
  1. general information
  2. Rating of the best books in the genre "Action" for 2022
  3. Conclusion

Rating of the best books in the genre "Action" for 2022

Rating of the best books in the Action genre for 2022

When choosing activities for a pleasant pastime, the choice often falls on watching a television series or on noisy gatherings with the company. However, there are times when there is a desire to be alone with yourself and at the same time spend these moments excitingly.

The simplest and most affordable means of spending a pleasant and useful leisure time is reading books. In addition to the fact that the reader gets acquainted with interesting storylines and characters, he simultaneously increases his vocabulary and improves his grammar skills.

general information

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The book is a universal means of entertainment that you can take with you anywhere due to the affordable and convenient placement:

  • Electronic. A modern person cannot imagine his life without a smartphone, so it is convenient not to spend money on heavy bindings and just download the file to your device.
  • Audiobook. Another option for electronic reading, with the help of which a person does not even have to read it himself - just press a button, and the phone itself will reproduce the desired text.
  • Paper. A classic option that is suitable for aesthetes.

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To choose the right book, you need to rely on your preferences. Based on genre features, we can distinguish:

  • Textbooks that contain a lot of theory, and therefore are unlikely to be suitable for quiet leisure.
  • Reference books, dictionaries and encyclopedias. There are a lot of people who like to read about interesting facts from the world of nature or space, but there is still no talk of plot twists here.
  • Scientific, documentary. These books also contain a lot of interesting information, but they are often presented in a complex, professional language that will be incomprehensible to the average layman.
  • Memoirs. If there is a desire to study someone's biography or learn about some events on behalf of a probable eyewitness, someone's personal diary, which has been published, will be an excellent option.
  • Artistic. It is this category of books that occupies 70% of the bookshelves of stores and is replete with a variety of genres. It is about them that will be discussed in the article.

Where could I buy

  • Throughout the country, there are thousands of bookstores that are able to please readers with an abundance of fiction (Read the city, Bookvoed, Printer, My book, Fix book).
  • You can also buy literature online (Labyrinth, Book24, Myth, Alpina, Chaconne, White City). Also, all the local bookstores listed in the first paragraph have their own websites where you can order.
  • Do not exclude other well-known online stores that also cooperate with book outlets (Wildberries, Ozon, Yandex.Market)

Rating of the best books in the genre "Action" for 2022


Labyrinths of the worlds. Book one. Wrong planet, Ainur Galin

The average price is 199 rubles.

Genres - fighting fiction, hitmen, another world, post-apocalypse.

The book tells the story of Lieutenant Colonel Arkhipov, who lives in the vast icy expanses of the Siberian taiga. Muddy bogs, frost-covered trunks of centuries-old trees, permafrost and cold - for some it is a living hell, but for Denis Arkhipov it is his home, a place that has always thrown up interesting riddles ...

One of these inexplicable mysteries was the appearance of mysterious predators, which had not previously been found on the territory of Siberia. The authorities are confused, and in order to prevent the unrest from growing, the local government writes off the disorder in the taiga as wild animals. However, the deception is exposed when alien monsters attack the settlements, killing the inhabitants and dragging them into the misty forests.

Frightened people leave their homes in horror, creating turmoil and a favorable environment for hunting. Arkhipov, guessing about the origin of the creatures, seeks to help the distressed, however, can he help others when he himself is on the verge of death?

Labyrinths of the worlds. Book one.Wrong planet, Ainur Galin
  • Low cost;
  • Ability to read online;
  • Availability of printed edition;
  • A series of several books.
  • Gray shade of paper;
  • The ink smudges.

Diamonds of Taimba, Milshin S. G., Teplyakova A. N.

The average price is 339 rubles.

Genres - action, adventure, drama.

Ivan Poddubny is a young and promising geologist, who, together with his comrades, sets off for rafting along Podkamennaya Tunguska. Classmates told him a story about an abandoned diamond factory located in the heart of the Evenk taiga - on a tributary of the Taimba River. However, the path to it is dangerous, so only young Tonya, the daughter of a forester, agreed to accompany Ivan. She is well versed in her native area and promises to help the geologist find a diamond cache.

Everything would be fine, but young people do not take into account one thing: the taiga is not a place for carefree walking. Without thinking about the possible dangers that will certainly arise on their way, they go on a dangerous adventure, the price of which may not be diamond deposits, but their own lives.

Diamonds of Taimba, Milshin S. G., Teplyakova A. N.
  • Good print quality;
  • Low price;
  • One-series book.
  • No.

Lyubov Beshenogo, Viktor Dotsenko

The average price is 223 rubles.

Genre - Action.

The severe trials thrown to Savely by fate could not cripple his already wounded soul, but suddenly a new, perhaps even more terrible problem settles in his heart - love. Having fallen in love with a charming girl, he, an ardent fighter against criminal authorities, endangers not only her, but also himself. But, unable to control his feelings, Savely Govorkov retires - for a while he forgets about the underworld and the constant struggle.

However, unlike the hero, the ill-wishers are not asleep - taking advantage of the weakness of the enamored Savely, they hang a false accusation on him, because of which the man is deported from the country and imprisoned in an American prison. Govorkov is waiting for new trials, overcoming which he will be able to restore justice and return to his beloved woman. The hero will have to show everyone his fangs again in order to break out of the restrained shackles, quickly find himself in the arms of a waiting girl and, finally, find himself in his homeland.

Lyubov Beshenogo, Viktor Dotsenko
  • Multi-episode plot;
  • Thriller elements;
  • A small number of pages in each part.
  • Thin pages.

Adjutor, Vladimir Korn

The average price is 375 rubles.

Genres - fantastic action movie, fantasy, historical eras.

Daniel sarr Klimense is a notorious swordsman and favorite of the women of Landargaria. Thanks to his ancient noble family, all roads are open for him, and due to his courage and courage, all these paths are cleared from dangers and enemies.

He does not believe in fate, does not believe in the Five-faced, and even more so does not recognize the existence of magic. He relies only on his sharp rapier and cunning. One day his good friend, an equally noble native of the aristocratic class, was appointed governor of the distant Cloundston. Klimense volunteers to accompany his long journey, but he does not even suspect that in this dangerous journey they will face the intrigues of new ill-wishers, political adventures and love affairs.

The path turns out to be long, the thoughts in the head of the adamant Daniel become even more with each mile traveled, and then he begins to doubt the meaning of his existence ... the hero will have to reconsider his priorities and put together the soul of a lonely warrior, split into hundreds of fragments ...

Adjutor, Vladimir Korn
  • Hard cover;
  • Low cost;
  • No revealed.


Six of Crows, Lee Bardugo

The average price is 550 rubles.

Genres - action, science fiction, fantasy, underworld, mysticism.

Ketterdam is a seemingly ordinary town full of friendly people and cute little shops. It is this side that appears before the unknowing visitors - a beautiful picture hiding a gloomy substrate.

Kaz Brekker is one of the representatives of the criminal world of the town, making everyone who gets in his way tremble. Not a single person has yet seen his hands without black gloves, and those who were lucky enough to see them will never tell about it again ... Everyone knows him, but nothing is known about him - a lonely wanderer looking for profitable deals and spending earned banknotes in a casino and brothels. He is a brilliant blackmailer, regular customers know the mafiosi as a skilled robber and, for that matter, a cold-blooded killer who masterfully clears his tracks.

Well, the criminal went on as usual, until a very interesting deal turned up ... by pleasing the customer, Kaz will receive fabulous money, without completing the task - he will surely lay down his head and endanger all those who are on the list to protect privileged gentlemen.

Whether he will catch a big jackpot and whether he will be able to save thousands of destinies depends on Brekker and his team. The blackmailer's companions are just as desperate and not clinging to life people.This desperate desire to die brought them together - six "ravens" who defied fate.

A very young boy who doesn’t even know how to properly hold a weapon in his hands, an experienced shooter from a gang of Dregs, on whose account there are already more than one hundred ruined lives, a powerful witch who can drive you crazy with one glance, a hunter who shadows people like her, and a young gymnast from the most famous brothel. Kaz united them under his command in order to reach the end together. However, everyone has different goals, which means that the end of each of them will have its own ...

Six of Crows, Lee Bardugo
  • Recognition as a world bestseller;
  • Large circulation;
  • Quality printing;
  • Thousands of positive reviews.
  • High price.

Jack Reacher: Killing Field, Lee Child

The average price is 520 rubles.

Genres - detective, thriller, crime world.

Margrave is a cozy, prosperous town on the outskirts of the United States, where Jack Reacher resides in an attempt to forget his police past and start a new life. However, Jack's quiet life ends before it even begins - he is immediately detained on suspicion of murder. For thirty years the city has prospered and has not heard of such atrocities, and it is after the unwarranted arrival of Reacher that Margreve is shocked by a series of brutal murders.

Now the former policeman has only one task - to prove that he did not kill anyone, and to find the true killer. The longer the case goes on, the faster the number of victims increases. Tensions rise, people in panic leave the city in the hope of saving themselves and their families. The dead have nothing in common, except for the atrocities committed against them.

To prove his good name, Jack begins his own investigation, which, as he approaches the real criminal, becomes more and more dangerous and grandiose.

Jack Reacher: Killing Field, Lee Child
  • Hard cover;
  • A series of several books;
  • Featured by the New York Times.
  • High price.


Myriad autumns (Sword of the heart, mountains and rivers), Meng Xishi.

The average price is 2500 rubles.

Genres - Fantasy, Adventure, Romance, Drama, Action, Wuxia (a genre based on the frequent mention of traditional Chinese fighting styles).

Yan Wushi, disillusioned with humanity, made his way out of other people's bones and rivers of blood. He hated people, considered them unworthy because of useless wars and stupid squabbles. Yan lost hope of seeing the bright side in the inhabitants of the earth, he no longer believed in human kindness. And even more so, he could not imagine that there is still a person in the world who is bright, highly moral and disinterested.

One day, Shen Qiao, the head of the Xuandu Mountain Order, one of the best and most popular Taoist schools in the Middle Kingdom, was attacked by enemies and, as a result, was thrown off a cliff by deceit. Yan Wushi, who happened to be at the site of the fall of the young warrior, decides to take advantage of the weakness of the blind and memory-lost Qiao – Yan Wushi wants to capture Xuandu with the help of the wounded head, however…

The closer Ushi gets to know Qiao, the weaker his desire to take advantage of the uncomplaining young man becomes. In the end, he again questions the question of the ultimate corruption of mankind, while new enemies appear on his horizon.

Will Yan be able to resist the strongest clan leaders or will he still have to resort to the help of hated people? Will Shan Qiao be able to change the vision of his new master or let Yan fall into the abyss...?After all, who is able to remain eternal after myriad autumns?

Myriad Autumns (Sword of the Heart, Mountains and Rivers), Meng Xishi
  • Availability of screening;
  • Large fanbase;
  • Possibility of free reading;
  • Several translations into Russian;
  • Accurate transfer of the surroundings of the life of Ancient China;
  • The book comes with dozens of nice bonuses (notebooks, bookmarks, magnets, etc.).
  • Very high price.

Blessing of the Celestials, Moxiang Tongsu

The average price is 1100 rubles.

Genres - fantasy, magical realism, action, drama.

A long time ago, when every self-respecting aristocrat had a whole hundred dependent souls, and the emperor dared to execute an innocent only based on his own desire, Xie Lian was the crown prince of the great Xianle Empire. Fortune endowed him with everything she could find in her deep pockets: a beautiful face, bright kind eyes, virginal purity and disinterested love for all living things. His people prophesied glory, and those close to him prophesied a great future.

Soon, for all his merits, Lian became a Deity, however, having overestimated his strength, he did not cope with the assigned mission of the Guardian - he is expelled from Heaven and forced to wander the earth for eight hundred years, until he finds the strength to return.

Upon returning to the Heavenly Halls, he learns that the lands of the Gods, once prosperous and fragrant with tranquility, are disturbed by the dark forces of the most powerful demon. Will Xie Lian be able to face the mysterious enemy?

Or will the so-called “enemy” turn out to be the closest friend? ..

Blessing of the Celestials, Moxiang Tongsu
  • Circulation over a million copies;
  • World fame;
  • Screen adaptation;
  • High ratings;
  • Quality printing;
  • Hard laminated cover;
  • Stitched binding;
  • Bright illustrations inside;
  • Double work.
  • High price.


First of all, in order to choose a worthwhile book, you need to decide on your genre preferences. Even action films are divided into dozens of subspecies - someone will prefer adventure stories with dragons and knights, and someone will want to immerse themselves in the atmosphere of gangster realism.

In bookstores, you can always read the annotation on the back cover, and if the buyer makes an order through the online service, you can easily find the description of the book in the "Characteristics" section.

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