kg, the deployment time by two people is about 30 minutes. The maximum height of the antenna can vary from 3 to 11 meters. Most portable protection kits are universal in nature and can be used in absolutely different environmental conditions - from hot deserts to cold seas.

Rating of the best lightning protection and grounding kits for a country house

Modular pin kits

3rd place: EZETEK EZ-4.8
votes 0

The kit is intended for the organization of lightning protection of a modular type of various residential facilities, energy facilities, communication points. Depending on the type of soil where the module will be installed, it is possible to effectively protect private houses, gas boilers in suburban areas and ensure the most efficient grounding.

Manufacturer countryRussia
Execution materialcopper plated steel
Rod diameter, mm16
Number of rods, pcs4
Rod length, m1.2
Grounding points, pcs4
Weight, kg9.7
Nozzle for perforatorNo
Price, rubles7900
  • Light weight;
  • Low price;
  • Enlarged rod diameter
  • Limited application area (suitable for ultra-small objects)

2nd place: EZETEK EZ-25.2
votes 0

This kit is distinguished by the high resistance of the copper coating.Installation does not require large areas for earthworks (it can also be placed in the basement). The case is resistant to external damage.

Manufacturer countryRussia
Execution materialcopper plated steel
Rod diameter, mm16
Number of rods, pcs21
Rod length, m1.2
Grounding points, pcs3
Weight, kg46
Nozzle for perforatorthere is
Price, rubles38800
  • Service life - up to 100 years;
  • Installation is possible by one person;
  • Consistently low current leakage regardless of the season.
  • Big weight.

1st place: ZANDZ ZZ-200-001
votes 0

A full-size kit for full-fledged protection of a country house from a major Russian manufacturer. Designed to protect structures made of combustible materials. The kit includes all possible devices provided for by the governing documents on lightning protection 34.21.122-87.

Manufacturer countryRussia
Execution materialcopper plated steel
Rod diameter, mm22
Number of rods, pcs40
Rod length, m1.5
Grounding points, pcs8
Weight, kg76
Nozzle for perforatorthere is
Price, rubles98800
ZANDZ ZZ-200-001
  • Wide coverage area;
  • The lightning rod can be installed directly on the site;
  • Increased stem diameter.
  • High price.

Electrolytic grounding

3rd place: Lightning protection center CMZ-2.5
votes 0

The set is intended for grounding electrical installations in soils containing high resistivity: dry sands, rocks, permafrost. It is also exceptionally effective on objects with a limited area of ​​the ground loop. Connection to other electrodes and connection to GZSH is possible.

Manufacturer countryRussia
Electrode typeHorizontal
Quantity and length, pcs and m1 and 2.5
Well material, quantity, pcsPlastic, 3
soil activatormineral mix
Insulating tape, length, m3
Ground clampcross band
Price, rubles37700
Lightning protection center CMZ-2.5
  • Relatively low price;
  • Possibility of inclusion in another system;
  • Application in the construction of reinforced plastic.
  • Horizontal mounting method.

2nd place: EZETEK EZ-2.5 B
votes 0

This grounding is designed to ensure the safety of energy facilities on stony soils and rocks. Provides efficient flow of currents into the ground, regardless of the time of year. Guarantees 50 years of trouble-free operation. It is possible to operate in conjunction with an antenna-lightning receiver.

Dimensions LxWxH, mm2620x70x70
Electrode diameter, mm60.3
Electrode length, m2.5
Weight, kg118.7
Execution materialStainless steel
FunctionalElectrolytic grounding
Number of sections, pcs1
Length of electrode section, m2.5
Grounding points, pcs1
Price, rubles45000
  • Increased electrode diameter;
  • The well is made of steel;
  • Increased section length.
  • Short service life - 50 years (the standard should be 100 years).

1st place: BOLTA Z2-5 G
votes 0

A versatile kit that has gained popularity due to its large field of coverage and ease of installation and maintenance. It can be used both for domestic needs and for industrial facilities. The electrode uses a high-tech filler that always maintains the level of leaching evenly, despite the vagaries of the weather.Over time, the concentration of electrolyte in the soil will not only be maintained, but also increased, which means an increase in electrical conductivity, and hence a reduction in risks for the protected object in terms of electrical safety.

Element nameNumber of pcs.
Horizontal earthing switch made of corrosion-resistant stainless steel, in the form of the letter "L" h=500mm, L=3000mm3
Well electrolytic grounding control and measuring, plastic h=400mm, d=310mm1
Soil activator (bag), 30 kg15
Electrolytic mixture (bag), 15 kg2
Earthing clamp rod - strip/rod cruciform, stainless steel1
Insulating tape, 100 mm x 2000 mm1
Price, rubles105000
  • Ease of installation;
  • Large area coverage;
  • Long service life (over 100 years);
  • The mineral mixture does not contain substances harmful to humans.
  • Extremely high price.

Portable lightning protection

1st place: StrikeMaster PLP-38-MOB
votes 0

This folding mobile complex is designed for rapid deployment of a lightning protection installation in the field. It is suitable both for the protection of temporary residential buildings and for industrial power plants. The unit is equipped with lightning isolation technology.

Manufacturer countryUSA
Thunderstorm Dissipation TechnologyAvailable
Height, m11.3
Base width, m3.3
Total weight, kg123
Weight of empty plastic blocks, kg11.4
Price, rubles1 500 000
StrikeMaster PLP-38-MOB
  • Mobility;
  • Assembly speed (no more than 0.5 hours);
  • Availability of green anti-storm technology.
  • Purchase is possible only from the manufacturer (there are no dealers in the Russian Federation);
  • Very high price.

Instead of an epilogue

The conducted analysis of the lightning protection market shows that the domestic manufacturer has been extremely successful in this field. Russian enterprises offer multiple variations of various kits for every taste and budget. However, there are only four major Russian manufacturers: Ezetek, Bolta, Zands, Lightning Protection Center, and they do not produce mobile kits at all. Thus, you can buy portable lightning protection only directly from a foreign manufacturer. For other models, we can safely say that an extensive dealer network will make the purchase quite simple and affordable.


