In the context of global coverage of space by cellular, satellite and Internet networks, it is difficult to go unnoticed. But sometimes it is vital to hide from observers. Progress does not stand still. The more satellites in orbit and cell towers on the surface, the more effective tracking of any objects is. But the more powerful and more perfect are the devices that oppose this. A huge number of modifications of various jammers have been created, which are successfully used to remove objects from observation.
Systems for determining the exact coordinates of an object were originally developed for military purposes, but with the development of technology they have become available, and most importantly, necessary in everyday life. Navigator is a useful and necessary thing for every driver. And for private carriers, the installation of trackers for monitoring has been mandatory since 2013.
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GLONASS - Russian and GPS - USA are used to track moving objects. Allow you to fix the coordinates, speed, direction of movement and fuel consumption.
For the driver, the system is useful in that it will help to navigate in unfamiliar areas, to lay a route. For logisticians, it gives control over the movement of cargo, deviations from the route, allows you to track the misuse of the vehicle, fuel drain, etc.
Thanks to this system, there is an operational connection with the dispatcher, it is possible to wiretap the cabin. When a car is stolen, securely hidden beacons allow you to quickly find the car, and in the event of an accident, the system automatically sends a distress signal.
But sometimes there are situations when you need to hide your own location. In order for the satellite to be unable to determine the coordinates of the object, radio signal jammers or jammers are used.
They are used when it is necessary to deviate from the route for hired road carriers, to hide the fact of an unscheduled parking, when evading pursuit or suspected wiretapping.
When installed in a car, the jammer blocks all radio signals within a radius of 5 to 15 meters. Therefore, you can be sure that the object will disappear from the field of view of observers.
In order to understand how to choose the right jammer, and what to look for when buying, you need to understand the device of the navigation system.
Both GPS and GLONASS have the same operating principle: tracking and analyzing the temporal and spatial coordinates of an object. The tracker or beacon installed in it receives a radio signal from the satellite. With the help of special modules, coordinates are automatically calculated, calculations are based on data from nearby cell towers and nearby satellites. All movement data is stored in the tracker's memory and then uploaded to the server.
The Russian GLONASS system has been developed since 1982, but during perestroika and the collapse of the USSR, development was stopped. Work resumed only in the 2000s, and in 2015 the creation of the Global Navigation Satellite System was officially announced.
GPS (Global Positioning System) global positioning system has developed more actively. The ban on limiting the accuracy of determination for civilian purposes was lifted much earlier, which greatly accelerated the development of the system.
The principle of construction of navigation systems is the same. There are satellites in Earth orbit, they transmit a signal, and there are receiving devices on the ground.The coordinates of the radio signal receiver can be calculated from the 3 nearest satellites, the location of which is always exactly known. With the help of the fourth satellite, you can determine the exact time, and for a moving object, and speed. When receiving pulses from a larger number of satellites, the error of all indicators is reduced.
To implement monitoring at any arbitrary point in time from any point on the earth's surface, from 5 to 12 satellites are available for radio communication.
GLONASS has 27 satellites put into orbit, while 18 satellites are enough to cover the entire territory of the Russian Federation.
GPS has 32 satellites in service, it is planned to launch an additional 16 units.
The difference is also observed in the location of the satellites themselves and tracking stations.
GLONASS and GPS operate on the transmission of conventional radio signals in very close ranges. But the frequency of the signals and the encoding method for them are different.
The error in determining the location of the object is not more than a few meters.
GLONASS has a degree of coverage of the territory of Russia - 100% and 70% of the surface of the globe. GPS works everywhere, except for the polar regions.
The systems complement each other, so GPS/GLONASS monitoring is increasingly being used. The error in determining all parameters with this approach is minimized. Therefore, most vehicles are equipped with integrated satellite tracking systems.
But, as already mentioned, the driver may have reasons why it is extremely necessary to get out of surveillance. This is what silencers are designed for.
According to the purpose of the impact, silencers are:
According to the method of application:
Jammers of the navigation signal in appearance are divided into three types:
Devices of this type include the positions of our rating: GP-50, GP-55, Carcam signal jammer mini1, KT-GPS.
This is how Scorpio 120 G Pro, Carcam signal jammer PS-40, Owl GPS mini, Berkut 12, TX - N1 look like.
The photo shows the Terminator-40.
The most in demand are GPS/GLONASS car jammers. But their installation is fraught with problems with finding a car in case of its theft. Indeed, during the operation of this device, data on the location and direction of movement will not be available to anyone.
The jammer clogs the air with useless, empty signals, and in this noise it becomes impossible to distinguish real requests and responses between the satellite and the beacon.
The decisive role in assessing the quality of the device is played by the power of the jammer, that is, the number of signals that it sends on the air, the range and frequency range.
GPS beacons use the 1575 MHz band, GLONASS - 1602 MHz.
Recently, however, experts say that the so-called jammer, that is, a primitive anti-tracker connected through a car cigarette lighter, is no longer so effective, since there are many cell towers in the urban environment.Positioning of an object is also possible using them, although its accuracy, of course, is not so high. In addition, the disappearance of the GPS signal from the tracker will automatically notify the tracking service of an attempt to hide the location of the object. To solve this problem, spoofers appeared on the market. These devices do not mute, but rather generate additional false requests. Real signals are lost among the false ones, and positioning becomes impossible.
The simplest device that protects against wiretapping and tracking can be easily made by hand at home. The device consists of the main parts:
The generator creates oscillations, they go to the coil, the frequency spectrum depends on the number of turns of which.
For a person who has basic skills in radio engineering, it will not be difficult to understand how to make such a gadget, and there are many step-by-step instructions and tips on the Internet.
For those who still do not dare to test their abilities, select material for manufacturing and sit down at the soldering iron, there is always the opportunity to purchase the model they like in the online store.
And how much this or that device costs and which one is better to buy, the rating of the best GPS and GLONASS signal jammers for 2022 will tell you.
Before running to the store or ordering goods on AliExpress, you need to look at the quality rating, study the recommendations, read reviews of popular models and new products. How to determine your own criteria for choosing a device, detailed reviews and product descriptions on the Internet can suggest.
According to buyers, the best manufacturers of devices to protect the vehicle can be distinguished.Among them there are both Chinese and Russian production:
Which company is better and where to buy the device will be prompted by customer reviews and product reviews.
But still, it is necessary for oneself to highlight some parameters that affect the popularity of models and on which the choice will be made.
There are situations in which it is necessary to mute all signals. And sometimes just blocking navigation is enough, or vice versa, only mobile communications. A huge plus will be the ability to adjust the cut-off frequencies.
These parameters are interrelated. The higher the power, the greater the radius of influence of the device. Not always the declared radius coincides with the real one. The reason for this is the proximity to the object of cell towers. The closer they are, the more intense the work on sending signals should go, the smaller the radius is covered by them. For many models, according to the listing of characteristics, a minimum radius of 1 meter is indicated, provided that they work in close proximity to a cell tower.
The time that the device is able to work without recharging is often the decisive factor in the purchase.
Large and heavy gadgets are not so easy to hide in a car or carry in your pocket. The priority is light and compact devices. Often these types of devices come from China, while domestic mufflers look more impressive.
Many people make the mistake of choosing only by price. But more expensive doesn't necessarily mean better. The cost depends on many parameters, including the spectrum of suppressed frequencies.But often, for use in everyday life, only a specific minimum is needed. Therefore, there is no point in overpaying tens of thousands for a universal "broadcast" device if you need an inexpensive, primitive jammer for a car interior. By the way, you can save a lot if you order the product you like online.
All devices come packaged with:
Carefully studied characteristics and functionality of the selected models will help not to make mistakes when choosing.
Often there is false information that jammers of satellite signals also act on traffic police cameras. But for this, the device must have a very large range and decent power. Suppressors of this type are quite expensive.
10th place
Allows you to block GPS and GLONASS navigation, including military frequencies and civil L5. It has 9 suppression standards (4 GPS and 5 GLONASS), and the frequency range can be partially turned off (selecting the required frequencies).
The cost of the device: from 11,000 rubles.
In ninth place is a device with the function of blocking 10 GPS / GLONASS frequencies, as well as mobile communications and the Internet 3G, 4G, LTE, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and radio UHF 400-470 MHz. There are 40 suppression standards in total.
Price: from 15,000 rubles.
Eighth place is occupied by the Carcam signal jammer PS-40. The device jams GPS signals and mobile communications. There is a choice of frequency suppression.
Average price: 12000 rubles.
In seventh place is Owl GPS mini. One of the best mufflers in its price segment. Russian-made jammer, suppresses the frequencies of the GPS, GSM, GLONASS standard. Frequency range 1500 - 1600 MHz.
Power: 0.6W.
Cost: from 3500 rubles.
In sixth place in the GP 50 rating. Suppresses GPS and GLONASS frequencies in the L1 band 1570-1615 MHz.
Power: 150 mW.
The device is on sale at a price of 2200 rubles.
5th place.
It owes its name to 12 antennas providing 12 suppression channels (cellular communications and navigation - 20 frequencies). Generates white noise that interferes with navigational positioning, cellular communications, listening devices, CCTV systems, and explosive devices.
Suppression power: 10W.
Average price: 24000 rubles.
In fourth place is GP 55. The device jams GPS L1 and GLONASS signals 1570-1615 MHz
Power: 70 mW.
Price range: from 2000 to 3000 rubles.
Opens the top three pocket portable device TX - N1.Suppresses GPS and GLONASS in the 1560 - 1620 MHz band.
Output power: 0.5W.
Cost: from 3350 rubles.
2nd place.
Suppresses frequencies: GPS 1570 - 1615 MHz.
Average price: 2500 rubles.
The leader of the rating is the KT-GPS signal jammer.
Jammes signals at the GPS L1 and L2 frequencies (1575 MHz and 1227 MHz). There is a modification with a USB plug.
Price: 2400 - 2700 rubles.
Whichever choice is made, it must be remembered that the use of a satnav jammer is not acceptable for the purpose of fraud and deception. Jamming the signal should not cause inconvenience to others.
When installing such devices in a car, it is necessary to understand that in the event of theft, the risk of its final loss increases significantly.
Manufacturers recommend using signal suppressors only when absolutely necessary.