
  1. Why do you need to play sports?
  2. Why is it important to eat right?
  3. Who and what will help to start a healthy lifestyle?
  4. The best books on nutrition and sports.

Ranking of the best sports and nutrition books in 2022

Ranking of the best sports and nutrition books in 2022

In today's world, most people want to lead a healthy lifestyle. Someone goes in for sports, someone eats right, and someone tries to expand their horizons. All these aspects have a beneficial effect on the quality of life. We will talk about which book on sports and proper nutrition is worth reading below.

Why do you need to play sports?

Going in for sports means regular training, about 2-3 times a week for at least an hour. It is these activities that will benefit the body, which consists of:

  1. Health promotion. The cardiovascular system is strengthened (sport is an excellent prophylactic for many diseases).
  2. The fight against excess weight. Regular exercise on the body will help get rid of fat reserves. Sport causes stored fat to be used for energy. In addition, a muscular corset develops, which as a result allows you to get a beautiful body relief.
  3. Positive attitude and good mood (fight against chronic fatigue). Physical activity increases energy levels. During the lesson, more oxygen is supplied, which makes it possible for a person to feel in good shape and in a good mood during the day.
  4. Good dream. With regular physical activity, the nervous system is strengthened, resistance to stressful situations is developed. After a load on the body, sleep always improves.
  5. Self-esteem rises. During training, changes in the shape of the body for the better occur, it becomes more perfect. In this way one reaches the ideal. This increases self-confidence, which will be useful not only in sports, but also in everyday life.
  6. Endurance. Physical activity increases the endurance of the body. This will allow you to move more on foot, do without an elevator, carry groceries and much more.
  7. Increased brain activity. During training, the volume of circulating blood increases, thus more blood (and oxygen) flows to the brain, and its work improves.An increase in brain activity leads to an increase in mental activity.

Why is it important to eat right?

For some, PP is a way of life, and for some it is a modern influence. But in fact, following the elementary rules of a healthy diet, you can significantly improve the quality of life.

  1. Reducing the amount of body fat in the body;
  2. A set of muscle mass;
  3. Maintaining body shape (norm of calories per day);
  4. Strengthening immunity;
  5. Excellent digestion. Subject to the PP, there will be no problems with the gastrointestinal tract, because the balance of fats / proteins / carbohydrates will be observed;
  6. Good dream. If you follow the rules of eating (time) of food, then there will be no problems falling asleep. There will be no feeling of sleeping on a full stomach;
  7. Improving the condition of the skin. The expression here is perfect - we are what we eat. After all, all junk food provokes rashes, redness and other imperfections on the skin;
  8. It is easier to restore the body after serious shocks (training, illness).

Proper nutrition is a guarantee of good health and good health.

Who and what will help to start a healthy lifestyle?

In order to lead a healthy lifestyle, you must follow certain principles.

  1. Move actively (movement is life);
  2. Strive to gain new knowledge about your health;
  3. Eat healthy food;
  4. Purify and strengthen your body;
  5. Cultivate healthy thinking and develop willpower;
  6. Strive to gain new knowledge about your health.

If it is not possible to attend specialized courses about PP or seek help from a personal trainer, then it is quite possible to independently study this issue. Currently, there is a lot of useful literature not on the shelves of bookstores or on the Internet.

The best books on nutrition and sports.

If a person is at the very beginning of his path to a healthy lifestyle, then he needs to familiarize himself with the most popular books on this topic.

#Pressing. Build happiness with your own hands
votes 3

The author is Natalia Davydova. She is a famous blogger and fitness trainer.

A technique tested by hundreds of thousands of participants in the marathon #pressuitelo. Ups and downs, mistakes and achievements, "before" and "after" - among the thousands of roads to happiness, the reader will find his own success story. This book is for those who are determined to change their lives and become the best version of themselves.

The book covers all aspects of getting in shape: sports, proper nutrition, mental attitude and attitude to life. The narrative is divided into blocks (training weeks), each of them provides specific information about the necessary training and a list of allowed products.

Written in easy to understand language for everyone.

The author claims that after reading and following all of her recommendations, everyone will be able to have an ideal relief press in three months.

Released - 02/21/2019 in hardcover in Russian.

Age limit - from 16 years old.

The price in the bookstore is about 1000 rubles, in the electronic version about 500 rubles.

#Pressing. Build happiness with your own hands
  • Clear language of presentation;
  • Excellent training program
  • Can be downloaded from the Internet.
  • Age restrictions.

It's not about calories. How not to depend on diets, not exhaust yourself with fitness, be in great shape and live better
votes 1

Author: Jonathan Baylor. She is a personal weight loss trainer.

Published in 2014.

Translated into Russian in 2015.

Age limit - from 12 years old.

The author in his book has collected a lot of useful and necessary information for overweight people.On the pages you can find informational articles, scientific research and much more.

The book describes the method of intellectual weight loss, which helps to reduce weight without discomfort, as well as restore mental and physical activity. A person does not need to exhaust himself by constantly counting calories (consumed and spent), he does not need to follow the strictest diets, but he needs to ... read D. Baylor's book.

The price in bookstores is about 500 rubles, it was not published in the electronic version.

It's not about calories. How not to depend on diets, not exhaust yourself with fitness, be in great shape and live better
  • It is not possible to buy an electronic version of the book;
  • Lots of information on the pages of the book;
  • The technique is described in detail;
  • There are advice not only on nutrition, but also psychological advice.
  • Available for reading only from 12 years old.

Secrets of the nutrition laboratory. The science of weight loss, myths about willpower and the benefits of dieting
votes 1

Author: Tracey Mann. She has a PhD in Psychology from Stanford University.

Released in 2017 in hardcover.

Age limit - from 18 years old.

“Diets don't work. Yes. I declare it. Maybe you expected to hear something else, but I am writing a real book to tell you the scientific truth without embellishment. Tracey Mann

In the book, the author explains in detail why diets do not work, she relies on her own experience and research. Mann says that trying to reduce weight to popular norms is dangerous for health. It is necessary to adhere to the body weight at which it is comfortable to lead an active lifestyle.

On the pages, the reader will find the necessary tips on where to start your journey to weight loss and how to keep the desired result for a long time.

This book is devoid of moralizing and written in a pleasant and friendly manner.Tracey Mann talks with good humor about how to get in shape, part with complexes and remorse, find inner harmony and become a positive person who is pleased with himself.

The price in bookstores is about 500 rubles. The book is not available in audio or electronic format.

Secrets of the nutrition laboratory. The science of weight loss, myths about willpower and the benefits of dieting
  • The book is written in simple and understandable language;
  • The narration is conducted with humor, without moralizing;
  • The book is easy to find in a bookstore or order online delivery.
  • Age restrictions from 18 years.

How to stop eating delusions on an empty stomach
votes 0

The author is Yulianna Pliskina. She is the No. 1 expert in the media space on healthy eating and healthy lifestyles in Russia, TV presenter, best-selling author, mother-entrepreneur, wellness coach.

Released in 2016.

Age limit - no.

Oddly enough, this book belongs to the culinary genre, but it collects and disproves the myths about the most popular products. For example - eggs, bread, salt, sugar, milk, dairy products, cheese, coffee, wine. The author gives practical advice on the choice of products on the shelves in supermarkets, on the combination of products during cooking, and shares simple and understandable recipes. It is these dishes that will allow you to follow the rules of proper nutrition.

Each page contains the maximum amount of information, but it is not presented in text, but in illustrative examples. The book has colorful illustrations and infographics.

The price in a thick cover is about 550 rubles, in a magazine format - about 300 rubles, in an electronic version - about 400 rubles.

How to stop eating delusions on an empty stomach
  • Minimum text, maximum information;
  • Bright pictures;
  • Step by step recipes with photos;
  • Written in clear language;
  • Suitable for anyone (regardless of gender and age).
  • No.

Biochemistry in sports practice
votes 0

Author - Lapshin Ivan, Kulinenkov Oleg.

Released April 19, 2018.

Age limit - no.

On the pages of the book, in an understandable and accessible language, it is written about biochemical control during the process of training and competition. Every person who goes in for sports, after reading this book, will be able to independently control the permissible load on his body.

The authors also give advice on recovery after injuries and give examples of rational nutrition.

Reading "Biochemistry in the practice of sports" will be useful for beginner athletes, coaches or doctors.

The price for the book is about 600 rubles, it was not published in the electronic version.

Biochemistry in sports practice
  • Clearly written;
  • Useful tips on sports and nutrition;
  • Suitable for a wide readership.
  • There is no book in audio and electronic format.

How badly do you want it? Psychology of the superiority of the mind over the body
votes 0

Author: Matt Fitzgerald. Renowned writer on endurance sports and sports nutrition.

Released in 2018.

Age restrictions - from 16 years.

The mind is the athlete.

The book is written in an understandable language, starting to read it does not work out, based on sports psychology. The whole story is based on the stories of famous athletes, their ups and downs, victories and mistakes.

Suitable for reading for everyone, both beginners and professional athletes or those who just go in for sports for their own results.It is worth paying attention to trainers and fitness instructors to this author. After all, he gives advice on how to achieve maximum results in sports without moral violence against a person.

The author argues that all the greatest victories were achieved not due to physical strength, but to the brain. It is with its help that a person controls his body, its capabilities during training and work to the maximum during competitions.

With the help of examples, Mat shows how psychological factors affect the endurance of the body.

The price in the bookstore is about 750 rubles, in the electronic version about 350 rubles.

How badly do you want it? Psychology of the superiority of the mind over the body
  • Easy to read;
  • Contains true stories of great athletes;
  • An excellent book on psychology, sports psychology;
  • Easy to find on the internet.
  • Hard to find on bookstore shelves.

Champion Diet. The Five Nutrition Principles of Top Athletes
votes 1

Author: Matt Fitzgerald.

Released in 2017.

Genre - fitness, healthy eating.

Age limit - from 12 years old.

Eat everything;
Eat quality foods;
Eat more carbohydrates;
Eat enough;
Eat according to your own characteristics.

Based on interviews with famous athletes and the latest scientific research, the author offers a nutrition plan that everyone can follow (yes, these 5 rules are critical for endurance athletes, but they are suitable for everyone).

The author in the book describes five basic rules in nutrition for professional athletes, but focuses on the fact that they are suitable for every person.

Mat writes that with regular training, a person burns more calories than on ordinary days, and at such moments you need to eat the right foods, and not junk food (fast food).

As the effectiveness of these rules, laboratory studies can be found on the pages of the book.

This book will help everyone build the right food chain—diet first, supplements second.

Everyone can read this book (athletes, people leading a healthy lifestyle, amateur athletes, overweight people).

The price of a book in the electronic version is about 250 rubles, and in bookstores - 1000 rubles.

Champion Diet. The Five Nutrition Principles of Top Athletes
  • The author is a well-known sports expert;
  • Reads easily and quickly;
  • Collected basic rules on nutrition;
  • You can easily download the book from the Internet.
  • Age restrictions;
  • Not available in all bookstores.

Everyone can find the necessary information in books for themselves. They are available to everyone, the main thing is to find the time and desire for this. After all, proper nutrition and sports are excellent health, good health, a great figure and good sleep. Don't neglect your health!


