
  1. What is
  2. Top hookahs for 2022
  3. Which is better, buy or rent

Rating of the best hookahs for home and hookahs for 2022

Rating of the best hookahs for home and hookahs for 2022

A hookah is a device for smoking, which, by cooling the smoke, filters it with the help of a flask with liquid and a shaft. Smoking for people of all ages is a way to relax and unwind.

Previously, luxury models were predominantly among the best hookahs. Now the trend is to change the leaders. At present, the top ten includes, along with eminent brands, “young” manufacturers, and, which is especially pleasant, they are present along with expensive and quite budget copies.

What is

A hookah is an apparatus for smoking. It is distinguished from the usual cigarettes by an unusual property - to lower the temperature and filter the smoke that is inhaled. A shaft and a container filled with liquid act as a filtering part. Approximately 20% of the substances contained in the smoke settle in this vessel. And about 40% remains in the flask where the liquid is located. A prominent place is given to the hose, inside it remains some of the very harmful substance. When the apparatus is being prepared for operation, it is important to consider that water filters the smoke most effectively.

How does it work

The flask must be filled with water, and it is necessary that the lowering level of the lower edge of the shaft be at the level of 1.5-2 centimeters. Then it is screwed on or, depending on the design, a saucer is put on. It is used to throw off ashes or put unused coal on top of it.

During smoking, a rarefied atmosphere is created in the “body” of the device, due to which the smoke begins to rise through the liquid through the tube and reaches the lungs of the one who smokes.

What does it consist of

6 components:

  1. The flask is the most important part of the entire apparatus. It is filled with a liquid that is used as a cooling material for the smoke. The flask is predominantly made of glass, although there are metal versions on the market.
  2. Sealant - if you just say it, it's an elastic band. Put on the docked elements, it makes the structure impervious to external air.
  3. The shaft is a tube that is quite thin.Execution materials can be completely different, ranging from glass and metal to various alloys: stainless steel or aluminum. The secret is simple: the wider the diameter of the shaft, the better the draft will be created.
  4. Valve - located at the bottom of the shaft. Thanks to this detail, air moves freely inside the entire apparatus.
  5. The bowl is part of the overall design where the smoking mixture is laid. There is a wide variety of bowls. They differ in different characteristics: design, material used in the manufacture, thermal conductivity and much more.
  6. The hose is the part through which the smoke directly enters the lungs. Wicker and made of silicone are the main varieties of this part of the device.

It works on the following principle: the smoker inhales air with a hose. It penetrates through coal and tobacco, subsequently entering the hose. The passage of smoke through the mine turns it into a colder, softer and less harmful.

In order to use the device more efficiently, additional details can be applied. There are manufacturers who immediately supply them in the main kit. When buying from others, you will have to purchase non-complete parts. These include:

  1. Kalaud is an element that regulates heat.
  2. Tongs - needed to move the coals.
  3. Cap - a device for smoking. Another of its properties is protection from external air: wind or draft. You can also carry coals in it.
  4. The mouthpiece is an individual, disposable product. Serves as a conductor between the human mouth and the hose.

Top hookahs for 2022

The best hookahs from Smoke Gadgets for 2022 is a selection of the best and most proven devices, in different price categories, both well-known brands and gaining popularity.

category mini

Amy Deluxe 760

The device in a vertical position does not exceed 38 centimeters. Materials: stainless steel (mine), glass (flask), clay (bowl). The weight is small - 2.4 kilograms, it is convenient to use it both at home and on the territory of institutions. Pleasantly pleased with the presence in addition to the main kit, the presence of a hose and tongs. The flask looks attractive. Its top is transparent, the bottom, on the contrary, contains a bright pattern. Fits harmoniously into every design.

hookah Amy Deluxe 760
  • rich equipment;
  • elegant design;
  • proven manufacturer from Germany;
  • excellent traction;
  • small-sized.
  • hose is standard.

Big Max Rapier

The design of this model is minimalistic. Composition of parts stainless steel. The complete set of the model is diverse: a shaft, a hose with a connector, a mouthpiece, plastic balls, a pair of seals and a saucer. This option is well suited for those who are just starting to use the device, and those who are already pros in this matter. Diffuse thrust is a feature of this model.

Big Max Rapier hookah
  • unique blowing system;
  • multifunctional;
  • mobile;
  • made in the best traditions of minimalism;
  • reliable and durable.
  • not identified.

Big Maks Hookah One Mini

The very name mini indicates its small size. High-precision and professional processing of component parts. Built-in diffuser. Five-stage internal smoke purification. The set comes with a mouthpiece in the amount of one piece, an engraved saucer and a hose connector.

hookah Big Maks Hookah One Mini
  • ease of operation;
  • elegant design;
  • verified manufacturer;
  • excellent traction;
  • compact dimensions when assembled;
  • ease of transportation;
  • stable due to internal balance.
  • supplied without flask.

Maklaud Banka

Maklaud Banka design is distinguished by the high quality raw materials that form the basis of production. This noticeably increases the performance properties and significantly increases the service life of this model. All components are connected by means of thread. Just like in the previous model, there is no flask in the package.

Maklaud Banka hookah
  • the highest quality;
  • extended service life;
  • compact dimensions when assembled;
  • ease of transportation;
  • stable due to internal balance;
  • connection of parts through a thread.
  • not long enough hose;
  • There is no flask and no seal in the package.

Hoob SubAtom

The only representative of the square type in this top. This shape allows it to be carried comfortably without fear of dropping and to be placed steadily almost anywhere. Height, just corresponds to the mini category - 12 centimeters. The hose is attached in an original way - by means of a magnet, which allows you not to worry, it will suddenly fall off. The shaft materials are aluminum and stainless steel. The very bottom is glass without a pattern.

hookah Hoob SubAtom
  • transportability and small size;
  • finishing materials are of high quality and very safe;
  • stable;
  • comfortable;
  • custom design.
  • price.


AMY Deluxe 4 Stars 460 PSM Black Blue

This model is made of steel, which is highly durable. All elements are securely fastened in the flask.The model has a striking design. The flask is painted deep blue, and the shaft is black. The main feature is that steel does not absorb smoke. This allows you to feel only the taste of tobacco when smoking, without any impurities.

hookah AMY Deluxe 4 Stars 460 PSM Black Blue
  • bright, eye-catching design;
  • finishing materials are of high quality and very safe;
  • stable;
  • comfortable;
  • high quality material;
  • acceptable cost.
  • not detected.

Al Sur Crystal

Al Sur Crystal is made of stainless steel. This model will be an ideal option not only for all kinds of establishments, but also for relaxing at home. Height is 45 cm. It consists of one tube, which is attached to the flask with a seal. The shaft is painted silver, and the saucer is complemented by a pattern of the sky strewn with bright stars. The kit includes:

  • bag;
  • kalaud;
  • forceps;
  • coals.
Al Sur Crystal hookah
  • the set also includes additional products;
  • high quality material;
  • acceptable cost;
  • the design is highly durable;
  • looks stylish and modern.
  • were not found.

Babilon 2143-Red Black

This model has a bright design and high quality. High-strength glass is used for the manufacture of the flask. The design itself is quite high - 60 cm. The parts are attached using a click connection. This ensures the strength and reliability of the structure.

hookah Babilon 2143 – Red Black
  • bright, noticeable design;
  • rather long hose;
  • affordable price;
  • the kit includes everything you need.
  • the bowl is small, which is not very convenient.

Mechanika Smoke STM-A PARovoz

Mechanika Smoke STM-A PARovoz is a high-quality, reliable and durable model, made in a minimalist style. This hookah will be an excellent option for both beginners and heavy smokers. The size of the shaft is 1.3 cm. This indicates that it is easy and comfortable to smoke through it.

hookah Mechanika Smoke STM-A PARovoz
  • durability;
  • quality of materials and additional products;
  • the design is convenient to assemble and disassemble;
  • equipped with soft hose.
  • very tight thread at the junction of structural elements, which is not convenient to use.

Neo Lux V3M Black Wood

Made in a classic style and made of high quality stainless steel. Its flask is made of durable glass, and the hose is made of silicone. In addition to the main elements, the manufacturer included a saucer and tongs for coals.

hookah Neo Lux V3M Black Wood
  • convenient to use;
  • build quality;
  • easy to understand;
  • looks stylish;
  • differs in high durability.
  • were not found.


AMY Deluxe - Feather Steel "SS05" Crystal Black

The main feature of this model is that it can be completely disassembled. This greatly facilitates not only the operation process, but also the cleaning of the structure. The model can be called really unique, because it is equipped with a molasses trap. This device allows you to prevent the penetration of the syrup into the mine.

hookah AMY Deluxe – Feather Steel «SS05» Crystal Black
  • looks stylish;
  • differs in high durability;
  • the presence of a wide saucer;
  • the presence of illumination;
  • full set.
  • excessively large device hose.


This budget model is distinguished by reliability, high quality and minimalist design. It is perfect for hookah lovers and will serve them for a long time. It will be a great solution when the price really matters. For little money, the buyer will receive a high quality device.

  • made of stainless steel;
  • is particularly reliable;
  • looks stylish;
  • differs in high durability;
  • the presence of a wide saucer;
  • has a complete set;
  • the structure can be disassembled into parts.
  • reviews show that this model has no negative characteristics.

Hoob Supreme - Mars Bronze

This premium model has a beautiful shape. It is made of stainless steel with a bronze finish. The material used for manufacturing is of high quality and reliability. It does not absorb foreign odors and prevents corrosion.

The structure is easy to take apart. It has a classic type of purge. When used, the user can adjust the thrust mode, which is an obvious plus.

Hookah Hoob Supreme – Mars Bronze
  • original appearance;
  • the use of high quality materials for the manufacture of structures;
  • looks stylish;
  • differs in high durability;
  • easy to disassemble and assemble.
  • sold without bowl.


It is sealed, has a fairly long service life, looks very attractive and is of high quality.

hookah Pharaon - 062
  • the design is very easy to disassemble;
  • has an attractive appearance;
  • the mine is large;
  • is affordable.
  • The kit does not include hose and saucer.


Otivana - Copy is a unique model. Despite the low cost, he collected all the best. The wide design shaft provides easy traction, the silicone hose retains its shape perfectly and does not absorb odors, and the flask, made of durable glass, will withstand any fall.

The design is made of special, food steel. It is considered the safest, as it does not contain any harmful substances in its composition and does not emit them when heated. The kit includes:

  • mine;
  • bowl;
  • flask;
  • hose;
  • sealant;
  • mouthpiece;
  • saucer.
hookah Otivana – Copy
  • the design is light in weight;
  • the kit includes everything that a smoker may need;
  • has an interesting design;
  • the design is made of materials that are not capable of harming a person;
  • the design has the optimal height.
  • the design needs proper care, otherwise, there is a risk of rust;

Which is better, buy or rent

Renting will help the buyer to try many different models and choose among them the one that will be the ideal option. Lonely, one cannot fail to note the fact that not all hookah models can be rented. That is why you should spend a little time studying customer reviews and watching videos describing a particular model.

This rating contains models that are suitable for both institutions and home use. Each model has an ideal price-quality ratio, is distinguished by high quality, reliability and safety. Each of these hookahs is not only beautiful, but also durable. They will last long enough and bring you a lot of pleasure.When choosing a hookah, pay attention to this rating. It will help you choose the right model.

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