
  1. What are they used for?
  2. Rating of the best colostomy bags for 2022
  3. Care rules

Rating of the best colostomy bags for 2022

Rating of the best colostomy bags for 2022

There are a lot of people who are bedridden due to illness and need special care. And a special discomfort is to go to the toilet like a healthy person. But not only the disease can cause inconvenience, but also the postoperative period, when the patient is not recommended to get out of bed.

Of course, in medicine there are special vessels, trays where you can go to the toilet in a supine position. But those who used them will definitely say that this is a very, very inconvenient thing. Often, these items are used by nurses in hospitals. And here we are talking not so much about physical inconvenience as about moral. The patient experiences embarrassment, due to the fact that during this, one might say, an intimate moment, a stranger is present nearby.

This article will talk about the colostomy bag. It facilitates the patient, both morally and physically, the process of going to the toilet. Although, not only to the patient, but also to the same nurses. Below we will consider the functionality of the colostomy bag.

What are they used for?

The object we are considering is used, first of all, to collect feces from patients who cannot go to the toilet on their own. It is considered to be an advanced medical device. With him, the issue of hygiene is solved in a more humane way. It prevents the spread of bacteria and allows you to keep the cleanliness of bed linen. With his appearance, the work of medical personnel was greatly facilitated.

colostomy device

There are several types. For example, the one worn outdoors is a single-use pouch, or vice versa, which can be used several times. Fastened with a special adhesive-based plate.

But stationary samples are arranged differently, and consist of the following parts:

  • a pen;
  • the frame itself;
  • a container where feces accumulate;
  • hanging handles;
  • foot support;
  • removable slots;
  • locks.

It is worth noting that the specimens used by people who do not experience mobility difficulties are lighter in design than those used for fully recumbent patients. But both types are similar in that they are very flexible and do not require much force to use. You can quickly remove and change to another. The last point is important during the period of various operations.

Terms of Use

The use of any type of colostomy bag belongs to a certain type of procedure, namely, invasive.This type assumes that surgical intervention will be performed, namely, penetration through the human skin. The doctor himself determines the degree of need for the use of this device.

With regard to installation and removal, only trained medical personnel are involved in this. Relatives of the patient can also perform the procedure, but only those who have completed special courses.


All samples are divided into one-component and two-component. Let's consider how they differ from each other.

  1. One-component. These include special bags with an adhesive plate. Moreover, both of these parts are a single system. Often their use is indicated for such patients who cannot control the work of their intestines, i.e. emptying occurs involuntarily. In turn, this type is subdivided into drained and non-drained. The first subtype implies regular emptying of the content.
  2. Two-component. The device is presented in the same design, only both parts appear to be separate. Unlike the previous version, this adhesive plate can be changed every three or five days. This option is preferred by most.

But still it is impossible to say unequivocally that this type is better, and this one is worse. The choice is based on individual characteristics. These include:

  • stoma and its appearance;
  • the type of skin that is around the stoma itself;
  • patient weight;
  • type of food and lifestyle.

Below we present several types of colostomy bags that are used especially often.

Rating of the best colostomy bags for 2022

Children's colostomy bags

For a child with an ostomy, care during rehabilitation is very important.The comfort and tranquility of both the baby and the parents will depend on how high-quality the product is selected.

Below we will look at proven and reliable samples for children.

Triocel - D

Refers to the type of one-component. Mainly used for babies. It is a drainable type of colostomy bag. Consists of polyethylene, but multilayered. The good thing is that absolutely no smell gets into the environment, no matter how much the product is used.

There is a single-component lining, it is located on the side of the body. It protects the delicate skin of the baby from contact with the material itself, thereby not disturbing the normal mode of air exchange.

The type of clip allows you to take care of the product without removing it. Also, the system has a plate that is unique in its production. It is based on a special substance that can bond two types of material with surface adhesion.

The colostomy bag itself should be replaced if its integrity is violated.

It has a size - 7 - 50 mm.

Triocel - D
  • Acceptable price - 490 rubles;
  • Comes with 5 clips;
  • Convenient to use and maintain.
  • Not detected.

Abutsel - Tue #5

This is the same one-component drainable product. The container is made of a film that does not allow odors to pass through. This film is multilayer and polymeric.

Just like the previous version, there will be no odors from the product itself, provided that the sealing is not broken. The pouch fits snugly against the human body. This is facilitated by the fastening system, here it is represented by a double fastening:

  1. Sticky flange;
  2. Sealing ring.

The last component has a healing property. Those. the wound is not injured under the sticky layer, but rather heals.

Comes with a plastic clip.It makes it possible to get rid of the contents and rinse the pouch without touching the stoma, i.e. without taking it off. Without taking off, it is possible to wear the model without taking off up to 6 days. During all this time, the skin will not experience discomfort.

Used for size 20 - 80 mm. More suitable for teenagers.

Abutsel - Tue #5
  • Ease of use;
  • The average price is 437 rubles.
  • Not detected.

Conva Tech Stomadress

This is the most budget option, which is used for children. The hole size is from 8 to 50 mm. Therefore, the product is suitable for the smallest patients. Despite its low price - 260 rubles, 15 pieces are included in the kit.

The bag is made of transparent polyethylene. It is multi-layered, so the contents do not exude odor into the atmosphere. And this sample is a real helper to parents who care for the baby.

Skin integuments, especially in this case, are prone to irritation when wearing such systems. Here, the manufacturers took this fact into account and covered the bag with a mesh material from the inside. It provides air exchange.

Leak-proof plastic clip. The replacement of the colostomy bag takes place on the recommendation of a doctor. But in case of violation of integrity, replacement is required immediately. Peel off the mount from the skin carefully, starting from the bottom edge. It also happens that it is impossible to disconnect without improvised means, then you need to resort to the help of a special medical adhesive.

Conva Tech Stomadress
  • Low price;
  • The set consists of 15 pieces;
  • The system is thought out to the smallest detail, and its use does not in any way cause discomfort to the smallest.
  • Not detected.

Adult colostomy bags

Usually, there is no gender separation for adult patients, and all products are intended to be unisex.

Consider some samples for different stoma.


This is a different view, different from those presented above. Apexmed is a closed sample made in China that cannot be emptied of its contents.

Experts recommend it for people who have a colostomy or ileostomy. Their diameter is in the range of 10 - 70 mm.

Let's move on to the technical specifications. The tank is represented by multilayer polyethylene. Since it is not emptied, it is only suitable for use only once. Others will not feel any odors, because the polyethylene is odor-tight.

The dimensions of the bag itself are the most optimal - 25x14, and the adhesive plate - 10x10.

Due to the fact that the colostomy bag is disposable, its price is minimalistic - 35 rubles. When purchasing, pay attention to the expiration date. Manufacturers have determined this period of 5 years, after this period it is not recommended to use it.

Apexmed colostomy bag
  • Affordable cost;
  • Excellent quality even for single use;
  • Comfortable wearing.
  • Not detected.

SOFT Art. 2245

Colostomy model. It is single component. Sold in a box containing 20 items.

Suitable for stoma sizes from 13 to 64 mm. So this sample can be used both in the hospital and at home. On the plate, which is glued to the skin itself, circles are applied, along which it can be cut out of the required diameter.

The adhesive base is very securely fixed to the skin cover. Additionally, it is not required to use any fixing means in the form of patches.

The bag itself does not make any sounds and does not exude odors.It can be used when the patient has a colostomy or ileostomy and stool collection is required. Plus, the material of the bag is opaque.

There are also contraindications that should be taken into account. Some people may experience some intolerance or sensitivity to any of the components of the stool collection system. If irritation and redness suddenly occur, it is better to refuse further use and seek the advice of an appropriate specialist. Not recommended for people who have a preserved or prolapsed stoma.

SOFT Art. 2245
  • The manufacturer is Brazil;
  • The contents of the tank are not visible.
  • High price - a little more than 1700 rubles.

Palma Triocel SM

An opaque ostomy bag that fits stoma sizes from 20 to 60 cc. The tank is made of polymer film. It is good because it is easily glued to the patient's skin and it is not difficult to control the contents of the bag.

By purchasing this model, the consumer receives a set of 5 containers. The purchase can be considered quite profitable.

It has a double mounting system. The very first sample that was considered in this rating has the same fastening system, namely a sealing ring and a sticky flange. All this provides reliable protection against leakage, odor and other points that can cause discomfort.

Palma Triocel SM
  • Excellent protection against the appearance of liquid from the outside;
  • Provides hygiene and lack of irritation;
  • Do not make sounds when a person is in motion;
  • Absolutely undetectable under clothes;
  • Used for several days. At the same time, it is not required to disconnect from the stoma for cleaning;
  • Acceptable price - about 450 rubles.
  • Not detected.

Flexima Ileo

The most expensive sample from our rating and it is he who completes it.

The model refers to one-component systems. There is a pouch that is open. The adhesive base is hypoallergenic, and no reactions should occur. There are also components that have a beneficial effect on wounds, healing them. Movement when wearing is not constrained.

The bag is made of very soft and pleasant to the touch material. It is silent and there is absolutely no discomfort when a person is actively moving.

This system has a carbon filter. It is built into the bag itself, there is no contact with the surface of the clothes.

Suitable for stoma from 15 to 60 mm.

Flexima Ileo
  • German quality;
  • A well-executed system;
  • Not noticeable when worn outdoors;
  • Safe and hygienic.
  • Not detected.

Price per package - 2500 rubles. The set comes with 30 items.

Care rules

It is necessary to take care of the colostomy bag carefully. Every day you need to perform a series of actions that will ensure hygiene for the patient himself.

The main actions include:

  • replacement of the system itself;
  • skin care, it is most susceptible to irritation due to prolonged contact with the adhesive base;
  • watch and avoid inflammation.

In order for the stoma to function normally, it is necessary to change the system we are considering every three or five days. This moment is set individually. For example, if a person with an ostomy has frequent stools and feces are abundant, then, of course, the bag should be changed more often than the indicated days, as soon as the reservoir is full.

The skin requires special attention.It is not uncommon for it to turn red and inflamed. Such a situation can arise when depressurization occurs and feces begin to leak. If such a phenomenon with the skin has been noticed, here is what to do:

  1. Treat the epithelium with plain water, slightly above room temperature with the addition of soap.
  2. For skin treatment, use Furacilin. Its concentration should be 1.5%. It is worth processing with a napkin moistened with this substance.
  3. Further, the skin affected by inflammation, redness or irritation should be lubricated with a regular baby cream. It is important that it contains extracts of either calendula or chamomile. Suitable for this procedure and panthenol. Some prefer to use baby powder.
  4. After carrying out the above procedures, let the skin rest for a while, from 10 minutes to half an hour. After this time has elapsed, install the colostomy bag again.

But all these actions do not have to be performed only when characteristic signs appear on the skin. They can be produced every time the system is changed for the purpose of prevention. This, on the contrary, is only beneficial and prevents the occurrence of complications in the future.

We hope our review was helpful.

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