The coastal northern peoples could not imagine their existence without the Aleut canoes and Inuit kayaks, which, in principle, are one and the same. Only thanks to the presence of such devices it was possible to hunt the beast and move loads. At present, analogues have not lost their popularity, but have become more modern. Their main area of use is water entertainment.
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The best manufacturers produce 3 types of designs:
In addition to the above options, kayaks come in the following types.
They are used for skiing along the coast and are rented out to outdoor enthusiasts by coastal hotels. Beach kayaks have high initial stability, low running performance and excellent windage. These are models with steering.
This is something between a beach and sea option. They are rented to people who do not have professional training. Such models are inexpensive in price, have a closed deck, as well as high running and seaworthy characteristics.Popular kayaks of this type are available in lengths from 3.5 to 4.8 meters and are used for walking on calm water surfaces.
Their distinctive feature is the presence of compartments for equipment and catch, as well as special stands for rods. Manufacturers produce branded models with a foot pedal drive.
They are not suitable for rough water at all, but they belong to the category of universal models. Such kayaks are distinguished by maneuverability and high speed. Of the mandatory attributes, one can single out a seat with an adjustable backrest, leg and thigh stops, carrying handles, perimeter strapping, as well as aft and bow compartments.
There are inflatable, frame-inflatable and frame. Many tourists use them not only on calm rivers, but also in the open sea. Tourist models are characterized by low speed, low directional stability and good windage. The main elements are pressurized compartments, as well as foot and thigh stops. It takes a lot of free time to disassemble and assemble such a kayak.
These designs are characterized by a small length, excellent maneuverability and a small internal volume. Freestyle kayaks are great for tricky tricks like water flips, wave surfing, etc.
Used on categorical mountain rivers. For their manufacture, durable polyethylene is used, which is not afraid of stones and impacts on hard objects. These models are distinguished by noteworthy maneuverability, comfortable leg and thigh supports, as well as a comfortable adjustable seat.
Floating kayaks are considered unsinkable.
Their dimensions are strictly regulated.Such designs are characterized by a minimum volume, lack of strapping, femoral stops and pressurized compartments, but they are equipped with steering. Designed for use in calm waters.
They are used on lakes, rivers, channels and for simple rafting on rough rivers. Dimensions - from 3.2 to 3.8 meters in length and 0.65 meters in width.
This is a great device for open water racing and ocean surfing. They are distinguished by a large bow volume and the presence of a steering pedal. Such models are recommended exclusively for professionals.
These models will endure a little water roughness, but nothing more. They provide for minor pressurized compartments, strapping and femoral stops. Such designs are characterized by low seaworthiness, stability and maneuverability.
In surfing, you can use models with various functions, but to master the breaking ocean waves, you need to own a special surf kayak. Their dimensions are similar to floatable ones, but the shape of the top deck and bottom is different. Surf models are also distinguished by the presence of 2 or 3 fins under the bottom.
Such designs are distinguished by lightness, small dimensions, small internal volume, strapping and pressure hatches. The seats of such models do not have a back, as well as femoral and foot rests. Polo kayaks have a sharp bow and stern.
Popular models differ in the number of seats. There are singles, doubles and triples. Singles are very popular among thrill-seekers. Due to their compactness, they are suitable for extreme types of recreation.
Double are considered universal and are used for all types of water tourism. Triple have found their application in sightseeing walks along the picturesque reservoirs.
Boats differ in the way a person gets into the boat, and therefore they are divided into:
Each species has certain positive qualities. Let's consider this question in more detail:
View | Advantages |
Closed | • protected from wind and rain; • insignificant weight; • there are compartments for storing things; • there is a protective cape; • can be used for continuous alloys; • light driving characteristics and high speed. |
open | • elementary landing; • excellent stability; • you can store a large number of things; • an excellent assistant for diving, hunting and fishing; • unlimited freedom of movement. |
The main selection criterion is the person's weight and physique. Which is better to buy with a weight of 60 - 80 kg? According to experts, it is worth paying attention to the middle class models. If you put a swimmer weighing 90 kg on it, then it will plunge into the water, becoming clumsy and slow.
The volume of the boat must match the weight of the rower. The heavier the person, the larger the volume of the craft should be. This also has a positive effect on the comfort of use, as there is free legroom.
In order not to make a mistake when choosing, it is necessary to determine its purpose before purchasing the product. There are universal options, but their price is quite high, so it is not acceptable for everyone. Global brands annually release various new products that top the rating of quality kayaks.For beginners, this question can become difficult due to the variety of options. You can seek advice from professionals, carefully study the reviews, conduct a review and view the attached photos.
Which firm is better? It depends on the individual preferences of the buyer. According to the characteristics, Russian-made products are not much different from foreign analogues. Where could I buy? Everyone also chooses for themselves. You can visit specialized outlets to see how much this or that kayak costs and chat with a sales manager. If the final decision is made, then you can order the goods in the online store.
There is a certain category of people who prefer to do everything with their own hands, including building boats. How to make a kayak at home? First you need to make sure that the following materials and tools are available:
This list is not exhaustive, as other materials may be needed in the process. If the decision is made to make a plastic product, then, therefore, an appropriate material is needed. You can also make your own paddle, but before you take the first steps, decide if you have enough free time, tools and extra money in the budget.
This is a watercraft that is widely used for walking on the water surface of calm rivers and lakes over long distances. The perimeter of the vessel has a protective rail, which is designed to reduce the load on the cylinders in case of side impacts. A rain apron clings to it. What is it for? To protect kayakers from bad weather. The model has knee pads, allowing you to easily paddle in small waves. The boat fits two people. Product weight - 18.5 kg, length and width - 480 x 88 cm, maximum load capacity - 250 kg.
The average price is 37,000 rubles.
Russian-made products are made of dense and durable polyvinyl chloride. It belongs to the inflatable category. This multifunctional design is suitable not only for walking, but also for fishing and hunting. There is a comfortable plastic seat with a swivel mechanism and a capacious closable pocket in which you can store a large number of things. Optionally, a mount is installed - a holder for rods. With a weight of 21 kg, the load capacity is 200 kg.
The average price is 31,300 rubles.
This Chinese company produces two-seater inflatable kayaks, which are made using high-tech PVC material, which increases the resistance of the kayak to various kinds of mechanical damage, chemical compounds and interaction with direct sunlight. The model is very popular among those who want to spend their free time in nature, carrying out water walks. It makes it possible to travel long enough.
The average cost is 17,500 rubles.
This model is well-deservedly popular among fans of sea adventures. The design of this kayak allows you to develop good speed and swim long distances. Ergonomic seats make it possible to stay on the boat for a long time without getting tired at all. The manufacturer has provided airtight hatches and an elastic luggage cord in order to attach the cargo to the deck with high quality. The bow and stern are equipped with carrying handles. There is also a steering that can be raised or lowered with one hand.
Durable and durable LLDPE polyethylene, produced by rotational molding, was used in the manufacture. He is not afraid of chemical and mechanical influences, as well as ultraviolet radiation, which makes it possible for the kayak to constantly be in the open air.
You can order a model with a skirt.
The average price is 51,900 rubles.
This double vessel with an extended hull has 2 sealed compartments, and on the deck there is a bandage harness. It is intended for long journeys on the seas, lakes and rivers. In the manufacture of impact-resistant material with ultraviolet stabilization. With constant exposure to the sun, its performance does not deteriorate. Fasteners and metal parts are made of stainless steel, which makes it possible to use the design for long-term fishing in salty sea water and expeditions.
There are also handlebars and heel pads. Kayakers sit on comfortable seats. This model is available in different colors. Sealed hatches are made of plastic, which allows anglers to put their catch in them, while the plastic does not absorb the smell of fish. At the end of fishing, it is enough to rinse the kayak with clean fresh water.
The average cost is 53,800 rubles.
This marine specimen is also called siyak. It has unique outlines, somewhat reminiscent of the ancient boats of the peoples of the Far North, which they used for hunting.Distinctive characteristics: the body of the extended form, attractive appearance and improbable opportunities. They are rarely found in free sale, but connoisseurs of beauty prefer to contemplate the beauty of lakes, rivers and seas from these structures.
The single-seat model is available for both short-term and long-term water trips. These models can often be found in rental at tourist bases and holiday homes. They are suitable for fishing enthusiasts, as they have places for attaching rods and other gear. The deck is located very low, which makes the use of the kayak comfortable for both short and tall people.
The presence of the rudder and heel stops makes it possible to conveniently control the vessel, and thanks to the skirt, water does not get inside, which is very helpful in bad weather. You can store the kayak outdoors. Stainless steel, from which the fasteners and some parts are made, is not afraid of sea water.
The average price is 50400 rubles.
This plastic boat for sea travel is suitable for fishing and family vacations on calm waters. It features large dimensions, convenient storage space for things and tools, as well as the presence of holders for rods. There are 2 adults and 1 child seat, which allows you to comfortably relax with the whole family and safely spend time admiring the sea views. Thanks to the two-layer body, this design is almost impossible to sink.
In the manufacture of used impact-resistant material that is not afraid of ultraviolet radiation. Fasteners and metal parts are made of stainless steel, so they are resistant to salt water. The kit includes 8 rubber stoppers, 2 soft seats with backs, a carrying handle, a bandage cord, as well as holders for oars and fishing rods.
The product can be purchased both in the manufacturer's company store and ordered online.
The average price is 40,800 rubles.
This is not to say that the design of this boat is quite simple. Despite the fact that it is called a river, it copes well with both full-flowing rivers and rapids, rocky shallow water. The manufacturer did his best, creating a design with excellent characteristics.Only three years later, the developers managed to improve the design beyond recognition, bringing it to an exemplary ideal. The model is suitable both for rafting on stormy rapids rivers and for walks in spacious spills. You can even jump off a small waterfall with it.
The vessel perceives the slightest movements, can pass the narrowest places, and also perform turns and traverses of the jet without visible problems. It tops the list of the best Creeking Kayaks.
The average price is 73,000 rubles.
This single boat weighs only 18 kg and is widely used by thrill-seekers. It is suitable for whitewater rafting, extreme sports, freestyle and long hikes. The model differs from analogues in a soft adjustable seat with special lining for the thighs, comfortable knee pads, a removable baffle, carrying handles and plugs for draining water.
The manufacturer regularly provides discounts.
The average price is 87,000 rubles.
This is a great fishing model complete with cart seat, holder and paddle.Despite its rigidity, the frame seat is quite light and comfortable. It is attached with two straps. On land, the structure easily converts to a kayak cart. Steering, built-in and swivel rod holders, as well as an anchor system are provided. The product weighs 30 kg and has a maximum load capacity of 158 kg.
The average price is 41,500 rubles.
This model belongs to the open type and is produced exclusively in camouflage color. Provided steering and ergonomic body kit. The manufacturer also equipped the structure with 2 compartments:
There are large and comfortable handles on the sides as well as on the bow of the boat. There is a wide wheel in the bow, which contributes to the quick and easy removal of the kayak from the water. On the water surface, these elements are used as an additional keel. The device is equipped with a self-draining system - 8 holes closed with rubber plugs.
The kayak is used by avid duck hunters, as it copes with any difficult terrain. He is not afraid of the reed zone, where the usual "elastic band" cannot pass, and glass, nails, snags and sharp stones will not cause him any mechanical damage. Due to the unique color, the ship is almost imperceptible in the reeds.The nose trunk is equipped with a closing streamlined lid, which is used to stop during firing from the prone position. In it, the hunters place the shot game.
Thanks to the large handles on the stern and bow, the design is easily removed from the water, and a rudder and heel stops are provided for convenient control. Bandage paddle holders are installed on the sides.
The average cost is 33,500 rubles.
This model belongs to the category of double and is widely used for fishing, for which the manufacturer has provided a compartment where it is convenient to put the catch. Its main feature is the direct circulation of water, which makes it possible for both fish and bait to remain fresh for a long time. Built-in comfortable chairs rotate 180 degrees. The design also features leg rests, a sealed compartment and closable seat pockets. The kayak is sold complete with rod holders, landing net, swivel and paddle holders.
The average price is 170,000 rubles.
Fans of active pastime know how difficult it is to choose exactly the model, thanks to which you can have an amazing time with your family on a calm surface of the water, go fishing, hunt or test yourself for fortitude, overcoming the rapids of turbulent rivers. Online markets offer many options: a kayak boat or board, pedal or paddle type, differing in weight, carrying capacity, functionality and cost. The main thing is not to make mistakes when choosing.