
  1. What is SMM?
  2. How to choose
  3. The best books for SMM-manager
  4. Outcome

Rating of the best books for SMM-manager in 2022

Rating of the best books for SMM-manager in 2022

The Internet and social networks have tightly entered the daily life and communication of many people. Modern society can no longer imagine itself without this virtual space, and few people are afraid of talking about social isolation, because social networks allow you not to interrupt communication with loved ones for a long time.

But there are people for whom the Internet is not just communication and entertainment, but a means of earning money by attracting customers and promoting their product. Of course, carrying out such activities, you must have certain skills and knowledge, and it is more suitable for marketers or the so-called SMM manager, but if you wish, everyone can learn all the nuances of promoting goods and services and succeed in this direction. To improve your experience in marketing or to learn how to position your product from scratch, you need to read a lot of literature, which will be discussed in this article.

What is SMM?

First you need to understand what SMM is. Social Media Marketing is a rather versatile event for the sale of goods in social networks (VKontakte, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Telegram, YouTube, etc.). As in any marketing activity, this includes market analysis, studying the target audience, consumer psychology and factors motivating the purchase, as well as filling the resource with creative advertising, interesting texts, and many other measures to promote the product. All this activity is a powerful tool for the sale of their goods or services in social networks.

Of course, in order for all these methods to bear fruit, it is necessary to work in this area and "fill the bumps", but some points can be taken into account, focusing on someone else's experience, which many SMM people are happy to share.

How to choose

Bookstores are filled with various hits, bestsellers of any genre, and it is quite difficult for an ordinary person to navigate all this diversity. Therefore, in order not to make mistakes when choosing, it is better to first identify the criteria for this choice. After all, the scope of making money on the Internet is very diverse and not always the manual corresponds to the topic of interest.To understand what material will best answer all your questions, you can look at the ratings of quality publications, popular books and the best writers according to readers and their reviews, or you can listen to experts in this field and find out what literature they recommend for reading.

What should I pay attention to if the book is purchased independently? Skim through a few sentences on different pages to see if the text is easy to read. Plus, it is advisable to look at the year of publication, because in the modern world nothing stands still and everything is changing rapidly.

But, in order to better orient in the choice and decide which book is better for an SMM manager to buy, below are the most recommended and good publications for improving social marketing skills. This selection for reading not only helps to compensate for the lack of specialized education, but also expands the horizons of SMM.

The best books for SMM-manager

100+ Hacks for Internet Marketers
votes 1

Authors: Denis Saveliev, Evgenia Kryukova

Year of publication: 2018

The content of the book is not just recommendations for Internet marketing, but, indeed, hacks for getting traffic and converting it into sales. The text does not tell lengthy stories and does not provide complex detailed explanations, but provides the reader with a powerful set of tools for doing business on the Internet.

This publication has gained popularity not only with relevant information for the SMM manager, but it is also just a useful treasury of knowledge for fans of the genre, providing useful services that allow you to automate many manual processes and facilitate your work in a virtual network.On them you can find information of interest on website promotion, writing original content, memes and slideshows. Each service is accompanied by a brief description.

In addition to services, the writer offers up-to-date information on writing posts. And even for those who think that he already knows everything on this topic, there is interesting information here with a lot of all sorts of chips. All recommendations are given with step-by-step instructions and many links to additional useful materials.

The author also gives recommendations on how to make the text more readable and easy to understand, complementing all this with exciting ideas for posts and websites.

The information presented in the book is fascinating with a variety of pictures and illustrations of development charts, it is read in one breath.

This material was written by an expert and the head of the marketing department of the Texterra company, but all the work on writing this material was carried out jointly with the general director Denis Savelyev and the company's employees. The competence of these people in the field of Internet marketing is proved by the large traffic to their site and numerous grateful reviews.

The information presented in the book is not only about social networks, so it is perfect for other areas of activity on the Internet and just for informative reading.

A small drawback is that at the time of the publication of this book, Yandex replaced the TIC indicators with IKS with different content requirements. Therefore, the information is useful, but one should not blindly follow the recommendations without checking with current trends.

The average price of this publication is 460 rubles, but an electronic copy can be downloaded on the Internet for free.

Denis Saveliev 100+ Hacks for Internet Marketers
  • informative;
  • many links to useful resources;
  • providing interesting ideas for sites and posts.
  • published before the introduction of the ICS.

Social media marketing
votes 0

Author: Damir Khalilov

Year of publication: 2013

Although this book was published back in 2013, the information in it remains relevant due to the fundamental advice presented and many examples of Russian SMM marketing strategies.

The information presented can teach even a child. It is written in simple language and is understandable even for a beginner.

Foreign literature, which describes the realities of European network users, does not always correspond to the portrait of a Russian user.

The author of the book, Damir Khalilov, is the owner and CEO of Russia's first smm-agency GreenPR. Having been operating since 2006, he has proved his competence with a large number of successful completed projects.

The great experience of Damir Khalilov and the press of the Russian edition teaches from the mistakes of others and helps to navigate precisely in the conditions of the domestic Internet. On examples from personal practice, the problems of the sphere of Internet marketing are considered, typical mistakes of Social Media Marketing in our country are analyzed. All recommendations for promotion are described step by step with detailed practical advice. The author shares many tricks for attracting customers through social networks.

This book will be useful for managers to read as a good example of successful SMM in Russia. For marketers, here are powerful tools and ways to get the desired effect. Yes, and for novice smm-specialists, it will be useful to get acquainted with this material from a writer with extensive experience in this field.

An exciting book reads quickly and easily, 240 pages can be read even while traveling by transport.

The average cost of the book "Marketing in social networks" by Damir Khalilov is 678 rubles, but you can find more budget options.

Damir Khalilov Social Media Marketing
  • many useful cases;
  • systematization of knowledge;
  • without water.
  • at the moment the information is not new.

Platform: how to get noticed online
votes 0

Author: Michael Hyatt

Year of publication: 2012

"Platform: How to get noticed on the Internet" reveals the importance of social networks and provides specific methods for attracting information users or buyers of goods.

The author of this publication, Michael Hyatt, former CEO and current chairman of the board of Thomas Nelson Publishers, a well-known publishing and bookselling company in the United States, details how to start selling your product to successful sales, how to expand your sphere of influence in an oversaturated market.

The bottom line: To attract customers to your product, you need two strategic assets, which include an attractive product and a good marketing strategy. The writer proposes to associate himself with the actors, only to build the stage for introductions by himself from people, contacts and like-minded people.

This foreign work will help those who are going to expand their sphere of influence in the network, become more noticeable and receive a stable income. Moreover, in modern realities, methods for achieving these goals have become simpler, more accessible and cheaper. Although this material is not for everyone. It is not very suitable for large-scale sites and online stores, but for those who decide to independently attract visitors through blogging and other tools, it will help.

A large edition of this edition has been translated into many languages ​​and has long been one of the top books in the Amazon online store, receiving a record number of positive reviews.

For those who have at least some page on social networks, these 304 pages will not be superfluous.

This publication is freely available online.

Platform: how to become visible on the Internet Hyatt Michael
  • simple and understandable writing language;
  • specific recommendations;
  • quality edition.
  • the year of publishing;
  • not for large projects.

Contagious. Psychology of word of mouth
votes 0

Author: Yona Berger

Year of publication: 2019

New this year from a series of creative approach to draw attention to your product or service. The book does not describe traditional approaches, but how to really interest people so that they want to share the information received through advertising. This is the psychology of word of mouth and is described in books.

Author Yona Berger, a professor of marketing at the Wharton School of Business at the University of Pennsylvania, has devoted a lot of time to the issue of product popularity, conducting scientific research, on the basis of which this brilliant literature was published.

This educational material will arouse interest not only for people doing business on the Internet, but also for ordinary users of social networks who want to share their thoughts and ideas using the principles of infectious content.

This 240-page book will help you learn the psychological aspect of advertising perception, specific methods, examples from the life experience of the writer himself and famous brands, and step-by-step instructions for creating viral messages and advertisements that will become popular and will be shared with pleasure.

Although the book is intended for adults, it is so easy and fun to read that it will be interesting even for children.

The average cost of this novelty is 860 rubles.

Yona Berger Contagious. Psychology of word of mouth
  • written by a professor of marketing at the Wharton School of Business;
  • based on scientific methods and the study of the experience of well-known brands;
  • not only educational, but also entertaining.
  • not identified.

Internet Marketing: The Best Free Tools
votes 0

Author: Jim Cockrum

Year of publication: 2013

The modern Internet allows the use of inexpensive, and often completely free methods for the effective dissemination of information. Internet Marketing: The Best Free Tools is one of the must-read books to master these techniques.

In order to obtain the necessary knowledge on a subject of interest, you do not need to study the entire volume, although this will not be a waste of time, dividing information into several thematic parts will help you choose the most interesting from them.

The first section tells about the first steps on the Internet, helps to express yourself and create a positive image. In the second part, you can learn how to win the trust and favor of customers. Well, the third section will explain how long to maintain efficiency and interest in your business.

The author, Jim Cockrum, a very well-known information businessman and online marketer, offers his readers a lot of low-cost ideas for growing in social networks and the Internet in general and a detailed overview of successful strategies. The powerful marketing tools presented by the writer relate to the use of the Internet, but those that are completely unrelated to it are also reflected.

This edition was one of the most anticipated books and was eagerly awaited by everyone who wanted to attract attention, from selling goods to dreamers who want to convey their thoughts to others.

How much is this fascinating and useful piece of literature worth? On average, the price for it is 726 rubles.

Internet Marketing: The Best Free Tools Jim Cockrum
  • over 100 simple and free ideas:
  • well-known and sought-after author of the book;
  • well structured text.
  • year of publication, but most of the information is still relevant today.

Content, marketing and rock and roll
votes 0

Author: Denis Kaplunov

Year of publication: 2017

A line of books from one of the most famous copywriters in Russia, Denis Kaplunov, will give a lot of useful knowledge for an SMM manager, but this particular edition offers you to learn how to write interesting and exciting content, without which, as everyone knows, no Internet strategies will be effective.

The author offers to gain knowledge on compiling any form of interesting content, from blog posts to electronic literature. All the information presented in this edition is supported by effective methods and techniques, confirmed by the personal practice of the writer.

This material on 384 pages will be useful to everyone who is on the Internet not for fun, but to get a specific stable income.

It is no coincidence that the name refers to rock and roll. The perception of the information in this publication is perceived easily, fascinatingly and inspires immediate attempts at writing using the recommendations presented in the book in order to become a "star" and a favorite of your audience.

The average price of this useful and interesting book is 785 rubles.

Content, marketing and rock and roll Denis Kaplunov
  • a lot of useful information for work in social networks;
  • quality edition and convenient format;
  • everything is clearly written with specific examples.
  • a lot of distracting moments in the form of links and puzzles for copywriters.

The psychology of persuasion
votes 0

Authors: Robert Cialdini, Noah Goldstein and Steve Martin

Year of publication: 2013

Unlike previous books, this one focuses on the psychological techniques of persuasion, with which you can build more trusting relationships and influence people.

The authors propose to learn how to use a couple of words to attract attention and increase the effectiveness of advertising, what other aspects affect the perception of information, and what makes people give a positive response.

The information from the book will be useful not only for conducting effective business negotiations and attracting attention online, but simply for everyday communication.

Authors working in different fields have combined their knowledge in this edition. The book presents 50 methods of persuasion, which are explained from a scientific point of view, and proven by practical examples.

One of the authors, Robert Cialdini, who works in the field of social psychology, is the author of well-known books published in half a million copies.

Noah Goldstein teaches at the University of Chicago Graduate School of Business, and Steve Martin is a leader working on the principles outlined in Robert Cialdini's The Psychology of Persuasion. Such a versatile and rich experience of the three authors provides extensive and useful material for achieving positive results both in business and when communicating with loved ones.

The average cost of the book: 496 rubles.

The Psychology of Persuasion by Robert Cialdini
  • diversified knowledge of the authors;
  • information that does not lose relevance over time;
  • The material in this publication is useful in any field of activity.
  • not identified.

Hard SMM. Get the most out of social media
votes 0

Author: Dan Kennedy

Year of publication: 2017

Some authors of books on development in social networks recommend that their readers think of work as a game, experimenting with ideas, but in this book the emphasis is on the fact that this is still a tough world of money and the first thing you need to have here is resilience.

The author himself, Dan Kennedy, has a negative attitude towards social networks, but at the same time, having sufficient knowledge and seeing a large number of unprofitable strategies in this area, he, in collaboration with the owner of a large SMM agency, Kim Welsh-Phillips, decided to share the accumulated wholesale.

The book considers SMM only in the prism of generating income, so there are a large number of tools for conversion and monetization. And to achieve great results and squeeze the maximum out of social networks, the writer gives specific methods, proven in practice, to increase the audience, to turn cold traffic into clientele and ways to analyze the work being done.

The 344 pages of information in the book will be useful for businessmen and executives who will understand the profitable opportunities of social networks and get the most out of quality marketing.

The average price for one copy of this book: 540 rubles.

Hard SMM. Get the most out of social media Dan Kennedy
  • specific methods of promotion in social networks;
  • easy to read;
  • many practical examples.
  • not identified.

Write, abbreviate: How to create strong copy
votes 0

Authors: Maxim Ilyakhov, Lyudmila Sarycheva

Year of publication: 2018

Another great piece of literature to improve your writing skills. "Write, cut" will help copywriters improve their level and teach everyone who is interested to write high-quality materials.

Not only the fundamental rules for writing attractive text are written here, but also a lot of unusual ways to create high-quality content. In the book, of course, to a greater extent it is not about creating a literary text, but about how to properly structure an informational article and convey its essence to the reader. Writers give 10 rules that need to be used so that the text attracts attention, captivates and simply turns into an ideal style.

All information is presented in an understandable language with a smooth transition from simple to complex. The main thoughts and results for better perception are highlighted in frames. All information is supported by illustrative examples and comparisons with incorrect spellings.

This material will be of interest to both professionals and ordinary users of social networks.

Average price: 516 rubles.

Write, cut: How to create a strong text Maxim Ilyakhov
  • a good structure of the text, allowing a good perception of the information presented;
  • easy and simple to read;
  • material useful not only for doing business, but also in everyday correspondence.
  • not identified.


The modern market is full of educational publications for the SMM manager, but it is quite difficult to identify really high-quality and useful literature.The most significant assessment when choosing a particular publication is the author's expertise and reader reviews, and it is better not to be lazy and read them before purchasing a book.

And for those who decide to go on a free voyage and independently develop a business in social networks at home, it’s not bad to supplement the list of the above books with materials on social isolation and constant processing, and how to deal with it.


