Drops from ticks are a comprehensive means of protection against external parasites. This is especially true in the spring and summer, when nature wakes up from hibernation, and various types of parasites are activated. It is important to choose the right drug that is right for your pet, will not cause allergies or side effects. The article will discuss recommendations on how to choose the right composition for the price, active ingredients, what is better to choose tablets or drops, as well as what mistakes pet owners make when choosing.
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The danger of ticks is that they can infect not only the animal itself, but pass from the pet to the owner. Ticks are a carrier of such dangerous diseases as babesiosis, borreliosis, encephalitis and others. Manufacturers have developed many suitable drugs in the form of sprays, collars, tablets, however, drops (solutions) remain the safest and most effective.
It is recommended to apply preparations before the appearance of parasites on the animal. As soon as the temperature rises above zero, it is necessary to carry out monthly (unless otherwise indicated in the annotation) treatment for prevention.
Tips on what to look for when buying:
The rating of drops from ticks includes the best options, according to buyers. The popularity of models, the type of drug, a review of reviews of drops from ticks from previous consumers were taken as the basis.
The tool is used for small dogs weighing up to 10 kg, by a single treatment of the skin in the area of \u200b\u200bthe withers of the animal. The drug copes with lice, withers, fleas, as well as ixodid ticks. Well tolerated, practically does not cause allergic reactions. The company produces different capsules for maximum ease of use. Active substance: fipronil, diflubenzuron, dicarboximide. Volume: 1.4 ml. Average price: 230 rubles.
Advantix® is one of the most common drugs against representatives of the genus Ixodes ticks, fleas, as well as annoying mosquitoes and flies. The effect is achieved as quickly as possible, the parasites do not hope to bite the animal. Approved for puppies from 7 weeks of age. It is recommended to apply on the withers (on the skin) or in those places where the dog cannot reach and lick the drug. Valid for 28 days. Active ingredients: permethrin, imidacloprid. Shelf life: 3 years. Volume: 1 ml. Price: 2610 rubles.
Completely eliminates ticks in 7 days after application. Active substances continue to work for a month. Detailed instructions inside the package make it easy and comfortable to use the tool. One ampoule is enough for 1 application. After a month, the procedure can be repeated. Price: 490 rubles.
The tool is active in the elimination and prevention of infection with ticks and fleas for small breed dogs and cats. The average duration of the composition is 56 days, however, for different types of parasites, the period may vary. Can be used for puppies and kittens from 11 months of age. Shelf life: 2 years. An open vial must be used immediately after opening. Price: 1327 rubles.
Fiprist is used for pets from 11 months to old age. Active substance: methoprene, fipronil. Animals have practically no allergic reactions and side effects. Duration of action: 1 month. Country of manufacture: Slovenia. Price: 681 rubles.
BioVax is used to prevent and get rid of ectoparasites, as well as entoparasites (gadflies, flies).Ingredients: tea tree and cinnamon oil, Korean chrysanthemum extract and calendula extract. Shelf life: 3 years. Great for puppies and small breed dogs. Price: 133 rubles.
The tool not only eliminates parasites, but also negatively inhibits the larvae, preventing them from developing. The pipette-dropper is convenient to use, its volume is enough for one treatment. Begins full action within a day after application, protects the animal for 2 months. Average price: 261 rubles.
Due to the composition on herbs, the drug is absolutely safe for animals, as well as people around. Reduces the possibility of developing allergies and side effects, while working quite effectively. Allowed from 4 weeks of age, pregnant or lactating bitches, old, sick animals. Price: 252 rubles.
The product is completely natural, despite the strong smell, effectively protects against parasites, including flies, mosquitoes, fleas. Applicable for lactating or pregnant bitches, old, sick animals. After application, it is recommended not to wash the animal for a couple of days. It is not a drug. Average price: 282 rubles.
Drops must be applied to the withers of the animal, the solution itself spreads throughout the body and works for 42 days. In addition to ticks, it eliminates fleas, as well as helminths. Volume: 1 ml. Active substance: praziquantel, fipronil, aversectin C. Shelf life: 3 years. Price: 425 rubles.
The drug for dogs of large breeds has a complex protective effect against a number of parasites. The package contains 2 capsules that can be used for larger individuals or left for re-processing after a month break. The use of drops is allowed for week-old brushes. Shelf life: 12 months. Cost: 351 rubles.
The agent has a cumulative effect, a day after application it spreads throughout the body, accumulates in the hair follicles and sebaceous glands, reliably protecting the animal for a long time. It contains only 2 substances: fipronil and S-methoprene. The first component disrupts the nerve impulses of parasites, causing paralysis and further death. The second component acts on eggs and larvae of fleas and ticks, causing developmental pathologies and death. Cost: 1070 rubles.
Inspector penetrates the bloodstream and fights not only external parasites, but also internal ones. This provides additional protection. The duration of the drug is 1 month, however, for some types of ticks and fleas, this period may be reduced. Shelf life: 10 months. Volume: 0.4 ml. Average cost: 795 rubles.
The solution is used against flying insects, ectoparasites (mosquitoes, fleas, lice, withers). The effect lasts for 30 days, after which it can be applied again. For dogs from 30 kg, 1 dropper is enough at a time, so a full package is enough for 3 applications. If any allergic reactions occur, the use should be discontinued, the animal should be washed with warm water and soap or shampoo. Volume: 4.0 ml. Cost: 317 rubles.
Insect-acaricidal drops act not only on adults, but also on larvae and eggs at any stage of development. The action is enough for 1.5-2 months of protection. Effective in the treatment of otodectosis. Active ingredients: Fipronil, benzyl benzoate, diethyltoluamide, juvemon. Average cost: 357 rubles.
It is necessary to apply the drug on clean, dry skin in places where the animal cannot reach (ash, upper part of the head, etc.). Optimal dose: 0.1 ml per 1 kg. Active ingredient: pyriprol. Country of origin: Switzerland. Average cost: 1833 rubles.
The kit comes with detailed instructions with dosage and application time. Also in the box there are stickers for stickers in the veterinary passport. Drops against ticks are used only on healthy adult animals. Volume: 4.3 ml. Country of origin: Germany. Active ingredient: fipronil, pyriproxyfen. Cost: 468 rubles.
Beaphar offers a 100% natural product for large breed dogs up to 30 kg. One dose will protect the animal for a month, one package is enough for the whole season. Save from mosquitoes and other blood-sucking parasites in the summer. A small aroma of herbs quickly disappears, does not bother the animal and man. Cost: 858 rubles.
Bars is one of the leading manufacturers of veterinary drugs. Products are in great demand, have a visible, fast effect. The solution is well tolerated by animals of different ages, breeds and sexes. Innovative technologies make it possible to create an effective, but at the same time less toxic drug for the animal itself. Volume: 4.2 ml. Shelf life: 1.5 years. Cost: 385 rubles.
The drug acts not only on external parasites, but also copes well with a wide range of intestinal worms. Neutralizes adults and laid larvae and eggs, paralyzes them and leads to death. Protects against re-infection. Cost: 721 rubles.
Medicine for breeds weighing up to 25 kg. The package is enough for the entire spring-summer season, when the parasites are especially active. Ingredients: etofenprox, pyriproxyfen, imidacloprid. Due to its universal composition, it is suitable for dogs and cats of large breeds. Processing instructions are inside the box. Cost: 509 rubles.
The article examined which popular models and novelties of drops are presented on the Russian market, where to buy the best option, what types of drugs are available for treating pets from parasites. The rating includes the best drops, according to consumers. When choosing, focus on the individual characteristics of your pet. When using any of the above drugs, various allergic reactions to the components are possible.