
  1. Criterias of choice
  2. Recommendations
  3. Ranking the best hand warmers for 2022

Ranking the best hand warmers for 2022

Ranking the best hand warmers for 2022

Hands can freeze in many situations: in the country in cool weather, on winter fishing or hunting, on a hike, in a poorly heated room, on the street in winter during outdoor activities, work or sports. There is also a category of people who suffer from diseases accompanied by chills of the extremities. Small children may have cold hands. In all these cases, a hand warmer will become a necessary accessory and a way out of this situation. Will warm in any frost, will help to create warmth and comfort even in the most severe cold. Consider how to choose the right device, what are the best hand warmers offered by the best manufacturers in 2022.

Criterias of choice

In order to avoid mistakes when choosing, before buying or ordering a modern accessory online, it is appropriate to familiarize yourself with the parameters by which you can make a competent choice. In this case, the purchase will bring joy, the device will function for many years without failures, giving pleasant warmth to the hands and feet. Consider the general selection criteria that are for this type of heaters.

Type of

When choosing a palm warmer, it is advisable to proceed from the purpose of its use: whether you want to use the device once or there is a need for regular heating. Depending on this, models are distinguished:

  • disposable, they are ordinary self-heating bags with a special mixture of chemicals that begin to raise the temperature with a simple shake;
  • reusable - advanced devices, the service life of which exceeds several years.


There are various types of hand warmers on the market, the most common are:

  • electric - with a built-in battery that can charge both the device itself and serve as a charger for phones, a flashlight, a night light;
  • catalytic (gasoline) - metal, similar in shape and principle of operation to a cigarette case, including a flask with cotton wool, to which gasoline is supplied from a reservoir, a mesh catalyst and lids with holes for heat to escape;
  • chemical (salt, gel, self-heating) - outwardly, they usually resemble a polypropylene pillow, inside of which there is a soft consistency content and a metal applicator.

Buyers choose what is more convenient and preferable for them according to the principle of use.Fur warmers-couplings water with electric heating, convenient for children, are also produced.


Heating pads can be simple or original in design. For children, heaters are produced in the form of toys, funny animals. Children's heating dolls, fur muffs with a heating function are very popular. For adults, this is a more restrained, stylish modern design, suitable for both a fragile girl and a brutal man. For the most part, hand warmers are made in a minimalist design, without unnecessary elements and decoration, with one goal - to take up as little space as possible and do their main task well.

Value for money

The product must always be affordable. It is worth noting that the cost of disposable devices is much lower than those that are taken for a long time. The main rule is that the heating pad should be from a reliable manufacturer with the least possible overpayment. This is possible when ordering online directly from the company or from the largest dealer of the company. If not too long use of the heater is required, then you can pay attention to cheaper models of not so popular companies, for example, order in the Aliexpress online store. But in this case, there should be no complaints about the quality and duration of the device's service life.


In the world, many manufacturers produce a sought-after accessory. It is important to know in which case you will purchase a quality product, and when you can throw money away.

The most famous in the world are three companies:

  1. Zippo (USA) - the most famous brand in this field of production, products of impeccable quality;
  2. Pathfinder (Russia) - initially produced models for the military and people of special professions, they are distinguished by reliability and durability;
  3. Kovea (China) — high-quality economical models are produced at the reconstructed production.

The best brands to maintain competitiveness in the market are releasing new products - with an expanded scope of medical products of this type:

  • with cooling function, applied like ice;
  • with the ability to heat small rooms, in particular, tents;
  • as chargers for smartphones, nightlights. flashlights.

This makes the product more in demand and popular, leaving competitors far behind, especially with high quality.


With the advent of the Internet in our lives, it is not difficult to study reviews of any product if you spend a little time searching for the necessary information on forums, review sites, in videos of people who have already purchased it and use it. When visiting sites in an online store or from a manufacturer, there is a big plus in numerous high-quality photos depicting heating pads from various angles, which allows you to better see the features of the appearance of the product. It is not advisable to rely on the reviews posted there: the information is promotional in nature and does not always reflect the description of the shortcomings.


When choosing which company is better for a hand warmer, it is advisable to consider a few important tips, what to look for:

  1. The popularity of the model directly depends on the manufacturer - choose products of well-known brands, large reliable companies.
  2. When choosing how much a device costs, it is better to pay attention to not the cheapest ones, if these are not disposable self-heaters. The cost of a good hand warmer should not be inflated, but proportional to the quality.
  3. When choosing the type of heater, ease of use should be taken into account: for gasoline, you will need an open flame source for ignition, for electric - the ability to plug into the power supply.
  4. If you are puzzled about how to make such a device with your own hands at home, then this is a completely solvable task for a person familiar with the laws of physics and thermodynamics: to make a catalytic hand warmer according to the scheme or sew according to a fabric pattern while maintaining basic functional characteristics.

Ranking the best hand warmers for 2022

We offer the TOP of the best devices with optimal characteristics that buyers prefer in 2022.



The Finnish-made reusable gel heater with an independent heat source is one of the most popular models in 2022, according to buyers. Actively used by lovers of winter sports and outdoor activities. The principle of operation is based on a chemical reaction with the release of heat, which begins when a metal plate is bent inside a body filled with brine. Heating occurs up to +50°C and lasts up to 60 minutes. If repeated use is required, the heater is allowed to cool completely, after which it is boiled for 5-10 minutes. Includes 3 pieces in different colors.

Average price: 900 rubles.

hand warmer Savotta
  • compactness;
  • used for heating and cooling;
  • safe for the environment and humans;
  • available even for a child;
  • durable;
  • There are three heaters in the set.
  • easily damaged by careless handling.


One of the latest models of pocket salt heaters of the Russian brand "Delta-term" does not take up much space, it can be used by putting it in gloves, mittens or pockets. It has a universal scope. Can be used as a heater or ice for cold compresses. To start the mechanism, you need to bend the starter wand inside the product. The process of crystallization of the salt solution inside the heating pad will immediately begin. In a few seconds it gains a temperature of + 50 ° C, remains hot for 40-50 minutes. Environmentally friendly, safe heat is pleasant for adults and children. For reuse, it is enough to completely cool the device and boil for about ten minutes, which is not always convenient, in particular, on the road or in nature.

Average price: 260 rubles.

hand warmer heart
  • budget cost;
  • compact dimensions;
  • durable body material;
  • comfortable shape.
  • needs to be boiled every time.

Haago Hand Warmers

Disposable product of a popular manufacturer from the UK. Manufactured to the highest international quality and safety standards. Eco-friendly, recyclable heater. It is activated by the action of oxygen contained in the air, as soon as you open and shake the sealed package, it heats up in 5 minutes. The vermiculite inside reliably isolates the released thermal energy, so that the warming effect lasts up to 10 hours. Comes with one pair of heating bags.

Average price: 160 rubles.

hand warmer Haago Hand Warmers
  • eco-friendly;
  • safe;
  • quality;
  • inexpensive;
  • fast heating;
  • easy to use;
  • convenient packaging;
  • ready for recycling.
  • disposable.


Zippo 40368

A popular model of a well-known American manufacturer can be taken with you to a ski track, skating rink, stadium, on a hike, for a walk. Light and compact, it does not take up much space and warms the palms for 12 hours without emitting any foreign odors, and an improved measuring watering can eliminates fuel leakage. The new, simplified filling technology allows you to immediately ignite the catalyst in the cartridge after filling the measuring cup and enjoy the gentle warmth. In order to provide palms, and if necessary, a tent or other limited space away from civilization, very little is required:

  • silicon;
  • spare wicks;
  • a bottle of gasoline of a certain brand.

Despite the fact that the model cannot be called inexpensive, it is in constant demand among tourists, fishermen, geologists, and athletes. It will last for hundreds of gas stations, will last for many years without complaints.

Average price: 2800 rubles.

hand warmer Zippo 40368
  • environmentally friendly;
  • durable metal case;
  • improved design;
  • simplified refueling technology;
  • prolonged mild warming.
  • requires branded consumables;
  • expensive for the price.


An unpretentious and durable product made of stainless steel, with an optimally acceptable ratio of cost and quality, has long won the love and trust of customers. Any gasoline is suitable for the operation of the heater, the cartridge ignites quickly and easily, the heat flow is pleasant, it lasts a long time. A beautiful modern design adds popularity.Suitable for individual heating, to maintain the optimum air temperature in a vehicle, a small room. The principle is based on flameless oxidation and subsequent heating from oxygen-saturated air of gasoline vapor passing through a platinum catalyst. For ignition, an open flame of a match or lighter is required. The package includes a case and a measuring watering can.

Average price: 1050 rubles.

hand warmer Pathfinder
  • reliability;
  • durability;
  • wear-resistant body;
  • original design;
  • affordable price;
  • sold with a case and measuring watering can;
  • works on fuel of any quality.
  • no off button.

Kovea KJ8HT0201 Mosquito Warmer

A high-quality Chinese-made gasoline model made of durable material with a tank capacity of 12 g, which is enough for ten hours of operation. Economical consumption, beautiful design, functionality compensate for the expensive cost of the product. The heating pad is used as a fumigator to protect against blood-sucking insects. To do this, the package includes a removable nozzle for interchangeable plates. When used for heating, the device fits easily into a pocket, mitten, glove. When sleeping in a sleeping bag, it warms the legs perfectly. In addition to a fabric cover, there is a protective plastic one that excludes burns, as well as step-by-step instructions for use and a filling funnel.

Average price: 1820 rubles.

hand warmer Kovea KJ8HT0201 Mosquito Warmer
  • quality mechanism;
  • used as a fumigator;
  • durable material;
  • reliability;
  • long process of maintaining temperature;
  • convenient size;
  • economy.
  • expensive.


Pebble Hand Warmer Power Bank 5000 mAh

An excellent model combines the functions of a hand warmer and a phone charger. Made in China, customer reviews testify to the high quality of the product, commensurate with the cost. A 500 mAh lithium-ion battery is enough for three to four hours of heating the palms (and, if necessary, other parts of the body) in the selected temperature mode or charging one smartphone. The device has simple controls, understandable even to a child. After pressing the power button (it also serves as a gadget switch), you can select any of three heating modes:

  • minimum - + 39 ° С;
  • medium - + 42 ° С;
  • maximum - + 50 ° С.

The manufacturer offers a wide range of colors for a stylish case made of plastic and aluminum. These materials provide the device with strength and light weight. The most frequent buyers of the model are people who, even in cold weather, do not part with a smartphone, which is charged via a USB cable connected to a heating pad.

Average price: 1000 rubles.

Pebble Hand Warmer Power Bank 5000 mAh
  • three heating modes;
  • switch;
  • use for phone charging;
  • light;
  • compact;
  • different body colors to choose from;
  • stylish design;
  • easy to manage;
  • long working time.
  • takes a long time to charge.

Baseus Little Tail Champing Light Hand Warmer

A portable electric heating pad with the function of a night light made in China is made in a modern minimalist design in the form of an animal. Convenient device does not take up much space, easy to operate, durable and reliable. The warranty is 6 months, but the device works much longer. At the end of the case there are buttons for turning on the heating and the lamp. The brightness of the lighting can be adjusted according to your needs.Care must be taken during operation: the body of the product is made of fragile plastic and can break when bumped or dropped. The lithium-polymer battery is charged in 60 minutes. After pressing the power button, the temperature reaches + 50 ° C in eight seconds, heating lasts up to 4-5 hours. The ceramic heating element will not allow overheating - at the same time it acts as a temperature sensor, so the model is absolutely safe. Available in three colors:

  • white;
  • blue;
  • pink.

Average price: 390 rubles.

Baseus Little Tail Champing Light Hand Warmer
  • multifunctional;
  • easy to manage;
  • reliable;
  • long heating;
  • adjustment of the degree of illumination;
  • temperature control;
  • fast heating;
  • different body colors.
  • not very durable plastic.

Energy Flux Enduro 7800 mAh

Multifunctional modern American-made device that performs three important tasks:

  • heating of hands and other parts of the body;
  • torch;
  • charger for smartphones and tablets.

This allows you to use only one instead of three devices. Equipped with a charge indicator, off button, temperature setting switches. It can heat up to 40 degrees, creating a weak soft heat, or up to 50 degrees, if a strong heating is required. Provides up to 7 hours of palm warming, full charging of any two smartphones, flashlight operation in normal or enhanced modes. The lithium-ion built-in battery allows for up to 500 recharge cycles, but over time it wears out and ages like any battery. The body is made of highly durable plastic, so the heating pad will last a long time without mechanical damage.

Average price: 2900 rubles.

hand warmer EnergyFlux Enduro 7800 mAh
  • you can switch modes and turn off the heating;
  • multifunctionality;
  • saves space in a bag, backpack;
  • comfortable away from home;
  • durable case;
  • reliable work.
  • expensive;
  • the battery is getting old.

Each person decides for himself which heater is better to buy, at what price, where to buy and how to use it. The above rating of quality hand warmers will tell you what to look for when choosing an accessory that is healthy for your health.

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