
  1. How Acupuncture Works
  2. The essence of the acupuncture procedure
  3. Types of acupuncture
  4. The most popular acupuncture books: 2022 ranking
  5. Acupressure

Ranking of the best books on acupuncture in 2022

Ranking of the best books on acupuncture in 2022

Acupuncture or acupuncture is the oldest method of treating many diseases without the use of medicines. China is considered its homeland and it has been practiced in the Celestial Empire for more than one thousand years.

There are legends according to which it turns out that this method was first used in ancient China more than four thousand years ago. Much later, people from nearby countries - Mongolia, Japan and Korea - began to use the technique of acupuncture.

In Europe and Russia, acupuncture, as a traditional type of medical treatment, began to be used only at the end of the 20th century. Therefore, books on acupuncture, expanding knowledge in this area, are very relevant.

How Acupuncture Works

Acupuncture is considered the most effective non-drug treatment for many diseases.

With the help of acupuncture, the following diseases can be cured:

  • recurrent or persistent headaches;
  • musculoskeletal and musculoskeletal disorders;
  • digestive disorders;
  • hematopoietic problems;
  • breathing and lung problems;
  • diseases of a neurological nature;
  • gynecological and urological diseases;
  • colic and spasms of various origins;
  • helps to get rid of nicotine and alcohol addiction.

After a course of acupuncture, there is an improvement in the functioning of the immune system, which has a beneficial effect on the general condition of the patient.

The essence of the acupuncture procedure

Reflex effect on the body through special needles of different lengths, which are inserted into certain, depending on the disease, bioactive points.

The impulse from the injection enters the central nervous system, and then to the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe suffering organ. The result of acupuncture healing can be felt immediately after the first session: inflammation decreases and pain is partially relieved, blood circulation improves.


And yet, before prescribing this type of reflexology to a patient, a specialist carefully diagnoses the whole organism, and only after that selects an individual acupuncture method for each individual patient.

With all the effectiveness of treating a wide range of diseases, there are still several categories of people for whom acupuncture, due to age or circumstances, is contraindicated:

  • babies;
  • pregnant women;
  • elderly people over 70 years of age.

Also, this procedure can not be performed on people with the following diseases:

  • tumors of various etiologies, benign or malignant;
  • blood diseases;
  • mental disorders;
  • infectious diseases - AIDS, tuberculosis, venereal diseases and purulent inflammations.

If the patient has a high temperature, or is under the influence of drugs, alcohol, or in case of an acute surgical anomaly, acupuncture is not performed.

Types of acupuncture

In clinics where the methods of oriental medicine are practiced, not only the classic type of acupuncture is used - acupuncture, but also alternative versions of stimulation of human bioactive points.

Electric acupuncture

A relatively new method that allows you to enhance the therapeutic effect of the procedure by connecting needles to an electrical device.

Barely perceptible electrical impulses to the needles improve metabolism, thereby contributing to a faster healing process.

Moxibustion (Ren-qiu)

Non-contact "cauterization" of acupuncture points with biological cigarettes (moxa). They are made from pounded dry Chinese wormwood.

Sometimes cigars consist of different mixtures of medicinal herbs, but wormwood is an obligatory component.

Thus, there is a deep heating of bioactive points, which allows you to relieve spasm and have a sedative effect.

It is believed that this type of acupuncture helps to rejuvenate the skin. To speed up the expected result, the Ren-qiu method is used in combination with other types of reflexology.

Auriculopuncture and auriculopressure

Improvement of the affected organs by reflex action on the acupuncture points located on the auricle.

There are over a hundred points here, each of which is associated with a specific organ.


Acupressure massage of the auricles and the whole body.

Unlike other types of acupuncture, the massage of the bioactive points of the ears has a milder effect and is quite affordable for independent performance. It allows you to relieve a headache, toothache, relax or vice versa, activate internal energy.

The inhabitants of the Celestial Empire are sure that the needles make a passage to release the disease, and cauterization destroys it with heat.

For the implementation of acupuncture, certain sizes of needles are used, depending on the area of ​​\u200b\u200btheir use.

Needles can be disposable, made of metal or stainless steel. And tools for reusable use are covered with silver or gold.

The cost of one acupuncture session in Moscow, depending on its type, varies from 1200 to 6000 rubles. And given that in many regional cities, such specialists are a rare exception, the average cost of the procedure in the periphery is about 3,000 rubles.

Therefore, the desire of many people to learn the art of acupuncture or the skill of acupressure is quite understandable.

Of all the listed types of reflexology for self-mastery by an ordinary person, only the method of finger impact on the energy meridians of a person is available - acupressure. And in order to master acupuncture in all its forms and treat people, you need to be not only a doctor by education, but also by vocation.

Books, reference books, atlases are just an important handwritten guide. It is not enough to know all the bioactive points of a person or the skill of acupuncture.

It is important to know and understand the basics of Chinese medicine, which invariably relies on the ancient philosophy of two entities - Yin and Yang - a harmonious combination of good and evil.

Eastern ancient healers in the process of healing came to a wonderful conclusion - all human diseases are inextricably linked with the energy imbalance that has formed in the body and soul of the patient. They believed that only a complete restoration of this balance would help save the patient from many ailments.

To read books on the philosophical teachings of classical Chinese medicine, there are practically no restrictions in their selection and purchase.

The most popular acupuncture books: 2022 ranking

The pathogenesis of diseases. Diagnosis and treatment by traditional Chinese medicine: acupuncture, massage and moxibustion

Author: Nguyen Van Ngyi
Publisher: Ven-Mer, Eureka
Year of publication: 1992
Price 1610 rubles

The book was written by the Chinese doctor Nguyen Van Ngyi, who possessed not only significant theoretical knowledge, but also vast practical experience.

This bestseller contains a large amount of information about the methods of oriental reflexology and gives many practical tips on how to use them for specific diseases.

For more than a decade, the fundamental two-volume work of the Chinese doctor has been a reference book for many leading acupuncturists around the world.

In essence, this book is a comprehensive guide to accurately establishing a diagnosis and competently determining the method of treatment, according to the philosophical aspects of Chinese medicine.

Accurate and timely diagnosis is the key to a speedy recovery of the patient. The physician and author of this book has spent his entire life studying and practicing the method of healing through acupuncture.

The book is recommended both for studying the methods of oriental medicine by professionals and for reading by fans of the genre.

Nguyen Van Ngyi Pathogenesis of diseases. Diagnosis and treatment by traditional Chinese medicine: acupuncture, massage and moxibustion
  • a large number of practical recommendations with pictures;
  • detailed information characterizing the essence of Chinese medicine;
  • very interesting and easy to read.
  • in comparison with the original, it has significant inaccuracies in the translation of terms;
  • many fragments from the original source are generally absent from the book.

Fundamentals of acupuncture

Author: Tykochiiskaya E.D.
1979 edition.
Genre: medicine
Price: 827 rubles.

The book is intended for the target reader - acupuncturists, both beginners and those who already have a specific practice experience.

The author, a well-known specialist in acupuncture in certain circles, Doctor of Medical Sciences, in his manual covers the methods of reflexology, their essence and methods of application. It for the first time presents facts about the effectiveness of the use of classical oriental medicine and gives the most complete (for that time) list of energetically active points with their binding.

A voluminous part of the book is devoted to the use of acupuncture in the treatment of neurological diseases and diseases of internal organs in children and adults.

Tykochiiskaya E.D. Fundamentals of acupuncture
  • can serve as an additional guide for existing doctors of various specializations;
  • the text is written in an accessible language, without a large number of medical terms;
  • we can recommend reading the book for general educational purposes to everyone who is interested in the methods of acupuncture;
  • illustrations in the amount of 44 pieces, tables accompanying the monograph, contribute to a good assimilation of the read text.
  • given the time of publication of the book, many of the facts are not accurate enough.

Textbook of Chinese Medicine for Western Doctors

Author: Klaus K. Schnorrenberger.
Genre: Chinese medicine
Publisher: M: "Balbe"
Published in 2003.

This is the second Russian edition of K. Schnorrenberger's textbook, a more perfect translation.

The book by the German scientist K. Schnorrenberger is recommended for reading by European doctors who study traditional oriental medicine.

Western specialists in functional-morphological medicine rarely use Eastern healing methods. This was due not so much to the difficulty of correct diagnosis as to the lack of a competent, full-fledged translation of manuals from Eastern languages.

K. Schnorrenberg with German pedantry and accuracy quite accurately outlined the ancient knowledge of Eastern healers to the Western minds of physicians.

Thanks to this, the study of the basics, methods and techniques of Chinese healing has become available to both foreign and Russian doctors.

Klaus K. Schnorrenberger. Textbook of Chinese Medicine for Western Doctors
  • a unique book with voluminous useful information without "water";
  • completely captures in the process of reading;
  • meaningful and fascinating presentation, does not cause difficulty in understanding;
  • simplicity of presentation and excellent structure;
  • well perceived by both doctors and ordinary people who care about their health.
  • quite high cost.

Chinese acupuncture

Author: Georges Soulier de Moran
Release year: 2013
Publisher: Profit Style
Genre: medical book
Russian language
The cost of a five-volume book: 5,056 rubles

Georges Soulier de Moran is the founder of Chinese acupuncture in Europe. His monograph in five volumes is a comprehensive guide for physicians of various specializations who study oriental methods of healing with the help of acupuncture and moxibustion.

The first three volumes are devoted to the basis of ancient Chinese philosophy about the harmony of the two foundations - Yin and Yang. The author outlined its essence, in accordance with the principles of European thinking, which significantly helps to understand all the subtleties of the doctrine, to understand and accept it.

The author supplemented many ancient discoveries with his own brilliant conjectures and discoveries. Descriptions of the ongoing research and their results Georges de Moran presented on the pages of his three-volume textbook.

The fourth volume - the scientist thoroughly, with great accuracy describes the location of bioactive points with reference to specific organs and with a full description of the therapeutic effect.

The fifth and final volume is a comprehensive therapeutic guide to treating various diseases with the help of acupuncture.

All five volumes are published in three books: volumes 1 and 3 are published as one book, and volumes 4 and 5 are released as separate volumes.

Georges Soulier de Moran Chinese acupuncture
  • unique manual, strong binding and quality paper;
  • point values ​​and their locations are written in simple language and are quickly remembered;
  • exciting books, even in a trolleybus it is difficult to stop reading;
  • a large number of author's illustrations and drawings.
  • the drawings are black and white, so it is difficult to see the dots, everything merges;
  • high publishing cost.

Acupuncture Points of Chinese Zhenjiu Therapy

Author: Belousov P.V.
Genre: folk alternative medicine
Release year: 2004
The price is 1300 rubles.

This book is the third printed edition of the Chinese Zhenjiu Therapy series.

In fact, this is a translation from Chinese of various specialized literature on acupuncture, which was written by leading Chinese experts and scientists and published in China.

In particular, the author used educational publications of higher educational institutions of the People's Republic of China on medicine, numerous reference books in Chinese: Zhen Jiu Da Ci Dian and Zhong and Da Ci Dian, as well as a large number of comments and interpretations of the concepts of Oriental medicine from various sources.

In the book, the author describes channel and extra-channel points in detail, makes a comparison of their names and presents versions of the combination of points that are described in ancient writings.

Acupuncture points of Chinese Zhen-Jiu therapy Belousov P.V.
  • the best book of all printed publications on reflexology;
  • is a desktop reference tool for the study of active points and practical application for the treatment of many diseases;
  • it can also be a guide to the further study of acupuncture;
  • many specific recommendations for healing with the help of oriental medicine;
  • The book is written in an easy understandable language for the average reader, it is read in one breath.
  • high price

All publications described above are of great interest to professionals involved in research and practice in this field of medicine, as well as students of medical schools.

For a simple person whose interest is connected with oriental medicine, reading these books will provide a lot of interesting and useful information. It will help to learn the location of all acupuncture points and find out their effect on a specific anatomical organ. This knowledge is especially necessary for those who decide to independently master the technique of acupressure.

Important! Experts recommend that by memorizing the names of bioactive points and their location, drawings should be made and all the studied points should be applied to them. This method will significantly help memorize energy meridians well.


The type of impact on bioactive points is not with needles, but with fingers. The most accessible form of acupuncture for self-study, which does not always require medical education.

How to choose the right aids for learning acupressure

Before you start learning and searching for a textbook, you need to clearly understand what is at the end of the path:

  • treatment of one's own specific disease;
  • alleviate the ailments of their loved ones and friends;
  • get a professional level of skill.

The technique of acupressure is widely represented in many publications of the genre: health and beauty, medicine and others. The authors of such books are both practicing massage therapists and experts with academic degrees in this type of reflexology.

A selection of printed publications on the guidance of acupressure will help you choose a training manual that meets all the criteria for a future massage master at a budget price.

Top 10 Best Books on Learning Oriental Acupressure

Name AuthorPublication yearPrice
Acupressure: Tutorial Popova Nina Mikhailovna, Kharlamov Evgeny Vasilievich year 2009 59 rubles
Full course of massage. Tutorial (updated version of the textbook) Fokin V.N. year 2014300 rubles
Chinese acupressure. Guidelines for diagnosis and treatmentV. N. Fokin year 2014385 rubles
Healing points of the body. The most reliable self-help techniquesVladimir Vasichkin 2015169 rubles
Large atlas of healing points. Chinese medicine for health and longevityDmitry Koval 2015124 rubles
Great guide to massage Vladimir Vasichkin year 2013378 rubles
Acupressure for every day Wagner F. 2007121 ruble
Acupressure Aurika Lukovkina year 2013 25 rubles
Traditional Chinese massage Zheng Zhaoguang 200670 rubles
I will spread the pain with my hands. Recommendations for acupressureWolf N.L. 1989150 rubles

For clarity, the texts are accompanied by colorful illustrations, drawings and diagrams with a detailed description of the techniques and techniques of acupressure.

Acupressure is a unique way of operative recovery. Regular stimulation of certain bioactive points in a specific area of ​​the body or feet, face, can make the disease recede and restore vigor, normalize the work of the whole organism.

Advantages of owning acupressure

  • absolutely safe and painless method of treatment and pain relief;
  • the ability to provide first aid before the arrival of doctors in case of an emergency;
  • people who know the technique of Chinese massage have the opportunity to help not only others, but also themselves.For example: if you do not refuse completely, then significantly reduce the amount of medicines consumed, relieve pain and restore vitality;
  • free massage treatments will help improve the well-being of elderly relatives. Especially if they are inactive and suffer from a violation of the motor apparatus;
  • unlike acupuncture, acupressure is indicated for babies, which makes it possible to carry it out in the required volume for the correct and harmonious development of the baby;
  • mastering the method of acupressure does not require substantial costs or finding additional time;
  • all practical printed manuals are quite affordable.

Owning a Chinese massage is a timely and safe help, saving money and time.

However, it should be remembered: all types of acupuncture (acupressure is no exception) require unconditional knowledge of the anatomical structure and human physiology.

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