
  1. What personality can be called harmonious?
  2. Rating of the best books about the art of living in harmony with oneself and the world

Rating of the best books about the art of living in harmony with oneself and the world

Rating of the best books about the art of living in harmony with oneself and the world

Harmony has nothing to do with success or idealism. Harmony should not looming slightly ahead in a series of multiple goals, like the reflection of a lantern on the pier in the life of Gatsby. She must walk next to a person, side by side through life. Harmony is closely intertwined with the essence of love: love for oneself, for the world, for others. And acceptance: acceptance of oneself, people, circumstances.

What is harmony for? People live for themselves, without even thinking about it, and do not complain. Every day they go to work (perhaps not their favorite), meet, talk with people (who may be genuinely unpleasant), create families (which collapse like dominoes). Can they answer yes to the question: are they happy? Without cunning, without attempts at self-persuasion. Surely there are dozens of different “buts” that violate the integrity of the rendered happy picture.Spiritual harmony does not help to move up the career ladder or win a championship, but it makes a person feel happy and self-sufficient with what he has today, to look at life optimistically, and this, in turn, just supports a person in achieving his goals. .

To achieve this state of mind is quite realistic: for this you can attend special lectures, trainings, work with a psychologist, read relevant literature. The article below contains a rating of the best books about the subtle art of living in harmony with oneself and the world.

What personality can be called harmonious?

When actions do not diverge from inner values, beliefs, when you know what you want and how to achieve it, when there is healthy love for yourself, when the heart and mind are on the same wavelength - these are signs of a harmonious personality. Such a person does not have to choose between the arguments of reason and feelings. The internal balance helps to reveal the potential, to use one's capabilities, abilities and talents as efficiently as possible. Such people receive the most valuable gift - happiness.

How to achieve and maintain harmony in yourself?

The state of spiritual harmony helps the individual to enjoy life: not a part of it, when even at the best moments delicate questions of doubt creep into the subconscious, but to feel the moments 100 percent. The achievement of this state is associated with some necessary changes in life and personality. This is a whole complex that will prepare for changes in the thinking of the individual.

  • The very first step that a person must take to find peace of mind is reconciliation. Reconciliation with your inner self. At this stage, the help of a competent specialist, a psychologist, who will prompt the necessary thoughts, help you cope with unhealed heart wounds, let go of old grievances, get rid of pent-up anger, anger, irritation, recognize your fears, understand the motives of their actions, indicate the direction of further activities;
  • Learn to forgive. First of all, yourself. Every person does bad things. This is also an experience. You need to understand that actions are not the personality itself. They happen under the influence of many factors. And since this is already a fait accompli, do not get stuck in it. Accept, understand and forgive yourself or others for it;
  • Acceptance of your shortcomings: appearance, behavior or character. Do not evaluate yourself, do not compare, do not divide into good and bad, white and black. Short stature is not bad, it is you, it is a part of you and your personality, just like a hooked nose or thin lips. Why do some individuals, having corrected their appearance that does not suit them with the help of the achievements of modern medicine, after a while again return to the starting point? Because the point is not in appearance as such, but in the perception of it by the individual. Before changing something, one must accept, love what nature has awarded;
  • Normalization of the level of self-esteem. Too much self-esteem is just as bad as too little. A person, believing that he is underestimated, begins to take offense at others for no reason, get annoyed, and emotional. A realistic perception of yourself is an important step towards living in harmony with the world around you;
  • Relations with the environment. Filter your environment. Decide what is unacceptable for you in a relationship, what kind of communication tires you, sucks out energy. Limit or completely stop communicating with such individuals. The world is full of people - and among them are "your" people, so stop clinging to those who bring discomfort;
  • Learn to give and take, to do good. This does not mean giving half of your salary to those in need. You can do good deeds every day: hold the door for a neighbor with a stroller, give up your seat on the subway, help carry heavy bags, cook your favorite breakfast for your spouse. By doing good deeds, a person sends positive energy, which returns three times. In addition, it satisfies the need of a person to be necessary, useful to society;
  • Create. Creativity helps to relax, clear thoughts.It does not have to be painting: batik, woodcarving and wood burning, soap making, cooking, knitting, sewing, gardening - all this reorients the human personality to a creative path, helps to reveal one's talents;
  • living conditions. It's about comfort and coziness. You should not be led by social norms, popular trends. If you don't like trendy minimalism, you love bright cushions, fringed rugs and lemon wallpaper - so be it! Home is your place of power, it is a part of you. Make it so that it is cozy, calm, comfortable;
  • Health care. The human body is a temple, a sacred vessel that must be protected. It is difficult to engage in personal harmonization when you feel physical discomfort or are sick;
  • Self-development. Self-development does not mean absorbing tons of information, buying up all the most anticipated novelties of the year from the shelves of bookstores, these are aspirations, attempts to be at least a little better than yesterday.

What disturbs the harmony in life?

Sooner or later, everyone comes to a certain milestone, a turning point when you feel like a balloon: either floating limply in the air, or ready to burst from irritability, apathy or anger. In such periods of life, harmony is lost.

  1. Loss of a loved one or loved one. Nothing is more "unsettling" than this kind of incident. Unfortunately, sometimes it takes years to overcome such injuries;
  2. age crises. It's not about the number on the cake and the number of years lived. A crisis is, first of all, a collision of two stages, periods of life: in order to move to the next level, you need to competently get out of the previous one.Serious value reorientations are taking place, moral principles and beliefs, life priorities are changing;
  3. Changes in health, appearance. Especially when it comes to injuries, prolonged illnesses, chronic diseases. When you feel that you are ready to embrace the immensity, and your body in a wheelchair protests. When a strong heart is locked in the body of a weak soul. In order to acquire balance and inner harmony in such circumstances, willpower, desire and perseverance are needed;
  4. Deterioration of interpersonal relationships. A person lives on an "inhabited island", sometimes inhabited by millions of people. Relationships with other individuals are an immediate part of his life;
  5. Psychological trauma, hidden grievances, fears, phobias, inadequate self-esteem. Some of them come from childhood, and we do not even suspect it, continuing to live the same scenario over and over again;
  6. "Snowball" in solving small life problems. Small everyday issues are like grains of sand in an hourglass: they need to be solved gradually, confidently one after another. As soon as you start fussing, throwing things on the floor of the road, the clock stops;
  7. Difficult life circumstances that do not depend on a person. In such cases, one has only to choose a less traumatic way of reconciling with them;
  8. Changes in living conditions, material well-being. The ball in the modern world is ruled by financial stability and prosperity. But unfortunately, sometimes in pursuit of it, you lose something very important, without even noticing how it happened. To find a reasonable balance, not to go headlong into earning money, so that later you don’t remember what they are for, is a whole art.

Rating of the best books about the art of living in harmony with oneself and the world

Chetan Parkin Book of Changes and Human Design.Discover the secret of your nature"
votes 0

The history of the appearance of this book on the domestic market is quite extraordinary. Marina Marshenkulova, a translator by education, has been fascinated by the human design system for many years. Once, during a trip, this book fell into her hands, which once and for all turned her ideas around. She contacted the author, a Russian publishing house, and the book became available to the Russian-speaking contingent as well. Foreign fans of the writer's work claim that the maps drawn up according to the recommendations helped more than once in making decisions, helped to get to know yourself better, start living in accordance with who you really are, start living your life.

Chetan Parkin Book of Changes and Human Design. Discover the secret of your nature"
  • The book is written by a recognized international expert in the field of Human Design System research;
  • Included in the top books that you need to read to know yourself better;
  • Knowledge is presented clearly, accessible to an ordinary person;
  • Helps to better understand the meaning of the actions of other people and oneself.
  • No.

Jen Sincero "Don't Noah. Age-old wisdom that says: stop complaining, it's time to become rich.
votes 0

For many years, Jen lived in not the best conditions, interrupted from one job to another, constantly saving money, and now she lives in the best hotels, travels on a grand scale and refuses herself little. How did these drastic changes come about? She shares these secrets in her book. All the advice, the methods that she offers are all the result of trial and error that she experienced herself. The book is not so much about the financial components of life, but about changing the way of thinking. To learn how to be happy, you need to start thinking differently.

Jen Sincero "Don't Noah.Age-old wisdom that says: stop complaining, it's time to become rich.
  • Reads easily, in one breath;
  • Written in a fascinating language, with a bit of humor;
  • It will be useful for beginners in this genre.
  • Many ideas are not new, for fans of this genre it will be boring.

Sadhguru, Sheryl Simone Straight talks with Sadhguru. About love, purpose and destiny
votes 0

Cheryl Simone, author of the popular book, shares her experience in finding peace of mind. Why, it would seem, a person not burdened with a burden of problems, living in abundance, with a wonderful family, does not feel happy? Why there is no feeling of harmony, serenity and spirituality. Experiencing such feelings, asking numerous questions to which she did not find answers on her own, Cheryl turned to Sadhguru for help, so that he would share his wisdom and knowledge with her. The book is written in an interesting format in the form of conversations and reflections, revealing not only the secrets of finding harmony, but the personality of the guru himself.

Sadhguru, Sheryl Simone Straight talks with Sadhguru. About love, purpose and destiny
  • The work is easy to read;
  • A must-read for anyone who is “missing something” for happiness;
  • Low cost.
  • No.

Brett Blumenthal "One Habit a Week"
votes 0

Is it possible to radically change your life, attitudes, habits? How much time is needed for this? How many times have you started a new life “from Monday” and have not achieved success? This bestseller reveals the importance, the importance of introducing useful, correct habits into your everyday life, which help to bring stability, harmony to the life of an individual. The study guide is a great 52-week quality-of-life improvement course.The book consists of several parts devoted to certain areas of human activity. The recommended ways, methods of working on oneself represent a gradual advance towards one's goal in small but sure steps.

Brett Blumenthal One Habit a Week
  • The content of the manual is set out specifically, thoughts are clearly formulated, no water;
  • Lots of practical stuff.
  • The format of the publication involves a whole year of hard work on yourself. Read and forget - this is not about this book.

Beth Campton "Wabi sabi. Japanese secrets of true happiness in an imperfect world
votes 0

The consciousness of the Japanese is based on contemplation. This unique property determined not only the features of art, arts and crafts, but also the way of life, the everyday life of the nation. Despite being a working nation (several days off a year, long hours), they have one of the lowest suicide rates in the country in the world. What's the secret? What is this key to happiness that no one talks about out loud, but everyone knows about it.

In an endless race, rush, competition, people make huge mistakes in the choice of priorities, in which the entire path made in the end turns out to be meaningless. A person feels dissatisfied, unhappy, although he may have a built career, a strong family. The concept presented by the author helps to take a different look at modern life. The popularity of the book is due to its atmospheric, pleasant word, life-affirming advice.

Beth Campton "Wabi sabi. Japanese secrets of true happiness in an imperfect world
  • A book about the art of seeing beauty in the moment;
  • With the most tender illustrations;
  • The book is written in a pleasant, refined style;
  • Informative;
  • The average price is quite affordable for the average person.
  • No.

Nadia Narain Phillips, Katya Narain “Love yourself. Secrets of caring for the soul and body "
votes 0

Only a happy, harmonious personality can make another person happy. When you are satisfied with yourself, satisfied, then you also see only positive things in others, you are ready to share goodness with others. And when you plunge headlong into the abyss of problems, you get hung up on yourself, turning into a stereotypical egoist. Therefore, in their book, the Narain sisters share the secrets of healthy egoism, self-care and self-love. How much is that stunning dress you saw in the department store? Don't be sorry - buy it! You yourself will notice how you want to please someone close.

Nadia Narain Phillips, Katya Narain “Love yourself. Secrets of caring for the soul and body "
  • This book is a must read for anyone new to the genre;
  • Reads quickly;
  • Suitable for reading in transport.
  • Many of the ideas in the book are repeated in different chapters;
  • For beginners in the field of self-knowledge, self-development.

Thomas Chamorro-Premusik "Self-Confidence: How to Increase Self-Esteem, Overcome Fears and Doubts"
votes 0

The publication is included in the rating of the highest quality self-esteem books. This book is not about motivating phrases, exciting life-affirming stories, but about scientific experience, evidence base. It is recommended by the Psychological Association. The description sets out why this illusory world is so dangerous, into which a person who increases his self-esteem, without having sufficient competence under this, can get. Tells why the theories of many modern coaches and bloggers are dangerous.

Thomas Chamorro-Premusik "Self-Confidence: How to Increase Self-Esteem, Overcome Fears and Doubts"
  • Lots of scientific research;
  • Written by an expert;
  • With practical advice.
  • No.

Ilse Sand "Close to the heart: how to live if you are too sensitive person"
votes 0

The attitude and worldview of some individuals is too sensitive. They can hardly endure any shocks, intrigues at work easily unsettle, and sometimes you even want to be on a desert island or stop time. It is much more difficult for such individuals to cope with everyday worries in the modern pace of our life. It is hard for them to be themselves, because modern society respects, cherishes a strong, strong-willed personality who does not disperse nurses. Professional psychotherapist Ilse Sand explains how such individuals are accepted and feel comfortable, harmonious in modern society, what to pay attention to in their lifestyle, and what to change.

Ilse Sand "Close to the heart: how to live if you are too sensitive person"
  • The book was written by a professional psychotherapist;
  • Examples from practice are given.
  • According to readers, quite a lot of water.

Each of the books offered in the selection is unique in its own way. They will definitely find their reader. The compiled rating will help you figure out which book is better to buy, there are inexpensive, budget options that are in no way inferior to popular hits. Intuition will also tell you how to choose the right book. Sometimes our subconscious hints at us, shows us what we need more at the moment.


