A colposcope is a device necessary in gynecological examinations. It is used to examine the entrance to the vagina, its walls and the cervix. Invented in 1925 by Hans Ginselmann.
The first colposcope was a binocular with a directional light source.
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The usual examination of the vagina is carried out using a speculum and taking a smear for analysis. If pathology is detected during cytological analysis, additional studies are prescribed - colposcopy, performed using a colposcope.
The main advantage of the device is its ability to detect abnormal areas and precancerous conditions. The ability to enlarge the examined area by 10-40 times allows you to see it well. There is a tool that allows you to take pictures and conduct an additional biopsy.
Most often, colposcopy is used to detect cervical dysplasia when tests come in that indicate the possibility of such a serious disease. Also, the device can be used for microsurgical intervention - for tissue cauterization, cryotherapy, loop removal and for biopsy from a pathological site. The green light filter allows you to take a closer look at parts of organ tissues and see blood vessels, among which abnormal vascular structures can be identified. If acetic acid is used in the doctor's examination, the device is able to see the localization of protein densities, which makes it possible to distinguish the presence of flat cellular structures, indicating the possibility of the presence of a precancerous or cancerous formation. If abnormal areas are found by the doctor, then biopsy material will be taken from their surface.
Thus, with the help of a colposcope, the following abnormal conditions can be detected:
Like any other intervention in the human body, colposcopy can have side effects:
The patient who underwent the intervention must necessarily inform the doctor about the problem if:
The likelihood of side effects after the procedure is small, but the benefits are significant. The use of a colposcope greatly facilitates the detection and treatment of diseases of the cervix and vagina.
This medical device is capable of performing a stereoscopic examination of the female genital organs. During the examination, the device can reveal several female pathologies at once. The examination is carried out without contact with the device itself.
The principle of operation of the device depends on its structure and optical abilities. There are several main types of colposcope:
A distinctive feature of this device is that it was created under the supervision of gynecologists.The device has many functions: convenient functionality, better optical ability, 250 times image magnification, clear image on the monitor, the design is quite flexible, it is unlikely to break. The examination comes very carefully, even the slightest pathology of the organs will be visible. Connecting to the monitor, the device archives all received data.
Binocular device equipped with a video camera, green filter for better contrast, excellent optical system, high-quality examination of the genital organs. This is one of the most popular models in the European market. Also, this device is characterized by multifunctionality: a video camera, image fixation, a good optical system, data processing on the monitor is possible. The monitor is large enough, the images are shown with high quality, thanks to the green film, the contrast is seen better and even small pathologies can be seen.
Quite a popular model in the field of medicine. The manufacturers have done their best. Multifunctionality, high-quality materials, convenient use, image clarity. This device will help to examine the cervix, the lower third of the cervical canal, the vagina and the vulva. Good illumination, represented by a fiber-optic LED light source. In case of disease of the lower third of the cervical canal, it is worth examining with this device, because. its accuracy is quite high. It is possible to connect to a computer to save and process data. The company has added many useful features that make work easier and more convenient. Reviews from gynecologists are positive.
The brand has released a whole series of gynecological devices, including this colposcope model. In general, this company produced 3 models of this device, and each of them is unique and individual in its own way. Sturdy tripod, easy to set up. During the diagnosis, the patient will not feel any discomfort, on the contrary, he will feel comfortable. When diagnosing diseases, it will never be superfluous to check the vessels so that you can see them, the device has a special green filter that will help with this.The binocular stereoscopic head will help to change the image.
This digital video colposcope has LAN connectivity. All the information received can be transferred to electronic media and archived on it. All received data of the patient's study histories will be saved, but in a certain amount, the limit is about 3000 histories. Also, this device is able to connect to the Internet and transfer data. Ease of use lies in the fact that the device will tell you how to use and what to press. Of course, the device has a green filter, image processing and video recording. The program for the device will come with it, as well as a video camera and a fairly sturdy tripod. To archive, view or process data, you will need to connect to a computer.
According to buyers, this is the best colposcope. The Russian-made device distinguished itself by its quality, accuracy and good illumination. Good illumination will help to improve the quality of research and diagnostic efficiency; it is represented by a halogen light source. A big plus is that the doctor can easily and simply use it during the operation. The device weighs little enough, so it will be easy to move it in the office. When connected to a computer, you can record all patient histories, archive the received data and further process them. But over time, the memory will be filled, we must take this into account. When buying, the company will present all the documents for the device.
Another model of Russian production. A distinctive feature of this device is its compact size. The device has the highest diagnostic accuracy. It does not matter which genital organ or part of it should be examined, the colposcope KS-02 mod. 051 will be able to find any problem, for example, in diseases of the vagina or in diseases of the cervix.Often, during the use of the device, a lot of energy is consumed, but this model is more economical, it does not spend as much energy, unlike previous copies. Also, the device can be connected and work with the camera. The device has high optical performance. To view all the received data, you will need to connect to a computer for analysis, archiving and processing. The model can be fixed in place with special latches so that it cannot roll away anywhere. All documents and certificates are publicly available on the official website of the company "Optimed".
The model is made by the Ukrainian company. This representative of medical gynecological equipment has distinguished itself by its quality and accuracy. It is often used during cervical surgery. Due to the fact that the device has a high accuracy, it controls the entire process. The device has good illumination, so you can easily see the right parts of the body. During the operation, video is being filmed, the video is displayed on the monitor literally immediately, without slowdowns. Pictures of the colposcope are obtained in color, which cannot but rejoice, the color quite often matters. For doctors with poor eyesight, this device will be just a godsend, because.you can work with it even with glasses due to good ocular performance. It is quite convenient to work with the device. The model is mounted on a strong and flexible tripod, which, in turn, is fixed in one place. All documentation is on the official website of the Scanner company.
Achievements of science and technology do not stand still. Once invented, the device has undergone many changes that have made it indispensable in modern medicine. In addition to the detection and treatment of gynecological diseases, the colposcope is an indispensable tool in the early diagnosis of cancerous conditions. Early diagnosed cancers are treatable. A woman's life can easily become dependent on modern medical equipment in the hands of a competent specialist.