
  1. Mistakes when choosing a clinic
  2. Gastroenterological clinics in Novosibirsk

Rating of the best gastroenterological clinics in Novosibirsk in 2022

Rating of the best gastroenterological clinics in Novosibirsk in 2022

The development of civilization, the erasure of national borders, including culinary ones, the lack of time, high cooking technologies have brought changes in tastes and food choices into the life of a modern person. Gradually, the culture of food fades into the background, losing ground before the fireworks of taste, abundance and expansion of the scope of pleasure.

Sadly, but the result of such a trend, often, is a violation of the functions of the gastrointestinal tract, up to pathologies. All sorts of additives, flavorings, additives, GMOs, ecology, water quality make a significant contribution.

Irritable bowel syndrome, ulcerative colitis, cholelithiasis, gastritis are finding more and more victims. It is very important to “capture” the disease at the initial stage, to prevent the transition to a chronic course and more serious forms. And specialized gastroenterological clinics can help in this, we will talk about the best of them in Novosibirsk below.

Mistakes when choosing a clinic

In order to save money and time at the initial stage, if you need to undergo an examination and get an initial consultation, you should contact a state medical institution. Service under the MHI policy entitles you to the necessary assistance to clarify the picture of the symptoms that have arisen, or to undergo a preventive examination.

It does not make much sense to initially contact a paid medical center.

However, if the case takes on a complex development, a deep examination is required, possibly from several procedures, then a commercial clinic option can be considered.

Not all state institutions have expensive equipment, comfortable individual wards if hospitalization is necessary.

It is dangerous to neglect recurring symptoms or recurrent pains, hoping that "it will pass by itself."

It is difficult to dispute the relevance of the availability of gastroenterological consultations, the possibility of a qualified examination and competent treatment if necessary.

Gastroenterological clinics in Novosibirsk


The clinic has been operating since 2017 and aims to provide maximum convenience for the patient in the field of gastroenterology. Among the services:


Examination for the purpose of diagnosing the gastrointestinal tract is carried out in the endoscopy room. All specialists are highly qualified.


The video capsular method "Gold Standard" is based on examination using miniature cameras, with a diameter of 12 mm and a length of 25 mm. The procedure does not require a stationary regime. The patient swallows a video capsule, the signal from which is transmitted to a recording mini-station placed in a special case. The patient carries the case with him, on his belt, after the end of the examination period, the record is copied to the computer, where you can get a detailed report on the work done.

The patient leads a normal life, works, eats according to the doctor's instructions. The procedure is indicated for the diagnosis of the jejunum and ileum, since this area is inaccessible for endoscopic examination.

Advantages of the method:
  • an indispensable method for elucidating the genesis of gastrointestinal bleeding;
  • confirmation or exclusion of enteropathy of various types;
  • diagnosis of the inflammatory process in the small intestine;
  • painless and non-traumatic method;
  • the patient receives a result with a diagnosis and a photo report for subsequent treatment.
Disadvantages of the method:
  • expensive procedure;
  • does not allow the removal of polyps;
  • does not provide an opportunity to obtain a biopsy;
  • is not an equivalent replacement for colonoscopy, FGDS;
  • the capsule is used once.


FGDS examines the esophagus, stomach, duodenum.

The endoscope is inserted through the mouth into the intestines of the patient with a number of preliminary procedures such as anesthesia, relaxation, quiet breathing.

Advantage of the method:
  • a reliable method for detecting duodenal ulcers, stomach, cancer, polyps, refluxes;
  • the possibility of visual inspection of the mucous membrane;
  • the possibility of taking tissue samples for biopsy;
  • the possibility of removing a polyp, neoplasm.
Disadvantage of the method:
  • discomfort in the patient, discomfort from 15 minutes to half an hour - the duration of the procedure.

Fibrogastroduodenoscopy can be performed under anesthesia, in particular for children, a certain category of people with neurological disorders and, if desired, by the patient.

Both the EGD procedure and anesthesia require special preparation. Recommendations can be obtained from a medical consultant or doctor. The quality of the patient's preparation for the procedure determines the reliability of the result and the ease of tolerability of the examination.


Diagnosis and examination of the internal walls of the colon is an important and non-standard procedure that gives a chance to reliably make a dangerous diagnosis at an early stage.

Advantage of the method:
  • unmistakable determination of the cause of the disease;
  • short in time;
  • the ability to remove neoplasms.
Disadvantages of the method:
  • serious preparation for the procedure;
  • discomfort during the study.

Ultrasound diagnostics

Ultrasound is a very common and comfortable diagnostic method for the patient. The device works on piezoelectrics that respond to high-frequency pulses. The reflection of the generated charges and received ultrasonic waves depends on the different density of the tissue or organ, respectively, and the propagation velocity.

The result is an ultrasound pattern, the nature of which makes it possible to describe the organ or system under study.

Advantage of the method:
  • safety;
  • the ability not to interrupt the intake of prescribed medications;
  • use of a hypoallergenic gel, confirmed by a certificate.

To complete the picture, it is recommended to provide the doctor with previous examination results, as well as conclusions about previously undergone surgical interventions.


Duodenal examination is carried out with a probe on an elastic tube with a diameter of 3.5 mm, which enters the stomach through the esophagus. Bile and gastric juice are taken, which are subsequently analyzed. The duration of the examination is 35 minutes.

As a result, after three hours, the patient receives the conclusion of a biochemical analysis.

Advantage of the method:
  • obtaining secretion materials directly from the natural environment for error-free diagnosis.
Disadvantage of the method:
  • unpleasant sensations.


The clinical department is designed to undergo a comprehensive program for the treatment of opisthorchiasis.

An individual approach to the patient determines the amount and dose of anthelmintic drugs, followed by the normalization of the gastrointestinal tract, detoxification and desensitization.

Such procedures require constant monitoring and correction of the treatment protocol.

According to indications, additionally are carried out:

  1. single probing;
  2. phytotherapeutic support;
  3. physio procedures.

The whole program is designed for three days, food is included in the mode of stay in the hospital.

Children's department

Specialists of gastroenterology for children carry out preventive procedures, examinations, treatment of the gastrointestinal tract of children.

The formation of the digestive tract takes place until the age of 18, so the treatment of young patients has a number of features and requires an integrated approach, deep knowledge.Pediatric gastroenterologists of the clinic are highly qualified.

On the site you can get acquainted with the experience and titles of doctors, their categories.

For individual sections of the surveys, the site provides detailed comments and explanations, a way to prepare for the study.

Some clinic rates:

Examination method (+ additional services)Cost, rub.
Gold standard + photo report + consultation60000
FGDS / FGDS with anesthesia / + conclusion with consultation2400/5900
Colonoscopy + consultation + photo report4400
FGDS with colonoscopy under anesthesia + conclusion with consultation10900
Sounding duodenal1700
Pediatric department first visit/follow-ups1500/1200
  • polite reception of administrators;
  • highly qualified personnel;
  • available telephone appointment;
  • a card on the website for filling out and making an appointment for an initial appointment;
  • high-tech diagnostic and treatment equipment;
  • the principle of treatment of the clinic - until the complete recovery of the patient;
  • open access on the site to the licenses of the institution.
  • few reviews for a long period of existence.

Contact Information:

Russia, Novosibirsk,

st. Factory, house 4/1.

☎ Mobile +7-913-909-91-05 ☎ 8-383-218-83-15

Research Institute of Therapy and Preventive Medicine, branch of the Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution "Federal Research Center of the Institute of Cytology, Genetics, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences"

The clinic has been leading its history since 1981. Great importance is attached to scientific developments, among which there are many discoveries in the field of diagnostics and treatment.

Siberian gastroenterological scientific forums "New Frontiers" are held here.

Novosibirsk specialists have the opportunity to diagnose stomach cancer at an early stage.The method is based on the study of the characteristics of red blood cells in the process of exposure to a non-uniform alternating electric field. The electrical and viscoelastic parameters of erythrocytes have different characteristics in healthy and diseased cells. The method allows to give a stable prognosis of the development of the disease a month before the appearance of the clinical picture.

Prevention of the disease is a competent approach, the initiator of which should be the patient. The passage of a blood test for the level of the pepsin enzyme is shown to all people whose relatives were cancer patients.


Gastroenterologists of the clinic will conduct a deep examination, consult and prescribe effective treatment. Among the employees of the department are doctors of the highest category and doctors of medical sciences.

  • high status of the institution;
  • OMS service;
  • development of a unique magnetocardiograph device;
  • creation and operation of a road mobile diagnostic center-train for remote areas;
  • unique developments in the field of the gene pool of the peoples of Siberia;
  • the clinic is famous and popular among the world scientific and medical community;
  • the scientific institute is represented in social networks;
  • work on the cultivation of personnel has been widely set - postgraduate studies, the residency department, doctoral studies, a group of councils of young specialists, and a dissertation council.
  • is not an institution specialized in gastroenterology.

Contact Information:

Russia, Novosibirsk, 630089,

st. Bogatkova, house 175/1.

Stationary: 630005, Novosibirsk, st. O. Zhilina, house 90-A.

☎: 373-09-89; 267-97-55.


The network group of medical profile centers around the world has 24 representative offices in Russia, has been operating for more than 20 years and is approaching 2,000,000 patients in terms of the number of patients.

The gastroenterological department in the medical center offers the patient to consult a doctor, on the recommendation - to be examined for gastroscopy or colonoscopy.


A painless method for examining the gastrointestinal tract, its upper section, which can be used to assess the mucous membrane, determine the presence of a disease, obtain biomaterial for laboratory testing, and remove polyps.

The patient needs preliminary preparation for the examination.

Some rates:

Exam typeprice, rub.
initial intake 1400
gastroscopic examination2200
Colonoscopy 4000

The center accepts patients with the following diseases:

  • gastritis;
  • pancreatitis;
  • cholecystitis;
  • colitis;
  • peptic ulcer;
  • hepatitis;
  • opisthorchiasis;
  • giardiasis;
  • ascariasis.

On the site, you can create a personal account, where you can receive the results of the examination and make an appointment.

  • large research base;
  • friendly atmosphere;
  • democratic prices;
  • the site provides information on diseases and their symptoms;
  • online registration for an appointment;
  • high qualification of specialists with given information about the merits and categories of each doctor;
  • availability of promotions and discounts.
  • is not a specialized gastroenterological center.

Contact Information:

Russia, Novosibirsk,

st. Kirov, house 44 fraction 2.

☎ 8-383-285-01-77

City clinical hospital №7, gastroenterology

The clinic was founded in 1925.Currently, the clinical hospital is one of the most modern medical centers. The institution has two gastroenterological departments and a special endoscopic department.

Patients with problems of the digestive system from all over the city are being treated in the hospitals of GBU No. 7.

  • the clinical hospital employs gastroenterologists of the highest category with more than 10 years of experience, candidates of medical sciences;
  • a lot of positive feedback from patients;
  • excellent diagnostic equipment;
  • special research laboratory;
  • OMS service;
  • state-financed organization.
  • There is no specific information on the profile departments on the site.

Contact Information:

Russia, 630005, Novosibirsk

st. O. Zhilina, house 90-A

☎ 8-383-224-66-37.

In Russia, interdisciplinary scientific conferences are regularly held on modern trends in the development of gastroenterology, its new clinical solutions, and recommendations. There is a scientific Russian society of gastroenterologists.

The systematic organization of international conferences and congresses on gastroenterology, endoscopy, symposiums on pediatric areas in gastroenterology allows the exchange of experience, the introduction of the latest developments in the field of treatment and diagnostics.

Food culture is part of the universal culture. If the ecology and quality of products have shaken health, in particular the gastrointestinal tract, then there is a strong hope that the situation can be corrected, thanks to the level of Russian gastroenterology.

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