Analytics is the science of business problems. People who solve these problems have a systematic vision. The popularity of books on this topic is growing every year, so it is sometimes difficult to find the right literature that is accessible and can simply give comprehensive answers that excite businessmen. Attention is presented to the top ten books on business analysis for various levels of human training.
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Every analyst, whether a beginner or a professional in his field, must master the main base - various analytical methods. In fact, he must be fluent in:
What to look for when buying an analytical book? There are several main points to determine:
Most business start-ups don't know where to start. In educational institutions, a mandatory list of books is given that you need to read in order to have a general idea of \u200b\u200banalytics. Self-taught people can study the recommended manuals from independent, successfully realized themselves in the business of analysts.
The presented line of books is selected for fans of various genres of analytical presentation of the material. The review includes benefits that are the best for this year, suitable for people of various social spheres. Each model of the textbook is accompanied by a brief description, positive and negative characteristics, as well as individual information with an approximate cost. The information provided is one of the main criteria for choosing one or another benefit.
Who: executives, managers, analysts, and also suitable for a novice specialist.
Written by: Director of Analytics at Warby Parker.
What it's about: Clarifying what data-driven governance means for a company and how to achieve it.
The book has been translated into Russian. It is equipped with educational material from data collection and visual reports to analysis and informed decisions. The written manuscript is based on interviews conducted by the author with analysts and scientists, and it also contains case studies.
Cover of the book "Analytical Culture"
The book with illustrations is a kind of workshop that gives a general idea of the processes carried out by companies for their prosperity.The author talks about the processes that need to be introduced at all levels with a detailed description of how to do this. It touches upon the main problems that arise in this process and provides comprehensive answers to solve them.
General information:
The year of publishing | 2017 |
Author | Carl Anderson |
Publisher: | Mann, Ivanov, Ferber |
Series | MYTH. Business |
Pages | 337 |
Literature | foreign |
Age audience | 18+ |
Genre | Business |
Cost (rubles): | about 1000; electronic version - 450; subscription - 380 |
Who/why: Needs analysts, designers, programmers, and software testers.
What the book is about: about the development of quality requirements for the product.
Written by: American software engineer.
According to readers, the manuscript is useful to read for those who have no idea about BA/SA. It is a translation of the 2nd edition of the original. The book is equipped with additional chapters on the role of the requirements analyst and the importance of business rules. Clarifies the importance of formulating requirements for maintenance projects, integrated solutions, and plans developed by third parties.
Book cover design for Software Requirements Development
Basic information:
Publication year | 2004 |
Author | Carl I. Vigers |
Format: | PDF/EPUB |
Literature | foreign |
Pages | 576 |
publishing house | Russian Edition |
Number of chapters | 24 |
Applications | 4 |
Genre | Software testing |
average price | 1200 rubles |
To whom: for accomplished professionals - managers of the public and corporate sectors, as well as those who wish to master the basics and practice of analytical work.
Task: to reveal the essence of system analysis and problem solving.
Written by: Doctor of Philosophy, Professor of the Department of National Security of the Russian Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation.
The book consists of 3 chapters, the presentation of the material of which is accompanied by pictures. The importance of issues related to the methodology, organization and technologies of modern analytical work is revealed. The possibilities of using analytical tools for studying socio-political and economic processes are being dismantled.
The appearance of the front side of the book "ABC of Analytics"
General information:
The year of publishing | 2018 |
Writer | Kurnosov Yuri Vasilievich |
Genre | Management; Enterprise management |
publishing house | Conceptual |
Available formats: | fb2, epub, txt, doc, pdf |
Literature | Russian publishing house |
Parameters (centimeters): | 21,8/15,5/1,7 |
Net weight | 412 g |
Series | Education, upbringing |
Item ID: | 655145 |
Pages | 240 |
Edition | third |
Circulation | 1000 |
Binding | solid |
Age limit | 16+ |
What is the price | 960 rubles |
For whom: interested in economics.
Who wrote: Prof.
This book is for reading and studying the specifics of banknotes. The main idea is how money became a fundamental concept of the modern economy.
Naked Money book design
General information:
Genre | Banking; Finance |
Author | Charles Whelan |
Edition | 2019 |
publishing house | Mann, Ivanov and Ferber |
Series | MYTH; sciencepop |
Item ID: | 664324 |
Number of pages | 384 |
In how many languages: | 13 |
The weight | 730 g |
Format (centimeters): | 24,2/17,3/2,3 |
Type of | best-seller |
What is the price | approximately 1000 rubles |
Who wrote: professor of behavioral economics.
For whom (recommended readers): for analysts of initial and intermediate level.
The goal is to gain basic knowledge in the digital industry.
The manuscript is recommended for those who want to learn how to analyze and be able to work in the conditions of modern technologies and trends. The ideal guide for web professionals who can easily find solutions to the toughest problems, including multi-channel analytics and analysis of the contribution of multi-contact campaigns.
Part of the cover of the book "Web Analytics 2.0 in Practice"
General information:
Item ID: | 555667 |
Writer | Kaushik Avinash |
Interpreter | Yu.I. Kornienko |
Genre | Marketing |
publishing house | Dialectics |
release date | 2019 |
Number of pages | 528 |
The weight | 820 g |
Format (centimeters): | 24,3/17,4/2,7 |
Heads | 14 |
Rating on a 10-point scale | 9.75 |
Price | 3450 rubles |
For whom: for beginning business analysts, designers, programmers, marketers and managers.
The book was written by programming expert Joyne Beatty and Carl Vigers. It provides detailed information on developing quality software requirements. To create effective software, dozens of proven techniques for identifying, verifying, formulating and developing requirements are described.
Front cover of "Developing Software Requirements"
General information:
The year of publishing | 2019 |
Writers: | Carl Wiegers, Beatty Joy |
Edition | third |
Heads | 32 |
publishing house | BHV |
Item ID: | 445051 |
Net weight | 540 g |
Format (centimeters): | 7/10/1,6 |
Genre | Programming |
Rating for this year | 11th place |
score | 9.5 |
Pages | 737 |
File | PDF, 8.21 MB |
Binding | soft |
By price | 1170 rubles |
To: HR, marketers, communications specialists, managers of all levels.
A selection of material for the book was taken based on the target audience in two areas: recruiting and training, which are indicated by tags in the title. In it, professionals share their personal experience in implementing various technologies in order to improve the efficiency of HR processes.
Cover design "HR #digital #brand #analytics #marketing"
General information:
The year of publishing | 2019 |
Author | Osovitskaya Nina Anatolievna |
publishing house | Peter |
Age limit | 16+ |
Series | Business bestseller |
Item ID: | 681439 |
Number of pages | 400 |
The weight | 528 |
Parameters (centimeters): | 22/14,5/2,2 |
Genre | Management, recruitment |
Format | fb2, rtf, epub, txt |
Rating number | 9 |
average cost | 680 rubles |
For whom: for marketing analysts, students, students of MBA programs, graduate students.
For what: to learn professional work in the field of marketing and strategic management.
Study guide for personal development and learning process. It describes the main tasks with solutions for the analytical activities of marketing.The textbook is equipped with the necessary didactic material, with the help of which any student will be able to perform a variety of tasks that arise in the work, which will lead his company to financial growth.
The cover of the book "Analytical Marketing"
General information:
The year of publishing | 2018 |
Writer | Tamara Nikolaevna Ryzhikova |
Series | Higher education. Undergraduate |
publishing house | INFRA-M |
Item ID: | 672509 |
Number of pages | 288 |
The weight | 376 g |
Dimensions (centimeters): | 21,5/14,5/1,6 |
Circulation | 500 |
Binding | solid |
By price | 1860 rubles |
For whom: for business analysts, managers.
The idea of the book is a visual guide to the fact that almost any business can benefit from modern analytical tools.
The book was written by academician, Soviet orientalist Bernard Marr. The author describes in detail the application of each of the 67 tools for the effective introduction of a business that any businessman should know about.
Design of the book "Key business intelligence tools"
General information:
The year of publishing | 2018 |
Author | Bernard Marr |
Pages | 339 |
Interpreter | Egorov V. N. |
Genre | Marketing |
publishing house | Knowledge Lab |
The weight | 550 g |
Parameters (centimeters): | 24,2/17,2/1,8 |
Item ID: | 642297 |
Key Sections | 7 pieces |
Format | fb2, epub, ios.epub, pdf, txt. |
Age | 16+ |
average price | 930 rubles |
To: For data scientists.
For what: in-depth study of the language "Julia".
A book on systems analysis assumes that the reader has an initial knowledge base in this area. It describes various ways of working with the language, which are supported by practical examples with a step-by-step solution.
Cover of the book Mastering the Julia Language for Analysts
Basic information:
Publication | 2017 |
Author | Malcolm Sherrington |
Genre | Databases, Foreign computer literature, Programming |
publishing house | DMK-Press |
Mark readers | 10 points |
Genre Rating | 8th place |
Indication number | 552631 |
Pages | 416 |
Net weight | 524 g |
Dimensions (centimeters): | 22/16/1,8 |
Editor | Movchan D. A. |
Middle price segment | 1380 rubles |
The rating includes the best books for analysts, according to readers. Most of the manuscripts are published by world-famous foreign publishing houses, so many manuals have to wait several years until they appear on sale in the Russian version. Each author uses an individual method of presenting material to the reader, so there is no book like another. The exception is books that have several parts.The table shows some data of the presented list of manuscripts on analytics, after studying which, you can make a choice which book is better to buy for yourself.
Table: "Which book is better?"
Name | Number of pages | Author | Genre | Publication year | Cost, rub.) |
"Analytical Culture" | 337 | Carl Anderson | Business | 2017 | 1000 |
"Development of software requirements" | 576 | Carl I. Vigers | Software testing | 2004 | 1200 |
"ABC of Analytics" | 240 | Kurnosov Yuri Vasilievich | Management. Enterprise management | 2018 | 960 |
"Naked Money" | 384 | Charles Whelan | Banking. Finance | 2019 | 1000 |
"Web Analytics 2.0 in practice" | 528 | Kaushik Avinash | Marketing | 2019 | 3450 |
"Development of software requirements" | 737 | Carl Wiegers, Beatty Joy | Marketing | 2019 | 1170 |
"HR #digital #brand #analytics #marketing" | 400 | Osovitskaya Nina Anatolievna | Management, recruitment | 2019 | 680 |
"Analytical Marketing" | 288 | Tamara Nikolaevna Ryzhikova | Marketing | 2018 | 1860 |
"Key Business Intelligence Tools" | 339 | Bernard Marr | Marketing | 2018 | 930 |
"Learning the Julia language" | 416 | Malcolm Sherrington | Databases, Foreign computer literature, Programming | 2017 | 1380 |
Inexpensive books cost around 1 thousand rubles. Budget manuscripts - with the possibility of free study of didactic material. The choice of a book is a personal matter of the reader, it should be done after a clear statement of the problem and purpose of studying the material.