
  1. Types of modern calculators
  2. The main structural elements of modern calculators
  3. Popular manufacturing companies
  4. Engineering calculator as a universal type of mobile calculating machine
  5. Rating of the best calculators for 2022
  6. Instead of an epilogue

Rating of the best calculators for 2022

Rating of the best calculators for 2022

Contrary to popular belief, calculators have not yet sunk into oblivion, like the same VCRs or cassette players, and continue to be used by certain groups of people - from students to narrow scientific specialists. The thing is that even a deeply advanced counting application for a modern smartphone based on iOS or Android is not able to fully incorporate some of the functions. And the reason for this is that such applications are often developed on a commercial basis and are poorly focused on the target consumer from science or education. Thus, these machines are in demand in our time.

Types of modern calculators

Conventionally, they can be divided into four groups:

  • Standard;
  • Financial and accounting;
  • Engineering;
  • Programmable.

Standard models have a minimum of functions and are suitable for everyday use by an ordinary student, especially since their use is allowed when passing exams.

Financial and accounting samples are more complex models that have a number of additional functions and, for the most part, are focused on the implementation of economic calculations, calculations of banking operations. Often, such devices are equipped with a built-in mini-printer.

Engineering calculating machines have an expanded range of capabilities for producing accurate mathematical calculations. They are able to calculate trigonometric and elementary functions, calculate any root of a number and raise any number to a power - all this is within the power of this type of apparatus. They are considered indispensable tools for students of technical universities and scientists working in exact fields. They are distinguished, moreover, by a large display capacity.

Programmable models are used to execute certain sets of commands or algorithms.Simply put, they are very close to computers, but lose them in size and processing power. As a rule, such devices have built-in programming languages ​​(often in a truncated form with a minimal set of commands).

Among other things, the types of devices under consideration can be divided according to the style of execution - they can be pocket and desktop (the latter differ in slightly larger dimensions).

By type of food, they are also divided into:

  • Powered by disposable batteries;
  • Working from the network;
  • Powered by batteries (parallel connection to the mains is possible);
  • Powered by solar batteries.

The main structural elements of modern calculators


This detail is probably the most fragile in the whole structure. This fact can be proved by simply slightly pressing your finger on the screen - it will immediately become noticeable what distortions the image will undergo. In order to somewhat extend the service life for this part, manufacturers have provided for the presence of a hard protective glass or a special film. It is worth noting that the display should always clearly display all the information: the image should be bright, and the displayed characters and numbers should be easy to read. Symbols will require a separate characteristic - contrast. In view of the fact that their structure can be more complex than that of numbers, the characters must, by means of contrast, be well distinguished from each other so that they cannot be confused. It should not be considered a defect if the image casts a shadow - this is normal, but it should not cover the adjacent number (symbol). In high-quality calculators, the working field is somewhat higher in height than the displayed symbols / numbers.If such superiority is not observed, then this means that there are defects along the upper and lower edges of the display.

Character bit depth

This parameter means the number of characters that can fit on the instrument display. The default values ​​for this parameter are 8, 10, 12, and 14 digits/characters. There may also be separate degree digits (in all cells), but this is usually typical for engineering models. The bit depth marking on a typewriter is displayed in the following way: for example, the inscription "10 + 2 digit" means that 10 digits and 2 cells for the degree can be displayed on the screen. It is determined that the greater the character capacity, the more expensive the model. It is quite possible that there are two devices that are identical in size and appearance, but with a different price. From this it is clear that the more expensive option can display more digits.

Source of power

Most calculators today are powered by either solar or chemical (tablet) batteries. There are samples of devices that run on AA or AAA batteries, but they are too bulky, so they have not gained wide popularity. But the variations that work only on solar panels differ in the smallest sizes, but they have a significant “minus” - they will not function if there is a lack of illumination.

It often happens that the presence of a solar battery in the calculator case is simply simulated. The role of the solar battery is performed by a simple plate of black or mirror shade, made of plastic, metal or glass. The very same power is supplied from a low-power and very flat chemical coin cell battery, which is permanently soldered into the microcircuit and cannot be replaced.Thus, when the charge of this battery runs out, then the device itself can be thrown away.

The main sign that an unscrupulous manufacturer uses the above trick is the extremely low price of the machine. In any case, in a real solar battery, inside its individual square elements, you can see small cells that will shimmer in different colors - from pink to black. The solar cell itself, in general, will shine brightly and give off a double glare (coming from the battery and from the protector film). It is with the help of the “double glare” method that a fake solar power source can be exposed, because its plastic / metal imitation parts will not give off glare at all. If the imitation of the battery is made on a glass base, then the glare will be single.

When the solar battery turned out to be real, then its quality should be checked. This element must be completely deprived of illumination, and even in this case, the dialed numbers and the image itself must be stored in the memory of the device for some time. If, in the absence of lighting, the values ​​\u200b\u200bare instantly reset to “0” or the screen immediately goes out, then a low-quality solar power element is installed in such a device.

As practice shows, real solar batteries can last up to 20 years in a row. Naturally, for their normal functioning, it will be necessary to observe the proper operating temperature regime, because both severe frost and hot heat are equally contraindicated for these elements.

Also, it is always worth remembering the properties of ease of replacement of the power supply. If the battery is difficult to find on sale, then you should not even spend money on such a calculator.

Instrument housing

This structural element in most models is also particularly fragile. The whole reason is that the calculator is generally not supposed to be used in extreme conditions, so manufacturers prefer to save on durable materials (although not all). In addition, the rear panel of the case is a storehouse of technical information about the instrument itself. Usually there is a plate (or sticker) on it, which indicates:

  • Manufacturing company;
  • Name and model number;
  • The type of power source used and its characteristics (for example, the type and number of batteries, and for mains power - voltage);
  • The serial number of the specific instrument.


The color of the buttons does not really matter - the main thing is their transparency. If the numbers are depicted on plastic transparent buttons, then in bright light they can glare, which reduces the visibility of the printed characters and numbers. The best option would be one in which the numbers are cast at the very base of the buttons or highlighted in relief - in this case, it will be difficult to erase them. In any case, each button on the device should be softly and well pressed, while the so-called "acknowledgment return" should be felt when pressed. An excellent addition will be the accompaniment of pressing with a sound click.

Popular manufacturing companies

Most often, the buyer of a calculator makes his choice, starting from this parameter. There are plenty of such companies on the modern market, but the leaders among those producing precisely counting portable equipment are:

  • Texas Instrument;
  • Hewlett Packard;
  • Canon;
  • Casio;
  • Citizen.

Equipment from these companies appeared on Russian shelves more than three decades ago and earned the status of high-quality, economical and reliable.Calculators from the mentioned companies, regardless of the type of execution, have affordable prices with a stylish design. Each new model, as a rule, uses innovative technologies, expands its functionality and follows all modern trends that are typical for its field. At the same time, the price tag for devices from these companies is very democratic. The standard model costs from 70 rubles, a desktop financial and accounting calculator - from 1000 rubles. More complex types, such as engineering or programmable calculators, can cost from 5000 rubles, but their functionality is well worth the price.

Engineering calculator as a universal type of mobile calculating machine

This version of the calculator can be called universal, as it may well combine the functions of all the others. Modern trends generally provide for the release of just such models with the presence of mode switches in them. So, it is easy to turn an engineering model into a standard or accounting calculator by simply changing the mode of operation. Today, most of them can turn into programmable models as well. they are already equipped with LCD displays, which are capable of reproducing the most complex characters. On the other hand, the current market knows few models that are programmable, having the mode of a full-fledged engineering calculator.

The advantage of a purely engineering device is that almost every key has three or more functions. The main ones are marked on the key itself, and the optional ones are printed above it, usually with color differentiation. Also, engineering devices are distinguished by increased bit depth, which is simply necessary for accurate calculations when you have to operate with numbers with many digits ( can perform operations that go beyond "four arithmetic with fractions"). The number of functions has also been increased and on it, in addition to basic calculations, it is possible to calculate:

  • Operations with integrals;
  • Operations with logarithms;
  • Operations with trigonometric functions;
  • Other complex mathematical calculations.

Features of the functioning of engineering calculating machines

Like any other models, they can be powered by batteries, from the mains or from solar panels. Traditionally, engineering options are equipped with their own storage unit, a graphic screen, and in some cases a printing device. There are also models that can connect peripherals - a PC or a TV. The main difference in the operation of these devices is that in order to use any function (and there can be from 3 of them for each key), you need to press a special switch.

Choosing an engineering calculator

When buying such a model, you should pay close attention to the following points:

  1. Housing material (preferably metal or durable plastic);
  2. Batteries (preferably rechargeable batteries with the ability to work from the mains);
  3. Availability of user manual in Russian;
  4. The amount of available memory for storing data and variables;
  5. Ability to switch modes (programming, standard, accounting);
  6. Display size (not bit depth!);
  7. The ability to move the cursor back without erasing the previous character.

IMPORTANT! The correct operation of an engineering device can be checked by setting the calculation of the sine of 30 degrees. If the answer is equal to 0.5, then the mathematical circuit is working in normal mode.

Rating of the best calculators for 2022

Handheld Devices

3rd place: Milan M240

Portable engineering model with about 240 built-in functions. It is possible to perform parabolic, hyperbolic and trigonometric calculations on it. The device is able to calculate up to 6 different types of regression, calculate fractions, transform coordinates. There is a storage unit for storing average numbers, there is a function for converting "HEX" into a decimal system and vice versa. It is possible to memorize 24 levels of different variables in brackets. The model has a two-line display, which can display the entire action, and not just the final result. Arrow buttons allow you to move around within an expression for editing, and are also useful when navigating through menus. The power source is two AAA batteries. The case is closed with a special cover for proper storage. The recommended cost for retail chains is 1900 rubles.

Milan M240
  • Comfortable menu navigation;
  • A large number of functions;
  • Display on two lines;
  • Special cover for storage;
  • Rugged housing.
  • Not detected.

2nd place: "Assistant AC-1152"

A standard calculator, small in size, having a set of basic functions and being an excellent solution for school use. The screen size is 8 characters, the power is supplied simultaneously from the solar battery and from the battery type "tablet" (turns on when there is a lack of lighting). The size of the device is extremely small and it easily fits in the palm of your hand, it is easy to carry in your pocket. The buttons are made of rubber, they simply respond to a confident press. There is a plastic cover that protects the screen and keyboard from mechanical damage. The recommended cost for retail chains is 80 rubles.

Assistant AC-1152
  • Extremely democratic price;
  • The presence of a protective cover;
  • Rubber keyboard;
  • 2 types of food.
  • Key labels are quickly erased.

1st place: "Citizen SR-270N"

This scientific model of a portable computing machine has a Russian certification for the Unified State Examination in geography, physics and chemistry. The display consists of two lines and is able to show the entire entered formula, and not just the final result, which gives an additional opportunity to check the calculations. In addition to the classical ones, the model contains an additional 236 scientific formulas. The device is able to memorize equations, saves the last 9 actions, with the output of their results on the display. In the presence of the ability to manually round values ​​and represent decimal numbers - these settings are stored in a separate memory location. The keyboard has a convenient location, which makes it comfortable to work even with quick presses. The device switches off automatically during long periods of inactivity, the case is protected by a special cover. Light weight and dimensions allow you to transport the device in your pocket. The recommended cost for retail chains is 980 rubles.

Citizen SR-270N
  • Excellent value for money and quality;
  • Russian certification for the Unified State Examination;
  • A sufficient number of scientific functions;
  • Convenient keyboard operation;
  • Full screen display of the entered formula.
  • It may be difficult to replace batteries.

Accounting devices

2nd place: "Casio HR-200RCE-W-EC"

This desktop-based model is intended for the production of financial and accounting calculations with the output of actions and results (both intermediate and final) to print.Printing is carried out on a standard receipt tape with two colors. Mathematical functionality is extended and copes not only with arithmetic operations, but can automatically convert currency values, calculate the final cost, calculate profits and losses. On this device it is convenient to calculate discounts, price, taxes on goods. This calculator contains 150 different operations. The power source is 4 AA batteries, and the built-in battery supports some data storage and reserves memory for checking and printing. The speed of the printing device is very high (2 lines per second), which contributes to a fast workflow. The recommended cost for retail chains is 3,700 rubles.

Casio HR-200RCE-W-EC
  • Good value for money;
  • Large display;
  • Two-color printing;
  • Availability of memory for storing intermediate results;
  • Good functionality.
  • Not detected.

1st place: "Citizen 520DPA"

Another decent calculating device from the accounting segment, which has the function of one-color printing. It has a 12-bit wide screen, which is very convenient to track the operations performed. The advanced functional package allows you to perfectly cope with complex operations, which favors efficient and fast work. The keyboard differs in special ergonomics, wear resistance and comfort during the work. The print speed of the printer unit is up to 10 lines per second. In this sample, it is possible to adjust the rounding of values ​​and the presentation of decimal numbers. Also, this calculator can convert currencies, calculate tax transactions, produce commodity margins.Despite the huge functional potential, the device has small dimensions and is easy to transport. There is an automatic transition to standby mode during long periods of inactivity (to save energy). The recommended cost for retail chains is 5400 rubles.

Citizen 520DPA
  • Great functionality;
  • High print speed;
  • Self-shutdown parameters for long periods of inactivity;
  • Ergonomic keyboard.
  • An extremely rare model for retail stores in the Russian Federation.

Devices with LCD displays

2nd place: Casio FX-CG50

The filling and display of this computing device are capable of supporting three-dimensional graphics. With it, the display of mathematical and geometric drawings and graphs becomes much more visual. The device can work with four types of shapes - plane, line, sphere and cylinder. With their help, it is very convenient to trace the relationship of various functions. The image displayed on the screen can be rotated, tilted, enlarged and reduced, which facilitates the visual understanding of the task.

There is its own application "E-KOH4", which automates some of the calculations when performing laboratory work, and also allows you to save the final results and automatically build graphs based on them. Switching commands is carried out by navigating in the corresponding menu. For the device, you can remove the engineering and scientific functions, turning it into a regular calculator. The recommended cost for retail chains is 13,300 rubles.

Casio FX-CG50
  • Color display with 8 lines;
  • Ability to work with figures and graphs;
  • Special application for laboratory work;
  • Change the operating mode to "standard".
  • Not detected.

1st place: "Texas Instruments TI-84 Plus CE-T"

This device belongs to the type of programmable models and has many useful options. These include the graphical introduction of formulas and expressions, i.e. the way they look when handwritten. It is possible to load third-party images into the memory of the device and build graphics on top of them. There are 12 native applications that perform various complex operations. The device can be transferred from engineering to standard mode. The display itself is particularly bright, its resolution is 320x240 pixels and supports 15 colors. All this makes it easy to read the displayed information. The volume of the integrated memory module is 3.5 megabytes, which is enough to store graphs and other linear data. The power source is a built-in battery, which is recharged via a USB cable. The recommended cost for retail chains is 16,000 rubles.

Texas Instruments TI-84 Plus CE-T
  • Ability to upload third-party drawings;
  • Sufficient amount of integrated ROM;
  • Powered by a rechargeable battery;
  • Color and relatively large screen.
  • A very high price tag.

Instead of an epilogue

The analysis of the market of the devices under consideration found that they are still quite widely represented on sale, despite the fact that they have almost been replaced by more functional smartphones. However, for narrow specialists who work with accurate data and need an abundance of different functions, calculators remain indispensable tools. At the same time, they can also be used in educational institutions, especially if they have Russian USE certification.

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