
  1. A selection of the best books for architects
  2. Conclusion

Review of the best books for architects

Review of the best books for architects

Books are an important building material for our consciousness. They form and help to open wider the boundaries of our own consciousness. Today we will talk about specialized books. Namely, we will rank the best books for architects. In them you can find a lot of useful information not only for beginners in architecture, but also for professionals who never stop learning. Let's talk about each separately and analyze all the subtleties.

A selection of the best books for architects

100 Contemporary Concrete Buildings

Book by famous writer Philip Jodidio. Circulation printed in full by TASCHEN. For more than half a century, works from this great man have been shining on all book pedestals. At the moment it is one of the most interesting and information-filled source in the world of architecture. This book is available to everyone, it is also quite massive in terms of information load and hundreds of variations of buildings can be found in it. For an experienced architect with a great imagination, this book is ideal.

It contains many concrete buildings of recent years. The edition was specifically released in two volumes so as not to compress the content or make the book very large. Below you can see one of the reversals.

100 Contemporary Concrete Buildings
  • the book was written by a Harvard graduate;
  • high-quality translation from English into Russian;
  • occupies a leading position for more than half a century on all book pedestals;
  • a lot of useful information;
  • edition in two volumes;
  • serves as a source of inspiration.
  • issued specifically and exclusively for professional architects;
  • no edition in Russian.

History of architecture

This is a book on the history of architecture, published in two volumes, by Auguste Choisy. It is perfect for novice architects who learn the basics of their future business.In the book, the author talks not only about the stages of the formation of architecture, but also explains in detail the meaning and properties characteristic of each architectural element, not bypassing even the smallest details.

History of Choisy Architecture
  • a book from an architectural historian and former engineer;
  • ideal for novice architects;
  • similarly describes all the stages of the formation of architecture, like crafts;
  • detailed description of the basics.
  • no shortcomings have been identified, the book has no competitors in terms of information content.

Essays on the history of architectural styles

It was written in collaboration with I. A. Bartenev and V. N. Batazhkova - Russian writers. The book has been called the bible of architectural craftsmanship. In it, you can track the development of architecture over the centuries, the transition and emergence of styles, how styles are associated with art, and much more. This is a real treasure not only for lovers of architecture, but also history. In the process of reading, you will find for yourself many such subtleties of the work that no author will write.

Essays on the history of architectural styles
  • one of the most worthy domestic works;
  • the bible of architectural excellence;
  • in the book you can find the history of architecture from its origin to the connection of styles with art.
  • edition is not often found in modern stores.

People and bricks: Ten architectural structures that changed the world

The author of the book, Tom Wilkinson, is an architectural historian who lived in Britain. Translated into Russian and sold in most domestic stores. He will immerse his reader into the world of history and tell about it in the most interesting and understandable language for everyone. The book is published not only for professionals, but also for people who are simply interested in architectural skill.In his book, he explores architecture and connects it with complex human relationships in order to give the reader the most vivid and open picture.

People and bricks: Ten architectural structures that changed the world
  • the book was written by a British architectural historian;
  • talks about architecture in a clear and simple language;
  • ideal for novice architects;
  • for a simpler perception, the author connects architecture with human relationships.
  • The book has no flaws.

The Classical Language of Architecture

The author of the written book is John Summerson, an architectural historian. The book has been translated from English for interested readers from Russia. He believes that each architectural style has its own unique language through which it communicates with people. This edition talks about a unique cipher found in architectural styles. And their main representatives are buildings. The book will be useful for those who have already learned the basics of architectural craftsmanship and have learned to distinguish at least some of the styles.

The Classical Language of Architecture
  • the author tells in the most interesting way about the unique language of each of the architectural styles;
  • reveals the essence of the theme on the example of the most magnificent buildings.
  • the book is available for those who are already familiar with the basics of architecture;
  • users who bought the book note that there are inaccurate moments in the translation.

ANDO. Complete works to date 1975-2014

The author is Philip Giodidio and the book is published by Taschen. The language of the work is English. However, despite the lack of a Russian version, the book can inspire any architect.It would be a great omission to pass by and not notice a publication showcasing the work of the Japanese artist Tadao Ando.

He is the owner of several of the most prestigious awards in the world of architectural construction. This collection is considered a great inspiration for the creation of works by other equally famous architects. They echo the work of Tadao. Centerfold photos will captivate many and make them spend a lot of time studying them.

ANDO. Complete works to date 1975-2014
  • one of the most complete editions of monographic works;
  • projects of the Japanese architect Tadao Ando are presented;
  • a collection can be used as inspiration;
  • photographs are presented in spread.
  • no Russian version.

Ten books about architecture

If you really immerse yourself in the world of architecture, then it is better to recognize it from the very beginning, from the beginning. One of these works is a treatise by the ancient Roman architect Vitruvius. He, one of the first architects in the world, tells everything he knows about brick and stone, also about how the forum works and what is the best place for an altar. In addition, he will tell about the work of sun and water clocks. All his works were published in 12 books. His work is undeniably a little heavy, but it is a classic. It is considered the basis of everything and therefore it is an important work, this is what architecture began with.

Ten Books on Architecture Vitruvius
  • a book on the history of architecture;
  • a treatise by the ancient Roman architect Vitruvius;
  • he talks not only about styles, but also how to work with them;
  • one of 12 books about his work;
  • classic in the world of architecture.
  • The books are hard to read for beginners.

Japanese architecture book

The book was published by the German publishing house Detail.It will introduce the reader to the architecture of ancient Japan, their favorite open spaces. She talks about everything, down to the minimalism that has long been inherent in the Japanese. After all, there is nothing more interesting than this culture, millions of people annually come to this country not only to enjoy the specialty food, but also to look at the beautiful buildings.

Book about Japanese architecture Detail
  • one of the few books detailing the work of Japanese architects;
  • The story is told starting with the architecture of ancient Japan.
  • no Russian version.

B like Bauhaus

The book is from the director of the London Museum Deyan Sudzhin. He talks about the most important things. For example, it describes in detail how modern architecture is arranged, and why ordinary design, the essays of which we meet daily, is so important. They can serve even mass-produced goods, as well as works of the highest art. If we understand what they are made of and how they function, then a certain clarity will appear in our life, we will begin to understand the structure of everything. But the book can bring some interesting and useful things into our lives at the same time. She is just like that, she talks about the connection between simple and complex things in human language, so that we begin to see beauty in the ordinary.

B as Bauhaus Deyan Sujin
  • the book is based on the stories of the director of the London Museum;
  • quite clearly translated from English;
  • written in simple language to convey the essence to any reader.
  • The analysis did not find any deficiencies.

Twenty minutes in Manhattan

Written by Michael Sorkin. Translated into Russian.Millions of people come to New York every year to see, if not first, then not least, Manhattan. In the book, we can walk through it with an architecture critic and hear his personal reflections on history, politics, urbanization and human behavior. If you are interested in this direction, then you have chosen the right path. It will be a big adventure from home to his personal studio in the Tribeca area. This budget trip will have a big impact and will bring a lot of useful information that you didn't know before.

Twenty Minutes in Manhattan Michael Sorkin
  • the narration of the book is conducted on behalf of an architectural critic;
  • along the way, he talks about history and many other significant things;
  • the author in the book will reveal many previously unknown secrets.
  • The book is written in an interesting and simple way, so there are no flaws in it.


Circle of Total Architecture

The author of the book is Walter Gropius, the most famous theorist of architectural modernism and the first director of the Bauhaus. He is also a former dean of the architecture department at Harvard University itself. The book contains more than ten program texts, they are full of information. It is difficult to argue with the reliability of the data. The book is considered revolutionary for the 20th century. He talks about architecture as an integral part of human life. And he is really right, because we face this every day and have the right to know what surrounds us. He considers architecture from all sides, affecting the functional one.

Circle of Total Architecture Walter Gropius
  • the book was written by one of the most famous theorists of architectural modernism;
  • professionally written because its author is a former dean of the faculty at Harvard University;
  • revolutionary edition of the 20th century.
  • since the book has been translated, there are small inaccuracies in it, but this does not greatly affect the quality of perception;
  • suitable for professional architects.


Triumph of the City. How our greatest invention is making us richer, smarter, greener, healthier and happier

This most interesting book from the world of architecture is written by Edward Glaser. He, like the author of the previous book, is associated with Harvard. But in it he was educated as an economist and worked on it. Reveals, with the help of historical descriptions and personal observations, the hidden mechanisms in the work of large cities. Edward departs from the usual ideas about the world of architecture and explains why cities are useful, why they are more “healthy”, economically and culturally rich and environmentally friendly enough spaces to build your own life in them.

Once you open this book, you won't be able to put it down. The author did his best and brought to the work a large number of interesting and informative moments. In particular, they make the book so interesting.

Triumph of the City. How our greatest invention is making us richer, smarter, greener, healthier and happier
  • one of the most interesting books in the world of architecture;
  • written on the basis of own knowledge and observations;
  • A fascinating book written in simple language.
  • The book is not available in all bookstores.

Guide to Modernist Architecture in Moscow

When you get tired of theoretical books and realize that it is time to start practical study, then go for a walk. To do this, there are a large number of guidebooks, for example, on Moscow architecture, each of which can offer interesting routes for research.Additionally, they will talk about the historical value of architectural structures.

In the new edition of the guide to Moscow, the authors paid great attention to Soviet modernism. They singled it out as a special and one of the most important species in the world history of architecture. Recall that it began to be such at the end of the 20th century. It contains stories about the construction of the Academy of Sciences, the Chaika pool, the Ostankino Tower, Sparrow Hills and many photo illustrations made by the famous photographer Yuri Palmin.

You can safely take this guide with you and go on a many-hour walk around the capital. He will tell and show how the most visible and memorable monuments in history were built.

Guide to Modernist Architecture in Moscow
  • a book about the architecture of our capital;
  • the main theme is Soviet modernism;
  • a large number of descriptions of the construction of buildings significant for the country.
  • few of these books remain, since the publication has not been updated for a long time.

100 Contemporary Wood Buildings

Book by Philip Giodidio. The book is published in English, German and French. With the advent of more modern architecture, in which concrete and steel occupied a significant part, many began to forget about the use of wood. People think that it is far in the past. But Philip has two whole volumes of evidence that the tree has not lost its relevance and is constantly being revived in various creations of modern architects.

The publication contains the most unusual and monumental objects built in the 21st century. They are created thanks to modern production technologies and the most talented architects gathered from all over the world.

100 Contemporary Wood Buildings
  • in the center of attention are architectural buildings made of wood;
  • the author proves that this material is popular in the 21st century;
  • there are images of the most unusual buildings from famous architects of world renown.
  • There is no Russian version of the book.

DOM Publishers Guide

Let's talk about another guide from the German publishing house DOM Publishers. They recently released a whole series of guidebooks related to architecture to various famous cities in the world. Moscow was also among them. The publishers and authors who had a hand in creating guidebooks have chosen 10 of the most significant and popular buildings in each country. The ones that even foreigners should get to know. They went for the trick and added 5 historically significant ones and 5 hidden ones that few people know about, but they are no less interesting. The publications were also translated into Russian.

DOM Publishers Guide
  • beautiful and simple guide;
  • the list includes the most significant and least known buildings.
  • No shortcomings have been identified, a very exciting publication that is suitable for foreigners and those who like to find new places in their homeland.


This Brutal World

The book was written by Peter Chadwick. There is no Russian translation of the book. In the publication you can find the so-called "brutal" architecture. The most impressive specimens that have ever been built on the planet have been selected. They can be called real architectural treasures.

It's a global exploration of style, using the best of Zaha, David Chipperfield and some of the most celebrated Brutalists from the 20th century. Yes, many have already guessed what kind of people we are talking about. Fans of this genre will be simply delighted with what they see.

This Brutal World Peter Chadwick
  • clear and aesthetically beautiful book;
  • representative of brutal architecture;
  • written in simple and understandable language.
  • no edition in Russian translation.

city ​​architecture

Aldo Rossi is the author of the book. He analyzed in sufficient detail and seriously the urban structure as a work of art and the result of political decisions taken at different times. At first, you will have to read the book slowly and thoughtfully in order to understand what is at stake, but in the end the author nevertheless summarizes and helps to reach the desired conclusion. Thus, he opens his eyes to the structure of different cities of the world and why there is a direct connection between architecture and happiness.

Suitable for architecture lovers, at least superficially familiar with this world. Otherwise, it will be hard, but, in any case, whoever buys and reads this book, he will be able to look at the world of architecture in a completely different way.

Architecture of the city Aldo Rossi
  • serious book;
  • detailed analysis of the urban structure.
  • designed for people who already know the basics of architecture;
  • very difficult to understand.

New York is out of it

This book combines the incongruous. She is both serious and funny at the same time. It is called a bestseller in the architectural world because it was a real shock to people who first saw it. Until now, the book finds its reader and leaves a mark in the hearts for a long time.

The central figure of the story is New York, one of the most densely populated and promising cities on the planet. All styles of architectural craftsmanship are mixed together in it and get along quite well together.Additionally, you can find stories about the city itself, some of which are quite funny, and therefore they will bring some ease in reading. They are very vividly written and organically fit into the general context. Therefore, reading such a novel will appeal to anyone who one day falls into the hands of "New York outside of itself."

New York is out of it
  • the book combines incongruous things in the world of architecture;
  • became a real bestseller for people.
  • no deficiencies were identified.

Death and Life of Great American Cities

This book is written by an American journalist. She was the main opponent of the development of Manhattan. Her name was Jane Jacobs. She said that the city does not have to live as a single centralized system under strict supervision, sometimes it needs to be given freedom.

Therefore, the book began to come out from the opposition. And, there is a small hope that someday it will find its application and finally embody the idea of ​​its author. Worth reading for those who support the position of the author and those who constantly like to learn something new, who are extremely interested in public opinion and simple voices from the crowd.

The Death and Life of Great American Cities by Jane Jacobs
  • the book was written by a journalist speaking in opposition to traditional housing developments;
  • speaks simply and clearly about his point of view.
  • no deficiencies were identified.

The future of architecture. 100 most unusual buildings

And, the last book that we will analyze today has become a kind of inspiration for architects. It will help to relax the soul of anyone who takes it in hand. It was written by architect Mark Kushner under the direction of TED Books.

The book answers in sufficient detail and simply the most difficult questions in the world of architectural construction, the illustrations attached as an explanation are especially helpful. It is unique in that the most unusual modern buildings are found in the publication. They will certainly entice you and explain the essence of this or that type of building in the world of architectural construction.

The future of architecture. 100 most unusual buildings
  • the book serves as inspiration for architects;
  • gives simple answers to complex questions;
  • details the most beautiful and unusual buildings.
  • today it is rarely found on the shelves in stores.


We have analyzed the most popular books of architectural orientation. We have collected them specially from different architects, theorists and practitioners, from all over the world, so that you can take a fresh look at the world of architecture. Each of the books is suitable for both amateurs and professionals in this field. Some need to be read carefully, because they contain a large amount of professional information, while others, on the contrary, are created so that you can understand the essence of the world and its structure. They are written very simply and the rest is for inspiration.

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