
  1. Criteria for choosing a good clinic for the treatment of the spine
  2. The best institutions in Nizhny Novgorod for the treatment of the spine
  3. general information
Rating of the best spine treatment clinics in Nizhny Novgorod for 2022

Rating of the best spine treatment clinics in Nizhny Novgorod for 2022

The spine is a support for the human body and skeleton, and therefore, when problems with the back appear, the entire musculoskeletal system suffers, and there is also a high risk of concomitant diseases of other organs. Even with a small complication and minimal pain, spinal problems significantly worsen the quality of life, gradually leading to more unfortunate health consequences. It is absolutely impossible to delay the treatment of back diseases, delay, especially for a long time, can lead to a sharp deterioration in well-being, the appearance of severe, unbearable pain and the formation of a hernia. Unfortunately, many people endure illness for many months, not finding the time or money to conduct an examination. There are many private and general clinics that specialize in the treatment of diseases of the spine, conduct detailed diagnostics and prescribe effective treatment regimens at an average price.In a city like Nizhny Novgorod, there are a sufficient number of such institutions that are able to provide high-quality medical services and help in solving back problems.

This review of the best spine treatment clinics in Nizhny Novgorod will help you choose an institution with a good reputation and impeccable quality of services, where you can turn to for both routine diagnostics and professional therapy.

Criteria for choosing a good clinic for the treatment of the spine

Almost all medical institutions, whether they are diagnostic centers, hospitals or clinics, have their own full-time specialist - a surgeon or orthopedist who deals with back and spinal problems. As a rule, all institutions are divided into two types: private and public, however, regardless of their status, they provide qualified assistance in both places.The difference between them lies in the fact that at any municipal point you can get therapy for free by providing a compulsory medical insurance policy and pay extra for examinations, while in private institutions, specialists receive only on a paid basis.

Before contacting a clinic, you should carefully review the reviews about the work of its specialists on the official website or forum on the Internet, where people share their opinions about their experience of contacting this institution. If the patient reviews are mostly positive and do not contain a bunch of complaints about the staff, then this directly indicates the good quality of the services provided. Also, on such sites you can get advice and recommendations on choosing a doctor.

Equally important is the location of the building, it is best if it is located within the city, next to the metro or bus stop. Thus, you can reduce the time spent on the road and easily find a clinic without wandering around ownerless yards and districts. Not everyone is ready to get to the other end of the city, especially in the presence of acute pain.

In order to understand how to choose a good clinic for the treatment of back problems and not make mistakes when choosing, it is necessary to study the following general characteristics of the institution:

  1. Reputation;

The reputation of a medical institution is built on the gratitude of its patients who were satisfied with the service. It is worth paying attention to reviews about the internal routine, device and specialists of the institution, if the services are provided at a decent level, then the clinic will have a high authority among the population.An undoubted advantage will be if the place is popular not only in the city, but also in the region, which means that many people choose this institution purposefully from many others and they provide qualified assistance there.

  1. Orientation and status;

The clinic can be private or public and deal with problems not only of the spine, but of the whole organism as a whole. In the state, you can make an appointment for free under the CHI policy. There is nothing wrong if the institution does not have a narrow specialization, it is important that it has good surgeons and orthopedists, as well as the ability to diagnose diseases of the spine. Narrowly focused institutions, most often of a private type, have more opportunities in terms of examination and provision of necessary assistance than omnidirectional ones, since all doctors in such a clinic will work only with problems related to back health and consultation in such a clinic will bring much more fruit. However, in such places it is rarely possible to make an appointment for free, and all examinations are carried out on a fee basis.

  1. Qualification of specialists;

Practically the most important criterion for choosing a clinic is the professionalism of medical staff. A competent doctor will be able to make a correct diagnosis from the first examination, prescribe the right therapy and speed up the healing process. Before making an appointment with the first orthopedic surgeon in the nearest clinic, you need to look through all the clinic specialists in this field and choose one who has been successfully operating for a long period of time, has a good reputation among patients and personal achievements.A low-level specialist will not be able to provide proper assistance in the treatment of a complex disease, and therefore it is worth choosing an institution with a high-class staff.

  1. Equipment and services;

A good clinic should have ample opportunities and the availability of special equipment for examinations, diagnostics and operations. A large number of additional services in the form of physiotherapy, physiotherapy exercises and corrective massage is a huge plus, so you can not only receive the appropriate therapy, but also undergo all the recommended procedures to speed up the recovery process without leaving the building. In such institutions or directly next to them, there are often special shops, pharmacies or orthopedic salons, where you can immediately purchase the necessary medicines and devices.

  1. The appearance and interior of the building;

Pleasant and tidy environment both outside and inside plays a very important role. Being in a bright and tidy room will not cause fear and negative emotions before and after the appointment, and regular compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards is a mandatory rule in a medical institution. If the rooms and equipment are in need of repair, and patients are crowded in queues due to lack of space in the hallway, then this means that the clinic is underfunded or that the staff is negligent in their duties. Neither one nor the other contributes to good treatment.

In addition, for many, one of the main selection criteria is the cost of providing services, because not every person can afford expensive services in one of the leading clinics in the city.In this case, you should focus on options with an average price or government agencies, but do not save too much on consultations and examinations, so you can find budget options with decent service.

The best institutions in Nizhny Novgorod for the treatment of the spine

This is a rating of the best and most qualified clinics for the treatment of spinal problems in the city of Nizhny Novgorod, where a detailed description of the directions and nuances of the work of each of the institutions will be presented.

Nizhny Novgorod Research Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation
votes 44

Address: Verkhne-Volzhskaya embankment, 18/1.

This institution has two orthopedic departments - for adults and children, and also works in other areas closely related to surgery. There are departments for burns, traumatology-orthopedics, neurosurgery, department of plastic surgery, rehabilitation, radiology, functional diagnostics, purulent surgery, microsurgery and anesthesiology. You can make an appointment for free under the CHI policy, after calling the reception, VHI policies are also accepted. There are many additional paid services in the clinic, for example, a consultation with a free specialist right on the day of treatment, as well as various examinations and procedures, such as spinal densitometry (determination of the actual bone density for diagnosing osteoporosis), the imposition of a full plaster corset and MRI of the spine. The average price for a consultation is from 550 rubles, and for the imposition of a corset - about 730 rubles.

  • A large number of related directions;
  • Free reception;
  • Availability of various examinations and procedures;
  • Pleasant cost of services;
  • The presence of several specialists in different areas of work with the spine;
  • Reception under the policy of OMS and VHI;
  • Additional services.
  • Not found.

Office of manual therapy IP Kalabanova V.K.
votes 30

Address: pr. Gagarin, d. 56.

This is an institution of the famous doctor Vladimir Kalabanov, who discovered effective ways to cure intervertebral hernia, and also developed a conservative method for the treatment of osteochondrosis, articular arthrosis using manual therapy. The clinic mainly specializes in these problems with the spine, here you can undergo treatment for osteochondrosis, as well as get rid of complications after it, diagnose and cure arthrosis of the joints, eliminate the curvature of the vertebrae and correct posture.

The cost of one consultation is 1000 rubles, and the price of one of the procedures is 2500 rubles.

  • Effective methods of treatment;
  • Many procedures;
  • Focus on diseases of the spine;
  • Average price.
  • Only paid reception;
  • Therapy of common diseases.

Medical center "Yulianna"
votes 1

Address: Rozhdestvenskaya street, 39.

This medical center offers many different methods of treating back pain, and if serious and severe stages of the disease are detected, it allows you to get a referral to a vertebrologist. To alleviate pain, procedures such as radiofrequency ablation, vertebroplasty of the spine, therapeutic and diagnostic blockade and much more are carried out here. Most of the services are minimally invasive manipulations and surgical procedures that show a guaranteed result and are absolutely safe for back health.

Services are paid, the cost of a consultation with a chiropractor is 1100 rubles, a consultation with a vertebrologist is 900 rubles.

  • A large number of procedures;
  • Methods safety;
  • Pleasant cost of services;
  • Several specialists.
  • Unidirectional procedures;
  • Only on a paid basis.

Center for the treatment of the spine and joints "Rainbow"
votes 39

Address: Gagarin Ave., 52

This center has a narrow direction and works with various defects, problems and diseases of the spine and back. Among the methods of treatment are non-surgical traction of the spine (for the treatment of intervertebral hernia), manual therapy, carboxytherapy, kinesitherapy, as well as paravertebral massage, which is used to increase the mobility of the vertebrae in osteochondrosis.

You can make an appointment for free on Monday, there is also a service "Departure of a doctor at home". The procedures are mostly paid, but inexpensive, their cost varies from 100 to 1000 rubles. In addition, discounts are provided for some categories of patients, which is a big plus.

  • Free and paid reception;
  • Low cost of services;
  • Different types of procedures;
  • Availability of discounts;
  • Home visit service.
  • No.

Network of medical clinics "Persona"
votes 4

Address: st.Gorky, 48/50.

This is a multidisciplinary medical center, which employs high-level specialists, candidates and doctors of sciences. On its basis, there are a general department of therapy, a department of gynecology, dentistry, neurosurgery, gastroenterology and many others. Despite the large number of referrals, here they can help with various diseases of the back, thanks to the presence of its own clinical diagnostic laboratory, it opens up the possibility of extensive diagnostics and monitoring of the development of the disease.

You can make an appointment under the VHI policy or on a paid basis, the cost of the initial consultation is 1000 rubles. In addition, there are various discount programs that provide discounts: "Start", "Standard", "Lux" and "VIP".

  • Availability of discount promotions;
  • Own diagnostic center;
  • Qualified specialists;
  • Reception under the policy of VHI;
  • Good service cost.
  • Paid admission.

votes 12

Address: st. Rodionova, 190 D.

This institution specializes in the treatment of back pain caused by various diseases of the spine, such as osteochondrosis, arthrosis, arthritis, osteoporosis, neuropathy, etc. Competent doctors of related profiles work here: a vertebroneurologist, a neurosurgeon, a chiropractor, a physiotherapist and a massage therapist. For treatment, such methods are carried out as: drug therapy, blockade, botulinum therapy, exercise therapy, manual therapy, osteopathy, massage, acupuncture, physiotherapy and others. The clinic's specialists claim that some methods are unique and are not used in other institutions, except for the center itself. The institution conducts a thorough diagnosis of the patient's pain syndrome immediately after the consultation, for this, procedures such as digital x-ray, computed tomography, ultrasound diagnostics, electroneuromyography, blockades and other types of research are carried out. You can make an appointment by phone or on the official website of the center.

  • The work of professionals;
  • Registration through the site;
  • Many procedures;
  • Extensive diagnostics;
  • Unique methods of treatment;
  • Therapy of diseases of various types of complexity.
  • Paid services.

State clinical hospital №13
votes 12

Address: st. Patriotov, 61.

This is an institution on a budgetary basis, where there is a free reception. The specialists of this institution conduct a thorough diagnosis of the disease with the help of X-rays and computed tomography. Treatment includes both traditional methods (medicines, physiotherapy, massage, physiotherapy exercises) and more advanced ones (hirudotherapy and ozone therapy). In the event that a patient is diagnosed with a complex or rapidly progressing diagnosis, microsurgical operations are performed in the Department of Neurosurgery.

  • Free reception;
  • Variety of treatments;
  • High-quality diagnostics;
  • Convenient design;
  • Carrying out the operation.
  • Not found.

Medical center "CHANCE"
votes 7

Address: 11, Kirova Ave.

This center specializes in the treatment of lumbar, cervical and thoracic hernias without surgery, and also deals with disc protrusions, joint diseases, reflex-tonic diseases and neurodystrophic syndromes on an outpatient basis. The main advantage of the institution is that the treatment of ailments, in particular hernia, occurs without surgical intervention, such techniques as manual therapy, physiotherapy, massage and the use of applicators, coupled with exercise therapy, stretching corsets and collars, are used. Before starting any diagnosis, the surgeon conducts a thorough consultation, which can be booked by phone.

  • Result without operations;
  • Various procedures and techniques;
  • Competent consultations;
  • Professional doctors.
  • Not found.

Gloria Pain Center
votes 1

Address: st.Lomonosov, 96.

The clinic has been helping people for many years to solve problems associated with back pain, as well as get rid of diseases of the spine and joints.The VTES method is widely used here, as well as therapeutic massages, the average cost of one procedure is 1200 rubles, and the complex is about 9000 rubles. Massage costs about 300 rubles per appointment. Here you can sign up for a free initial consultation with a specialist, there are also promotions and discounts for some types of clients.

  • Pleasant prices;
  • Promotions and discounts;
  • Free consultation;
  • An effective method of pain relief;
  • Safe treatment without surgery.
  • Mostly preventive.

Nizhny Novgorod Medical Center of Dr. Bubnovsky
votes 2

Address: Poltavskaya st., 30, shopping center "Cube", Sormovskoe shosse, 20, shopping center "New era".

The main direction of this center is getting rid of back diseases with the help of physiotherapy exercises. Here they treat intervertebral hernias, scoliosis, sciatica, arthrosis and many other diseases with the help of a specially designed set of exercises. In order to sign up for such classes, you need to call the registry, the registration is carried out some time in advance. Treatment is paid, the cost of the initial consultation is 800 rubles, the full consultation will cost 2200 rubles.

  • Safe methods of therapy;
  • Unique technique;
  • Professional instructors;
  • Budget rates.
  • Not suitable for complex diagnoses and diseases.

general information

NameAddresscontact number
Nizhny Novgorod Research Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation Verkhne-Volzhskaya embankment, 18/1436-87-54
Office of manual therapy IP Kalabanova V.K. Gagarina Ave., 56414-76-84
Medical center "Yulianna"Rozhdestvenskaya street, 39430-13-76
Center for the treatment of the spine and joints "Rainbow" Gagarin Ave., 52465-03-18
Network of medical clinics "Persona" Gorkogo st., 48/50433-77-77
TONUS LIFEst. Rodionova, 190D8 (831) 411-11-31
State clinical hospital №13st. Patriotov, 618 (831) 256-56-60
Medical center "CHANCE"Kirova Ave., 11292-16-16
Gloria Pain Center Lomonosov street, 96.428-80-98
Nizhny Novgorod Medical Center of Dr. BubnovskyPoltavskaya st., 30, shopping center "Cube", Sormovskoe shosse, 20, shopping center "New era"275-87-14, 211-86-44

This is a list of worthy clinics for the treatment of the spine in Nizhny Novgorod, where you can be guaranteed to receive timely and high-quality treatment, as well as undergo a full examination by high-class specialists in order to forget about back pain for many years.


