
  1. Rating of high-quality and noteworthy books on psychology
  2. Criteria for choosing books on the psychology of relationships
  3. Conclusion

Ranking of the best books on the psychology of relationships in 2022

Ranking of the best books on the psychology of relationships in 2022

Book - a source of knowledge that does not have a statute of limitations, and a person is the base from which data for writing manuscripts come. It is difficult to imagine the number of destinies and relationships that have passed over the centuries, which have not developed in the most favorable way. The psychology of relationships is a new direction in helping people in need, a chance to find balance in the state of mind. The review presents a rating of the best books on the psychology of relationships from well-known authors with many years of experience.

Rating of high-quality and noteworthy books on psychology

The list compiled the top best psychology books to date. They differ in writing style, genre and purpose. The review includes both foreign and domestic manuscripts that can be used for amateur reading and personal development or as part of the learning process.

Each information source has a brief description, numbers (eg number of pages), and positive/negative opinions based on reader feedback.

P. Zygmantovich “Psychology through and through. M+F"
votes 0

The book was written by a family psychologist who has been helping people in relationships for over 15 years. The world-famous author is the creator of the well-known psychological blogs "Runet", a participant in the television project "Psychology Takeaway" and a publicist of a large number of articles. The highlight of the writer is his revelation: he can speak "straight" on any topic. In his book, the writer divided the content into main blocks:

  • Strong women;
  • Loneliness;
  • Civil marriage;
  • sexual problems;
  • Treason;
  • Divorce.

Book cover "M+F"

He tried to consider all the acute problems of everyday life. The book is suitable for young and unmarried girls, as well as family people. It will help not only to cope with the problem that has arisen, but also to prevent the emergence of new ones, and will also provide an opportunity to look at the world “in different colors”. All conclusions of the author are based on the example of life situations.

Basic information:

The year of publishing2018
Series Psychology#KnowHow
Circulation 2 thousand
Writer Pavel Zygmantovich
Binding solid
Genre Love and relationships; Family psychology; Popular about psychology
Illustrations 12 pieces
Number of pages230
publishing house AST
Indication number2654065
The weight 350 grams
Format (centimeters):22/14,3/2,5
Age limit16+
Price 340 rubles
P. Zygmantovich “Psychology through and through. M+F"
  • From the series "News";
  • Written in simple language;
  • It is read in one gulp in a few hours, in one breath;
  • Reliance on fundamental scientific knowledge and the latest research;
  • The presence of detailed examples of real people;
  • Getting comprehensive answers;
  • The format of the book allows you to systematize knowledge;
  • All statements with evidence;
  • Lots of useful knowledge;
  • Sequential;
  • The author does not promise a magic pill.
  • A couple of negative reviews from readers who do not agree with the writer's point of view.

S. Nartova-Bochaver "Psychology of Personality and Interpersonal Relations"
votes 0

Who: students, teachers of psychology.

The purpose of the manual: to make it easier to prepare a course on the psychology of personality and interpersonal relationships.

Where it is used: Universities, higher schools.

Who wrote the textbook: a professor at the Moscow City Psychological and Pedagogical University.

The second edition from Sofya Kimovna Nartova-Bochaver includes in the review the most acute problems of general and social psychology. The guide is well structured. It is equipped with an interesting presentation of the text with illustrations, which contributes to the rapid assimilation of the material. The content of the book includes two main sections: "Psychology of Personality" and "Psychology of Interpersonal Relations".

Book cover design "Psychology of Personality"

This tutorial can be studied through electronic resources: mobile application, laptop or tablet.This option is very convenient for students because you can study the manuscript at any time and in any place, for example, in transport, on the way to school or home.

Basic information:

publishing house Yurayt
Publication year2018
Product ID2639144
Series author's textbook
Circulation 4
Pages 262
Cover glossy, hard
Weight 450 g
Dimensions (centimeters):24,5/16/1,5
Author Nartova-Bochaver S.K.
Genre General psychology; Textbooks and manuals for universities
average price870 rubles
S. Nartova-Bochaver "Psychology of Personality and Interpersonal Relations"
  • There is an electronic version;
  • Fascinating;
  • It is provided with rich didactic material;
  • Promotes self-development;
  • There are answers to any questions;
  • You can view the abstract for free, study the entire book through the electronic library online;
  • Easy to read;
  • Several parts.
  • Not detected.

S. Greenspan S. Wieder "On you with autism"
votes 0

Who: People who work with children who have autism spectrum disorders: relatives, professionals, teachers or students.

Why: Helping young children, teenagers or adults to develop communication and thinking skills to enter into the daily rhythm of life.

The front side of the book "On you with autism"

The book was written by a foreign expert in this field, MD, Professor of Psychiatry Stanley Greenspent - one of the world's high-level experts. Most recently, it was translated into Russian (previously it was published in English), giving many compatriots hope for a prosperous future for their loved ones with disabilities.

The FLOORTIME method described in the book involves conducting classes with the participation of all family members through emotional contact.

General information:

Author Greenspan S.
On sale in Russiansince 2018
Genres:Child and foreign psychology; Foreign educational literature
Interpreter A. Ilyin-Tomich
Series Therapeutic Pedagogy
Manufacturer Terevinf
Pages 512
vendor code V084368/9785421204749
Download format:FB2, .PDF, .EPUB
Net weight634 g
For what age6-7 years old
Dimensions (centimeters):22/3,2/15,3
The year of publishing2014
What is the price545 rubles
S. Greenspan S. Wieder "On you with autism"
  • Clear and consistent presentation of material on working with children;
  • The long-awaited edition in Russian;
  • Volumetric;
  • Inexpensive;
  • useful;
  • For children with disabilities: narrow specialization of the desired direction;
  • Description of effective techniques.
  • Not identified.

R. A. Abdurakhmanov "Social psychology of personality, communication, group and intergroup relations"
votes 0

Who: bachelors, undergraduates and graduate students,

For what: personal development, educational activities.

The manual tells about the problems of social relations, introduces the basic concepts and trends in psychology, the development of domestic and foreign psychology, and much more. The book consists of several blocks, each of which is a mini-textbook with a theoretical and practical part, including a list of references, assignments, questions and tests for self-control, a terminological dictionary and a section with answers.

Cover of the textbook on the psychology of personality, communication and group

General information:

Circulation 100
Pages 386
publishing houseIP Air Media
Author Abdurakhmanov R.
Number of modules4 things.
A seriesuniversity textbook
The year of publishing2018
Cover soft, glossy
The weight 480 g
Number of pages368
Item Number2678865
Format (centimeters):21/14,6/1,9
average cost2200 rubles
R. A. Abdurakhmanov "Social psychology of personality, communication, group and intergroup relations"
  • There is all the necessary knowledge to learn how to interact with people around;
  • cognitive;
  • The meaning of the main terms is revealed;
  • Novelty;
  • Accompanied by practical tasks;
  • Interesting;
  • With a modular system: information is better absorbed.
  • Not for all.

T. Butler-Bowdon "50 great books on psychology"
votes 0

For whom: fans of an indefinite genre.

The book is available in two languages. It helps to understand oneself, understand the natural essence of a person, improve relationships and increase their effectiveness. The manuscript contains the main ideas from the 50 major books on psychology, which favorably affect the process of self-realization. Each review included in the book is aimed at the widest possible audience. The manuscript is known throughout the world for its simplicity and for providing exhaustive answers to the most important questions in life.

Book cover design for 50 Great Books

General information:

Author Butler Bowdon T.
publishing house Eksmo
Year 2018
Product ID2676103
Series Psychological bestseller
Interpreter Sokolova V.D.
Number of pages448
Parameters (centimeters):24,1/16,7/2,4
Genre mix:Science, Education, Psychology
The weight 730 g
Binding hard, paper
For age16+
Circulation 3000
By cost530 rubles
T. Butler-Bowdon "50 great books on psychology"
  • For the common man;
  • Possibility of free downloading from the Internet;
  • Exciting;
  • Simple submission of information;
  • Informative review;
  • Reduces time for studying many books;
  • The presented material is built on the theory and conclusions of great people;
  • Combination of genres;
  • Easy to read.
  • Not identified.

A. V. Lyzlov "Psychology before psychology"
votes 0

Who: Children and adults.

The book, written by Alexei Vasilyevich Lyzlov, is based on the memoirs of Nadzhin Mustafa. She was born with cerebral palsy and went through a thorny path in a wheelchair from the war in Syria to Germany. The main goal of the heroine is to draw public attention to the forced Syrian refugees. Her story is an example of courage and heroism. To read this book, you do not need deep knowledge in the field of psychology. Using the example of a life situation, the author tries to convey an important idea: the world must change and people themselves can change their reality.

The second book "Psychology to Psychology", appearance

The author's course considers psychology before its formation into an independent discipline. The writer encourages the reader to think about the issues that are relevant today.

General information:

publishing house Ripol-Classic
Year of issue2018
A seriesLectures PRO
Number 2625798
Cover typesoft paper
Net weight360 g
Pages 288
Author A.V. Lyzlov
Age limit12+
Dimensions (centimeters):21/14/1,5
approximate price550 rubles
A. V. Lyzlov "Psychology before psychology"
  • Makes you act;
  • Live explanation of the material;
  • simple perception;
  • Wide range of readers;
  • Fascinating reading;
  • Emotionally written;
  • Psychology of attitude towards oneself and others.
  • Not identified.

"Psychology of relationships"
votes 0

The problem under consideration: how to build a relationship between lovers?

The review presents a collection of 6 books on the psychology of relationships.Half of them were written by Galina Borisovna Sheremeteva - head of the school of spiritual development, teacher, psychologist, healer and holder of many other titles, and the other half belongs to the modern trainer-psychologist, domestic master of the philosophy of success, a specialist in the field of building relationships in the family Alexander Anatolyevich Markitanov. Each manuscript addresses a certain range of issues and is intended for a narrow circle of people.

A series of books on psychology from 2 authors, side view

"I am a man" - for the male half. A book about understanding between two people of different sexes. A good assistant in building new or maintaining old relationships. Content with practical tips on how to improve communication skills, recognize the mood of a woman and enrich mutual attraction.

"I am a woman" - for experienced ladies. The purpose of the book is to teach women to interact with their energies. The result of which will be the construction of a world where there is no evil, grief and misfortune.

“The most charming and attractive” is about the relationship between a woman and a man. The goal is to learn to understand each other, to create individual happiness, to maintain relationships. The book will help to understand how men see this world, and will become a guide for mastering the techniques for establishing warm relationships.

"What is love. Patterns of Success". After studying the manuscript, it will become clear where to start, so that the love between two people is pure and forever. The author proposes to start the path from the foundation - "love for yourself."

"Technology of life ... and what do children have to do with it?" - for families with children. Writing encourages parents to look at their child from the other side and try to see in him the talent that the child is endowed with.To teach a child to develop not only in personal spiritual growth, but also in creating worthy traditions for new generations.

"Firebirds Don't Fly in Flocks" is a book about love. It reveals the problem of how to improve in love and find an approach to your soulmate.

General information:

publishing house Amrita-Rus
Year of issue2017
Product ID2615629
Net weight890 g
Number of books included6 pcs.
For age0+
Format (centimeters):19,9/12,5/5,4
The authors Alexander Markitanov and Galina Sheremeteva
average cost680 rubles
Relationship psychology A. Markitanov
  • Answers many life questions;
  • Available in price;
  • Collection of "works";
  • Easy to read;
  • Written in simple language;
  • For any age category and gender;
  • small volumes;
  • Popular books among the younger generation.
  • Not detected.

T. Fedel "Alone and happy"
votes 0

To: everyone

Who wrote the book: TV presenter, writer Tamsin Fedel.

The book focuses on step-by-step rehabilitation after a breakup, at the end of which a person completely restores his state of mind and creates a new happy union. When writing the text, the author relied on her bitter experience and experiences, which miraculously did not drive her crazy.

Design of the book "Alone and Happy"

General information:

Genre family psychology
Author Tamsin Fedel
Quality originally electronic, hardcover (paper)
Pages 334
Weighs 15.1 MB
Product ID2597919
publishing house Alpina Publisher
release date2018
Interpreter Desyatova Maria
Circulation 2000
The weight 500 g
Age limit0+
Size (centimeters):21,5/14,5/2
Price 430 rubles
T. Fedel "Alone and happy"
  • No age restrictions;
  • Good to read;
  • The manuscript is full of simple advice;
  • understandable;
  • Many liked it very much;
  • The book is recommended by most readers;
  • invigorating;
  • Inspiring hope for the best.
  • More suitable for women.

J. Korchak "How to love a child"
votes 0

The book was written by a teacher, doctor, public figure - Janusz Korczak.

For whom: parents.

A book about the relationship between parents and children. Helps adults to understand children, direct energy in the right direction. Suitable for reading to future moms and dads. The content of the book is available for free study in Internet resources.

Book cover for How to Love a Child

General information:

The year of publishing2014
Number of pages340
Author Ersh Henrik Goldschmit - real name
Genre Child psychology
Series Library Yu.B. Gippenreiter
publishing houseAST
Interpreter Senkevich K. E.
The weight 470 g
Parameters (centimeters):22/14,5/2,7
Number 430258
Price 480 rubles
J. Korchak "How to love a child"
  • Understanding the essence of the child;
  • Formation of ideas about the child as a person;
  • Design;
  • Compactness;
  • Price;
  • Valuable thoughts;
  • Innovative ideas for raising children;
  • It makes it possible to defocus attention and look at the situation from a different angle;
  • Helps to think about the attitude of us adults to children;
  • Guide, about love, about education, about relationships;
  • Pleasant to hold in hand;
  • The book of a great teacher.
  • “If you need specific steps and recommendations, they are not here”;
  • There was a feeling of understatement;
  • abstract reasoning.

A. K. Bolotova "Applied Psychology"
votes 0

To: university psychology students, teachers of higher educational institutions, psychologists

Why: to help in mastering the experience of various areas of applied psychology and psychological counseling.

Illustration of the cover of the book "Applied Psychology"

The textbook is full of questionnaires, tests and diagnostic tasks with detailed assessment criteria. The material contributes to the rapid development of the subject, which will later be applied in practice by specialists to establish relationships with people.

General information:

Book release year2018
publishing houseYurayt
Series Bachelor and Master. academic course
Number of pages341
Binding hard, glossy
Format (centimeters):24,5/16/1,9
ID number2668161
Author A.K. Bolotov
average price1100 rubles
A. K. Bolotova "Applied Psychology"
  • High-quality selection of material;
  • Applied methods for better perception of the text;
  • Information is quickly read and assimilated;
  • Available for free use in electronic form;
  • Novelty;
  • Quality at the highest level;
  • An excellent assistant for mastering the profession of a psychologist.
  • Not detected.

Criteria for choosing books on the psychology of relationships

From the available publications, and there are thousands of them, it is difficult to choose a suitable manuscript. How to choose a book on the psychology of relationships? You need to make clear instructions for yourself:

  1. What is the book for?
  2. What questions need to be answered?
  3. In what format is it preferable to see the manuscript: material or electronic?
  4. Who is the book for?
  5. With pictures or without?
  6. What language is it printed in?
  7. What is the budget for the purchase?
  8. Russian or foreign publishing house?
  9. Bulky or thin manuscripts?

Having answered all these questions, the search circle will immediately narrow, and the buyer will easily determine which book is better and what to look for when purchasing it.

Picture, lovers on the shore

As for the authors.Many people have their own preferences, however, if you read the reviews of readers about the book you are interested in, it is easy to determine whether it was worth it to get involved.

For educational processes, teachers themselves give a list of books that you need to read, for example, for the summer period, or at least just get acquainted. Recommended manuals are not always easy for students to understand, so it is worth studying the annotation to the book and a little study of the author's biography.

For amateur reading or if you need to study a narrow range of issues, just look at the contents of the book.

Books can be with photographs, tests, tips, practical tasks, written based on the facts of life situations, etc.

Picture, stack of books

The reader may agree with the author's opinion, or may argue with some points of the material presented, however, "how many people, so many opinions." It is important to remember that all relationship psychology solves the same problem, but uses different methods for this.


The presented line of the best books on the psychology of relationships is visually divided into categories:

  • The relationship between a man and a woman;
  • The relationship between parent and child;
  • The relationship of people in society.

The first category includes books that solve problems ranging from self-knowledge to maintaining family ties.

The second category is an understanding of children, their personal growth and assistance in adapting to the world around them.

The third category is educational literature, which provides knowledge about the whole science and its individual sections for the correct application of the acquired knowledge in working with people.

By price category, books are divided into expensive, budget and free.You can get a free book to study the material either in the library or via the Internet (not for all manuals).

The above list of literature is the best and most popular books on the psychology of relationships for this year. Almost all publications are published a year ago, which indicates a fresh perception of the authors of the modern style of communication between people. Some books have been published for a long time, but in Russian they appeared on sale quite recently.

Picture, literature study

The popularity of books among the children's population is occupied by those that come to the shelves with pictures. So the child easily and quickly masters the necessary literature.


  • The most anticipated books: "On you with autism ..." and "Alone and happy";
  • Bestseller - a set of six books: “Psychology of relationships. I am a woman. I'm a man. The most charming and attractive. Firebirds do not fly in flocks. Technology of life. What is love";
  • Translated into many languages: "50 great books on psychology";
  • Inexpensive books - everything from 0 to 500 rubles;
  • Average price category - from 500 to 1000 rubles;
  • Expensive - over 1000 rubles;
  • The best authors are those whose books are in the top ten.

According to readers, the books on the psychology of relationships listed above with their advantages and disadvantages turned out to be worthy of attention. Which book is better to buy is a personal matter for each reader.


