Over the past 100 years, humanity has made a big leap in its development, but at the same time it has moved away from nature, inner harmony and, most importantly, health. It is from the lack of all this that people are trying to find sources of knowledge that would give them harmony and longevity. And these health methods in India have been known for more than 5 thousand years and they are called Ayurveda. Even for an ordinary person, far from Ayurvedic means of healing, the popularity of books in this direction is beyond doubt. Therefore, this article will consider popular books that will be useful for both beginners and fans of the genre.
Ayurveda combines all areas related to human health. This is medicine, and biology, and food preferences, and hygiene, etc. What to pay attention to is that the control of one's own body is only in the head, and everyone can find the key to control and use it. And the list of popular books below will help in this.
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Author: Sara Lai
Year of publication: 2008
Publisher: Grand Fair
Sarah Lai, who wrote this book, is a respected journalist who studies Ayurveda in India and has a merited diploma in Ayurvedic medicine.
This publication no longer presents recipes and prohibitions, but very painstakingly and intelligibly explains the very essence of this ancient philosophy, its relevance in the modern world, and how it can help each person individually become healthy and find harmony with the world around.
Here, anyone can better know themselves, their strengths and weaknesses, and it is explained where to start learning. The criteria for choosing the right achievement of harmony and health in this book are based on the initial passing of the test and the determination of one's psychophysical type, with which all further recommendations are associated. Slowly, step by step, the reader is moving towards inner harmony, not subject to stress, great well-being and a general improvement in the quality of life.
This material is recommended for beginners.It is interesting, fascinating and easy to read, and gradually on 320 pages the very basis of this philosophical knowledge and its practical application in life is revealed.
In addition, the style of narration is very clear and friendly, and all methods are fully disclosed, leaving no questions for the reader.
The average price for this book bestseller, which is a must-read for all beginners in the study of Ayurveda, is 130 rubles.
Author: Kavi Raj
Publication year: 2007
Publisher: Svyatoslav
The author of the book, Kavi Raj, is a large father of six children, without whom he would not have been able to write this guide for parents. Observing his patients and his family, he came to the conclusion that each child has its own individual characteristics of the constitution, which are associated with health, and the nutrition he needs, and his behavior in general.
The writer will tell not only about the proper nutrition of the child, but also about dangerous allergens and the level of chemicals in the house, how a cold begins, about correct breathing and physical development. It also discusses feeding children depending on the season, the amount of water that you need to drink during the day and many other factors related to the health of the baby and his personal self-improvement.
According to readers, this ingenious book concerns the most intimate: the health of children, so it occupies the top places in the ranking of useful and high-quality books in this genre.It is important to read it in order to learn to understand your child and act for his benefit.
This book is interesting and useful. The book is translated into Russian very high quality and easy to read and understand.
These are 332 pages that you need to read in order not to make terrible mistakes when choosing the methods of education and, moreover, the treatment and preservation of the child's health.
The average price for this publication about a healthy lifestyle for a child is 893 rubles, but it can be read in electronic form for free.
Authors: Subotyalov M.A., Druzhinin V. Yu.
Year of publication: 2015
Publisher: Philosophical book
This work contains the original Ayurvedic text in Sanskrit, which the authors of the book have translated and subjected to deep analysis. It presents how Ayurvedic medicine has historically developed from its origins to the present day, its characteristics and differences from traditional medicine.
This philosophical knowledge about spiritual development is intended for a wide audience, and the press of the Russian edition and domestic authors presented very complex material in an accessible style, so all the information is captivating and read in one breath.
In addition, the authors are great experts in this field. Both writers are doctors and experts in Ayurveda teaching it to physicians.
This work is not voluminous, only 272 pages, but contains a complete overview of all aspects of this ancient philosophy and the best ways to keep your body and spirit in a healthy state.
A large amount of material on this topic can be confusing, since their content is sometimes very contradictory, but here the authors are not guided by reasoning and conjecture, but base their work only on traditional Sanskrit sources. Being ardent supporters of the introduction of these useful principles into modern medicine, they do not bypass this acute issue and give clear explanations on this topic.
Average price: 500 rubles.
Authors: Thomas Yarema, Johnny Brannigan, Daniel Rhoda
Year of publication: 2014
Publisher: Mann, Ivanov and Ferber (MIF)
The peculiarity of this book is that it is divided into several parts. One of them tells in detail exactly what effect the ancient system of Ayurveda has on human health. The second part offers its readers healthy recipes for the body, mind and soul.
This material has absorbed all the time-tested knowledge, achievements of medicine and a recipe from around the world. Writers approach each person individually, therefore, by reading this book, everyone will be able to choose their own health promotion methods based on the main idea of the book: the main source of strength, vigor and good mood is the right food.
The authors reveal the full spectrum of life in Ayurveda, describing the cycle of the day, day and life, and all the recommended advice is associated with these cycles. In addition, here you can learn about the stages of development of diseases and that the most important thing in healing is to listen to your body and understand it and how to learn it.
In the second part, all recipes with illustrations and vivid photographs. For those who cannot immediately refuse meat, meat and fish dishes are offered, but, by and large, they are mainly for vegetarians.
The book was written by the best authors in their fields. Thomas Yarema is a general practitioner and creator of the Ayurvedic diet, Daniel Rhoda is a patient who has been cured by the method of Thomas Yarema and Johnny Brannigan is an international chef.
The text in this work is not standard, but interesting and informative. Reading it, you get a lot of useful information for the body, soul and mind, both for vegetarians and those who simply care about their health.
Average cost of 336 pages “Ayurveda. Healthy recipes with a thousand-year history for modern life” is 2220 rubles.
Author: Vasant Lad
Year of publication: 2003
Publisher: Sattva, Profile
Ayurveda is the official medical system in India and for good reason, as most of the common diseases are cured with it. The natural and individualized treatments recommended in this book are taken from this Indian medical system.
The 320-page text, written in an accessible language and clear step-by-step instructions with practical recommendations for natural, completely safe treatment, will not only familiarize you with the principles of this ancient philosophy, but also apply them in everyday life. And the questionnaire at the beginning of the story will allow you to find out the constitutional type, which will allow you to follow individual recommendations. All methods of treatment are based on the adjustment of foods and useful herbs eaten, yoga and the impact on energy points.
This material was written by Vasanta Lada, a very famous doctor of Ayurvedic medicine. The line of publications from this author is always popular books, which are of great interest to fans of the genre. No one doubts the completeness of his knowledge and great practice in medicine. A series of works by this author is always included in the top books that are required reading for everyone who cares about their health. Therefore, if someone is thinking about the topic: which book is better to buy for healing the body, then undoubtedly this is what you need. In general, everyone who strives for harmony and a full, healthy life should have this edition.
The average price for a publication with a circulation of 1500 copies is 1275 rubles.
Authors: Vasant Lad, David Frawley
Year of publication: 2006
Publisher: Sattva
Another wonderful work by Vasant Lad, written jointly with the equally famous writer, Ayurvedic doctor and Vedic astrologer David Frawley. It also focuses on the health effects of food, only herbs and spices are already covered here.
This material describes more than 250 plants, of which more than 100 are analyzed in great detail. Moreover, the material is adapted to a large audience on all continents, so the plants presented are not all exotic, many can be purchased on the usual Russian market.
All information is written intelligibly and clearly, even for beginners to study Ayurveda. In addition, she is very captivating, especially with her unusual recipes, for example, cooking herbs in milk. But regardless of the simplicity of presentation, it is saturated with deep scientific and systematic.
In 320 pages, the reader will be introduced to many useful herbs and how to prepare them for health benefits. It is recommended to read it to everyone who is fond of traditional medicine and just caring about their health.
How much does this edition cost? One volume will cost about 500 rubles.
Author: Melanie Sash
Year of publication: 2016
Publisher: Sattva
This edition has become a real hit mainly for women, but for men it will not be harmful or useless.
Each reader here will find detailed recommendations for the care of the skin of the face and body, which will no doubt help to multiply the charm and charisma that are so stressed in modern conditions of life.
Melanie Sash touches on the topic of facial cleansing in detail and, of course, this is done only by natural means - herbal powders, the so-called ubtan. For each type of skin, the sets of necessary herbs and how to dilute them are described step by step. In addition to recipes for restoring the skin, its nutrition and hydration, general recommendations are given on food intake and lifestyle. 320 pages of this useful material are based only on the wisdom of Ayurveda, time-tested and all this is very exciting and read in one breath.
Melanie Sash herself is a great professional in this field, and she has a large selection of books on Ayurvedic topics. The foreign writer and her appearance proves that she is an expert in this field.
The prices for this edition are quite inexpensive - about 450 rubles, but there are also not budget ones at all - more than 1000 rubles.
Author: David Frawley
Year of publication: 2008
Publisher: Sattva
The author of the book, David Frawley, has been studying Vedic teachings since the 1980s, and has been invited to many American universities as a teacher for decades.Throughout history, he is the only Westerner recognized in India as a teacher of Vedic wisdom, he is also recognized as a Vedic astrologer, historian and Ayurvedic physician. All novelties of such an authoritative author are always awaited with great impatience. He has a great variety of books on the topic of Ayurveda and health in general, but I would like to highlight "Ayurveda and the Mind: Ayurvedic Psychotherapy".
This edition analyzes in detail all the mental characteristics of the body, but not from the standpoint of traditional medicine, but on the basis of the ancient philosophy of Ayurveda. The functions and reactions of the brain to external stimuli are considered, an extensive review of Ayurvedic therapeutic methods is presented. Among which the main role is occupied by spiritual practices, yoga and meditation. The material gives a complete picture of the Vedic and, based on it, therapeutic knowledge. It is perfect for understanding the principles of Indian ancient knowledge for both beginners and for increasing spiritual knowledge for more advanced people in this topic.
In addition to useful and important knowledge, the advantage of this work is the easy writing style and clear presentation.
Average cost: 650 rubles.
Author: Dolma Jangkhu
Year of publication: 2013
Publisher: LitRes
This work, for the most part, is written on the basis of lectures and recommendations from David Frawley, but the basis of the book is still the author's own concept.
The main theme here is the disease of a person, and it is considered in the prism of karma and Indian philosophy.Many people perceive the disease incorrectly and immediately run to the doctor, but the source of the disease is the false actions and thoughts of the person himself. Therefore, having removed the symptoms and cured the disease, the chance of self-improvement and correcting one's mistakes disappears. Here he tells how, on the basis of ancient healing systems, spiritual practices and meditations, you can not only recover from many diseases, but also completely change your worldview. The main thing is not to rush to the doctors for help, but to accept the challenge of the disease and cope with it on your own, and ancient Indian knowledge gives numerous recommendations on how to do this.
In general, Dolma Jangkhu is one of the names of our compatriot, Maria Vladimirovna Nikolaeva. She is a great specialist in personal psychology, ancient philosophy, and also explores esotericism and mysticism. The main theme of her works, of which there are more than 25 with a total circulation of 110,000 copies, is Eastern culture. Almost her entire life is devoted to spiritual practices, ranging from Christianity to pilgrimages to holy places in India. Her extensive experience in this field is undeniable, so the information in this book can be trusted and the recommendations given in it can be followed. And since a healthy body and spirit do not interfere with anyone, everyone should read this edition. Moreover, its average cost is only 30 rubles.
Author: Deepak Chopra
Year of publication: 2006
Publisher: Sofia
Deepak Chopra is the author of many books on alternative medicine, he has long been called a prophet in this area. An American physician with Indian origin in his work is guided by extensive experience in medicine, psychology, philosophy, as well as the latest achievements of physics and biochemistry. From the title, he provides his readers not with a problem, but with what he will receive after reading the book, and this material is no exception.
After reading it, a person receives an unlimited source of energy, which he can find, both in a harmonious connection with nature, and within himself. All recommendations for combating chronic fatigue, which is the scourge of modern society, are based on extensive knowledge in a variety of sciences, but primarily on the Ayurvedic healing system.
Everything is written in very simple language, but such an uncomplicated style of presentation does not at all beg for the importance of the information contained in it. And since most of humanity is prone to chronic fatigue, these 176 pages will be useful reading for almost everyone.
Average price: 52 rubles.
Author: Yan Razdoburdin
Year of publication: 2018
Publisher: Tsentrpoligraf
The recently released novelty from Jan Razdoburdin can attract many who understand how important the function of the human skin is as a protective barrier from the outside world.
The author of this work, Yan Razdoburdin, is a doctor who graduated from an institute in the Crimea.But at some point he is no longer satisfied with the methods of traditional medicine and he begins to comprehend the ancient philosophy of Ayurveda. The only thing is that he is guided by the treatment not by overseas herbs, but by those that grow under our feet. He himself goes to the mountains in the Crimea and collects medicinal herbs to cure his patients.
In this work of his, the writer reveals information about the condition of the skin, about its reaction to the processes occurring in the body and mind. By the state of the skin, you can get extensive information about human health and no problems can be masked with cosmetics. The book touches not only on skin problems, but also general knowledge about beauty, happiness and spiritual development. A large number of herbal preparations from plants of India, China and those growing in our latitudes are presented.
The author combined Slavic herbal medicine and modern medical research in his creation. This information on 255 pages will be useful to doctors, but the style of presentation, which is easy and accessible for mass reading, will arouse the interest of a wide range of readers.
Average cost: 166 rubles.
Ayurveda, a science with a thousand-year history, combines a holistic and universal idea of a person and, realizing that the main cause of all diseases lies in lifestyle and in physical and spiritual food, based on this, it offers its own recipe for healing.And there is no need to think about how to choose the right method, the richest experience of knowledge takes into account the individual characteristics of each person, helping everyone.