What is a human personality? Nobody is born ready-made. In the process of growth and life, the influence of the environment, a person changes, and often not for the better. The lack of brain training and the desire to become better leads to the degradation of the personality and the development of pathological inclinations.
When a person is young, with the right upbringing and attitude to life, it seems to him that with a certain amount of work and perseverance, one can reach unprecedented heights. And often achievements come, but something is missing. There is a need to recognize yourself as a person. I want to understand my purpose. This condition is not measured by money and is not treated with pills. However, an easy way to improve the psychological state is an interesting book for self-improvement.
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Now you can often meet people who read motivational books for self-development. This is especially true for middle-aged people and thinking youth, among whom psychology and related literature are quite widespread. The popularity of self-development books is increasing every year. According to readers, the best authors presenting their works are not only smart recommendations with practical advice, but also easy to read.
"Everyone has the features of a small child."
This book is one of the cult among other books about human relationships. Bestseller of 2016. Written by an interpersonal relationship expert.The author - Eric Berne, has developed his own system that can help people get rid of the influences of life scenarios and create their own scenario, which, in turn, is able to control people's behavior. This system can show what real freedom is and how to find it, and the book also promotes personal growth. In this work, you can find a lot of useful and necessary advice that gives an understanding in the field of human communication and relationships, for example, about the causes of conflict situations, about the reason for other people's actions. Bern believes that the fate of each person is determined in childhood, but if a person wants, he can manage it at a more mature age.
After the publication of this book, the readability of books in the psychological genre has increased in the country. People have an interest in psychology. This book is a worldwide bestseller.
Writer Eric Lennard Bern is a fairly well-known personality in modern psychology. Berne developed a theory in which he presents human relationships as games. Thanks to this theory, he became world famous.
The book can help you with:
Recommended reading for both men and women. Can be read for free online.
The author of this book will tell you why diligence is not so important for success, for this you just need to know who you are.
“Everything you know about success is wrong. Set goals. Work hard. Be persistent. You can repeat this recipe for success, even if you wake you up at night and ask. And it doesn't work - not for you, not for anyone else."
Working all day, a person always gets tired by the end of the day, but still cannot get closer to his goal. In fact, success does not depend on what a person does, but on who he himself is.
Having studied more than a thousand stories of famous people from science, politics, economics, sports, Dan Waldsmith made such a conclusion. Many examples can be given:
All these people are a shining example for other people. The stories collected in this book will teach you a lot, inspire you, and become an incentive to achieve your goals.
This book will help those people:
Both parts of the book tell you how to get inspired to achieve your goals, how to change your life.
The author of this book is Larisa Parfentyeva. As soon as this book appeared on the website of the MIF publishing house, people immediately fell in love with it. More than once they wrote their stories about how this book helped them.
"Waiting for a miracle. I dreamed that one day a courier would call at my door and say: “Hello, I am from the Mikhail Prokhorov Foundation. Mikhail found out here that you are a very talented person. And so here's five million rubles for you. Surrender is not necessary - this is for you to find yourself. Imagine, I waited for several years, but the courier never came. Here's the problem"
The article will help answer many questions, for example:
The circulation of the book is huge. For fans of the genre, the book by a Russian author and a Russian publishing house has become a bestseller and topped many ratings of quality books on self-development.
“Old, traditional, ingrained, widespread human attitudes are becoming obsolete. The question stands as follows: either the old installations will die and new ones will appear, or our civilization will not survive.
Virginia Satir, a foreign writer, practicing psychologist, conducts many family consultations, her main topic for counseling is the family and relationships within the family itself. After a long time of living together, when the wedding and the first months of living together are over, relationships within the family are changing. Every day husband, wife, parents, children together. Over time, the days become boring, heavy. How you can change this situation, how to start - all this is described in the book with kind and subtle humor, the belief that every person has the ability for personal growth. This book will help not only people who have problems in family internal relationships, but also those who strive to make their family happy in order to learn how to build a new life.
Book Description:
This book tells a very interesting story that will help answer many questions:
“Self-control is the iron from which the steel of character is forged. On the wings of will you will soar under the heavens, where you will be filled with the grace of a happy life. The one who has lost his will is like a caravan left in the desert without a guide, like a ship without a captain: inevitable death awaits him.
Who will benefit from this book
Written by Donald Trump, Robert Kiyosaki
This book may be of interest to people who would like to have a successful business. They are characterized by such traits as concentration and purposefulness. They have great enthusiasm and passion for achieving goals. And despite the fact that some of the goals have already been achieved by Donald and Robert, they do not stop and go further.
“Concentrate all your thoughts on the work you are doing. The sun's rays cannot ignite anything until they are focused at one point.
The introduction tells about a man who loved mechanics since childhood. He set a goal: to create a new way of life for ordinary people. This man worked hard, created various products, and each subsequent one was somewhat better than the previous one. Thus, he was able to open his own company. But many people could not understand the purpose of this entrepreneur. He faced many problems, failures and self-doubt. But one phrase saved him: “Failure is an opportunity to start all over again, but smarter.”
The main theme of this book is to motivate people. The brilliant J. Rine believes that motivation is a kind of source of energy, an impulse that inspires you to achieve your goals. She will talk about how to overcome fear, take the first step towards your goal. Many people depend on their attitudes, habits, which in turn control people. All this is shown on concrete examples, which she will give, and tell how to stop obeying them.
“In order to change something in your life,” she said, “a person must ask himself what need is being satisfied by his behavior at the current moment. Otherwise, he will not be able to change anything, no matter how hard he tries.
Ryan gives a lot of advice, for example:
“Remember more often the words spoken by Stephen Covey: “Before you climb the ladder to success, make sure it is leaning against the building you need”
This book reveals methods and gives advice that can take a person out of their comfort zone and help them achieve big goals. For example:
This book will help answer some of the most common questions:
“True integrity is about consistently making good choices, keeping promises to yourself, not losing heart in difficult times, and being 100% accountable for your results. That's the formula for success."
Often this is due to the fact that a person cannot take up his goal, concentrate and go towards it. Many of the works included in this book talk about goal setting.It teaches you to make achieving your goals a habit. A difficult and seemingly impossible goal, with the help of concentration, will become common and quite easy to achieve. This book will make it clear that old habits need to be replaced with new and more useful ones. Then it will become easier to work, you can even improve your personal life.
A person suffers from the fact that he cannot combine personal life and work, does not allocate time correctly and lacks funds. In order not to spin like a squirrel in a wheel, you need to be able to keep everything under control, to properly organize your life. This wonderful book can help you figure it all out.
“Create yourself and inspire others. By choosing your desire, you inspire others to follow this path. By following your destiny day by day, you influence not only what you create for your work, but also who you become. This is how work and life merge. By choosing “I want”, you create yourself.”
This book is able to inspire a person to search for himself and his vocation. El Luna divided frequently asked questions into “necessary” and “want”. Need - personifies what a person does for someone, but want - personifies the dreams that lie in the depths of the soul. The author himself says that this book inspires and can push to action, but all the answers and solutions lie in the person himself. The book opens many doors, gives choice, gives confidence and motivation. This book can show you the way to go.But a person should not stand still. The work can help those who want to find themselves, their vocation, make changes in their lives and careers.
The above rating of quality books on self-development is not final. Human self-development is too broad a concept that cannot be placed in the top ten best books.
In order to correctly navigate the variety of literature offered on the topic, it is necessary to take into account the advice of psychologists:
Which book is better to buy, what to look for when buying, it is up to the buyer to decide. It should be remembered that the right book will benefit its owner, and mistakes in choosing, at best, will simply be worth the lost time.