
  1. How to choose a medical center for the treatment of the spine, and what to look for
  2. Rating of clinics providing quality treatment services in St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region
  3. Conclusion

Rating of the best spine treatment clinics in St. Petersburg for 2022

Rating of the best spine treatment clinics in St. Petersburg for 2022

Sooner or later, almost every person leading a normal life is faced with back pain. In order to avoid this problem, you need to constantly do exercises and special exercises that strengthen the muscle corset, move as much as possible, and not stay in a sitting position for a long time.

If the problem has already appeared, you should immediately consult a doctor in order not to aggravate the state of health. This should be done when the following symptoms appear:

  • lower back pain even with slight physical exertion, which does not go away within 2-3 days;
  • there was a spinal injury;
  • shootings in the back;
  • when lying down or during sleep, discomfort does not go away;
  • pulling and aching pains do not go away for a week or more.

A vertebrologist deals with the treatment of diseases of the spine.Since this is a narrow specialist, it is not always possible to get an appointment with him on time, therefore, in emergency cases, you can get advice from a neurologist, a traumatologist (if the appearance of discomfort was preceded by an injury), an oncologist, or a surgeon.

If you do not know which doctor to go to, it is best to first contact a therapist who will give initial recommendations and refer you to the necessary specialist.

In this article, we will consider the criteria for choosing the best clinic for the treatment of the spine, and also rank the best of those located in St. Petersburg.

How to choose a medical center for the treatment of the spine, and what to look for

Consider the main recommendations and tips for choosing a clinic dealing with back problems:

  1. First of all, it is necessary to study the list of services provided and the qualifications of the staff. A self-respecting organization publishes this information on the official website, making it available for public viewing. It is desirable to find in this list a specialist with a qualification level not less than a candidate of medical sciences. The more experience he has in his field, the better. Age is not always worth considering, as this is a controversial criterion.Sometimes a young doctor who is actively studying new technologies and attending conferences will be preferable to an older person who, due to his health problems, can “work at half strength”, “stay in the past”, and use only the knowledge gained in his youth.
  2. It is recommended to give preference to doctors with a narrow specialization. Universal, multidisciplinary centers are very popular, however, in terms of functionality, they rarely go beyond the state polyclinic. In clinics with a narrow specialization, there is usually better specialized equipment, a large number of doctors who know the specifics of the disease.
  3. Quantity and quality of reviews. We recommend talking with your relatives and friends, as it is possible that some of them have already encountered a similar problem and will suggest a good institution that deals with spinal hernia, osteochondrosis and joint problems. A good option would be to search for customer reviews on the Internet, but not on the official website of the clinic, but on specialized independent sites where people are not interested in leaving exclusively positive comments, and reviews are not censored. When studying the center, you should pay attention to the period of work (the longer it is, the better), the presence of an extensive network (branches) - all this speaks in favor of the company. It would be useful to study specialized forums where people share their opinion about a particular clinic, or about a particular doctor.
  4. Availability of modern diagnostic equipment, neat renovated premises, cleanliness and order. A good clinic pays special attention to equipping the rooms with all the necessary equipment, and does not save on it.It helps not only to quickly diagnose, but also to make the correct diagnosis, on which the outcome of treatment depends.
  5. The optimum ratio of price and quality. We do not recommend considering clinics that provide services at the most budgetary prices, since they usually save on the most important thing - technical equipment and salaries for competent specialists. Accordingly, the staff of the institution in such centers has medium or low qualifications, does not have all the necessary skills and is not able to carry out all the necessary measures and provide the required assistance for pain in the spine, and uses low-quality materials. At the same time, the price should not be too high, since the patient's budget is often limited.

In well-known centers, the first consultation with a doctor is free of charge, therefore, before making a final choice, it is worth visiting the chosen clinic, talking with the doctor, evaluating his approach to treatment, and only after that make a final decision.

The elimination of problems associated with the spinal column can be carried out in a conservative and operative way. The conservative method is a classic technique, which consists in influencing the patient's body in ways with minimal intervention. Most often, patients are prescribed: taking medications, physical therapy, physiotherapy, massage, acupuncture, sessions with a chiropractor. The operative method involves surgical manipulations, including cartilage transplantation, installation of prostheses, removal of formations of various etiologies (hernia, etc.). This technique is used only after conservative treatment in case it has not yielded results, or in urgent cases.Operations on hernias can give serious complications, so this method is resorted to as a last resort.

Rating of clinics providing quality treatment services in St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region

Let's start the review of institutions dealing with problems of the spinal column with the most famous organizations within the Ring Road and Leningrad Region.

National Medical Research Center for Psychiatry and Neurology named after V.M. Bekhterev

Address: St. Petersburg, st. Bekhtereva, 3.

Opening hours: Monday-Friday from 09:00 to 18:00.

Phone number: ☎+7 812 670-02-22.

Official website on the Internet:

The institution is located near the metro stations Elizarovskaya, Alexander Nevsky Square - 1 and 2.

Here they provide qualified assistance to people with problems of the cervical and lower spine, intervertebral hernia, injuries of peripheral nerves, stenosis, osteochondrosis, back pain.

The clinic is equipped with modern and technological equipment that allows for diagnostic and surgical procedures. Experienced and qualified professionals daily use innovative techniques used around the world.

The main preference is given to conservative methods that allow to achieve the desired result without the use of traumatic manipulations, which allows the patient to recover quickly. However, in the case of vital indications, doctors perform operations in all areas of neurosurgery and neurology. Most operations are performed using minimally invasive techniques that allow you to speed up the recovery of the body up to several days.

The neurosurgical department accommodates 30 beds, which are located in 9 wards - general, double, postoperative and operating rooms, single.

It has its own consulting department, patients are received daily. In case of revealing any problems with the client, it is possible to obtain the conclusion of a council of doctors of narrow profiles. If the patient has a referral from a polyclinic at the place of residence, consultations are provided free of charge.

The staff of doctors consists of neuropathologists, rheumatologists, neurosurgeons and therapists. Due to the presence of doctors of all specialties, the patient receives a comprehensive diagnosis and the correct diagnosis in a short time. All of them are constantly retrained and have the latest achievements in medicine.

The following technologies are used for diagnostics:

  • stabilometry (assesses the vestibular apparatus, the ability to maintain balance),
  • micropolarization (study of defects in the spinal cord and brain using microcurrent exposure);
  • transcranial magnetic stimulation;
  • x-ray examination;
  • Magnetic resonance imaging;
  • computed x-ray tomography;
  • ultrasound examinations;
  • doplerometry.

A training department has been created on the basis of the center, in which doctors are trained in neurological and psychiatric areas. Training is provided for a fee and free of charge. The graduates of the center work in many well-known clinics. It also organizes retraining of personnel, refresher courses for employees.

On the company's website you can find a detailed description of the proposed diagnostic examinations, a list of types of medical manipulations performed, the contacts of the doctors conducting the appointment, a detailed map with a description of how to get to the center.

The prices for the services provided are affordable and accessible to everyone. The clinic offers high standards of care, including a comfortable stay, polite attitude of the staff, and a full range of medical services. The center performs operations of any complexity: elimination of spinal canal stenosis, complications caused by injuries of the spine and skull, stiffness of movements, lumbar backache, removal of hernias, etc.

The following methods are used to eliminate back problems:

  • drug therapy (the use of analgesics, injections, anti-inflammatory drugs and chondoprotectors, physiotherapy procedures (stretching, massage, exercise therapy, etc.);
  • surgical manipulations.

Most often, patients with intervertebral hernias come to the reception. In order to prevent compression of the spinal cord and eliminate the likely consequences, such patients are shown a surgical operation. The equipment of the center makes it possible to detect hernias of any localization and diameter. Minimally invasive interventions significantly reduce the rehabilitation period. Each client is given an individual schedule of recovery procedures, which includes physiotherapy exercises, massage, and physiotherapy. Endoscopic procedures allow you to remove a hernia with a minimal risk of complications.

Also, the clinic performs surgical elimination of osteochondrosis by microdecompression (elimination of compression of the intervertebral discs) and open removal of a hernia.They perform operations related to spinal injuries of any degree, treatment of oncological diseases of the spinal column and its congenital anomalies.

Decompressive-stabilizing manipulations are also carried out, with the installation of implants for rigid and dynamic fixation. Before prescribing a particular surgical intervention to a patient, a consultation of doctors is necessarily assembled, with an individual consideration of a particular case.

The specialists of the center also eliminate the consequences of unsuccessful manipulations carried out earlier in other medical institutions, find and eliminate the source of pain, which is a side effect of the previous intervention.

  • competent, professional and friendly doctors;
  • convenient site, has its own page Vkontakte, Instagram;
  • average prices for services are much cheaper than in private clinics;
  • convenient location, a large number of departments and beds;
  • severe cases of patients are considered by a council with the appointment of an individual treatment program;
  • It is possible to make an appointment online.
  • due to the heavy workload of doctors, an appointment can be scheduled several months in advance;
  • a small number of wards of increased comfort, not the best conditions for finding patients (poor repair, overcrowding).

Clinic of the spine of Dr. Razumovsky

Address: St. Petersburg, Aviakonstruktorov Ave, 6.

Opening hours: daily from 09:00 to 21:00.

Phone number: ☎+7 (812) 649-03-03.

Official website on the Internet:

The clinic has been operating for over 10 years and is well known in St. Petersburg. The main activity is problems with the spinal column and joints in adults and children.

The organization uses advanced methods for diagnosing back problems, among them are:

  • Ultrasonic bone densinometry is a test that measures the mineral density of bone tissue. Since the bones are mostly composed of calcium, ultrasound diagnostics reveals its percentage and evaluates the structure of the bone tissue. The procedure allows you to identify even the initial forms of demineralization, to prevent the development of osteoporosis. The cost of the service is 1,100 rubles;
  • computer optical topography of the spine - a non-invasive technique that allows you to identify various defects of the spinal column and the causes of postural disorders (scoliosis, kyphoscoliosis, torso torsion, etc.). Diagnostics is performed by calculating the light flux reflected from the human body with the function of its registration. The procedure without side effects, allows you to identify the angle of the body, pelvic tilt, deformity of the chest and other defects. The method is highly informative, safe in repeated use, allowed for adults and children over 5 years old. The cost of the service is 1,900 rubles;
  • magnetic resonance imaging is a high-precision diagnostic method that allows you to get a layered image of the part of the body in question. Scanning of various parts of the spine is performed: thoracic, cervical, lumbosacral, coccygeal, as well as the spinal cord. The procedure can be carried out in a closed and open way. The second is suitable for people with claustrophobia, as well as those who are overweight. This method is not applicable to patients with pacemakers, who have metal implants, etc. The examination can be carried out on the basis of several centers by appointment, around the clock;
  • multislice computed tomography. The diagnostic method is based on the use of x-rays. The study of the spine is carried out in cases of traumatic injuries, inflammatory processes and tumors, degenerative changes, intervertebral hernias with different locations. The examination is not carried out in pregnant women. If the study is carried out using contrast, clients with the following problems cannot undergo it: diabetes mellitus (acute), kidney failure, allergies to the components of the composition, thyroid defects.

The clinic provides services for the treatment of the spine in accordance with the latest achievements of world science, among the main methods are:

  • Chondoprotector Hyalripayer injections. The drug is made on the basis of hyaluronic acid, and also contains active substances that reduce inflammation, activate regenerative and metabolic processes in tissues. In addition, the composition of the drug includes an analgesic that helps to eliminate pain. The course requires from 3 to 5 procedures with a break of up to 14 days.
  • Magnetotherapy. The procedure has a complex effect, which consists in improving blood circulation and metabolic processes, pain relief, elimination of inflammation and swelling, and improving the compensatory abilities of the human body. The cost of the service is 1400 rubles.
  • Photodynamic therapy. It consists in the introduction of a special substance under the skin, which accumulates in defective tissues, and when exposed to a light beam, damaged cells are destroyed. The method has proven itself in the removal of intervertebral hernias, osteochondropathy and other diseases.Sessions are carried out for 3 days, after which they take a break of at least 10 days. The cost of the service depends on the characteristics of the device and the area to be affected, and ranges from 2,300 to 9,200 per session.
  • Plasmolifting. In the treatment of the spine, it is used in the following cases - osteochondrosis, intervertebral hernia, with injuries and in other situations. The process stimulates the production of new cells, improves the general condition of blood vessels, and normalizes the mobility of the spinal column. The cost of the service is 4,800 rubles.
  • infusion therapy. In this procedure, a special fluid is injected into the patient's blood stream or drip. This technique helps relieve swelling and eliminate severe pain, which often occurs in people with back problems. As a rule, the procedure is carried out in a hospital.
  • Internal blockades. The procedure does not consist in treatment, but only in the removal of pain by injecting an anesthetic directly into the site of inflammation. It allows you to relieve pain in intervertebral hernias, osteochondrosis, radiculopathy, etc. The cost of the blockade depends on the type of joint, and is 1,100 - 2,000 rubles.
  • Carboxytherapy (pneumopuncture). The bottom line is the subcutaneous injection of carbon dioxide into tissues using a medical gun. According to 80% of patients, the technique brings significant pain relief, as well as improved mobility of the spinal column. After the introduction of gas in the tissues, red blood cells are intensively produced, which reduce pain and promote regeneration. The effect appears a few days after the session. The clinic uses a pistol from one of the world's best manufacturers of such equipment.The apparent complexity of the manipulation does not affect how much one session costs - depending on the zone, the price of the service does not exceed 1,600 rubles.
  • Spinal traction is one of the most effective methods to prevent the destruction of the spinal column, eliminate osteochondrosis and fibrous changes. Sessions are conducted both separately and as part of complex therapy at the rehabilitation stage after surgery. The procedure strengthens the muscular corset, eliminates subluxations of the joints in the spinal column, its curvature and displacement. The cost of the session is 1,300-1,600 rubles.
  • Manual therapy is a targeted impact of the doctor's hands on problem areas to eliminate clamps and displacements. After the session, the patient relieves pain, muscle tension, improves blood circulation and motor functions. The course is 5-12 procedures with a break of up to 3 days. One session will cost 2,300 - 2,700 rubles.
  • Operational intervention. It is carried out only in cases where other methods have not shown an effect.

Many other types of therapy are used in the clinic, which cannot be described within the framework of this article.

The company has a convenient website where you can find all the information on the methods used, read customer reviews, find out current prices, as well as current promotions and discounts, and find out other necessary information.

  • the clinic conducts many types of diagnostic studies, as well as treatment methods;
  • a convenient website that provides all the information the patient needs;
  • the clinic is the winner of many awards and ratings held in St. Petersburg;
  • accept not only adults, but also children from birth;
  • All doctors have many years of experience and are professionals in their field.
  • high cost of services.

Scientific and Clinical Center for Spine Pathology of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "SPb NIIF"

Address: St. Petersburg, st. Polytechnic, d.32.

Opening hours: Monday-Friday from 09:00 to 17:00.

Phone number: ☎ 8(812)775-75-55.

Official website on the Internet:

The Center is a structural subdivision of the St. Petersburg Research Institute of Phthisiopulmonology, which includes 3 departments:

  • inpatient department - adults and children with spinal pathologies of varying severity receive help here;
  • outpatient consultative department - assistance to patients is provided on an outpatient basis or in a day hospital;
  • laboratory department - instrumental studies, evaluation of analyzes, etc. are carried out here.

The activities of the institution are the elimination of pain syndrome, inflammatory and tumor lesions of the spinal column, the elimination of its various deformities, congenital malformations, traumatic effects, as well as unsuccessful surgical interventions.

Diagnosis of the patient's condition is carried out on special equipment: by the method of computer and magnetic resonance imaging, digital x-ray, radioisotope scanning, ultrasound and laboratory research, electroneuromyography.

For patients in the center, the following manipulations are prescribed: anti-inflammatory therapy, analgesic blockades, electrical stimulation.

For recovery after surgical interventions, patients are offered physiotherapy exercises, physiotherapy, electrical stimulation of various parts of the spine, the manufacture and wearing of special orthoses.

The hospital of the institution consists of double and single rooms, there are patients undergoing complex research methods, including punctures, removal of nerves from the joints, discography, discoplasty, etc.

Surgical intervention is performed in cases where there is a need for:

  • removal of intervertebral discs (can be carried out both simultaneously and in stages);
  • installation of implants in the spinal column;
  • removal of hernias;
  • decompression of the spinal canals;
  • electrical stimulation of the spinal cord;
  • elimination of deformity and posture disorders in adults and children using a variety of fixation systems;
  • thoracoplasty;
  • vertebrotomy;
  • motor rehabilitation.

In order to receive hospitalization, you need to get a doctor's consultation, or have a referral from a polyclinic at your place of residence. In the center, due to the workload of staff and a large flow of visitors, there may be delays in the implementation of hospitalization. It is carried out at the expense of the CHI policy or on a paid basis.

On the basis of the department there is its own educational center, which is engaged in training and advanced training of its own employees. Various seminars and improvement courses are constantly held here. Both active and interactive teaching methods are used for teaching. Periodically, analyzes of specific situations of patients and practical exercises are held. All this increases the general level of qualification of doctors and contributes to better patient care.

The institution has its own website, where you can get all the necessary information, including information about the schedule of admission of specialists, the schedule of the treatment room, get acquainted with what are paid medical services and the price list for them. Here you can find all contact information, a list of employees, a map.

  • large staff, experienced specialists;
  • it is possible to obtain the use of the CHI certificate;
  • accept not only adults, but also children;
  • for hospitalization, single and double rooms are offered;
  • Lots of positive patient feedback.
  • not too good repair and general condition of the premises;
  • some equipment is obsolete morally and physically.


Despite the large number of medical centers dealing with spinal problems in adults and children in St. Petersburg, it is very easy to make a mistake when choosing the best one.

We recommend focusing primarily on the rating of establishments and the number of positive customer reviews. It is best if there are no negative reviews at all, but since this situation is extremely rare, such reviews should be carefully studied and assessed if you are ready to put up with the shortcomings indicated in them.

The choice between public and private organizations is difficult to make, since each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages. For many patients, the decisive criterion is the final cost of the services provided, which is why they do not even consider private companies.

Nevertheless, we recommend contacting such centers, since in most cases, the best doctors work there, for whom the manager has created optimal conditions, compared to state clinics. If you do not have the opportunity to receive treatment in a private company, we advise you to go to a specific doctor in a public institution, making a choice based on the reviews of relatives and friends, or by studying the relevant forums in your region.

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