
  1. Design and operation of hybrid fiber
  2. Hybrid fiber (HFC - Hybrid Fiber Coaxial) and home (FTTH - Fiber to the Home) - differences
  3. Rating of the best hybrid optical cables for 2022
  4. Conclusion

Rating of the best hybrid optical cables for 2022

Rating of the best hybrid optical cables for 2022

A hybrid optical cable (Hybrid Fiber Coaxial) is a technical consumable that combines optical fiber and coaxial, and its principle of operation is based on data transmission in a bidirectional way, i.e. it can simultaneously pass a telephone signal, a video signal, digital data. In addition, separate cores can be installed in the hybrid cable, through which current will be transmitted. The connection of such wires is carried out by means of special routers, which are located in the immediate vicinity of the serviced objects, and the interlacing in the design of the nodes with optical fiber will allow information to be transmitted over long distances.The use of these consumables will significantly reduce the cost of organizing a communication field (the use of other technologies will cost much more), while ensuring stable and excellent communication between communicating devices located at long distances.

Design and operation of hybrid fiber

Such wires work best when laid directly on the ground, and thus the best multi-service two-way communication can be achieved. Such networks can carry the Internet, digital IP telephony, and cable video.At the same time, the network will guarantee a stable throughput in the range from 768 Kbps to 10 Mbps.

The standard considered type of consumable consists of:

  • Optical fibers;
  • Protection in the form of galvanized steel wire;
  • Hydrophobic isolation;
  • Sheaths made of polyethylene;
  • Separate insulation of copper conductors;
  • Directly the copper cores themselves.

The optical fiber in the design will have a direct impact on remote communication, transmitting any passing electrical signal (from data to audio / video) at a sufficient level and without loss. It is this component that provides the weakest signal interruption in the cable, which indicates maximum reliability and safety. In networks based on hybrid wires, the original signal (whatever it is) first enters a special router, where it is converted into electric current. After passing it in the right direction, on another router that is connected to the receiver device, the signal is decoded back, taking its original form and transmitted to the end user.

Features of power supply in hybrid networks

If we are talking about the communication field of a large industrial facility, then you can provide power by connecting to any ASU cabinet (switchgear). However, even within the network itself, it is possible to ensure the transfer of electric current precisely to the power supply, for which a separate core / wire in the combined cable will be responsible. Nevertheless, for the reliability of power supply, it is recommended to allocate a separate cabinet for each section for branched and long lines, and it must contain a special uninterruptible power supply unit.If this is not possible, then a separate power line is laid next to the combined line, through which clean power is supplied from a powerful central power unit.

Basic elements of networks based on hybrid fiber

These include:

  1. Cabecera (control center) - signals are concentrated in it, intended for further sending. This element represents a server or a group of them, the task of which is to provide and check the level of necessary access, as well as to interact with peripheral transceiver equipment (it can be configured for both satellite and microwave reception). This center also stores all the necessary "permissions" that allow a particular user to work on a hybrid line within the limits of their authority (ie, not exceed a pre-authorized transfer rate, restrict access to certain areas, etc.).
  2. The main section - it is based precisely on the operation of the optical fiber and represents the "head" part of the field, from which the transmission goes to the corresponding nodes. Physically, this is represented as fiber optic rings that form the primary nodes, in which data transmission starts to secondary nodes and other points (usually through a coaxial component).
  3. Distribution section - in it the entire system combines incoming information from the center and sets it up for transmission to be sent to the designated addressee. He (section) is also responsible for all switching and distribution nodes lying on the signal path.It is worth noting that in hybrid fiber optic LANs there can be an infinite number of final receiving points (digital storage), which can be limited only by the number of service providers present and their technical capabilities.
  4. Descent section - it is built on the basis of a flexible coaxial and represents the final segment along which the transmitted signal passes. It is he who makes the receiver devices and their inherent network logic work. Visually, on paper, the layout of the downhill sections looks like a highly branched tree.

Advantages and disadvantages of hybrid wires

Today's need to build up communications has led to the fact that communication facilities are constantly being upgraded, increasing their power. Today's hybrid cables are already capable of delivering data rates in excess of 100 Mbps while simultaneously providing various types of services that even go beyond the Internet. The various wired systems used for this can radically differ from each other, this is especially true for information processing methods. The speed of sending information also plays an important role, and here optical combined lines will become the optimal solution. They can already boast speeds of 100, 200, 200 Mbps, which means that speeds of more than 10 Gbps are not far off. In addition, the lines under consideration are distinguished by speed stability, which means that the transmitted data, along their route, is subject to a minimum of obstacles. However, like any "modern" class technology, the hybrid one is far from cheap.As a result, the main advantages of combined fiber include:

  • Increased immunity from interference, almost 100% resistance to electromagnetic influences of medium strength;
  • High degree of counteraction to illegal connections;
  • Decoupling of field elements based on electroplating;
  • Ability to transmit digital stream at speeds up to 10 Gigabit / s;
  • Possibility of conducting independent heterogeneous signals in different directions (opposite or parallel) over the same cable, regardless of the wave length and the number of simultaneous streams;
  • Long range of signal transfer for a length of up to 100 kilometers without the use of relaying;
  • Low weight and physical volume of the wire, in comparison with a similar all-copper cable, given their equal bandwidth.

Among the shortcomings can be noted:

  • High price for service equipment;
  • The need for highly qualified employees to ensure the operation of the switching field;
  • The need for special protection in order to increase the physical strength of the line itself.

Hybrid fiber (HFC - Hybrid Fiber Coaxial) and home (FTTH - Fiber to the Home) - differences

  • Accommodation

A hybrid line and a home optical line will differ in some properties, the main of which can be called placement. For the first one, it is possible to install a node 1.5 kilometers from the beginning, and for the second one, the fiber optic is connected directly to the router, modem, or network card of the computer. Moreover, structurally, in the home version, the distance between the fibers is much wider. Also, hybrid versions contain both optical fiber and coaxial cable, while home versions contain only optical fiber.This is what will affect the speed, which will play in favor of the first option.

  • Service set

These lines can differ in the range of services provided, the overall level of service and the need to provide bandwidth. Combined products in this regard have more opportunities. Here, first of all, we are talking about speed and the following rule applies - "the higher the speed, the greater the range of services will be available to the user." And here the question of economic feasibility already arises - it is unlikely that anyone will decide to use hybrid optical lines for home Internet, which are too expensive, and most of their capabilities simply will not be used. For home use, an FTTH line is quite enough - it can be used to make a foreign phone call via IP telephony (without distortion and audio transmission delay), hold a sufficiently high-quality video conference in real time (with a small number of participants), download relatively quickly the amount of digital data within 50-100 gigabytes.

The architecture of HFC is more typical for providing communications between government authorities, large manufacturing enterprises, where a clear signal transmission over very long distances is required. Naturally, the cost of such switching is incomparably many times higher. Also, it should be borne in mind that for the mentioned lines, simultaneous signal transmission in any direction and in almost any quantity should be ensured, which is absolutely not necessary for home fiber when the end user is no more than three or four devices at a time (and then in rare cases) .

  • Installation

Home fiber is installed by creating points where cables are connected so that they can transmit from a single fixed location (modem, motherboard network connector, router). After installing the optocoupler in the required place, the plug is connected to the end of the line that leads to the modem or optical network terminal.

Hybrid fiber is mounted exclusively by means of a special insulator placed in a telecommunications box. The coax is installed where the modem or a device similar in functionality is located, while the circuit must necessarily contain a splitter, which is necessary to separate the connection in order to obtain a greater degree of data transfer reliability. From this it is clear that home variations are easier to install than hybrid ones, due to the mandatory presence of splitters for the latter to work correctly.

  • Performance

The combined optical cable includes optical fiber and coaxial, which gives it the ability to reach the most remote destinations in the shortest possible time without a significant loss in communication quality. However, this does not mean that electromagnetic fields do not affect these wires. If the line is laid in an environment where there is extremely high electromagnetic "pollution", then no protection will be able to withstand interference and transfer performance will drop.

For home lines, this problem is not acute only because switching sections are located on them quite often, and also because relaying devices are used in the transmission process.Accordingly, therefore, some losses in the signal are allowed during transmission from node to node, because when it hits the repeater, it will simply be amplified.

Rating of the best hybrid optical cables for 2022

Budget segment

3rd place: "Hybrid KSPPg (optics + copper)"

This special purpose product is used in subscriber and trunk lines of local telephone networks with transmission systems up to 2048 kbps at voltages up to 500 V. The design combines power supply and digital data transmission. This cuts cable installation costs by up to 85%. Hybrid samples help solve the complex problems of power supply and data transmission. The common round cable takes up less space and is convenient to lay. It can be laid: on the walls of buildings and structures, in soils of 1-3 groups, in collectors, mines, tunnels, in cable ducts, on bridges and overpasses. The recommended cost for retail chains is 250 rubles.

hybrid cable KSPPg (optics + copper)
  • Optimized design;
  • High level of protection against interference;
  • Ease of installation and operation;
  • Extended service life.
  • Not detected.

2nd place: "OEK-NU-(03ng (A) -LS-4A-3.5) + 2x2.5)"

The product has 4 single-mode fibers and two electric cores with a cross section of 2.5 mm², for voltage up to 220 V, at current strength up to 13 A. The design is based on an armored optical cable with its own PVC sheath that does not support combustion. It is used in video surveillance, signaling and communication systems, for powering remote devices and transmitting information via optical fibers. Sufficiently strong sheath and armored module guarantees the cable vandalism.It can be laid in cable ducts, in attics and porches, along the perimeters of fences, etc. The cost is comparable to the cost of a separate copper electrical and armored optical cable. Weight - 109 kg / km. The diameter of the outer shell is 12 mm. The recommended cost for retail chains is 270 rubles.

cable OEK-NU-(03ng(A)-LS-4A-3.5)+2x2.5
  • Permissible tensile force (not less than) - 3.5 kN;
  • Operating temperature - from -60 to +70 ° C;
  • Resistance to ultraviolet - available;
  • The shell does not support combustion.
  • Not detected.

1st place: "Canare LF-2SM9RB hybrid-optical"

This fiber optic sample, ARIB and SMPTE 311M standard, is designed for use in HDTV cameras' camera channels. Structurally consists of optical fiber - 2xSM (9/125), power core - 4x0.61 mm² (1x21*0.18 mm) AWG 20, control core - 2x0.18 mm² (1x7*0.18 mm) AWG 25, overall screen - braided, tinned copper (91%), working temperature (-40°C +75°C), external diameter 9.2 mm, outer sheath (PVC), color - black. The recommended cost for retail chains is 640 rubles.

cable Canare LF-2SM9RB hybrid optical
  • Adequate price;
  • Tinned shielding;
  • European standard.
  • Not detected.

Middle price segment

3rd place: "Canare LF-2SM16 hybrid-optical"

This sample is a combined coaxial product, which is designed to operate in the unified telecommunication networks of the Russian Federation as an optical cable, as well as products with metal cores.The brand is used in the construction of subscriber and connecting lines of local telephone networks and supports the transfer of information at speeds up to 100 Mbit / s, while the constant voltage of the remote power supply can reach 500 V. The product can transmit both electrical and optical signals. The recommended cost for retail chains is 800 rubles.

cable Canare LF-2SM16 hybrid optical
  • Solid PET core for structural stability;
  • The main power element is made of fiberglass in a PET shell;
  • Belt PET insulation;
  • Hydrophobic gel filler;
  • Screen made of aluminum-polyethylene tape.
  • Not detected.

2nd place: "Belden 7804ECH hybrid-optical"

The sample has the SMPTE 311M standard and is intended for use in the camera channels of high-definition video cameras. Structure - optical fiber - 2xSM (9.5 / 125), power supply - 4x0.61 mm² (1x19 * 0.20 mm) AWG 20, control - 2x0.22 mm² (1x7 * 0.20 mm) AWG 24, overall screen - braided, tinned copper (80%), operating temperature (-40°C +75°C), cable diameter 9.2 mm, sheath (FRNC/LSZH-C Dca), standard: 60332-3-24. The recommended cost for retail chains is 2100 rubles.

cable Belden 7804ECH hybrid optical
  • Steel corrugated tape;
  • Outer protective sheath made of light-stabilized PET;
  • Can be installed in polymer tubes filled with thixotropic gel along the entire length;
  • Power cores in PET insulation.
  • Not detected.

1st place: "Belden 7804R hybrid optical"

It is used for suspension, horizontal and vertical laying in video surveillance, signaling and communication systems, for powering remote devices of low and medium power and simultaneous transmission of information via single-mode optical fibers. Delivery is carried out in building lengths from 1000 to 4200 m on cable drums from 40 to 80 cm in diameter. Produced according to the technical specifications of the Russian Federation TU-3587-001-75276046-2017. The product has a fire safety certificate No. ROSS RU.315888.04OTsN0.OS.00246 dated January 29, 2019. The recommended price for retail chains is 2200 rubles.

cable Belden 7804R hybrid optical
  • Full compliance with the requirements of the standards of the Russian Federation;
  • Large scope of delivery in construction lengths;
  • Possibility of laying "on weight".
  • Not detected.

Premium class

3rd place: "Opto-electrical SL-OEK-P-NU-(16E2-9.0) + 2x4.0"

The model was developed on the basis of the SL-OKMB-03 optical cable combined with copper conductors of various sections. The standard design includes up to 3 copper wires with a cross section from 0.5 to 4 mm2 and up to 16 optical fibers. The optical part is located in parallel with copper conductors, designed for voltage up to 220 V, current strength up to 6A. The flat modification is designed for air laying on supports with spans up to 70 meters. The recommended cost for retail chains is 2500 rubles.

cable Opto-electrical SL-OEK-P-NU-(16E2-9.0)+2x4.0
  • Industrial supply volumes;
  • Special flat wire shape;
  • Air seal available.
  • Not detected.

2nd place: "Opto-electrical SL-OEK-NU-(03-4E2-3.5) + 2x1.0)"

This combined opto-electrical product is designed for suspension installation.A robust shell and an armored optical module provide increased resistance of the model to destructive factors and unauthorized influences, and also allow the sample to be suspended over spans up to 100 m. Favorable ergonomics, achieved through the combined design of copper electrical and armored fiber-optic components, allows you to optimize financial costs. The recommended cost for retail chains is 2700 rubles.

Opto-electrical cable SL-OEK-NU-(03-4E2-3.5)+2x1.0
  • Flat design;
  • An excellent option for economically creating a communication field;
  • Supply on an industrial scale.
  • Limited use.

1st place: "KKSV-2E 2 * 0.50, combined"

The model is intended for transmission of television signals in video surveillance systems with simultaneous power supply or transmission of control signals. Supplied in coils of 200 meters. Shielding available. The preferred type of gasket is external. Working temperature range – from -60°С to +70°С. The weight of the middle section is 56.7 kg/km. The recommended cost for retail chains is 3890 rubles.

cable KKSV-2E 2*0.50, combined
  • Quality performance;
  • Practical universality (for its working segment);
  • Wide operating temperature range.
  • Too high price.


Hybrid Fiber Coaxial is a hybrid optical cable communication field, consisting of coaxial-optical fiber trunk wires.Today it is the most common wired network used to transmit and distribute telecommunications signals over particularly long distances from the receiving node to subscribers, ranging from single consumers to groups of various (mostly large) numbers.

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