The technological revolution, the habit of comfort, the rapid pace of life have led mankind to an amazing result - the growth of diseases and a huge choice of means to combat them.
Professional sports use a lot of advanced technologies in their arsenal. Most of the developments are available for amateur training, keeping fit and treating certain diseases. One of the brightest examples of popularization was gravity boots. The cosmic name of the inversion shoe confirms its unprecedented success in the field of physical development of the body and restoration of the spine.
Sports equipment in the form of anti-gravity shoes was very common in the United States among professionals of the twentieth century. Released in 2006, the novel The Da Vinci Code, which overcame all boundaries and reached the pinnacle of popularity, gave a new impetus to the popularity of inversion boots.
The modern world, both athletes and advocates of a healthy lifestyle, has singled out a special place for gravity shoes - a place of honor.
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The equipment consists of special cuffs for the legs, covering the ankles and hooks, with which a person clings tightly to the crossbar or horizontal bar, hanging upside down.
With the help of the device is performed:
An unusual way of training has amazing results.
Its uniqueness lies in the following processes:
Exercising with leg cuffs carries a potential hazard due to the impossibility of complete control over the situation. The main parameter when choosing is reliability, which is realized in the following individual details.
Depending on the type of fixation on the leg, shoes are divided into:
If the first option allows you to quickly fix the shoes with a snap-on carabiner, adjusted for a single user, then the universal type provides for fixation with 2 straps with puffs along the leg.
Both parameters are indicated in kilograms and indicate the permissible maximum.
Modern technologies make it possible to use the latest materials with great strength and wear resistance in the production of sports shoes.
In addition to guaranteeing reliability when the load is increased, it is important to pay attention to the number of fastening rivets, they should be from 5 or more. The hook is made of nickel-plated steel. Innovative models have hooks made of extra strong glass nylon.
The requirements are in the parameters:
The line should be even and tight, without protruding loops and thread breaks.
To ensure a soft fit and comfort, the part is made from various materials with an indication of the thickness in millimeters.
On the foot of the shoe provides a snug fit and fixation, without causing squeezing, discomfort. With micro movement, rubbing is not allowed. Inversion devices should be soft and flexible.
Depending on the place of the upcoming classes and the horizontal bar, or the crossbar, you need to know the diameter for which the hook is designed. The value is indicated in millimeters.
As a rule, all manufacturers put a hand-made label on the packages.
There are a number of expensive inversion shoes from world brands and popular economy class brands. The Russian market widely uses domestic gravity hooks. A popular brand is the Onhillsport company, located in the city of Taganrog.
You can also purchase an accessory on AliExpress, Ozon and other services online.
Leading manufacturers are constantly improving models and technologies, supplying new products with improved qualities to the market.
Athletes and coaches are familiar with non-in-line models. On the networks you can see videos of such hooks. Individual accessories deserve attention, but in this case there is no guarantee of quality with responsibility. You can make inventory with your own hands, then you need to have great confidence in the reliability of the result.
A thorough check of all parts and parts for high-quality assembly and fastening is required, otherwise the procedure may result in injury.
Comfortable fit on the leg and adjoining the ankle ensures the absence of chafing and damage to the lower leg.
The individual adjustment of the grips is carried out by buckles and straps, after which further use will be reduced to a simple fastening of the hook carabiner. However, if another person wants to use the accessory, then it is necessary to carefully reconfigure it for his leg.The difference in weight should also be taken into account when handing over the hooks for use.
If the hook is not positioned correctly or the fastening on the leg is weak, shin compression may occur, which is very unfavorable and traumatic.
It should be remembered that when placing an order in an online store, the buyer loses the opportunity to try on shoes and evaluate their comfort.
For power loads, the degree of pressure increase from movement is certainly taken into account; in the characteristics, attention should be paid to the indicator of the maximum allowable load on the hook.
If you are overweight, pregnant or have eye pathologies, this type of training is prohibited. Particular attention should be paid to the doctor's consultation in violation of blood pressure, past spinal injuries, dysfunction of the cardiovascular system. Inflammatory processes in the articular regions can also be a serious reason for the prohibition of exercise.
You should not be frivolous about the final process of the procedure - getting off the horizontal bar. Sometimes a pull-up band may not be enough if there is insufficient muscle strength or a sharp deterioration in the condition. Only after making sure that you are completely safe and in complete control of the situation, you can start the exercise. The duration of treatment sessions is very short and starts from fractions of a minute with an increase to 2 or more minutes. Further, you can increase the number of approaches.
The vast majority of Russian sales of gravity shoes are in the price range from 1,500 to 5,000 rubles. You can make an online order at a higher price; in online markets, this category of foreign production is represented sparingly.
Leg cuffs from the domestic manufacturer of the brand Onhill Sport are available in several colors.
The model of the famous Russian brand Onhill Sport belongs to an individual class.
The Onhill Sport brand is highly appreciated by users for the quality and reliability of products, in the presented NEW AGE model all standards are preserved, and universal parameters are selected.
Inversion shoes from a Russian brand are recommended for lightweight types of training.
The sports equipment of the domestic brand Fitness Gym is well known to athletes and amateurs exclusively from the good side.
Russian cuffs for hanging have a two-strap design.
The domestic brand of sports equipment is well represented in online markets.
The model entered the TOP 100 sports bestsellers.
Stylish, brutal leg hooks from the Russian brand have an ergonomic design.
Category up to 5000 rubles | ||||
Model | options | |||
User, weight, kg, max | Leg circumference, cm | Lining, thickness, mm | Hook, diameter, mm | |
Plain Comfort | 100 | 21÷33 | 15 | 35 |
Junior | 90 | 18÷34 | 15 | 40 |
NEW AGE Comfort | 130 | 19÷34 | 12 | 35 |
Rekoy F102 | 150 | - | 15 | 40 |
Gala Sport | 150 | 18÷34 | 5 | 35 |
Winner Oxygen G-Shoes | 120 | 18÷34 | 15 | 35 |
The peculiarity of training with inversion hooks is to work under the weight of your own weight. The positive aspect is that the exercises do not occur with large weights, weights.
The paradox of hypodynamia is that with prolonged sitting at the monitor, for example, tension and compression of the vertebrae occur. The optimal solution, both for strength training and for the therapeutic and prophylactic effect, is hanging on the crossbar, horizontal bar. Not only muscle tension is removed, but mobility and flexibility are also acquired.
Inversion mounts from the American brand are produced in Thailand and have an extended warranty.
The top Russian-made model is made of high quality leather and has steel hooks.
Sports gravity shoes are used by professionals and doctors in medical and recreational facilities.
Professional grade inversion hooks from a global brand have a stylish design and exceptional quality.
Category over 5000 rubles | ||||
Model | options | |||
User, weight, kg, max | Leg circumference, cm | Lining, thickness, mm | Hook, diameter, mm | |
Teeter Hang Ups B1-1001 | 120 | 21÷33 | 15 | 35 |
WORKOUT X4 Comfort | 150 | 15÷30 | 15 | 40 |
Body Solid | 130 | 18÷35 | 12 | 40 |
The sports side of the use of "moon" boots is saturated and guarantees a deep study of the muscles with varying degrees of load.
Medical history, despite its relative youth, has many examples of miraculous healing from diseases. We are talking not only about diseases and anatomical changes in the spine itself and its departments, but also about various diseases of the limbs, circulatory disorders and joint dysfunctions associated with the spine.
Beginners should definitely consult a doctor. For a gentle regime with weak physical preparation, gravity hooks are used in a set with an inversion table, which allows you to gradually increase the angle of inclination according to individual correction.