Slime or, in other words, slime is one of the most popular things not only among children, but also adults. This anti-stress toy is a jelly-like substance that perfectly retains its shape. It does not blur, and if accidentally torn, it can be easily put back together. Slimes are actively used not only in entertainment areas, but also in more serious, preventive ones. You can make such a toy yourself, the main thing is to choose the right glue for the slime.
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Slimes can be used:
Slimes can be useful in cleaning, for example, to remove small debris in the keyboard. The big plus is that it can be used multiple times. After cleaning it is enough to wash under water. Doctors recommend using slimes for children to develop logical thinking, imagination, fine motor skills and coordination. Also, this toy can help injured people to resume muscle function. But also some slimes can be somewhat dangerous, for example, the dose of boron, which irritates the skin of the hands, can be exceeded. This does not mean that this item cannot be used. You can make your own slime at home, which will be safe. Before you learn how to make a slime from glue, you need to figure out which one is needed, because not everyone can fit.
So, most often you can find PVA glue and ordinary stationery (silicate). They differ in the following parameters:
Both types of glue can be used when making slime. Below is a list of glues that are ideal for making your own unique slime.
This American-made product is considered one of the best, because. able to react with all dyes, the composition is safe, environmentally friendly.The consistency is thick, evenly distributed over the surface of the object, can be removed with water if necessary. Also, this glue can be found in different colors, for example, purple. According to buyers, this is one of the best brands.
Perhaps the most popular Russian-made glue. It is so popular due to the drying speed, safe composition. The consistency is thick, the initial color is white, after drying it becomes transparent.
A variation of the previous product. It also dries quickly, environmentally friendly composition, leaves no residue after drying, so there is no need to remove residues. Has no color.
This product has a different consistency, namely water-based. You can remove residue from hands and objects with warm water. Evenly distributed over the surface. Quality composition. It can be useful not only for school, but also for creative activities.
This item is made in China. Convenience lies not only in properties, but also in operation. The glue is white, odorless, the composition is environmentally friendly, dries quickly. A big plus is the roll-on applicator, which evenly distributes the glue over the surface. It is suitable not only for school, office, but also for creativity.
Another product made in China, very cheap option. This is one of the most readily available products. The product, unfortunately, is more suitable for the office than for study or creativity. The composition is not as safe as compared to previous products. However, it has a good consistency, invisibility and quick drying.
From the name it becomes clear that the liquid itself is white in color, the consistency is quite thick. This product is recommended for use by children over 5 years old. The main advantage is the bottle cap. It serves not only as a lid, but also as an applicator.This prevents children from opening the bottle and pouring out the contents. Liquid is easily removed from any surface, even clothes.
Its functionality is not inferior to previous candidates. Due to the special cover regulates the flow of glue, does not allow it to dry out. The applicator is very convenient to use. The components contained are non-toxic and non-irritating. Unfortunately, the product can be found mainly in the online store, but it can be ordered online quite simply on the official website of the company. The product is not only of high quality, but also extremely inexpensive.
The product is suitable for both office and school use. The advantage is the complete absence of smell and non-toxic composition. The liquid is rather thick and white in color. Leaves no residue, if necessary, the residue can be removed. The lid closes tightly so nothing will leak or dry out. The paper may warp (get wet) slightly. It is difficult to find on the shelves, you have to look in the online store.
This product is suitable not only for office work, but also educational. It is odorless, white, non-toxic. It is enough just to find it on the counter, you can often find it in the Children's World. Customer reviews are positive, as such there are no cons. Despite the low price, the quality is good, it performs all the functions.
TOP reopens an American brand that produces not only PVA, but also stationery adhesives. According to its characteristics, it is almost similar to PVA, but this one is more suitable for creative activities. Even in the description on the site they write that it is ideal for making slime. Schoolchildren are satisfied with the work of the glue and actively use it. Also, the liquid has an amazing feature, glow in the dark.
Very high quality and safe product. The liquid is quite thick, odorless, transparent, non-toxic. The applicator is a small metal ball that helps to economically spend and evenly distribute it over the surface. Easy to wash and remove with water.
Another Russian candidate for the title of "best glue". This product can be used even by children in kindergarten. Its composition is of high quality, odorless, transparent in color, easy to wash and dry. Children are pleased to use it, because. there are no irritating factors. Of course, it is also suitable for office work.
The product itself is good. The consistency is liquid, transparent in color, odorless and environmentally friendly composition. Both children and adults can use. Finding in stores is not difficult. There may be doubts about the preparation of slimes. Some reviews said that it might not fit, but there were few of them, so the question is moot.
Another product of Russian production, made of synthetic raw materials. The structure is non-toxic, transparent, odorless. Good frost resistance, able to endure a sharp temperature drop. Due to the cover, there is no need to unscrew it, because. the liquid is distributed evenly and is consumed correctly. Can be used in office and school. If necessary, it can be easily removed both from the surface and clothing.
The product is very comfortable to use. The applicator is a roller (small metal ball). Thanks to him, the liquid is distributed evenly and quite economically, it also prevents it from drying out. The structure is of high quality, has no color and smell. Can be used by both adults and children. Moreover, children can use not only in educational activities, but also creative ones.
A rather interesting model, not only in function, but also in structure. The structure is environmentally friendly, colorless, odorless. The liquid itself is frost-resistant, quickly seizes. The bottle is compact and fits everywhere. The applicator is made of fabric, this allows you to evenly distribute the glue and leave no residue. The glue itself is great for making slime. It is not very easy to find in stores, but it is available in online stores.
Product of German production, made for the creative activity of children.The structure is so safe that even if a drop gets on the tongue, nothing bad will happen. If necessary, you can easily wash clothes and remove residues from the surface. The applicator allows you to use the content wisely.
After choosing the glue, you can proceed to the slime recipes.
Components: glue, half a teaspoon of soda, a glass of warm water, gouache.
Components: PVA, balls (from foam plasticine), half tsp. soda, two glasses of hot water, gouache.
Components: shampoo or liquid soap, PVA, dye.
Ingredients: PVA, toothpaste, dry dye.
Slimes are interesting and useful toys. It develops skills, helps to relax and sometimes recover from injuries. They are very easy to prepare at home and it is not necessary to go to the store to buy them. Also, it can serve as a great opportunity to spend time with the whole family.