
  1. All about indoor antennas with digital receiver
  2. The best digital TV antennas

Rating of the best indoor digital TV antennas for 2022

Rating of the best indoor digital TV antennas for 2022

More and more people every year want to watch TV in good quality. Regardless of the TV model, this has become possible for any person. To do this, you just need to purchase an antenna with a built-in digital device, or you can immediately buy a TV with a built-in receiver. Such devices provide excellent signal reception both in apartments of multi-storey buildings and in private houses. We will talk about the best indoor antennas for digital TV below.

All about indoor antennas with digital receiver

Almost all indoor antennas have a pleasant appearance and ease of installation. But each user, when purchasing a device, must understand that for its correct operation, several simple conditions must be observed.

The correct operation of the device depends on:

  • The distance at which the catcher is located;
  • Is there a signal amplifier in the device;
  • The material from which the walls of the building are made, their thickness;
  • Where are the windows located and how far is the TV tower from them;
  • The thickness of the double-glazed window or the very type of material from which the windows are made;
  • Furniture that is in the room and whether it interferes with the signal.

If the signal goes badly or the receiver does not catch it at all, you need to check the above conditions. In the case when the image suddenly disappeared, it is necessary to check whether there was any interference that could interfere with the signal (for example, there was a strong wind the other day and the tower could change direction), and also look at the device for defects.

The transition to digital television is now gaining significant momentum in Russia. Most home appliance stores sell what is needed to receive a signal with a bang. Despite this, many families still watch analog television, which is significantly inferior in quality to digital. In areas where there are repeaters or towers, an indoor antenna is far from new. How to understand if it is possible to watch digital television on an old antenna? In order not to install any additional external devices, it is necessary to understand whether this device catches decimeter waves.

All-Wave Indoor Antenna

Among a certain circle of users there is an opinion that a broadband antenna does not transmit a digital signal.In practice, everything happens differently. The main problem arises in the assembly of the device, since the receiver itself is made without shielding and often has a high noise level.

Since the all-wave receiver can capture a wide signal radius, this can adversely affect the reception of channels and catch the wrong thing.

A high-quality device has every chance to show itself on the positive side in an area where a large number of multi-storey buildings are located. Due to the fact that reflected television signals occur in such areas, even with the correct installation of the device, its correct operation may be difficult.

An all-wave antenna can receive all types of signals, from analog to digital.

decimeter antenna

Watching digital television is possible if the radio wave length is in the range from 10 to 100 cm. It will be guaranteed that you can receive a signal and watch the figure will allow the device, the instructions for which will indicate that it is intended for the UHF range. The design itself is quite compact and has a small number of crossbars that are hidden under a plastic shell.

Active or passive

All devices that catch television channels can be divided into several groups: according to the type of reception, design and other parameters. Future users of home devices often have a question: which one to take active or passive?

The passive device does not have a built-in amplifier. Most people believe that this type is better suited for private homes. This opinion is based on the fact that the length of the cable to the TV itself is not great. That is why the device does not need an amplifier, since the signal that enters the antenna is not distorted. The active type has a built-in amplifier. Such a device is needed when the antenna itself is low-power and its installation will be at a great distance from the decoder, and a long cable can cause image loss.

Television antennas with amplifiers have their own audience of users. It is worth noting that in this case the catcher, not the amplifier, receives the signal. How well it does this depends on the design itself.

The amplifiers themselves compensate for the losses that occur along the way from the receiver to the TV or receiver. Each cable has an attenuation factor. This means that the longer the cable, the worse it transmits the image. If such a distance is only a few meters, and the signal itself is strong, then the passive type is perfect for watching digital television.

If we consider a different situation: a house in a village with a good digital signal. There is one receiver installed in the room; from it there is a cable with a splitter for several rooms, the length of which exceeds 30 meters. Any element, be it a cable, socket or splitter, degrades the signal quality. In this case, it is better to take a device with an active TV signal catcher.

It makes no sense to take expensive devices if the distance to the tower is less than three kilometers. The amplifier itself is a separate element that consumes a large amount of electricity. It is necessary to choose devices with an amplifier only if there is a direct need for this. Therefore, when choosing a receiver, all the above factors and conditions must be taken into account.

Which receiver to choose, what to look for and how not to make a mistake when buying, we will consider in this article.

The best digital TV antennas

The most popular room appliances for digital TV, according to buyers.

REMO antenna BAS-5340-USB TVJET

Technical specifications:

  • Type: with amplifier;
  • Reception: DVB-T/DVB-T2;
  • Operating range: VHF / UHF;
  • VHF Gain: 23dB;
  • UHF signal: 43dB;
  • Resistance: 75 ohm;
  • Manufacturer: Kursk, Russia
  • Power supply: USB;
  • Weight: 0.4 kg;

Room television device with a new integrated amplification system. The device itself is made of modern and high-tech materials. The body of the device is so durable and safe to use that it can be safely hung on a bracket or placed on a windowsill. The antenna picks up signals: in office buildings, in residential complexes, at high altitudes. The indicator on the USB cable warns that the device is working correctly. The REMO television device provides reliable power reception and stability in image transmission quality. Average cost: 510 rubles.

REMO antenna BAS-5340-USB TVJET
  • Compact size;
  • Rugged housing;
  • Low price.
  • Short cable included.

Antenna Delta K131A.03


  • Placement: room device;
  • DVB-T/DVB-T2: yes;
  • Operating range: UHF
  • Gain: 40 dB;
  • Weight: 0.8 kg;
  • Power supply: USB;
  • Manufacturer: Russia;

A good device that picks up channels consistently. The big advantage of the model is that it can adjust the signal gain. This feature allows you to catch channels where simple devices cannot cope with this task. The antenna is perfect for its operation both in the city and in the country. The device provides reception of twenty channels in excellent quality. The body of the device is made of metal. The cost of the device: 950 rubles.

Antenna Delta K131A.03
  • A light weight;
  • Small size;
  • Signal adjustment function.
  • Metal case;
  • High price;
  • Flimsy stand;
  • Too light, you can knock down the orientation without much effort.

Antenna Locus L 941.10 CAYMAN

Device parameters:

  • Type: room with amplifier;
  • UHF Gain: 12dB;
  • Operating frequency range: 472-853 MHz;
  • Cable length included: 1.2 m;
  • Manufacturer: Moscow;
  • Warranty period: 12 month;
  • Power supply not included;
  • Weight: 0.3 kg.

An active type device provides reception of digital and decimeter channels at a distance of up to 12 km. from the tower. This device has a large number of positive reviews among buyers. Compared to other similar devices, the Caiman has strong range properties, which allows it to receive a more uniform signal. The entire structure is made of steel. The set of the device includes a low-noise integrated amplifier, which is powered by a 5W TV. The kit includes a coaxial cable 2 meters long. The average cost of Cayman: 650 rubles.

Antenna Locus L 941.10 CAYMAN
  • Compactness;
  • Ease of setup;
  • Ease;
  • Good channel reception
  • Low cost.
  • Not identified.

Antenna HARPER ADVB-2120

Technical specifications:

  • Appliance type: room with amplifier;
  • VHF / UHF operating ranges: yes;
  • DVB-T/DVB-T2: yes;
  • Power supply: from the antenna cable;
  • Cord length: 1.3 meters;
  • Warranty period: 12 months.

The device perfectly catches the signal, even at a considerable distance from the tower (from 10-30 km). In addition to the standard 20 channels in digital quality, the device catches decimeter channels. Easy to install, compact in size and customizable for any user.You just need to connect the device to the TV and start the search. If, as a result of the search, channels are not found, then it is necessary to move the antenna mechanically towards the tower. The cost of the device: 950 rubles.

Antenna HARPER ADVB-2120
  • Catches a lot of channels in good quality;
  • Small size;
  • Easy setup;
  • Confident and stable reception.
  • Unstable stand.

Antenna REMO BAS-5310 Horizon USB


  • DVB-T/DVB-T2 reception: yes;
  • Power supply: USB;
  • Wire length: 1.3 meters;
  • Supply voltage: 5 V;
  • Black color;
  • Producer: Saratov, Russia;
  • Device weight: 0.3 kg.

Compact device, active type, which will allow her to catch more channels in excellent quality. It receives TV channels in the frequency range from 175-860 MHz. Amplification is supplied via a USB cable. The device is located in a flat case made of a radio-transparent polymer. The device provides stable reception of channels. The antenna is powered via a coaxial cable from the receiver or TV if it has this function. Mounting, which this model has, makes it possible to place it both on a plane and fix the device on the wall. Average cost: 700 rubles.

Antenna REMO BAS-5310 Horizon USB
  • Compact;
  • Picks up a good signal
  • The design has several mounting options.
  • Short USB cable.

Antenna GoDigital AV 1007

Technical specifications:

  • Amplifier: absent;
  • VHF / UHF: yes;
  • Manufacturer: Russia;
  • Power: 220W;
  • Gain: 3-5dB;
  • DVB-T/DVB-T2: yes;
  • Warranty period: 1 year.

Compact passive type antenna. The device is capable of receiving and catching channels in DVB-T2 format.Compatible with any TV models. To make the signal cleaner and better, you need to manually adjust the direction of the device. For more efficient operation, it is recommended to install the device no more than 15 km from the transmitter. Price of the device: 250 rubles.

Antenna GoDigital AV 1007
  • Low price;
  • Excellent reception quality;
  • Compact;
  • High quality and durable construction.
  • Not detected.

Antenna Delta Digit.5V


  • Device type: room active;
  • Reception of digital channels: yes;
  • UHF signal: yes;
  • Gain: 23 dB;
  • Wave impedance: 75 Ohm;
  • Cable length: 3.5 m;
  • Frequency range: UHF 470-791 (61-81 channels).

The room device is designed to receive digital television channels through a set-top box. An amplifier is integrated into the device, which allows you to increase the signal level. The antenna itself does not have a power supply, the source is designed to supply voltage from a digital set-top box. Delta digit 5V consumes 5W. If it is not possible to install the device as close as possible to the tower, you can receive the reflected signal. The device is quite easy to set up and install with your own hands. This model is perfect for both city and suburban use. Price of the device: 650 rubles.

Antenna Delta Digit.5V
  • Compact design;
  • Perfectly catches the signal;
  • Provides 20 digital channels when properly installed.
  • Flimsy packaging, you need to be careful when transporting.

Antenna BBK DA17


  • Accommodation: room;
  • Type: active;
  • With screen protection function to reduce interference;
  • Reception of digital channels: yes;
  • Gain of VHF and UHF signals: 28 dB;
  • Noise factor: 4 dB;
  • Power supply: from 220W (with an adapter) or from a set-top box;
  • Weight: 0.4 kg;
  • Manufacturer: China;
  • Black color;
  • Warranty: 24 months.

Powerful digital TV antenna. This model is capable of catching 20 television channels and three radio signals that can be listened to using a TV. According to customer reviews, this device is also capable of capturing and displaying about 15 analog channels. The device can be powered using: receivers, socket, receiver and TV. And also perfect for receiving a signal for TV with a built-in tuner. This device has a modern design, which allows you to place it both on the surface and hang it on a bracket. It is recommended for high-quality reception to install the device as close as possible to the window. The cost of the device: 950 rubles.

Antenna BBK DA17
  • Perfectly catches channels;
  • Picks up FM stations;
  • Lightweight construction;
  • Power adapter included;
  • Convenient functionality.
  • The device is designed to be mounted on a wall, it will not stand on a flat surface;
  • Short cord for connection; (many users advise not to abandon the model, but simply extend the cable by the missing footage).

Each future user, before purchasing a particular model, must definitely study several important points. Namely: look at reviews on video sites, study ratings, view the most popular models, if possible, visit the store in person and consult with sellers, carefully study the technical characteristics and functionality of the desired devices, compare budget options and more expensive ones.As a rule, the best manufacturers give a long warranty on their equipment, as they are sure that their antennas not only receive and transmit the signal with high quality, but also work for a long time without breakdowns.

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