
  1. Causes of pain
  2. Types of diseases of the spine
  3. Back pain - treatment
  4. Best spine treatment clinics in Novosibirsk
  5. Conclusion

Rating of the best spine treatment clinics in Novosibirsk for 2022

Rating of the best spine treatment clinics in Novosibirsk for 2022

Regular pain in the lower back or sternum is quite common, timely examination of the spine helps to find the cause of the pain. The main thing for the patient is to find a clinic whose doctors will provide highly qualified assistance and prescribe effective therapy, let's talk about the best spine treatment clinics in Novosibirsk in 2022.

Causes of pain

The term "low back pain" is used to refer to many types of diseases located in the lower part of the spine, with different causes, severity and clinical presentation.

Back pain is most often a degenerative disease, the severity of which depends on many factors, including:

  • genetic predisposition and heredity;
  • consequences of the hard work done;
  • sports or injury.

The most common source of low back pain is the intervertebral disc.

This element resembles a disk in shape. Consists of an annulus fibrosus surrounding a flexible cartilaginous-fibrous nucleus. The intervertebral discs connect the individual vertebral bodies and carry and absorb the stresses that the spine is subjected to.

The degenerative process of the intervertebral discs, which begins already during puberty and progresses over time, is called discopathy.

Discopathy is not the main cause of low back discomfort, but accounts for 60-80% of all sources of pain, most commonly found in people aged 30 to 50 years. This is a type of herniated disc that involves the rupture of the outer layer of the disc and the bulge on the outside, which causes pressure on the nerves, muscles, and blood vessels. The immediate cause of discopathy may be rapid flexion or flexion with additional rotation, which moves the atherosclerotic nucleus backward, causing a rupture.

In some cases, pain occurs in the nerve endings of overloaded or contracted paravertebral muscles, joints, or spinal ligaments.

We must not forget about other dangerous pathologies:

  • spinal tumors;
  • inflammatory and purulent lesions;
  • hematomas inside the spinal canal;
  • fractures.

In most cases, after the examination, people hear the diagnosis - osteoporosis. When the disease occurs, deformation of the vertebrae caused by loss of bone tissue in the lumbar region causes pain in the lower back and in the spinal column of the sternum of the skeleton, as well as pain behind the sternum.

There are many causes of back pain, many of which are natural (postmenopause, old age), some are the result of pathological processes in the body or taking various medications.

Osteoporosis is a common bone disease characterized by weight loss due to a decrease in bone mineral density (BMD). Osteoporosis is divided into 2 types depending on the reasons that impede the normal assimilation and transfer of calcium:

  • primary;
  • secondary.

Primary osteoporosis (more than 85%) is caused by hormonal changes occurring in the human body. A decrease in estrogen production directly affects the degree of calcium metabolism, which leads to a decrease in BMD.

In addition, the postmenopausal period is characterized by the activation of bone resorption processes, that is, the volume of “absorbable” calcium bones significantly exceeds the volume of incoming ones.

One of the causes of secondary osteoporosis is the pathology of the gastrointestinal tract, which prevents the absorption of calcium, as well as a lack of vitamin D, which occurs for the following reasons:

  • insufficient food intake;
  • violation of metabolic processes that cause delayed skin formation under the influence of ultraviolet rays;
  • insensitivity of the body to vitamins due to deficiency or absence of receptors, the conversion of provitamin D, obtained by natural synthesis, into vitamin D.

Modern and accurate diagnostics allows patients to determine the diagnosis of the disease, take a course and receive qualified treatment.

Experts distinguish among the causes of pain in the lower back and spine pathologies of neighboring organs:

  • urinary tract disease (nephrolithiasis, infectious manifestations, cystitis);
  • inflammatory processes of female reproductive organs (tumors of the uterus and appendages, endometriosis, painful menstruation);
  • problems with the prostate gland in men;
  • inflammatory processes of the gastrointestinal tract.

Types of diseases of the spine

Degenerative changes in the lumbar

Degenerative changes most often occur with age, the peak of the disease occurs at 50-60 years. The cause may be a decrease in physical activity and subsequent muscle weakness. Then the vertebrae and tissues of the spine are overloaded, which are not accustomed to severe statistical overloads (a sedentary lifestyle). The pain is constant or intermittent and worsens with prolonged movement or standing.

If degenerative changes do not increase significantly, they can be treated conservatively. Treatment is based mainly on physical rehabilitation and changes in daily life. Here you can also support the rehabilitation process by performing a therapeutic injection.

Spinal Overload Syndromes

This is one of the most common causes of chronic back pain. This is a combination of overload of muscles, ligaments and intervertebral discs as a result of hard physical work, sports or incorrect position. Pain sometimes manifests itself not in the spine, but in distant parts of the body. Depending on the factors and severity, they can be very diverse.However, they should always be a warning signal requiring expert advice.

Vertebral fissure - fracture of a vertebra

Most often in young, athletic people. The pain is local, usually stronger on one side. If the vertebra lying above moves forward relative to the lower vertebra, spondylolisthesis occurs.

Its formation can occur on the basis of a previous vertebral fissure or due to significant instability in the course of degenerative changes. There is a possibility of rehabilitation treatment for both diseases. Especially in the case of a spinal fracture, it is important to make a diagnosis as soon as possible, when the bone defect has the possibility of spontaneous healing.

Back pain - neck

Neck pain is in second place in terms of number of back pain conditions. More often these are complaints of people leading a sedentary lifestyle and working in a sitting position. This disease most often affects seamstresses, laboratory workers working on microscopes, and people working at computers.

This is due to prolonged static position, lack of physical activity, and poor posture during daily activities.

That is why it is so important to pay attention to the correct position of the head and maintain the correct posture.

The cervical spine is prone to degenerative changes due to its high mobility and susceptibility to stress. Pain can be acute, associated with inflammation or injury, or chronic, associated with degenerative changes or cancer.

Stressful situations cause excessive tension around the neck and shoulders, causing them pain.People with depression or mental problems may complain of chronic conditions that are difficult to treat.

Back pain treatment

Treating back pain is primarily about treating the cause, not just the symptoms. A patient with pain is prescribed a therapeutic treatment, which is selected based on the results of a functional examination. According to statistics, nine out of ten patients who have had an attack of low back pain will experience a relapse within the next year, and one third will have more severe symptoms. Due to such pessimistic statistics, the most important element in solving the problem is the prevention of relapses and timely diagnosis.

In the vast majority of cases, treatment is rehabilitative in nature. Proper rehabilitation is selected for each patient individually, it involves reducing pain as soon as possible so that you can perform daily activities.

In exceptional situations, especially in the elderly, after minor injuries or sudden overloads, a compression fracture can occur inside the vertebra. The patient complains of severe pain, which is aggravated by movement or change of position. Imaging tests should be performed to determine which of the vertebrae is broken and how large the deformity is.

In cases of very severe changes, where there is significant spinal degeneration or the severity of neurological symptoms is high, surgery may be required. Its volume and exact technique are determined for each patient separately. All operations are based on stabilization of the spine with various sizes of decompression of the nerve structures.After surgery, rehabilitation is needed to allow you to return to normal functioning and learn appropriate behaviors.

Primary prevention and timely diagnosis will determine the cause of back pain and find ways to get rid of it.

Methods for diagnosing diseases

  • densitometry
  • classical x-ray examination
  • x-ray densitometry
  • double x-ray energy absorption
  • computed tomography (CT)
  • quantitative ultrasound (ultrasound densitometry or MDI)

What is densitometry?

The method is used in the diagnosis of many diseases of the musculoskeletal system, especially the spine. Densitometry is carried out in accordance with the instructions and plans (it is recommended to prescribe once a year to all people over 50 years of age).

Densitometry is a type of bone tissue diagnostics that accurately determines bone mineral density. Simply put, densitometry means measuring bone loss.

This method is based on measuring the level of calcium, which quite informatively reflects the strength of bones.

Densitometry is carried out both in acute musculoskeletal diseases and according to the plan. It is especially important to conduct them annually for all people over 55 years old, but doctors recommend densitometry at least once every 1-3 years after the age of 40.

Unfortunately, densitometry cannot be performed in every clinic due to lack of equipment. In most cases, it is only available in large public hospitals, and it is rarely performed in polyclinics.

Procedure types

In modern realities, densitometry is performed in two ways: using ultrasonic waves and x-rays.Despite the fact that both methods provide a lot of data on bone tissue, there are some differences between them.

These two methods are distinguished in the following nuances:

  • X-ray diagnostics (osteodensitometry). With it, you can examine the entire spine. This method of testing is the most informative, but there is a price for it - the patient receives a serious dose of radiation with each examination.
  • ultrasound diagnostics (USD). This research method is much less informative, but much safer and a little faster. Ultrasound is most suitable for diagnosing children or the elderly, whose body can be particularly damaging.

What does it define?

Densitometry cannot "say" anything about bone tissue that can be useful in diagnosing or treating diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Its capabilities are limited to determining the density and, therefore, the strength of the bone structure.

Both x-ray and ultrasound densitometry have the following diagnostic capabilities:

  • can accurately determine the amount of calcium in bone tissue;
  • compares the indications of the amount of calcium in the patient with the indicators of the international standard (based on control indicators - average);
  • allows for relative comparisons across age groups (it is clear that calcium intake for the elderly differs from calcium intake for children).
  • determines the amount of calcium in the bone tissue is completely painless for the patient, because this method is non-invasive (non-penetrating).

Best spine treatment clinics in Novosibirsk

"Doctor Ost"

In Novosibirsk, the center started working only three years ago, but has already managed to establish itself on the positive side.The clinic specializes in diagnosing diseases of the musculoskeletal system using the latest technologies. Branches of the center work not only in Novosibirsk, branches are also opened in other Russian regions. The clinic uses the author's method Kuzina O.V.

Today this center is the leading medical institution in the city of Novosibirsk, the quality of medical services is at the highest level, the center is equipped with the necessary modern special equipment and hardware technologies.

Located at:

Russia, Novosibirsk, st. Nikolai Ostrovsky, 120,

☎+7 383 209-38-38


Working hours: from Monday to Friday from 8.00 to 20.00 hours

Saturday - Sunday - from 8.00 to 18.00

  • specialists of the center are engaged in the treatment of the spine and joints, headaches;
  • in the clinic you can undergo a course of rehabilitation after prosthetics and a stroke;
  • patients can receive a course in sports medicine;
  • there is a discount for the first appointment with a specialist;
  • payment by installments;
  • there are promotions for the privileged category of patients (pensioners, birthdays, athletes, the disabled);
  • a perpetual loyalty program for all types of services has been developed;
  • provision of paid outreach services to patients at home (from 150 rubles to 2700 rubles);
  • conducting a course of hirudotherapy cost 350 rubles;
  • non-surgical methods;
  • using the DRX root;
  • 3D extract on the device ELITE TRAC;
  • application of shock wave therapy;
  • PRP-Therapy
  • plasmolifting;
  • orthotics;
  • cash and non-cash payment is provided.
  • no.

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The ORMED Medical Center in Novosibirsk provides patients with spinal treatment services, and also offers rehabilitation courses, spine stretching, kinesitherapy, and massage procedures.The specialists of the center specialize in non-surgical treatment of hernias, conduct manual therapy courses and other medical procedures.

Located at:

Russia, Novosibirsk, st. Kavaderiiskaya, 9

☎+7 (383) 214-32-72


Working hours: from Monday to Saturday from 9.00 to 21.00, without a break

Day off - Sunday

  • shares are active;
  • you can make an appointment with a specialist online;
  • the center is equipped with modern special diagnostic equipment;
  • complex and individual to each patient;
  • the main specialization of the center is the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the spine;
  • the clinic conducts physiotherapy and exercise therapy;
  • manual therapy sessions;
  • neurology;
  • orthopedics;
  • a paid visit of a specialist to the patient at home is possible;
  • sessions of different types of massages (anti-cellulite, cupping, corrective, lymphatic drainage, collar zone, medical, sports);

Narrow specialists work in the center:

  • chiropractor;
  • massage therapists;
  • neurologists;
  • orthopedists;
  • traumatologists.
  • lack of prices for services on the site.

Axis Medical Center
votes 0

Back pain - cause people a lot of inconvenience and problems, the best specialists of the center will be able to correctly diagnose and prescribe effective treatment. The clinic uses new "revolutionary" methods of therapy.

Patients of the center who undergo a treatment course in just a month restore intervertebral discs, get rid of nerve root compression, their general condition improves, they quickly return to normal life.

Located at:

Russia, Novosibirsk, st. Vlasova, 17

☎ 8-983-120-97-81

Opening hours: daily from 08.00 to 20.00, except Saturday and Sunday - days off

The price for services can be viewed on the center page:

  • pre-registration for a consultation by phone;
  • professionalism of medical personnel;
  • continuous improvement of medical qualification of doctors;
  • coordinated team work;
  • individual approach to each patient;
  • treatment of osteochondrosis, intervertebral hernias, spondylosis and spondylarthrosis;
  • prevention and treatment of protrusion of the cervical and vertebral spine;
  • the clinic is equipped with modern medical equipment for diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation;
  • in the medical center, patients receive complex treatment;
  • carrying out procedures of local traction;
  • carrying out physiotherapy procedures;
  • procedures for electrical stimulation and micropolarization of the spinal cord;
  • hirudotherapy procedure;
  • physiotherapy;
  • rehabilitation courses.
  • no.

Center Dr. Bubnovskogo
votes 0

The specialists of the center will provide timely assistance to patients. Here they are engaged in complex treatment, using the latest technologies and guaranteeing the recovery and recovery of patients.

Located at:

Russia, Novosibirsk, Krasny prospect, 17

Karl Marx Avenue, 57

st. Kutateladze, 4




Working mode:

From Monday to Friday from 08.00 to 20.00 hours

Saturdays from 08.00 to 18.00

Day off - Sunday

Prices for services in the center can be viewed on the corresponding page:

  • convenient work schedule;
  • availability of branches;
  • friendly and attentive medical staff;
  • qualified doctors;
  • treatment of intervertebral hernia;
  • relieving patients of pain in the shoulders, arms, headaches;
  • getting rid of foot problems (gout);
  • treatment of osteoporosis, arthrosis, arthritis;
  • prevention of rheumatoid arthritis, knee and shoulder joints;
  • conducting rehabilitation courses after received compression fractures, after undergoing heart surgery, myocardial infarction and stroke;
  • endoprosthesis replacement of large joints;
  • prevention of vegetative - vascular dystonia, chronic fatigue syndrome;
  • conducting health programs for patients with diabetes mellitus;
  • carrying out posture correction, treatment of scoliosis, flat feet in children and adolescents;
  • preventive measures to relieve back pain in pregnant women;
  • development and implementation of special programs "Happy motherhood", "Recovery after childbirth", "Correction of weight";
  • there are special promotional programs "Bring a friend"
  • discounts for pensioners, the disabled, the provision of a "Family discount".
  • no.

Alpha Technologies Medical Center
votes 0

A modern medical center in the city of Novosibirsk, providing a full range of therapeutic and preventive measures. Specialists use the latest techniques and use special equipment that allows for accurate diagnosis of diseases. The center not only provides qualified assistance, all patients are surrounded by attention and care, for each - an individual approach and care of doctors.

The center also manufactures and assists in the selection of orthopedic insoles, which is important for people with posture disorders, foot deformities, diseases of the joints and muscles. The clinic is equipped with technical equipment, thanks to which it is possible to diagnose diseases in a timely manner and effectively deal with them.

Narrow specialists work in the center:

  • rheumatologists;
  • neurologists;
  • dermatovenerologists;
  • pediatricians;
  • neurologists.

In addition, for the convenience of patients, there is an ultrasound room and laboratories, a treatment room in which acupuncture, kinesio taping are performed.

The price policy in the center is affordable, there are promotions and special offers for certain categories of citizens (pensioners, the disabled).

Located at:

Russia, Novosibirsk, st. Families Shamshin, 90/5 - 1st floor

☎+7 (383) 240‒93‒94


Prices can be viewed on the center's website:

  • in medical practice they use advanced and latest methods of treatment;
  • diagnosing and complex treatment of a wide range of diseases;
  • conducting courses of shock wave therapy;
  • orthopedic insoles are made according to individual orders of patients;
  • specialize in diseases such as diseases of the joints and spine, heel spurs, injuries resulting from sports;
  • the center uses an exclusive technique - "gas injections" or carboxytherapy;
  • provision of masseur services (relaxing, anti-cellulite, children's, wellness, Russian);
  • cosmetic services (injection procedures, removal of neoplasms);
  • cash and non-cash payment.
  • no.


Timely diagnosis of diseases allows you to start timely treatment, determine an effective technique and drugs, the right choice of clinic is the key to your health and comfortable condition!

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