
  1. Purpose and types of karting
  2. Criteria for choosing karting clubs
  3. Visiting tips for newbies
  4. Rating of the best karting clubs in Novosibirsk in 2022
  5. Summing up

Rating of the best karting clubs in Novosibirsk in 2022

Rating of the best karting clubs in Novosibirsk in 2022

Apart from professional sports, karting is a unique and exciting form of entertainment that not only increases adrenaline and improves mood, but also allows you to learn extreme driving as safely as possible. Unfortunately, this area of ​​business is just beginning to gain momentum, and therefore, if you count, there are not so many karting tracks on the territory of the Russian regions. But even from the existing offers, there is always the opportunity to choose the most attractive option. This article provides an overview of the best karting clubs in Novosibirsk in 2022, selected according to customer ratings.

Purpose and types of karting

Karting is a popular and massive racing and automotive discipline in the world. In fact, everything is simple - this is a sport of karting (small racing cars without a body and with small wheels, consisting of a frame, seat and engine). There are two types of karting:

  1. Sports or professional (winter and summer) representing the basis for this type of racing sport. Designed for trained drivers (sportsmen). It uses powerful machines with a two-stroke engine and gearbox.
  2. Rental or amateur is one of the types of outdoor activities and just an entertaining pastime. There are practically no restrictions in it, and for skiing it is enough to be instructed and get the necessary equipment. The fleet of amateur karting tracks is equipped with equipment that does not provide for a checkpoint, which makes it easy to manage.

If rental karting means driving on a specially equipped track on a map for a fee, then sports also has its own division by type. What are professional karting racing competitions? So, in turn, regardless of the gender of the participants, they are divided into sports classes:

  • amateur (competitions on rental cards, adult classes with low-powered cars and children from 6 years old);
  • national (pioneer 8-12 years old, cadet 10-15 years old, junior 13-18 years old and national 16+);
  • international (KF3, KF2, KZ2/KZ1, Rotax-Max junior and Easykart).

Of course, amateur skating also has its own classes of sports between two or more participants. But in all respects they are far from professional racing, although they are very popular.

Criteria for choosing karting clubs

When choosing a karting club, each kart enthusiast is guided by his preferences, which may include its location, road features, equipment power and much more. Therefore, there are no specific recommendations on how to choose a suitable institution. But in order not to make serious mistakes when choosing, you can use a number of tips;

  • The first thing you should pay attention to is the condition of the track. It should be of optimal length, have a smooth and high-quality coating. Also, and not least, many modern centers offer advanced technologies that increase the level of safety and efficiency of skiing (barriers, covering material, timing, etc.). For beginners in this business, it is better to start with indoor karting tracks, and for professionals, an open area is suitable.
  • Equally important is the condition and characteristics of rolling equipment. The more modern and newer it is, the better. In addition, cards should be of different power for different age categories and equipped with the best control and safety systems. When inspecting the car, it is important that the tires are inflated, the steering wheel rotates freely, the seat is comfortable and practical, and the gas and brake pedals are serviceable and sensitive to pressure.
  • You should also take a closer look at the set and appearance of the equipment provided for rent with the kart. Everything must be in proper condition and include at least three items: overalls, gloves and a helmet.
  • Another point that should not be ignored is the prices for the services of the karting club.And it's not even about the personal budget, although some are forced to choose inexpensive establishments, but that the cost of renting at each karting track can vary significantly depending on the conditions that they are ready to offer their customers. Therefore, as a rule, in the centers offering tracks with high-quality coverage, popular models of powerful karts with modern protection systems and reliable equipment, the prices for services are not low. But, probably, sometimes it is better to pay more, and thereby protect yourself and your health from troubles and problems.

Also, when choosing a karting center, additional services should be taken into account. On the territory of many of them, there are cafes and restaurants where you can warm up by drinking a cup of coffee or tea in cold weather or having a snack after arrival. And, more importantly, a good establishment is always ready to offer its customers a warm locker room with lockers and even a shower.

Visiting tips for newbies

Experienced kart racers and professional athletes have their own rules and tactics for efficient karting. But beginners, as a rule, do not know the nuances and features of racing entertainment. Therefore, it is important for them to receive a full-fledged briefing, and also do not neglect the basic rules that help to pass the track quickly in a short period of time:

  1. When turning, the entire width of the track is used: at the entrance - the outer edge, then the inner and at the exit - again the outer.
  2. The shortest trajectory does not mean the fastest, as entering the turn requires a decrease in speed, which means a loss of time, which can only be caught up on the next straight section.That is why even the most effective race is obtained on karts with long tracks.
  3. The best trajectory is not symmetrical, since the braking dynamics of the car significantly exceeds the acceleration dynamics. Therefore, it is very important to enter the turn slowly and exit quickly.
  4. It is important to beware of skids that reduce the speed and speed of the engine, and therefore you should take turns using the “rolling in” method.
  5. To avoid skidding, you need to brake at the moment when the front wheels of the car are still in the forward direction and just before the turn.

Compliance with these basic rules is not just a high result of the race, but also a guarantee of safety. Therefore, you should familiarize yourself with them in advance and learn them, and then work out all the details in practice.

Rating of the best karting clubs in Novosibirsk in 2022


Location: Zaeltsovsky district.

The nearest public transport stop: "30 years of October".

Address: st. Yunnatov, 72 k3.

Phone for appointment: ☎ 8 (383) 227-96-44.

Additional contacts: ☎ 8 (923) 241-11-44, 8 (383) 226-04-29.


Official website:

Organization on the Internet:,,

Opening hours: daily from 12.00 to 21.00.

Previously, the track of the SIBRACING karting club was located at Aeroport, 2/2, and this address remained the contact address on many informational web pages.But already in 2016, the company moved and began to work together with the Novosibirsk GBU DO NSO "Avtomototsentr", or rather, use its track, which is the longest (1100 meters) in the Siberian Federal District and the only one that has a certificate for holding professional sports competitions in karting.

Karts with a power of 9 and 13 hp are available for rental. With all the advantages of the track and equipment, it is important to know that due to the frequent competitions held on the basis of the budgetary institution for children and teenagers - "Avtomototsentr", it will not always be possible to ride at the desired time, in any case, a preliminary reservation of time is required.

For fans of kart racing, the track is open during the summer season (from May to September), as well as for those who wish, winter rental is provided (in good weather). The club also holds competitions among its members. SIBRACING keeps track of the best arrival time of its customers, which is used to rank the record holders. The company provides various promotions for payment and prize draws. The price list for 2022 for the services of the karting club is presented in the following table:

Day of the weekCheck-in duration, minutesPrice, rubles
Monday Thursday10500
Friday - Sunday + bank holidays10600
  • the only long-distance professional track in the city;
  • clean, powerful and maximally safe cards;
  • budget prices;
  • certificates are provided, there are discounts and prize draws;
  • polite staff, competent instructors;
  • comfortable waiting room.
  • sports competitions are often held on the track, which is why it is closed for several hours, and sometimes days;
  • pre-recording is required, in which overlays still occur;
  • the area is open, so the possibility of skiing is completely dependent on weather conditions;
  • some cards fail.


Location: Kirovsky district, Severo-Chemskoy residential area, MEGA shopping mall.

The nearest public transport stop: STC Mega.

Address: Vatutina, 107 k1 (parking B2).

Phone: ☎ 8 (383) 214-02-67

Additional contacts: ☎ 8-913-912-02-67.

Organization on the Internet:,

Opening hours: daily from 11.00 to 22.00.

Karting "Megakart" has been operating since September 15, 2016 and is a popular place for entertainment for Novosibirsk residents and guests of the city. Megakart got into the rating of five high-quality karting centers, first of all, for renting powerful modern equipment with high performance: 9 hp engines. with., seat belts, protective arc and adjustable seats.

Depending on the season, the institution offers two types of trails:

  • in summer: wide and long outdoor track;
  • in winter: karting on spikes, on an icy track.

Also on the territory of the center there is a karting school that teaches children from 9 years old. Classes are held in an open area near the Mega shopping center twice a week.

According to the buyers of the institution's services, the service provided in it is at the highest level, the staff is competent and polite, the equipment is reliable and complete, and the cards are powerful and clean. Another outstanding feature of the Megakart karting track is the presence in the parking lot of vehicles not only for one participant (classic kart), but also for double cars (Duet karts).

Photos of rental equipment, tracks and equipment can be viewed on the company's pages on social networks. Skating prices valid at Megakart in 2022 can be found in the following table:

TimeRegular card rental, rublesRent card "Duet", rubles
5 minutes300350
10 minutes450550
15 minutes650__
  • wide long route;
  • open area, open all year round (the only winter karting in the city);
  • well-groomed and powerful equipment, proper equipment;
  • single and double cards;
  • competent staff;
  • acceptable prices;
  • daily work schedule.
  • in winter, due to the need to clear the area from snow, the length, and sometimes the width of the track, is significantly reduced.

Karting center "Drive"

Location: Zaeltsovsky district.

Nearest public transport stop: Planovaya.

Address: st. Narymskaya, 37.

Single contact phone number: ☎ 8 (383) 319-88-22.

Official website:

Organization on the Internet: and

Opening hours: Sun. - Thu. — from 12.00 to 1.00, Fri. and Sat. — from 12.00 to 3.00.

Drive karting center is ready to offer its customers a large fleet of rental karts for big and small customers. It is located in the central part of Novosibirsk and represents the only largest all-weather track on its territory (2000 sq. m. of covered area). The exciting track "Drive" has 12 turns designed by professional racers.

Adult karting is represented by the latest specialized SODI SR5 transport, equipped with the patented PROLINE (passive safety) and HEAD SYSTEM (impact protection) systems.Each piece of equipment has a 4-stroke Honda engine (270 cc and 9 hp).

Children's parking includes special SODI LR5 cards. Their functionality includes pedal adjustment, as well as a comfortable seat and steering column with maximum safety. Just like the adult rides, each kid's ride is powered by a four-stroke Honda engine, but with the lowest spec 120cc. see and 4 l. With. The restriction for a child to ride is a height of less than 130 cm.

A feature of the "Drive" track is its equipment with special barriers made of polyurethane, which minimizes the possibility of damage when touching the kart with the fence. The founders of karting also provided a professional timing system, thanks to which race participants can check the time with an accuracy of 0.001 seconds. Time information is displayed on a large screen, and if desired, a printout of the results can be obtained from the administrator.

With a large number of advantages for the price, "Drive" is one of the inexpensive karting clubs in Novosibirsk. Below is the rental price valid at the club in 2022:

TimeThe cost of a children's card (for 5 minutes), rublesCost of an adult kart (for 5 minutes), rublesTrack rental (per hour), rubles
Mon-Fri 12.00 - 18.0025030011000
Mon.-Fri. after 18.0030035014000
Sat, Sun, public holidays30035014000

The company provides a variety of promotions for its customers. Of the latest programs active in 2022:

  • 15% discount for birthdays (15% for karting and 10% for the restaurant menu within 3 days before and 3 days after an important date upon presentation of a document);
  • 20% discount for families on Sundays (on Sunday 20% discount for the whole family on karting + 10% discount on the bar and kitchen at the Mishkin & Mishkin restaurant);
  • free races for the fastest riders of the week (except for professional pilots and participants in amateur tournaments in "Drive" for the previous calendar year).

In the club, you can purchase gift cards with different values, but with a face value that is a multiple of 500 rubles. Also in the "Drive" corporate programs have been developed: economy (4-12 participants), standard (5-15 participants) and premium (team competitions). Their cost, list of included services and booking procedure can be found on the official website of the club.

  • convenient location in the city center;
  • daily work schedule until night;
  • a large area (covered pavilion 2000 sq. m.), providing a track with turns designed by professionals in racing art and with a cozy restaurant;
  • a large park with modern cards from the French brand Sodikart for adults and children, with good power and patented security technologies;
  • increased security due to polyurethane barriers;
  • professional timing system;
  • discounts and gift certificates;
  • affordable prices;
  • online booking;
  • training programs for adults and children from 6 years old;
  • team races by appointment.
  • long queues, pre-registration required;
  • inconsistencies in time, even by appointment;
  • lack of storage compartments;
  • the proximity of the recreation area to the track.

Karting Club K54

Trail locations:

A - Central district of the shopping center Gallery (5th floor);

B - Lineiny district, Zaeltsovsky district of the Royal Park shopping mall (parking B);

C - Central District Stadium "Spartak";

D - Kirovsky district Zatulinsky housing estate.

The nearest public transport stops: A - Sibirskaya metro station, B - Zaeltsovskaya metro station, C - Krasny Prospekt metro station, D - Rassvet Cinema.

Route addresses: A - st. Gogol, 13, B - Red Avenue, 101, C - st. Michurina, 10 k3, D - st. Zorge, 47/2 k1.

Single phone: 8 (383) 292-45-54.


Official website:

Organization on the Internet:,

Opening hours: A - daily from 10.00 to 22.00, B - daily from 10.00 to 22.00, C - from 11.00 to 21.00, D - daily from 11.00 to 21.00.

The first place in the top five is occupied by the K-54 karting club of the European level, which is especially popular among Novosibirsk residents. First of all, this is one of the first karting centers in Novosibirsk, which opened in 2006. “K-54” consists of four tracks, two of which are equipped indoors (SEC “Gallery” and SEC “Royal Park”), and two recently opened are in the open air (Spartak Stadium and Zatulinsky housing estate). All of them are long with interesting turns, but each of them has its own complexity.

The company's parking lot is represented by safe and powerful cars from Germany - RiMO EVO6. The popularity of these models is explained by European quality and safety standards. The club works reservation of equipment (by phone or online) without advance payment. On any of the K-54 tracks, single and double karts with a 6.5 hp HONDA GX200 engine are offered for rent. With. and a maximum speed of 45 km/h. Adults and children over 6 years old can participate in independent races. A younger child can only ride on a double kart with a parent.

You can pay for the services of the club in cash or by credit card. The company provides gift certificates. Also, auction programs are constantly being developed, which can be found on the website. From the latest active promotions:

  • 20% discount for children under 14 on Tuesdays;
  • 20% discount for female participants on Wednesdays.

2022 price list for kart rental at K-54:

Type of card and age of the participantRental price for 5 minutes, rublesRental price for 10 minutes, rublesRental price for 15 minutes, rubles
Single kart for adults300500650
Single card for a child +6250450550
Double card for adult4507501000
Double card for a child +6400600800
  • modern and powerful cars for single and pair skating;
  • more than 50 professional machines from Russian, German and Italian manufacturers;
  • a whole network of trails of varying difficulty, located in the central part of Novosibirsk, as a result, there are no difficulties with the question of how to get there;
  • high quality of service;
  • independent skiing for children from 6 years old, family holidays;
  • high level of safety;
  • online booking;
  • various auction programs, gift certificates;
  • holding corporate events and children's birthdays.

There were no significant shortcomings in the activities of the K-54 karting club. Customer reviews indicate a high assessment of the work of the institution and only high and often rising prices are called a minus.

Summing up

Amateur karting is one of the best options for outdoor activities and corporate events. It is also suitable for family leisure, as it provides a high level of security, which is important for both adults and children.Today there are more than ten equipped karting centers on the territory of Novosibirsk. They are ready to offer their customers open and closed tracks with different lengths and interesting turns. The fleet of vehicles of most of them is represented by modern powerful models of karts from the best foreign and domestic manufacturers. These small cars are designed for single and double races. Children can also participate in the races, as a rule, at the age of 5 years. The average price of five minutes of kart rental in specialized clubs in Novosibirsk in 2022 is 400 rubles. A visit to one of these establishments will be a great option for those who want to unwind, escape from everyday routine and worries.

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