
  1. Gas tank - what is it?
  2. Classification of gas tanks
  3. Rating of the best models of 2022
  4. Characteristics and price of gas tanks are shown in the table:
  5. Conclusion

Rating of the best gas tanks in 2022

Rating of the best gas tanks in 2022

Every resident of the private sector sooner or later thinks about gasification of his home. Gas supply allows you to cook food on the stove, heat the house in winter and at other times of the year in wet weather. You can also install a gas water heater or a boiler for heating water to wash your face and wash dishes with hot water. The best option is to connect to the main gas pipeline. Today, this is an expensive service that is not available to everyone. The main is laid in large developed cities and in places where laying pipes is technically possible.

Offline connection is the second option, thanks to which additional and necessary amenities will appear in the house. By connecting privately, the owner of the house and plot monitors the storage, use and purchase of gas. The question arises, how to properly store fuel and in what? For these purposes, gas holders are suitable - special tanks that can be installed on a personal plot.

Gas tank - what is it?

A gas tank is a storage for gaseous substances: air, natural and petroleum gas, butane, propane, etc. The tank can be compared to a conventional gas cylinder, only larger in volume. The installation of the gas tank is carried out once. The service life is 20 - 25 years with constant refueling. The owner calls a special filling machine that fills the tank with gas.

A bit of history

The first rectangular structure for storing gas with a volume of 100 liters was invented by Lavoisier in 1781. Over the years of modernization, the first cylindrical tank was built. In industry, special tanks and buildings for storing gaseous substances were used in the 19th century, from 1816. They could not be located near residential buildings. The design was loaded with gaseous hydrocarbon fuel, which was stored under high pressure, which was unsafe. The pressure was constantly regulated in wet gas holders by means of a pool of water and a bell, or by means of counterweights. By the middle of the 19th century, it became necessary to illuminate the streets with gas lamps: in St. Petersburg they appeared in 1835, in Moscow - in 1865.

The largest gas holder was built in America in 1888. Its capacity was 424.8 thousand cubic meters.

Over time, dry gas tanks with variable pressure appeared: a piston moved inside a cylindrical structure, depending on the amount of gas in it. The facilities have not been tested for safety. They were abandoned almost immediately.

Modern materials have made gas tanks safe for private use. Tanks maintain a constant volume and withstand increased pressure, up to 18 atmospheres. By placing them underground, it is possible to keep the temperature of the walls above zero. In such cases, it is not necessary to install special evaporation vessels. The gas evaporates at a low rate. This property is used to provide gas to private cottages and houses. To prevent the destruction of the walls of the housing, excessive pressure must be relieved. For this, the gas tank is equipped with a special valve.

When a gas tank is better than a main

Reasons for installing an autonomous gas tank:

  • low pressure and poor gas supply in the main pipe;
  • lack of a gas pipeline in a settlement (village, village, city);
  • high price for connection to the central highway.

Why gas fuel

The gas is stored in tanks in a liquefied state. Such fuel is much more efficient than conventional firewood, coal and diesel fuel.

Gas benefits:

  • the cost of gas is lower than the price of diesel fuel;
  • when using, cleanliness is observed, without dust and dirt, which gives coal;
  • the use of gas is more economical and cheaper than the use of electric heaters;
  • gas is stored in special containers at a certain temperature, unlike firewood, which requires a complex loading and storage scheme in a warm, dry room.

Classification of gas tanks

Gas tanks are divided according to several criteria: by size (capacity), storage principle, installation method.

Capacity and a number of consequences

Large (up to 10,000 l) and small (2,000 l) gas containers are produced in size. The number of fillings and refuelings depends on the size: with a small tank, the tanker will have to be called more often. The optimal number of fillings is 2 times a year. The cost of construction and installation for its installation also depends on the size: the larger the tank, the more expensive the land work will cost, and the more space will be needed on the site.

How to calculate the amount of gas and choose a container for its storage

Before purchasing, you should decide how much gas you need to use. It depends on the:

  • ambient temperature and season;
  • on the thickness of the walls of the house and the quality of insulation;
  • on the economy and efficiency of the boiler used;
  • on the quality of the fuel itself.

To calculate the annual fuel consumption in liters, you need to carry out a whole series of mathematical calculations. Manufacturers simplify the calculation to the following scheme: per meter of area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room, the approximate consumption of gas volume is 22 - 25 liters. According to their recommendation, a large house with an area of ​​300 or more square meters will require a gas tank for 10,000 liters. For heating a small room (up to 100 square meters), a tank with a volume of 2,700 liters is enough.

Fuel storage principle

Distinguish gasholders of constant and variable volume. At a constant volume, the gas is stored at a pressure of up to 1.8 MPa. With a variable tank volume, the gas is stored inside at ambient temperature and atmospheric pressure with virtually no compression.

Installation methods

According to the principle of installation, vertical, horizontal and mobile tanks are sold.

Vertical models do not require serious earthworks - they can be installed on the surface. Such models are compact, take up little space and have a small working area. The tanks must have an insulating winding that will maintain the required rate of gas evaporation during the cold period of time. Preheaters can also be used to speed up the process.

In horizontal tanks, the mixture passes into gas more efficiently. The working surface has a large area, the tanks are filled by 85% of the nominal value. The main thing is to choose the right size of the product.

The third type is mobile, mobile gas tanks of small capacity (up to 500 liters). Profitability is considered a plus - they can be refueled at stations with a reduced price for liquefied gas. They do not require installation and installation underground. The disadvantage of mobile devices is that refueling should be constant.

Rating of the best models of 2022

The Russian climate is considered harsh. The difference in seasonal temperatures should not affect the purchased products. Tanks should have thick walls (from 6 to 10 mm) and a high neck (from 40 cm). The container will last a long time if the surface of the body is covered with a protective layer: anti-corrosion material and epoxy resin, which will soften the blows and save you from temperature extremes. You can purchase a polymer-coated gas tank - its cost is high, but the boiler's tightness will remain for many years, which will justify the costs. There are also electrochemical coatings that provide additional protection to the walls.

For the safe use of the gas mixture, factory-made gas holders should be purchased.High-quality equipment must have a certificate and a guarantee from the manufacturer, service characteristics and technical requirements in accordance with state standards, Russian or international.

When fittings and safety devices are included in the scope of supply, they are also covered by the warranty. Once every 10 years, suppliers of warranty equipment are required to check the condition of the seams, remove contamination and conduct a technological inspection of the tank.

Russia or import?

In Russia, there are not a large number of factories specializing in the production of fuel storage facilities. Foreign competitors have won a large part of the market. A few years ago, imported gas tanks could be purchased cheaper than our models. By 2022, new mini-enterprises have appeared that have raised the quality of gas equipment to the level of world standards, while reducing the cost.

Comparing the models of Russian and foreign manufacturers, we can note a number of features and differences in technical characteristics and technological components:

  • Imported models are made with an improved anti-corrosion coating, but their walls are thinner than those of domestic tanks;
  • Passport data of foreign containers differ from the data of Russian devices, and are not designed for low temperatures;
  • Refueling of our models is easier, their design does not create problems during use;
  • Foreign manufacturers can produce unique tanks that can serve certain organizations. In this case, both the supply of spare parts and the supply of the mixture may be accompanied by difficulties;
  • Our tanks have a more robust design and require additional protection with anode-cathode circuits.

A common feature for all manufacturing countries: each product must have a certificate of quality and safety in accordance with applicable standards, rules and regulations.

Let's consider gas tanks of popular manufacturers and make TOP-5.


The German company DAGES Gastechnik-Anlagen opens the rating. The production facilities of the company are located in the Czech Republic. Russia has been cooperating with the Germans for more than a decade. Dages produces gas equipment for industry, private homes and mobile systems. Products for above and below ground installation are made of high quality steel, top coated with latest generation polymer epoxy resin. At the stage of putting the product into operation, a complete check of the quality characteristics is carried out. The manufacturer declares a warranty period of 30 years. The capacity of business class gas tanks is designed for 2700…10000 liters. In Russia, you can purchase the following modifications of DAGES Gaztekhnik-Anlagen: Rosstandart-1, Eurostandard-1, Eurostandard-2. All three types are suitable for the conditions of the Russian climate. The first modification of the storage can be installed in a place where groundwater is high: the height of the pipes is half a meter.

Buying a gas tank for 2700 liters will cost 260,000 rubles; for 10,000 liters - 465,000 rubles.

]Dages gas tank
  • high quality;
  • sufficient height of the nozzles to protect against melt and groundwater.
  • thin plastic on the nozzles;
  • high price of the product with a similar design of the Russian counterpart;
  • little information on websites.


The Czech manufacturer has been supplying gas equipment to the Russian market since 2006. Honorable 4th place.High-tech production makes it possible to obtain tanks of excellent quality for storing butane and propane above and below ground. VPS also manufactures LPG tank trucks. Tanks for private gasification are produced in three types, by analogy with the previous version: Eurostandard-1 and 2, Rosstandart-1. The company uses normalized anti-corrosion steel that has undergone vacuum degassing. Outside, ILAEPOX epoxy film with a thickness of more than 1 mm is applied.

In the manufacture, all the requirements of DIN 4681 are met. The reliability of the walls and the absence of cracks on them is achieved by relieving residual stresses during heat treatment. Welds and metal are checked by ultrasonic flaw detection. If you purchase a VPS tank for a summer residence, a cottage, you can be sure that you have a passport in Russian, GOST certificates and permission from Rostekhnadzor. The manufacturer declares a limit of operating temperatures from -40 to +40 degrees with a neck height of 80 cm, the period for using the product is 20 years or more. Subject to all installation rules, the service life can increase up to 50 years. Tanks are equipped with German fittings GOK.

The cost of a gas tank with a neck and a manhole in the form of a hatch with a volume of 2700 liters is 299,000 rubles, a volume of 10,000 liters is 488,000 rubles.

VPS gas tank
  • advanced technologies make it possible to obtain high-quality reservoirs;
  • excellent expensive protective coating;
  • there is an option for installation in a place of groundwater;
  • reliable company;
  • all requirements of the standards are met.
  • high cost of products.


Gas holders of the Russian-German joint venture FasKhimMash (FHM) are distinguished by quality and reliability and take 3rd place. Products for underground and above-ground installations of gas storage equipment undergo strict control at the enterprise. Tanks are considered the best-selling on the market in Russia and Germany. Versions are produced in vertical and horizontal versions, the volume of containers is 4.6 - 20 thousand liters. Unlike Czech tanks (which have only 2 tubes with instruments lifted), FAS products have all 5 tubes lifted. The devices installed in them are reliably protected from ground and melt water, and are in the visibility zone.

For the manufacture of tanks, steel 09G2S is used, the sheets have a thickness of 6.6 mm. They make the walls of the tank and the bottom. The main metal supplier, Severstal, is known on the Russian market for deliveries of high-quality rolled metal of various grades. After welding, the unit is shot-blasted with lead. A Permacor epoxy coating is then applied to provide protection against corrosion and moisture. The inner walls of the tank are not painted. Fittings are supplied by the American company Rego. True, an economy option is provided: flanges and valves must be periodically tightened.

FAS storages cost on the market: 257,000 - 850,000 rubles, depending on the volume.

FAS gas tank
  • value for money;
  • the design allows you to keep all the devices clean in the field of view;
  • products have stood the test of time.
  • inexpensive external coating with medium anti-corrosion properties;
  • economy is used - a variant of American fittings, which periodically fails;
  • does not withstand severe frosts - you have to restart the system.

city ​​gas

Bulgarian gas tanks, which are in the 2nd place, are actively supplied and operated in the Middle East: in Saudi Arabia, Iran, Turkey, Iraq, etc. In Russia, they have recently become known. Distributor GAZ REGION INVEST brought the first City-Gas storage facilities for propane-butane into the country. Branded products are manufactured from imported steel S355J263, which has been normalized and degassed by vacuum. From above, the body metal is treated with an anti-corrosion polymer, which reliably protects the container from temperature extremes and moisture. Each container is hydrotested during the manufacturing process, after which the product is preserved with a 10-year guarantee and can be stored indoors and outdoors.

City-Gas produces a seven-size range with the smallest volume of 2700 liters, the average of 10000 liters and the largest of 50000 liters. For a small area of ​​​​the territory, vertical models are produced for 2700 and 4850 liters. Depending on the location of the site, tanks with a high neck, a low neck and high nozzles can be purchased and installed. A protective polyethylene casing is installed on the outside of each tank. It is recommended to operate Bulgarian tanks for 30 years.

The cost of a small City-Gas gas tank is 190,000 rubles, an average one for 10,000 liters is 400,000 rubles.

City-Gas gas tank
  • great quality;
  • it is possible to purchase vertical models;
  • large volume range;
  • good equipment;
  • models are protected from aggressive environment by a casing made of polyethylene;
  • products can be used in various climatic zones, from the tropics to the polar.
  • not detected.


Among the affordable and reliable Russian-made tanks, the products of Medved LLC can be noted. The company produces gas holders of the following types: ground stationary; underground horizontal; underground vertical; mobile. One of two options can be ordered on the market: Eurostandard-2 and Rosstandart-1. Gas holders are made according to the requirements of GOST R 52630-2006. The plant has its own laboratory, where they control the incoming rolled products and carry out the final acceptance of the quality of the product.

Bear tanks are made in accordance with GOST 8713-79: from high-strength metal 09G2S with a thickness of 5 mm or more. The metal is non-cold-brittle, ductile, has excellent corrosion resistance, is resistant to cracking, is not prone to aging, and is easily purchased on the market. The bottoms are not made by stamping, but by cold rolling. Using this technology, any shape of a high-precision workpiece with an ideal shape can be obtained.

All welded seams of tank blanks undergo thorough ultrasonic testing for defects. Before painting, the containers are cleaned with a strong shot pressure (shot blasting). This eliminates the uneven application of any coating: impact-resistant, anti-corrosion, decorative paintwork. The product is suitable for use in high groundwater environments. The INTERZONE two-component epoxy coating provides excellent protection for metal structures in wet ground. The Bear tanks are equipped with Italian mini components and shut-off units from CAVAGNA. The company's products are successfully sold in 145 countries around the world.

CAVAGNA gearboxes are reliable, productive and safe. The tank has a polyethylene casing. The rigidity of its design is provided by ribs.From above the casing is closed by a strong cover. It is safe to step on the lid: it can easily withstand the weight of an adult and is equipped with protection against accidental openings. Upon delivery of the equipment, the container itself, fittings, cover, carpet are purchased. You can operate the product for three and a half decades. When installed on a turnkey basis, the tank can withstand up to 1000 fillings and last up to 50 years. Top 5 in 2022.

On average, the cost of a Bear gas tank with a capacity of 3,000 liters for gasification of a small house up to 100 square meters will cost 160,000 rubles, a tank of 10,500 liters for a large house with an area of ​​250 - 500 squares - 290,000 rubles.

Gas tank for gas
  • high-strength product;
  • two-component epoxy coating of the body allows the tank to be used in areas with high groundwater;
  • 35 year warranty on the passport;
  • minimum wall thickness 5 mm, bottom 6 mm;
  • the product has been certified;
  • the height of the nozzles is 650 mm;
  • affordable price;
  • It is possible to order projects at the request of the customer.
  • only one - the reduction group is not included in the delivery package, it must be purchased for a separate cost.

Characteristics and price of gas tanks are shown in the table:

PlaceNameProductionVolume, lThickness, mmLength, mPressure, atmWeight, kgPrice, thousand rubles
5DagesGermany(Czech Republic)2700-10000not specified2,5-8,615.6580-1790260-465
4VPSCzech2700-100005.4 or more2,5-8,615.6580-1790299-488
3FASRussia-Germany4600-200006.6 or more4,35-12,5715.6830-2100257-850
2city ​​gasBulgaria2700-100005.4 or more2,5-8,615.6580-1790189-400
1Bear Russia3000-105005 or more2,95-9,8516590-2100160-290


A gas tank installed on a personal plot does not need to be registered. It is enough to purchase a factory version with a passport and certification compliance. The safety and duration of use of the storage will depend on the correct installation.

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