Psychologist, winner of the Presidential Education Prize Lyudmila Petranovskaya has a diploma of a professional philologist, psychoanalyst. The author of best-selling books in the field of children's education received a higher economic education in the course of "Family Systemic Therapy".
How to understand the peculiarities of perception of children and their communications, overcome psychological barriers, build trusting relationships? This, as well as the responsibility of the older generation, mentors in the format of confidential conversations, is discussed in the fascinating publications of L. Petranovskaya.

The author also presented readers with publications in the style of popularized science about the structure of the Cosmos and the Universe, as well as a number of guide books for children from primary to senior school age in the “What to do if…” category. A detailed analysis of the best ways out of standard situations and the possible dangers that lie in wait for children every day.
Lyudmila Vladimirovna devoted special attention in her works to the psychological characteristics of relations in families with foster children.A number of possible internal conflicts of the baby, his adaptation, building relationships and possible difficulties are analyzed as a surmountable phenomenon, ways of competently solving difficult issues are indicated.
The published works of the author exceeded 1,000,000 editions in total circulation. The best books of Lyudmila Vladimirovna, which will be useful for all adults to read, are described below.

A few words about the author
In addition to the huge circulation of books by Lyudmila Petranovskaya, which are published regularly and go on sale, she conducts trainings, webinars, seminars not only for mothers and fathers, which is important for foster fathers and mothers, but also for psychologists in the field of family organization.
On the Internet, you can find a now-not-updated author's blog on family psychology. However, the topics that were once raised and discussed are relevant to this day, a lot of useful information, as part of the feedback, has been preserved and can be used.

The practice of the specialist has passed a serious test and was enriched by the experience of working in the Moscow orphanage No. 19.
The Institute for the Development of Family Placement was founded in 2012 and is designed to solve the problem of training specialists in the field of realizing the rights of children to live and develop in a family environment. L.V. Petranovskaya is one of the creators of the educational project and its leading trainers.

The work of Lyudmila Vladimirovna is also in demand in the format of popular articles, for example, “on how to live in harmony with children and yourself”, “attachment theory: myths and misconceptions”, “what is school for?” and many others.
Leading publishing houses willingly cooperate with the famous child psychologist, among the favorites of the publications are AST, Abris, Peter, Vremena.
Review of the best books by Lyudmila Petranovskaya

Editions for adults
"Big book about you and your child"
The publication consists of 2 parts:
- "Secret support: attachment in the life of a child";
- "If the child is difficult."
Published in 2019, hardcover with 432 pages.

L. Petranovskaya Big book about you and your child
- from the series "The Big Book of Education";
- for moms and dads who are faced with the problem of contact with their baby;
- in cases of misunderstanding of the positions of the educated and educating parties;
- how an invisible support for a person is formed for life from the care and love of a father and mother in childhood;
- what lies behind the aggression, whim, pampered beloved child;
- possible causes of the harmful nature of a son or daughter;
- guidelines for balancing in conflict situations;
- ways of solving complex forms of misunderstanding;
- forms of assistance in the confrontation of the parties;
- maintaining the psychological health of their babies;
- accessible language;
- combining theoretical explanations with practical examples;
- analysis of standard situations;
- recommended by readers.
- users note the average level of paper quality.
“Close people. If the child is difficult

A separate edition of the 2nd part of the previous volume allows you to get "ambulance" in an insoluble family conflict.

Quick answers to questions:
- pamper or not;
- if there is no strength to endure, what to do;
- measure and method of punishment.
The Family Psychology Handbook is addressed to mothers and fathers of children with behavioral problems.
L. Petranovskaya Close people. If the child is difficult
- to facilitate understanding between parents and children;
- from the series "Close people";
- published in 2013, republished in 2019;
- printed on offset paper;
- a guide to the psychology of relationships;
- hardcover;
- readers note the ease of perception of truths that indicate a way out of difficult relationships with small vermin;
- acceptable price;
- suitable for repeated reading;
- recommended for the family library.
#SELFMAMA "Life hacks for working moms"
A compromise solution for a modern woman - to continue to work and be a good mother, finds its implementation in the practical advice of a psychologist.

L. Petranovskaya #SELFMAMA "Life hacks for a working mom
- how to properly distribute forces, energy for family and work;
- forget about remorse, build a career, raise a wonderful son or daughter - this is possible;
- tricks and tricks that allow you to abandon the victims and emerge victorious in a difficult mission;
- a guide to the "burner method" - a shift in emphasis (power) from one object of application of forces to another, to a place that requires more attention;
- a woman's life can be multifaceted and interesting, without excluding its important elements;
- narration in an easy, accessible form;
- paperback edition at a reasonable price;
- printed in 2019.
"Minus one? Plus one! Adopted child in the family
The book volume from the publishing house "Piter" with beautiful illustrations by S. Malikova reveals the essence of the problems of understanding adopted daughters and sons, their expectations in a new family.

L. Petranovskaya Minus one? Plus one! Adopted child in the family
- the arithmetic expression “minus one” is identified with a reduction in the number of abandoned children per one small person, and “plus one” is the increase in the family per one adopted baby;
- the versatility of the social phenomenon from the desire to save lonely boys and girls from the lack of family warmth, love, to compassion and guilt before them - how to correct injustice;
- about possible pitfalls when a new family member appears;
- advice on ways to maintain internal balance and overcome possible difficulties of education, understanding;
- for specialists in the field of child psychology;
- a series of publishing house "To parents about children";
- belongs to the category "psychology and education";
- made on excellent offset paper
- in hardcover.
"Child of two families"
A series about adopted children reveals the complexities of relationships in a family with adopted and adopted babies.

L. Petranovskaya Child of two families
- how to properly relate to the secret of fatherhood and motherhood;
- contacts with relatives mom and dad - should be practiced and encouraged;
- many real stories and characters with coverage of the problems that have arisen;
- what you need to know before deciding to adopt;
- questions of the behavior of one of the adults removed from his son or daughter during a divorce;
- conflict of perception of blood and adoptive parents by a small member of the family;
- required reading for specialists of children's institutions and social services in contact with orphans, difficult children;
- recommended for employees of children's institutions;
- practical guide to action.
- separate duplication of themes from previous editions.
"Everything-everything-everything about raising children"
The author has combined three of her most popular publications under one cover:
- “If it is difficult with a child”;
- "Secret support";
- #SELFMAMA "Life hacks for working moms".
A well-known child psychologist positions the volume as "The main book on psychology."

L. Petranovskaya All-all-all about raising children
- for regular reference and return to the material in complex family issues related to relationships, mutual understanding of children and parents;
- competent presentation of basic concepts and approaches instead of extensive lengthy explanations;
- quick psychological assistance in emerging conflicts;
- deciphering the sources of the whims of a small family member, his aggression, spoiledness;
- how modern to combine work and motherhood, not to miss important moments of upbringing and career, to properly distribute forces and opportunities;
- about the gradual transformation of helplessness, dependence on mothers and fathers into maturity and the ability to make their own decisions;
- the personality of the baby begins to form "from an early age" on the secret support of love and care of mothers and fathers, how to help a son, daughter not to waste energy on winning the attention of adults, but to develop harmoniously.
Section of children's literature

"What to do, if…"
The publication leads in the "Customers' Choice" category and is considered one of the best for young explorers of the world who have difficulty in relationships with adults and peers.

L. Petranovskaya What to do if…
- colorful illustrations;
- what to do if you are lost;
- how to behave alone at home;
- what to do in case of suspicious harassment by a stranger;
- fear of the dark - how to overcome;
- what to do if you are teased;
- how to properly build your position and behavior;
- what to do with indecision;
- funny presentation;
- understandable explanations.
- there are several editions of different years, in particular 2010, which are not always available on the free market.
What to do if... part 2
The continuation of the first successful publication was embodied in an equally worthy version published by AST in 2014.

L. Petranovskaya What to do if ... "Part 2
- the publication contains the author's introductory address to the educating generation;
- what to do for a girl or a boy if it is difficult to study or have a bad memory;
- why the father or mother does not allow to get a dog, what to do;
- how to behave in case of fire or elevator stop;
- bathing hazards;
- what position to take if it became known about the bad intentions of friends;
- first suggestions to take alcohol or nicotine, how to act;
- set out in a confidential form, captivating the child and in an accessible language;
- reissued in 2020.
“We read and develop with a psychologist. Once upon a time, in a Fairytail"
The encyclopedia consists of an essay by Lyudmila Vladimirovna on the influence of fairy tales on the formation of such concepts and character traits in young readers as strength, love, will, talent, wisdom.For each topic, a series of fairy tales has been selected, where familiar characters and their adventures are evaluated from a new point of view in the context of a rich content of life concepts.

L. Petranovskaya We read and develop with a psychologist. Once upon a time, in a Fairytail
- familiar, and sometimes half-forgotten fairy tales in a new perception;
- read by the whole family;
- an exciting journey into the world of characters and overcoming oneself as heroes;
- how values are formed on the example of fairy-tale characters;
- rich illustrations from famous artists G. Dore, W. Crane, I. Bilibin, A. Rackham and others;
- a practical parallel to the growing up of a beloved child, his fears, conflicts, difficulties and situations of fairy-tale characters, how to learn a lesson correctly;
- a guide in the world of life changes as a small person masters the world;
- from the publishing house "AST";
- good design.
- the price is above the average cost for the category.
"Starry sky"
Beautifully designed and entertaining hardcover edition on coated paper will be a great gift for a little explorer. Adults with interest can read with the baby.

L. Petranovskaya Starry Sky
- about the structure of the Galaxy, the Solar System, the Cosmos in an accessible form;
- from the series "Entertaining Science";
- published in 2017, republished in 2018;
- recommended for reading from 6 years old;
- about researches by scientists of the Universe;
- methods of simple orientation in the starry sky with finding known constellations and determining the cardinal directions;
- answers to questions: why eclipses occur, the concept of the phases of the moon, the seasons;
- simple and exciting about the work of astronauts in orbit;
- from the Human. Earth. Universe";
- presentation style - popularized science;
- great copy for the home library.
What to do if there is an exam?
A special version for high school students from the AST publishing house, edited by V.V. Chemyakina and illustrations by Andrey Selivanov.

L. Petranovskaya What to do if you are waiting for an exam?
- guidance for maintaining a stable psychological atmosphere in the family during exams;
- a competent approach in a stressful situation for better assimilation of the examination material and its successful delivery;
- how to provide the older generation with timely support and not harm;
- methods for implementing the psychological balance of all households in a stressful period;
- recommended for family reading;
- is in demand among high school students;
- simple solutions to complex behavior patterns;
- available material.
- not always available for sale, not reprinted.

Comparative table of the best books by Lyudmila Petranovskaya | | | | | |
1. | for adults | | | | |
| Name | publishing house | Pages, number | Binding | Average price, rub. |
| Big book about you and your baby | Time | 432 | solid | 650 |
| If the child is difficult | −”− | 144 | −”− | 400 |
| #SELFMAMA | −”− | 224 | soft | 350 |
| Child of two families | AST | 144 | solid | 450 |
| Minus one? Plus one! | Peter | 160 | −”− | 500 |
2. | children's literature | | | | |
| What to do, if… | AST | 143 | solid | 900 |
| What to do if… part 2 | −”− | 144 | −”− | 1100 |
| We read and develop with a psychologist. Once upon a time, in a Fairytail | −”− | | −”− | 2100 |
| starry sky | outline | 128 | −”− | |

At all times, adults strive to raise children according to their principles, but negligent children actively oppose this, giving rise to conflict, sometimes turning into confrontation. Author-psychologist L.V.Petranovskaya, who has a pedagogical education, in her writings indicates ways to resolve complex relationships between children and the older generation, analyzes standard and special situations, and offers options for restoring lost trust and mutual understanding.
A number of publications from popularized science to a non-standard look at fairy-tale characters in terms of learning important life guidelines from their example: about good and evil, character traits, the importance of strength, will, love.

Home library of book publications L.V. Petranovskaya will help mothers and fathers to understand the life contradictions of their growing boys and girls, not to lose mutual understanding and maintain their senior status. Advice for young readers in various life situations, up to guidance for high school students for the examination period. Methods of maintaining psychological balance by all household members at a difficult and crucial moment. A special approach to families with foster children, their psychological conflicts and advice for competently overcoming underwater reefs will be invaluable help.