
  1. History of windsurfing
  2. Components of windsurfing equipment
  3. Characteristics
  4. Types of geeks
  5. Characteristics of Modern Geeks
  6. How to choose
  7. Rating of children's geeks
  8. Best Adult Designs
  9. Conclusion

Rating of the best windsurfers for 2022

Rating of the best windsurfers for 2022

Today, windsurfing has become fashionable and is widely used among lovers of an active lifestyle. The basis of windsurfing is to learn how to control a light board with a small sail. Success does not come immediately. It should be borne in mind that in addition to gaining experience and dexterity, it is necessary to become the owner of high-quality equipment. This also applies to choosing a geek.

History of windsurfing

We owe the emergence of windsurfing to the American Newman Darby, as evidenced by archival photographs. The first designs made by Newman vaguely resembled modern products. It is worth noting that he made his first attempts to manufacture the product at the age of ten, but they were not successful. Gradually, their outlines improved. At first, the boards had large dimensions and were equipped with a daggerboard. Their bottom was flat. The length was 3.9 meters, the sail area was 6.7 sq.m.

At the end of the 70s of the last century, the world recognized the names of Jim Drake and Hoyley Schweitzer. They were more enterprising and were the first to receive a patent for the invention of the sailboard and boom. Over time, Mike Waltz proved to everyone that on a small board you can not only skate slowly, but also develop significant speed, jump and perform miracles of balancing act. In this matter, he made a real revolution.

The pioneer in the manufacture of bizarre designs was the company Lechner. She set up a mass production of boards that had the following features:

  • ease and pleasant move in tacking;
  • round, radially keeled bottom;
  • rolliness;
  • heavy and slow planing;
  • excellent all-weather;
  • wave likeness.

The company released several variations of Lechner boards, the volume of which ranged from 285 to 350 liters.

Components of windsurfing equipment

It can be seen with the naked eye that the device consists of a board and a sail. These are completely different elements and are considered basic. They are separated from each other. The sail is pulled over the mast. A special handle is attached to the mast and is called a boom.The athlete holds on to her. A knotty, thick rope located at the point where the mast and structure are attached is called the start sheet. Designed mainly for beginners who take their first steps in this sport, and quite often raise a fallen sail from the water.

The area where the mast is attached to the board is called a hinge, and the recess is called a step. The top of the board is the deck, the bottom is the bottom. Blades, called daggerboards, protrude from some boards. Designed to run against the wind. Can be pulled in or out. To carry out these manipulations, do not dive into the water column. It is enough to press with your foot on the upper part of the centerboard protruding above the deck. The front of the board is called the bow, the back is called the stern.

For beginners, the main rules in mastering windsurfing are as follows:

  1. Determine which direction the wind is blowing from.
  2. Learn to carry the board along with the sail.
  3. Good quality on the board.
  4. Master the technique of standing on the board.
  5. Raise the sail out of the water.
  6. Rotate the board to its home position so that the sail is up.
  7. Learn to turn the board in one place when the sail is up.
  8. It is correct to stand on the board in the drift position.

All these actions are carried out without the help of support. Around only the water surface, its own strength, breeze and sails.


Designed to control the sail. We hold the sail with it, turn it depending on the direction of the wind, set it at a certain angle. The main qualities that this device should have are:

EaseAn important aspect of sail control. Light device operation is more comfortable.Modern products are produced in weight from 2.3 to 3.2 kilograms.
The formDistance between pipes. Influences the time you realize how the thrust changes and how quickly your reaction will manifest itself through the movement of the element. The closer the pipes are to each other, the more sensitive the matter.
RigidityIt is considered one of the most important qualities. Increased rigidity saves the windsurfer's strength and energy. With strong gusts of wind, the material changes its power and the athlete has to pull the structure towards himself. If there is no rigidity in the pipes, then the boom stretches first, and only after that - the sail.
StrengthKeeps its shape under significant loads and does not allow to deform. With insufficient strength, the product may fold during skating and it will become almost impossible to control the vessel.
Pipe thicknessHas a direct impact on strength and control. Strength is directly related to thickness. However, a tube with a smaller diameter is easier to hold and control. Modern fixtures are made thin. Thickness - from 26 to 29 mm. The thinnest part remains in the hand, the thickening falls on the attachment point.
The method of connecting the pipe and fittings (springs, screws, gluing)They play an important role in transportation. Affect the compactness of the whole structure. The presence of springs leads to quick disassembly, but there are significant backlashes. The screws spin quickly, if not already sour. If this has already happened, then the device goes into the category of non-separable. Bonded booms using the monocoque method are among the strongest, toughest and most rigid.
Rear end comfortAffects the speed and quality of fastening the rear corner and the ease of setting the sail.Simple and clear options are produced with a reliable loop-to-loop system.
Practicality of attaching and detaching to the sailThe most critical moment is considered to be the time when the material is fully tensioned and attempts are made to put the boom on the mast. The best option is when the action happens quickly and comfortably. However, models are produced where these manipulations are quite difficult and time-consuming to carry out.
Options for attaching the front fitting to the mast and sufficient time for this manipulationThere are options with unreliable fastening of the front fitting. While riding, under significant loads, the boom may slip, which will lead to negative consequences.
Manufacturing material (carbon fiber, aluminum, their alloys)It is directly related to the weight, strength and rigidity of the fixture, and also affects the average price. Popular carbon models are considered the most rigid and expensive. The fragility of the material requires proper handling, which is why these booms are very popular among professional athletes. Aluminum fixtures are light, durable, unpretentious in operation. They are classified as cheap, which is why they are so popular among beginners. Composites are in high demand. They have carbon extension tubes and rear fittings, the tubes themselves are aluminum. Differ in unpretentiousness and rigidity.
Device costThe best manufacturers have filled the market with all sorts of devices for every budget. Which company is better to buy depends on personal preferences and the financial well-being of the user.

Types of geeks

Today on sale you can find a huge number of popular models that differ in functionality, characteristics, material of manufacture.Some products are included in the quality rating, others are budget options and cannot boast of reliability and durability. Everyone has different selection criteria. But the recommendations of experts boil down to the following: in order to avoid mistakes when choosing, it is necessary to understand the nuances of the device.

Design features of devices can be manifested in the following:

  1. Monocoque. It is assumed that both sides of the boom are a single element. The front binding is attached to the top of the solid part.
  2. Collapsible. This option assumes the presence of a power element in the form of connected pipes by means of a front fitting.

The diversity is also manifested in the variations of fastening trapezoidal lines to the boom. There are loops:

  • detachable type - produced with an internal Velcro. Can be installed without parsing the boom;
  • closed type - one-piece device. It can be put on the pipe only after the separation of the rear fitting.

Line design is also different. She happens:

  • forced - have a fixed length;
  • customizable - the length can be easily adjusted by yourself.

What are the booms for the wing:

  • hard carbon fiber or aluminum - is a separate element, put on the wing;
  • inflatable - built-in type. It is necessary to hold on to special loops.

Characteristics of Modern Geeks

Windsurfing is subject to those who try not to miss the little things and take them seriously. That requires extreme. To perform complex acrobatic stunts, you need to be collected, perform the movements correctly and, most importantly, choose a high-quality design. Otherwise, you can lose not only health, but also life.

Modern devices have a lot of positive qualities.The choice should be approached with knowledge of the matter, relying on the advice of experts. Of great importance is the style of riding and the size of the mast. For slalom, a rigid carbon product is suitable, which makes it possible to control the vessel with high quality. For freeride and freestyle, it would be more appropriate to purchase an aluminum boom for the mast. There are not such strict requirements as in slalom. The ideal combination in terms of reliability, rigidity and reasonable cost is a monocoque. It consists of a bent solid aluminum tube with a sufficient level of rigidity. It is selected according to the parameters indicated on the sail.

In the manufacture of components used a variety of modern materials. Aluminum alloys are lightweight and ultra-strong. This enables designers to improve the safety and quality of aluminum fixtures. Moreover, the cost does not “bite” much.

What is the best product to buy? Something thought out to the smallest detail. An inexpensive device cannot boast of this, and is not able to lead the rating of quality goods. Evidence of this is user reviews.

The main characteristics of quality geeks are:

  • jewelry precision adjustment of the collar of the masts;
  • length with special marking;
  • compactness;
  • the presence of a removable RDM adapter;
  • the presence of a practical capacious diameter.

According to buyers, the best models are made of carbon fiber. They first appeared in the 80s of the last century, and to this day have not lost their relevance. They are very popular due to the ability to exercise high-quality control over the vessel, rigidity, elasticity and recoil speed. Even if you make every effort, then after a large deformation, they will quickly restore their original appearance.

How to choose

Professionals in their field are well aware of how important it is to observe all the nuances in the process of acquiring a boom. The comfort of outdoor activities or getting better results in water sports depends on this. Beginners try to buy products cheaper than they make a big mistake. Careless attitude to the choice of goods can lead to damage to the device. As soon as experience is gained, you can become the owner of high-quality sports equipment.

The main requirement for a boom is a high rate of rigidity. Even under significant loads, deformation of the element is undesirable. Weight is important. You should not exceed the permissible norms, since the device is constantly in your hands in order to adjust the design to your own needs.

What to pay special attention to when choosing a product? Much also depends on the parameters of the vessel. For large vessels, a large boom is suitable, since working with it requires significant effort. Fasteners must be strong and rigid. You should start with carbon models. They are the highest quality and durable, although expensive. But the main thing is to enjoy playing sports and not be afraid for your health.

What matters is how much it costs. Cheap products, due to the unreliability of the assembly, can quickly fail. And it can happen at the most inopportune moment. Any sport involving water requires increased safety. Therefore, leading manufacturers focus on reliability, quality factor and long service life.

One should not lose sight of such a characteristic as the diameter of the element. The most popular is 28 mm. This does not significantly affect the stiffness of the pipe.With a smaller diameter, the product becomes softer, but more comfortable to use. This is especially true for people who have a small brush.

There is no single answer to the question of which one is better to buy. The choice depends on many factors, including personal preference, the skill of the user and the availability of free funds. Experts recommend that beginners opt for inexpensive models. If a breakdown occurs, it will not be so pitiful to say goodbye to it. A professional should not skimp on the design. This applies mainly to participation in competitions. You need to take build quality, durability and safety seriously.

The question of where to buy a device is not difficult. Today, there are a lot of specialized outlets, where a wide range of products of this kind is presented. If you are lost in variety, then the sales manager will help you make the right decision, introduce you to new products, product functions, and offer a profitable package. You can order goods online in the online store. But it is advisable to first conduct a review of customer reviews, to determine the seriousness of the manufacturer.

Rating of children's geeks


You should not classify the model as exclusively for children, but the small diameter of the pipe allows teenagers to use the element. The price of the product is acceptable, so if it fails, you won’t have to be very upset. Suitable for teaching young surfers. Lightweight and compact tube boasts stiffness and strength. The shape is ideal for people with small hands. Aluminum is used in the manufacture. The strength of the fixation is guaranteed. If necessary, you can order a larger model.A distinctive feature of the tube is an ergonomic bend, which contributes to comfortable learning for the younger generation. Negative reactions to sports activities are not expected.

You can buy the product at a price of 17,500 rubles.

Geek Avant
  • structural strength;
  • capture quality;
  • acceptable cost;
  • can be used by adults with small brushes;
  • comfort;
  • reliability;
  • versatility.
  • missing.

Unifiber Kid`s

Designed for use by young athletes. The reliability of the equipment is undeniable. Feedback from users and their parents is extremely positive. An indicator of strength and safety at height. With its help, the ship is quite comfortable and easy to control. Completely covered with fittings, which significantly increases its service life and an additional level of strength. Tube with a diameter of 26 centimeters. Suitable for small hands. Facilitates ease of design control. Made from high quality aluminium. Ideal for beginner athletes. A child can learn the basics of surfing with pleasure, without fear of damaging the product. The rigidity of the tube is excellent.

The price of the goods is 8000 rubles.

Geek Unifiber Kid`s
  • the quality of the materials used;
  • comfort in operation;
  • reliability;
  • durability;
  • practicality;
  • price-quality ratio.
  • missing.


The product is manufactured by Prolimit. Designed for use by juniors. The design is monocoque. Duralumin is used in the manufacture. Belongs to the category of novelties. The pipe diameter is reduced, and is 26 mm with a wall thickness of 1.8 mm.A distinctive feature is the built-in type adapter for the RDM standard.

The average cost is 18,700 rubles.

boom TCS RDG
  • practicality;
  • universality;
  • reliability;
  • long service life.
  • not installed.

Team Wave RDG

Prolimit products have been produced since 2018, but still have not lost popularity. It is a monocoque. Made from durable duralumin. A tube with a diameter of 26 mm with walls 1.8 mm thick. The grip is comfortable enough. There is a fitting for RDM mast.

The price of products is 18260 rubles.

Geek Team Wave RDG
  • value for money;
  • ease of use;
  • use of modern production technology;
  • durability;
  • reliability;
  • safety.
  • not installed.

Best Adult Designs

Unifiber Aluminum Tapered

The price is reasonable for this category of goods. For a small amount, you can become the owner of a wear-resistant and high-quality device. In the manufacture of the manufacturer uses high-quality aluminum. Reliability is guaranteed by a thickened tube with a diameter of 29 mm. It is very popular with both professionals and beginners. Driving the boat is very comfortable and safe. The tail section is expanded, which makes it possible to accommodate large pieces of matter.

It features an elongated attachment point with a sail. This will help to save the mast in case of an unforeseen situation. The design provides significant rigidity and makes it possible to adjust it. Worn-out components are easily and simply replaced with new ones, or repaired. The fixing components are wear-resistant, durable, easy to operate.The use of products makes it possible not to be afraid for your safety. A novice athlete can also cope with the device.

The purchase price is 20,000 rubles.

Boom Unifiber Aluminum Tapered
  • strength;
  • reliability;
  • practicality;
  • universality;
  • price-quality ratio;
  • maintainability;
  • safety;
  • reasonable design;
  • thickened tube.
  • missing.

Neilpryde 2022 Boom XC

Products belong to the professional category. The perfect companion for professionals looking to take first place in the competition. Made using carbon fiber. The construction is rigid and durable. Allows you to effortlessly manipulate matter, adjusting to unpredictable complex moments. Fasteners are reliable. Details do not break, are not afraid of a long stay in the water. Tube with an oval cross-section that guarantees a firm grip. Excellent device for travel and competition, where it is desirable to develop high speeds. You can steer the ship with comfort, getting real pleasure from the hobby.

The average price is 100,000 rubles.

boom Neilpryde 2022 Boom XC
  • professional class;
  • build quality and materials used;
  • racing option;
  • reliability;
  • durability;
  • quality factor;
  • comfort in operation.
  • The price is not acceptable for everyone.

Unifiber Aluminum 29 mm Essentials

Despite the material of manufacture - aluminum, there are no questions about the quality of products. The manufacturer monitors the quality factor of the manufactured goods, therefore, it uses exclusively wear-resistant metal, the strength of which has been tested by time and active use. The product belongs to the category of universal.Used for any kind of surf and for all boats. The strength and reliability of the part will appeal to both professionals and amateurs. You can safely train without fear of breaking it. Bending standard type. The variety of sizes is impressive. You can choose based on your own preferences.

The average price ranges from 17,000 to 19,000 rubles.

Boom Unifiber Aluminum 29 mm Essentials
  • attractiveness to buyers;
  • universality;
  • comfort in operation;
  • good quality;
  • practicality;
  • wear resistance.
  • Strength could be a little more.

Mystic Crossfire Boom 160-210

A product with a triple adjustment function. Suitable for all types of windsurfing. Whatever principle of skating is chosen, the athlete gets enormous pleasure. The shape is comfortable and flexible. Made from aluminium. Many users have questions about durability. An element that is used for competitions and outdoor activities, according to athletes, must be of good quality and made of durable materials. The weight is insignificant. Easy to install, but requires some skill. Beginners will cope with this product without much difficulty.

The purchase price is 21,000 rubles.

Boom Mystic Crossfire Boom 160 – 210
  • acceptable cost;
  • light weight;
  • universality;
  • ergonomic design;
  • ease of use.
  • there are questions about the strength of the aluminum alloy.

Dynamic PRO

The boom is full carbon. Differs in high quality of assembly. Weight is insignificant. The service life is impressive. It is very popular with both freestyle athletes and fast racers.Suitable for fragile representatives of the weaker sex, who seek to simplify the management of the vessel. The kit includes an adapter. Forging belongs to the category of quality. There are no complaints about rigidity. There is additional protection against damage. The bend provides an opportunity to control the vessel with comfort. Fastening and fixing occurs in a matter of minutes.

Sellers ask for products 65,000 rubles.

geek Dynamic PRO[
  • durability;
  • functionality;
  • reliability;
  • belongs to the professional type.
  • the cost is significant.


A practical and reliable product, for which it is not a pity to give a significant amount of money. The product is characterized by reduced weight due to the presence of aluminum inserts in parts made of carbonate. A rigid tube allows you to effectively control the sail, despite strong gusts of wind and unsightly weather conditions. The parameters are standard. The presence of such a device helps those who wish to engage in various types of surfing.

The average cost is 34,000 rubles.

geek Dynamic
  • universality;
  • build quality;
  • durability;
  • price-quality ratio.
  • not identified.

Severne Blue Line 2014

An ideal assistant for those who decide to take up windsurfing. It has significant strength and rigidity. A distinctive feature is the double forging, in the manufacture of which innovative technology was used. Withstands significant impact and rough handling. Pipe of standard diameter - 29 mm. There are other options available for sale. The line contains models that are suitable for the younger generation, who have just set foot on the path of mastering windsurfing.

Manufacturers offer a design at a price of 10,100 rubles.

geek Severne Blue Line 2014
  • acceptable cost;
  • double binding;
  • durability;
  • practicality;
  • reliability;
  • wear resistance;
  • variety of parameters.
  • fixings need to be improved.

Severne Blue Line 2022

In the manufacture of the element, high-quality aluminum alloy is used. Compatible with a wide range of boats. It has significant performance. The rigidity of the pipe is impressive. The fasteners are strong, which allows you not to be distracted during the control process. The monolithic braid is renowned for its durability, adding ease of use and impact protection. There would be additional strength, ideal for professional athletes.

The average cost is 20,000 rubles.

geek Severne Blue Line 2022
  • rigid tube strength;
  • acceptable price;
  • durability;
  • wear resistance.
  • missing.


There is no such person who would not be attracted by the waves, the sail and complete freedom of action. Isn't this what outdoor enthusiasts dream of? It's already breathtaking when you watch a daredevil flying at full sail over the waves or doing acrobatic stunts. Windsurfing is translated as a board under sail. This is not only a way to successfully have fun, but also to show excellent results in the sport of the same name.

For beginners, the main thing is to purchase high-quality equipment. In addition to the board and sail, the boom is an integral structural element. Without it, the management of the ship becomes impossible. On the shelves of stores, a variety of goods, both Russian and foreign, are displayed, with a full set and without it. The choice should be approached responsibly.Not only the safety of the user depends on this, but, sometimes, his life.

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