
  1. How to choose a good book
  2. Top Publishers
  3. Best Friendship Books for Kids
  4. Where could I buy

Best Friendship Books for Kids 2022

Best Friendship Books for Kids 2022

Despite the spread of information technology and the dominance of the Internet, books are still an important part of the lives of both adults and children. Teaching kids to read good, kind books has many positive aspects:

  • increasing the child's vocabulary and improving the quality of speech by reducing the number of parasitic words;
  • expanding horizons, developing fantasy and imaginative thinking;
  • improvement of thought processes, memory training, the emergence of concentration skills in following the plot;
  • emotional development;
  • development of analytical thinking by comparing the actions of the characters and the results obtained as a result;
  • encouraging curiosity and independence.

Most children need some kind of role model. They can be parents, older brothers or sisters, as well as heroes of films and books.And if the material read is focused on such qualities as friendship, mutual assistance, mutual assistance, then in real life children will try to match the behavior of their favorite characters, which will positively affect the formation of personality.

How to choose a good book

The main thing, of course, is its content. Its main idea and development of the plot should contribute to the formation of positive character traits and the development of useful skills. But, in addition to the content, there are a number of points that need to be considered.

  1. Age. This criterion is very important.The most interesting fairy tale can quickly bore the baby if, due to age, he does not understand even half of the words he read. And, on the contrary, a bright, interesting edition with a deep meaning, but made in the most simplified version, for the smallest, will be of no interest to older children.
  2. Volume. In this matter, one must proceed not only from age, but also from such qualities as perseverance, the ability to perceive new material for a long time, and fatigue.
  3. Format. Large bright almanacs with large illustrations will interest the smallest, but are unlikely to appeal to children who can read, for whom the development of the plot is more interesting than colorful pictures.
  4. Binding. The more reliable it is, the better. This applies not only to books for the very young age, since it is difficult to expect neatness from toddlers. Older children may also not be very careful with their things, or the cover may be worn out from repeated re-reading.
  5. Paper quality. When choosing collections for young children, you need to pay attention to the fact that the pages are thick enough and with rounded edges. This will prevent you from cutting yourself on the edge of the paper. For the older category, it is better to take publications printed on high quality thick white matte paper. Glossy pages are best avoided, as they glare, which not only interferes with reading and viewing illustrations, but also causes unnecessary eye strain.
  6. Font. The younger the age, the larger the letters should be. It is better to avoid instances with too bright, multi-colored texts, as they are much less visually perceived and make it difficult to focus on the plot.
  7. Illustrations. This is an important part of publications for any age.Pictures should be clear, understandable for the age category for which the book is intended, contain real and reliable information. For example, a drawing in which an artist has depicted a person with four fingers on his hands may later cause confusion in the assimilation of elementary knowledge about the world.
  8. Having familiar characters. If the pages contain familiar cartoon characters, or favorite animals, the story will be perceived with much more interest.
  9. Price. This issue is not too priority for the child himself, but it is useful for adults to analyze the value for money, and the adequacy of the cost of the publication. As a rule, gift copies in a beautiful cover are more expensive than regular ones, and if the book is planned as a gift, then this can be a good choice. But for everyday use, it is better to take a less expensive, but more practical edition, which will not yield in meaning and content, but will become a much less burden on the wallet.

When choosing a book, you can ask for an opinion about it and from the person to whom it is intended. If younger children are more guided by the brightness and colorfulness of the design, then older preschoolers are already quite capable of saying whether they like this copy and whether they want to read it.

Top Publishers

Literature for children of different ages is produced by a large number of publishing houses. Some of them specialize in publishing almanacs and encyclopedias, such as Avanta+. Others are aimed at literature for the youngest age category, including the Rosmen publishing house with the All-All-All for Kids series. The best firms that produce fiction for different ages include the following.

  1. ABC.This publishing house, located in St. Petersburg, offers a wide range of classical and modern literature, works of art by Russian and foreign authors, as well as dictionaries and reference books.
  2. AQUILEGIA-M. This company produces publications of both artistic and educational nature for children of all ages.
  3. AST. One of the leaders in book publishing, leading its history since 1990. Offers a wide range of fiction by domestic and foreign authors.
  4. B.S.G.-Press. The successor of the Soviet publishing house "Fiction", carefully preserving its traditions. Aimed primarily at teenagers.
  5. Vita Nova. It differs from competitors in that it specializes in the production of rare collector's editions in small print runs. Among their products you can find unusual and interesting specimens both for personal use and as a gift.
  6. Publishing House Children's Literature. The oldest enterprise, leading the history since 1933. It has a huge database of publications, the most interesting of which are regularly reissued. Aimed at an audience of preschool and school age.
  7. Bustard. This publishing house is distinguished by a huge assortment of different genres: educational, reference, artistic, educational aids, etc. In addition to standard printed collections, there are toy books, educational blocks and much more.
  8. Peanut. This is the only company in Russia that produces publications for the smallest audience, aged from 1 year. They carefully monitor the quality and safety of their products.
  9. Book world.One of the largest publishing houses that produces collections of various kinds, including works of art by Russian and foreign authors.
  10. OLMA-PRESS. Specializes in literature for family reading, choosing for publication the best works of domestic authors.
  11. Pink giraffe. The main difference between this company and its competitors is that children and their parents themselves are involved as the main experts evaluating publications.
  12. Eksmo-press. This publishing group has existed for more than 20 years and can offer a wide range of children's literature on a wide variety of topics: fiction, popular science, etc.

It is impossible to ignore the manufacturers of audio products, which are gaining popularity every year and can successfully replace the traditional paper edition. The following companies can be considered the best publishers of children's literature in audio format.

  1. Recording studio ARDIS. For almost 20 years of work, this publishing house has accumulated vast experience in the production of audiobooks. Interesting stories are told by well-placed voices of readers and make you want to listen to the story until the very end.
  2. Publishing house Two giraffes. It produces songs and fairy tales in audio format for children of all ages.
  3. Dragonfly-Press. Moscow publishing house that records various works on audio media, including fiction.

In addition to those listed, there are still a large number of publishers specializing in children's literature for different ages.

Best Friendship Books for Kids

Friendship is one of the most important childhood skills that comes in handy throughout life. Not only parents and older brothers and sisters can teach to be friends, but also various instructive stories.

Ranking of the best books about friendship for children aged 1-5 years

Toddlers do not yet understand what friendship is. They are more attracted to colorful drawings than to meaning. However, they soon begin to understand the essence of this concept and consciously make friends on the playground or in the kindergarten. And publications that tell about the friendship of various characters, like nothing else, allow you to lay the right communication skills from an early age.

Bouquet O., Titus "How Juliette Saved the Wolf"
votes 0

The average price is 387 rubles.

Publishing house "Makhaon" has released this entertaining story of 136 pages, which combines the simplicity and clarity of the plot with a deep psychological impact. She teaches children to overcome fear, come to the rescue of others, look for ways to solve the most difficult situations.

Bouquet O., Titus "How Juliette saved the wolf
  • easy style of presentation;
  • develops imagination and curiosity;
  • helps in overcoming fears.
  • not found.

Zhutaute L. "Gnome Chistyulya and the uninvited guest"
votes 0

The average price is 423 rubles.

The main characters of this fairy tale are the dwarf Chistyulya and the monster Mutsik. At first, their relationship does not add up, because no one invited the monster, and he decides to live with the gnome himself, but in the future they manage to find a common language and become true friends. Volume - 40 pages.

Zhutaute L. "Gnome Chistyulya and an uninvited guest
  • instructive character;
  • teaches kindness and tolerance;
  • quality printing.
  • too emotional children may be scared of the monster.

Probst P. "Caroline and her friends buy a house"
votes 0

The average price is 429 rubles.

A small book of 32 pages from the Klever publishing house will tell the kids about the adventures of a cheerful girl Carolina and her furry friends. Together they find a way out of the most unpredictable and confusing situations.The French cartoonist illustrated his own story.

Probst P. "Caroline and her friends buy a house
  • quality paper;
  • bright drawings;
  • other stories about Carolina were published.
  • may not be clear enough for kids.

G. Oster "Kitten named Woof and other tales"
votes 0

The average price is 554 rubles.

The colorful edition of the company "Kid" will surely appeal not only to one-year-old crumbs, but also to older children. Cute characters familiar from one of the popular cartoons, who, in an accessible form even for the smallest, show what friendship and mutual assistance are. The light style and sparkling humor of G. Oster will not let anyone get bored and will make this book of 108 pages one of his favorites. There is also an audio version.

G. Oster "Kitten named Woof and other tales"
  • charming and kind characters;
  • Written in easy-to-understand language for young children.
  • hard paper binding.
  • not found.

Horacek P, "Martha and Jonathan"
votes 0

The average price is 584 rubles.

This story tells about two worms living in the same pear tree, who did not meet until the fruit fell from the tree to the ground. She teaches children to share everything with true friends. Volume - 40 pages.

Horachek P, "Martha and Jonathan
  • simple and understandable language;
  • colorful illustrations;
  • quality paper.
  • high price.

Ranking of the best books about friendship for children aged 5-10 years

Older preschoolers and younger schoolchildren are already well aware of the peculiarities of relationships with other children and adults. Friendship stories for this age category improve communication skills and positively influence the formation of a little person's personality.

Twain M."Adventures of Tom Sawyer"
votes 0

The average price is 160 rubles.

The story of an ordinary hooligan boy living in the American town with the Russian name of St. Petersburg does not leave indifferent more than one generation of boys and girls. This book was published by many publishing houses, one of the most democratic in terms of price is from the Samovar company. Volume - 208 pages.

Twain M. "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer
  • teaches not only love, friendship and fidelity, but also courage;
  • instructive meaning;
  • you can complete the story by watching the movie.
  • Not all kids will like it.

Maho A. “Gerda. The story of one whale"
votes 0

The average price is 481 rubles.

The world bestseller published by the AST publishing house will surely please you with its simple and understandable language, which tells the touching story of the adventures of a whale named Gerda, who lost her family one far from perfect day. This story not only teaches kindness, empathy, friendship and love, but also presents information about the ecology of the ocean in an accessible form. Volume - 32 pages.

Maho A. “Gerda. The story of one whale
  • fascinating plot;
  • beautiful illustrations;
  • harmonious interweaving of artistic narrative with cognitive material;
  • developing compassion and empathy.
  • not found.

Soya A. “Good stories about love and friendship. Fairy tales"
votes 0

The average price is 600 rubles.

These stories published by "Akvarel" are not very well known to the general public, but certainly deserve their attention. On 96 sheets there are stories about the friendship of an elephant and a cat, as well as the entertaining adventures of Ice Bear. Written in an accessible language, provided with interesting illustrations.

Soya A. “Good stories about love and friendship. Fairy tales
  • non-banal heroes;
  • interesting story;
  • good printing.
  • not found.

Milne A., Zakhoder B. "Winnie the Pooh and all-all-all"
votes 0

The average price is 864 rubles.

An interesting story from the Rosmen publishing house with a volume of 384 pages will provide leisure for more than one evening. Funny adventures of the beloved bear cub and his friends are complemented by colorful pictures.

Milne A., Zakhoder B. "Winnie the Pooh and all-all-all
  • easy understandable presentation;
  • instructive dialogues;
  • time-tested classic of the genre;
  • You can complement the impression by watching a cartoon.
  • not found.

Volkov A. "The Wizard of the Emerald City"
votes 0

The average price is 2277 rubles.

This 990-page fairy tale contains all six volumes of a story that has long become a classic, and loved not only by children of all ages, but also by adults. The adventures of the girl Ellie and her friends capture from the first pages and leave no one indifferent. Circulation published by the publishing house "Kid".

Volkov A. "The Wizard of the Emerald City
  • the main idea is friendship and mutual assistance;
  • entertaining plot;
  • deep instructive meaning;
  • you can supplement the experience by watching a cartoon or a feature film.
  • heavy in weight;
  • high price.

Ranking of the best books about friendship for children over the age of 10

Kind books, appropriate in their content to children over 10 years old and adolescents, can be a good counterbalance against the aggression of the outside world, which almost everyone faces to one degree or another. Strengthening the previously laid down communication skills, developing priorities, understanding the true values ​​​​of real relationships with other people - stories of friendship can teach all this and much more.

Saint-Exupery A. "The Little Prince"
votes 0

The average price is 246 rubles.

This tale-parable of 112 pages has a deep instructive meaning. The author talks about the most important things: about friendship and love, about duty and fidelity, about beauty and intolerance to evil. Recognized as one of the masterpieces of world children's fiction.

Saint-Exupery A. "The Little Prince
  • time-tested classic;
  • deep meaning;
  • learns to think about actions and their consequences.
  • not found.

Paterson K. "Bridge to Terabithia"
votes 0

The average price is 295 rubles.

The books of this American writer are devoid of the usual gloss for children's fiction and hushing up not the most pleasant topics. In her stories, reasoning on the topic of death, misunderstanding, loneliness is stated in an accessible language. They teach to accept people as they are, not to be ashamed of their own dissimilarity to others, to believe in friendship and mutual assistance. Volume - 160 pages.

Paterson K. "Bridge to Terabithia
  • sincerity of the story;
  • interesting story;
  • good printing performance.
  • not found.

Cowell K. How to Train Your Dragon
votes 0

The average price is 386 rubles.

This book from the Azbuka-Atticus publishing house with a volume of 224 pages will appeal not only to boys who dream of knightly deeds, but also to girls. A simple but fascinating plot, interesting adventures of heroes, Vikings and dragons - all this will attract attention from the very first pages.

Cowell K. How to Train Your Dragon
  • popular topic;
  • the book has a sequel;
  • based on a popular cartoon;
  • interesting plot development.
  • not found.

Boyne J. "The Boy in the Striped Pajamas"
votes 0

The average price is 554 rubles.

A poignant story from the Second World War about the friendship of a boy from the family of a high-ranking Nazi official with a Jewish peer, a prisoner of the Holocaust concentration camp, doomed to death. The story on behalf of a little boy who understands almost nothing due to his age only enhances the tragedy of the situation. The book makes you think about many things, including the issues of life and death. Recommended for children over 12 years of age. Volume - 288 pages.

Boyne J. "The Boy in the Striped Pajamas"
  • a plot that requires serious reflection;
  • based on simple, true values;
  • historical facts.
  • a tragic ending can cause too strong emotions in susceptible children and adolescents.

Schmitt E. Oscar and the Pink Lady
votes 0

The average price is 699 rubles.

This story will leave few indifferent. It is conducted on behalf of a ten-year-old boy, terminally ill with leukemia. He writes letters to God in simple childish language, in which he talks about his life, about incidents in the hospital. The story makes you think about the value of every day and human life in general, about small joys that can make a person happy. Volume - 960 pages. Recommended for children over 12 years old.

Schmitt E. Oscar and the Pink Lady
  • deep philosophical meaning;
  • a story about the true values ​​of life;
  • virtuoso presentation style.
  • may be too severe for particularly sensitive children and adolescents.

Where could I buy

Books can be bought both in real bookstores and over the Internet with online payment. Most stores have their own websites where you can view the assortment, read the description and make a choice in order to save time during a personal visit.In the same place, if desired, you can place an order with delivery by mail, courier or transport company.

Interesting selections of publications are offered by Chitay-gorod stores, which operate both in the format of a regular store and sell via the Internet. In the virtual space, a large selection of children's fiction can be found on popular marketplaces such as Sima-land, Ozon, Wildberries, Yandex Market and others.

The book is a product that continues to be relevant, despite the global informatization of the world. It will help the child learn to distinguish good from bad, will contribute to the formation of character and tell you what true friendship is.


