
  1. Sealant properties
  2. Types of sealants
  3. Special sealants
  4. Algorithm for processing (sealing) seams
  5. Useful tips for choosing
  6. Ranking of the best window sealants for 2022
  7. Instead of an epilogue

Ranking of the best window sealants for 2022

Ranking of the best window sealants for 2022

When installing plastic windows, you can often notice that the joints between the window and the slopes are sealed poorly. Most installation companies will agree to fix this defect for a fee, but usually the customer then does it himself. And here window adhesive-sealant will come to the aid of an amateur installer, with which you can perfectly seal the voids between the window sill and the window frame.

Sealant properties

The sealant itself is a plastic mass consisting of polymers. In most cases, it is similar to toothpaste in consistency. The agent must be applied to the area to be treated (on the surface, poured into the hole), after which the paste will slowly harden. Upon completion, a layer will be formed that will not allow moisture or air to pass through. Thus, the hermetic composition will prevent unwanted drafts or heat leakage from the room. At the same time, the sealing agent will increase the resistance of metal-plastic structures to environmental influences and possible temperature changes. Basically, sealants are white, which allows them to look aesthetically pleasing and not stand out against the snow-white window frames.

Types of sealants

Currently, there are quite a few types of adhesive-sealant, each of which has certain properties. And each of them is good for use in certain conditions. Among the variety, the most popular are those samples that have increased adhesion (adhesion) and strength. These include sealants, which contain:

  • Silicone base - the composition of such a product includes organosilicon substances, and it is considered quite universal. It can be used both for processing external (street) structures, and indoors. Silicone sealants are elastic, have enhanced surface adhesion properties. It is very easy to work with it - it is applied without any special effort.The price of such a composition is more than democratic. The composition of the silicone sealant may include acids, which is directly indicated on the packaging. Such an inclusion increases elasticity, however, after application in a closed room for about half an hour, a pronounced smell of vinegar will be felt (fortunately, it will not remain forever and quickly disappear). Acid sealants, unlike neutral sealants, also have a reduced tendency to warp over time, so they are preferred for outdoor use. Due to the presence of acidic compounds it contains, it is less prone to the formation of mold and fungi on them. In addition, they retain a snow-white white color longer, even under the influence of ultraviolet radiation.
  • acrylic base - sealants based on this also interact well with PVC products, in principle, they are not even inferior to those described above in terms of strength properties. In their composition, they are quite elastic, and in the uncured state they are easy to remove (simply wash off). Acrylic sealants are recommended for outdoor use, as they are particularly resistant to sunlight and heavy rainfall. For indoor use, such compositions are not recommended, because during the solidification process they become porous, while absorbing extraneous fumes. Subsequently, such vapors are stored in the structure of the sealant, from which the sealed seam begins to darken over time. Thus, if acrylic glue was used for interior decoration, then from time to time it will have to be tinted. It is worth mentioning that acrylic sealants tolerate heavy rainfall well, but not too low temperatures (may crack).
  • Polymer base – the composition of this adhesive is based on MS polymers.In the people it is also called "liquid plastic". Differs in the accelerated hardening and fine adhesion. By and large, it can be argued that after sealing the seams between the frame and the window opening, they will be a single whole. Its disadvantages include some fragility - a well-established seam may not be able to cope with excessive loads (for example, a large thickness of ice or snow). Regarding its other properties, it is a high-tech material and therefore the price for it is quite high.
  • Polyurethane base - such a sealant is characterized by increased elasticity, resistance to stretching and any deformation, and also water-repellent qualities are increased in it. Extremely unpretentious with weather conditions, including exposure to direct sunlight. Due to its strength, it perfectly resists low temperatures, therefore it is recommended for use in regions with frequent frosts. Once this sealant has cured, it is easy to apply paint and is able to maintain color for a long time.
  • Butyl base - contains a substance similar to rubber. Thanks to this inclusion, such sealants are able to maintain their elasticity in extreme temperatures - from +55 to -100 degrees Celsius. It successfully resists direct ultraviolet rays and does not contain impurities harmful to humans at all. Possesses the increased vapor permeability. However, it is recommended for sealing only small recesses and holes in double-glazed windows.
  • Thiokol base - here the base is polysulfide elements. This tool is characterized by the ability to quickly harden under almost any conditions, regardless of the ambient temperature and humidity level.A similar sealant is recommended for processing outdoor structures. Moreover, both with liquid and solid precipitation it is able to withstand increased loads.

Special sealants

These include the domestic development of "Stiz", which has been successfully competing in the market with fashionable Western brands for the past 20 years. This tool is made on the basis of acrylic and is one-component. This sealant is of two types - marked "A" and marked "B". The first "Stiz" is vapor-permeable, and the second, on the contrary, is vapor barrier. Accordingly, the first one is used for outdoor work and is responsible for ensuring that moisture from the mounting foam is well removed to the outside and does not reduce the thermal insulation properties, and the second one does not allow steam / moisture to penetrate inside the seam from the room.

In general, both "Stiz" have the following characteristic properties:

  • High degree of adhesion (even if the treated surfaces are in a wet state);
  • High resistance to ultraviolet;
  • Upon completion of the hardening process, it can be safely plastered or painted;
  • The application process is possible using any tool - using a special gun, spatula or brush.

Algorithm for processing (sealing) seams

This procedure is not so complicated, therefore, using the services of strangers to carry it out, and even more so for a fee, is unreasonable and unnecessary spending. With the instructions attached to any sealant, this is quite simple:

  1. Prepare tools and consumables - a syringe (or gun), through which sealant, a water tank, construction tape (or adhesive tape) will be applied;
  2. Prepare the slopes - stick the construction tape in such a way as to prevent the sealant from getting on the window structure;
  3. Clean up the work area - remove all dust and dirt, greasy stains, and it is forbidden to remove greasy stains with acetone-based solvents, because later matte stains, cloudy spots may appear, which are clearly expressed on a general white background;
  4. With a gun or syringe, apply the required amount of sealant to the seam area, while holding the spout at such an angle that it smoothes the applied material;
  5. The resulting irregularities must be immediately smoothed out with a solid object moistened with water (even with a standard school ruler), in this simple way it will be possible to avoid sticking of glue;
  6. After the completion of the general scope of work and before the final hardening of the material, it is better to smooth out the existing irregularities with a wet sponge so as not to damage the integrity of the sealed seam.

Useful tips for choosing

In order to correctly select the right sealant, you should use the following tips from professionals:

  • You should not chase after a product that is too cheap, reliability and efficiency - these are the very parameters that you absolutely should not save on;
  • Before buying, be sure to familiarize yourself with the information provided by the manufacturer (conditions of use, composition of the mixture, instructions for use, etc.);
  • If the buyer doubts the choice of the type of sealant (i.e., on which basis it is better to take), then one should stop at the silicone base, since in most cases it will be universal.
  • If the price is not significant for the buyer, then it is possible to opt for an expensive polyurethane product;
  • It is necessary to choose only those brands that have good recommendations.

Be sure to read the expiration date of the sealant!!! After a long storage, it can deteriorate and lose all its useful properties, which, of course, will ruin all the work done.

Ranking of the best window sealants for 2022

Silicone compounds

2nd place: Ceresit CS 25

One of the best silicone sealants for sealing voids and seams. It can also be used as a grout. A special acid inclusion is added to the basis of the composition, which counteracts the appearance of mold and fungi. Differs in steady color.

Standard volume in liters0.5
Base typeSilicone
Scope of applicationstation wagon
Manufacturer countryGermany
Price, rubles150
Ceresit CS 25
  • Fits perfectly into voids;
  • Resistant to the appearance of fungus;
  • Easy to clean.
  • Doesn't adhere well to rubber bases.

1st place: Belinka Belsil Sanitary Acetate

Ideal for sealing newly installed insulating glass units. The composition includes not one, but several antifungal additives, which almost completely eliminates the occurrence of black plaque. It has increased clutch parameters, has high viscosity.

Standard volume in liters0.5
Base typeSilicone
Scope of applicationstation wagon
Manufacturer countrySlovenia
Price, rubles300
Belinka Belsil Sanitary Acetate
  • Excellent adhesion;
  • The mixture is extremely viscous, therefore it perfectly seals even the smallest voids;
  • Multifunctionality.
  • Not found.

Acrylic mixes

2nd place: Krass Universal

This sealant is distinguished by almost zero shrinkage during operation. Excellent adhesion to treated surfaces.When used, it does not spread, but evenly fills the processed seam and voids. Separately, it is worth highlighting fire safety and heat resistance.

Standard volume in liters0.5
Base typeAcrylic
Scope of applicationstation wagon
Manufacturer countryPoland
Price, rubles400
Krass Universal
  • Heat resistant;
  • No shrinkage;
  • Multifunctional.
  • Difficult to find in retail.

1st place: Makroflex FA131

This sealant tightly holds most standard materials. It has excellent elasticity and is also resistant to low temperatures. After hardening, it does not wash out, does not crack, successfully resists powerful air currents. Recommended for outdoor use.

Standard volume in liters0.5
Base typeAcrylic
Scope of applicationAreas of low temperatures
Manufacturer countryGermany
Price, rubles350
Makroflex FA131
  • Frost resistance;
  • Absence of extraneous odors;
  • Reinforced grip.
  • Highly specialized.

Polyurethane blends

2nd place: Dow Corning 7091

Anti-corrosion sealant based on a single component. It has increased adhesion, antifungal substances are included in the composition. It adheres particularly well to glossy surfaces and is extremely water resistant. Color variations of paste are possible.

Standard volume in liters0.5
Base typePolyurethane
Scope of applicationstation wagon
Manufacturer countryUSA
Price, rubles1500
Dow Corning 7091
  • Nice smell;
  • Multifunctionality;
  • Color variability.
  • High price.


This sample is suitable not only for filling voids in window openings, but can also be used for carpentry, plumbing, and plumbing work. Separately, it can be used to improve waterproofing. It has good adhesion to almost any material.

Standard volume in liters0.5
Base typePolyurethane
Scope of applicationstation wagon
Manufacturer countryPoland
Price, rubles500
  • Increased tensile strength;
  • Industrial level sealing;
  • Wide scope.
  • Supplied in grey.

Thiokol mixtures

2nd place: UT-34

One of the best representatives of domestic brands. The composition includes manganese dioxide, which suggests increased adhesion for metal surfaces. Packed only in large containers from 17 liters. It is positioned on the market as a sample of industrial sealant. Filling is possible with a syringe or gun.

Standard volume in liters17
Base typeThiokol
Scope of applicationIndustry
Manufacturer countryRussia
Price, rubles1200
sealant UT-34
  • Extended shelf life;
  • Improved work with metal surfaces;
  • Reduced hardening time (from 5 hours).
  • Packing is available only in large quantities.

1st place: Thixoprol-AM

Another sample from a Russian manufacturer. Thanks to the improved formula, it is able to provide the best adhesion for almost all materials. Supplied in a large container. More focused on the private user. Has an extended shelf life.

Standard volume in liters14
Base typeThiokol
Scope of applicationDomestic
Manufacturer countryRussia
Price, rubles600
  • Possibility of applying both with a brush and with a gun;
  • Increased packaging container;
  • Accelerated hardening phase.
  • Toxic (it is recommended to work in personal protective equipment).

Bituminous mixtures

2nd place: TEGRA Bitumen

This product is excellent for working on concrete, masonry, wood and plastic. Its consistency is resilient-elastic, which allows you to simply apply it to the surface to be treated. Works well even with wet and greasy materials. The formula has been modified.

Standard volume in liters0.3
Base typeBitumen
Scope of applicationDomestic
Manufacturer countryGermany
Price, rubles450
TEGRA Bitumen
  • Extremely affordable price with voluminous functionality;
  • Has heat resistance;
  • Resistant to aggressive environments.
  • Not found.

1st place: Bitustik

This sealant is designed for full-scale construction and domestic work. With its help, it is possible not only to cover the seams and voids in window openings, but also to fix the tiles and coat the brickwork. In its composition, it is one-component, it is frost-resistant.

Standard volume in liters5
Base typeBitumen
Scope of applicationHousehold, construction
Manufacturer countryRussia
Price, rubles2900
  • Possesses frost resistance;
  • Wide scope of application;
  • Fast adhesion (from 3 hours).
  • High price.

Instead of an epilogue

The market for sealants today is simply oversaturated with all sorts of brands.However, professional builders are advised to purchase sealants in retail chains, even if it is not possible to save on related costs. This circumstance is due to the fact that in the Russian Federation, cases have become more frequent when from abroad (especially from the Asian region), when buying in an online store, a consumer bought an absolutely non-working product with zero operational properties (often simply expired). It is worth noting that it is better to give preference to Western brands, although for rare works you can also use Russian universal silicone sealants, for example, Stiz A and Stiz B.

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