Rthe alcohol market has shown growth even during the pandemic years, so the liquor trade remains a profitable business. This is on the one hand. On the other hand, a novice entrepreneur who decides to open, for example, a wine store on his own, faces difficulties.
The problem is both in the regulation of the alcohol market by the state (comparable to pharmaceuticals), and in the choice of premises, staff training, assortment formation and the search for suppliers. To get started, you also need to issue a license, install software for EGAIS. Plus - high competition with retail chains, which single beginners simply cannot withstand.
Franchise work is easier - this is both comprehensive support and the opportunity to start working under the guise of a well-known brand. Just keep in mind that investments at the start are decent - at least 3 million rubles.
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Let's start with the pros:
Of the minuses - strict requirements for its premises, service standards, merchandising. That is, by and large, there is no question of any independence of the franchisee. He will not be able to include additional items in the assortment without the consent of the brand owner, change the design of the trading floor or signboard.
It is generally believed that buying a franchise is the best option for newcomers. In fact this is not true. Experience in retail is needed, at least in order to understand how business processes work. And the risks, if you have experience in trading, are easier to calculate.
Yes, the franchisor, of course, will conduct training, lasting a couple of weeks. But after that, the store owner will have to work independently, solve issues with logistics, hiring staff, monitoring the assortment - what they take, what stagnates on the shelves, which is better to exclude altogether. Plus, the store owner will have to manage logistics himself, track stock balances in warehouses, conduct audits, and maintain internal reporting.
In general, if at first glance it seems that a franchise is a direct path to a successful business, quick payback and huge profits, then this is not so.
What you should pay attention to when choosing:
In the description of each franchise there is an approximate amount of investments, the amount of royalties, a lump-sum fee. Add to the costs the cost of monthly rent, utility bills, paying taxes, paying salaries to staff, the cost of purchasing goods, the same consumables, such as tape for a cash register, paper for printing checks. If you understand that you will have to take out a loan to enter the business, think carefully before getting into this adventure. Since in the first 8-10 months the store will work at zero at best. It will bring tangible profit in about a year.
It turns out that in addition to the already not small expenses, payments on the loan will also be added. So it is necessary to calculate all possible options. Cases when franchisees were left without a business, money and with millions of loans are not at all uncommon.
Now about the piano and the lump sum. The first term means a regular payment to the owner of the brand. Size - from 3 to 5%, calculated from the amount of turnover per month or quarter. To make it clearer, the monthly net profit from a retail outlet usually does not exceed 200 thousand rubles (unless it is an elite alcohol store, of course), and the turnover for the same period can be one and one and a half million rubles. If we take the minimum amount of royalties, it turns out that the franchisor will have to pay at least 30,000 rubles.
A lump-sum contribution is a one-time (sometimes divided into several payments), one-time payment. The amount depends on the brand and is, on average, 150 - and up to infinity thousand rubles. These payments also need to be taken into account. If you understand that you are poorly versed in numbers, you should take a consultation with a good accountant.
A franchise or commercial concession agreement is not just a formality.This is a document that regulates the rights of the parties, their obligations. Therefore, the best option is to involve a lawyer in the transaction, who will explain each point.
When reading the document, pay attention to:
And lastly, the contract must specify the validity period. A document without an expiration date is a risk, since the franchisor has the right to terminate it unilaterally, notifying the franchisee in advance of his intentions.
In this case, this is the most unreliable method of estimation. Therefore, the main thing to look for is how the franchisor builds work with a new partner. For example, whether he observes delivery dates, helps in solving organizational issues at least at the first stages, whether he disappears after receiving a lump-sum payment, whether he discusses the assortment and pricing policy with a partner.
You need to clearly understand that buying a franchise does not mean transferring responsibility for your own profit to the trademark owner. The franchisor provides a recognizable trademark and shares best practices - that's all. The buyer of the franchise also assumes all the risks associated with the complete loss of investments.
The company was founded in 2014. To date, the network has 95 retail outlets, 24-hour sports bars, and 200 franchised establishments. The trademark was registered in 2017.
You can buy the Economy package, which involves remote consultations, for 450,000 rubles - selection, payment for renting a room, repairs, purchase of furniture, drinks, snacks are made by the franchisee.
The cost of the Turnkey Opening package is up to 2.8 million rubles, depending on the format. In this case, the price includes:
The standard term of the contract is 3 years. After completion - prolongation or termination at the initiative of one of the parties. There are no lump sums or royalties. The franchisor sends documents on trademark registration, details on the first request, as well as an approximate calculation of profitability, with reference to the region, location of the outlet.
Serious approach to franchisees, support at all stages of opening, assistance in doing business. The amount of initial investment is one and a half million rubles, the lump-sum payment is 200 thousand only for the first store. Royalty - from 0.6 to 4%.
The requirements for the franchisee are serious, so it can be assumed that the company is aimed at developing the brand.The future partner must have experience in running a retail business, managing a staff of at least 10 people, as well as registering as an individual entrepreneur or legal entity.
As for the requirements for retail space, it should be located on the first floor of a shopping center, a residential building on a street with high targeted traffic. The size of the hall is not less than 45 m2, serviceable sewerage-ventilation, the ability to connect to the Internet.
What is included in the price:
According to the franchisor, it will take only 28 days to prepare the store for opening (after choosing a suitable room for the parameters).
Brand of the brewing company KANTSLER. Suitable for beginners - no strict requirements, except for registration with EGAIS, MERCURY. Experience in the retail business is not needed - the franchisor is ready to provide training for both the owner of the new business and the staff.
The amount of investment is from 750 thousand rubles. It includes:
In an extended package, with an investment amount of 1.3 million rubles.rubles, search, selection of premises, festive opening with the provision of promotional products (of course, beer), additional marketing support are added.
For payments - a one-time lump-sum contribution in the amount of 100,000 rubles, a monthly payment for the rental of cash equipment and accountant services. The contract is concluded for 3 years, with the possibility of prolongation for a similar period.
Payback period - from 8 months. The average profit of a franchisee from one outlet is 150 thousand rubles with a turnover of 700 thousand.
It should be borne in mind that to open such a store you need a license, installation of special software. The alcohol market itself should be located at least 100 m from educational institutions.
Important: buying a franchise, such as an alcobar, but in fact a small eatery, from a bar that has a couple of tables and a small selection of snacks, is not worth it. The essence of such a business is that shops can sell wine, vodka until 23.00. Bars - around the clock. The benefits of such franchises usually state that the markup on drinks at night can be as high as 200%. That's just who to sell them at such a price, the owners of the trademark (often not registered and generally unknown to few) do not specify. Such a trick can be done independently, without buying a franchise.
A network represented in 57 regions of Russia, consisting of 5,000 outlets. The assortment includes, of course, alcohol, both Russian and imported, from wines to tequila, gin and rum. Snacks, food, groceries. The format is a convenience store.
Initial investment - from 2 million rubles. The price includes a design project of the entrance group, trading floor, assistance in obtaining a license, repair of the hall, storage room (bringing it to compliance with fire and sanitary standards), commercial equipment, tax and other payments.
By the way, about the room. The minimum area is 100 m2 (sales area + warehouse), parking is desirable, but not necessary. The outlet should be located on the first floor of a building on a street with high targeted traffic.
The requirements for the franchisee are loyal, the lump-sum fee is 180,000, there are no royalties. The payback period, according to the promises of the franchisor, is about 6 months. But in fact, it is impossible to calculate exactly when the store will start to make a profit - it all depends on the location, changes in the market situation.
The most expensive franchise in the ranking, with a lump-sum fee of 1 million rubles.With an increase in the contribution to 2 million, the franchisee receives an exclusive for the city - there will be no competition, at least between stores under the same sign.
The amount of initial investment - from 5 million rubles, royalties - 15,000 rubles, profit - in 12 months.
For retail outlets in the boutique format with an enoteca (implying round-the-clock operation), the lump-sum fee is 2 million, and the amount of investment is 5.5 million rubles.
It is worth considering that the alcohol market sells far from cheap alcohol, so if you are considering this option for a small town, you should think carefully.
Finally, about the franchise of the largest Russian chain Krasnoe i Beloe, sale announcements of which with a range of prices from 15,000 to a million and more can be found on the network - it does not exist, which is directly stated on the official website of the brand. The company is ready to consider offers from owners of premises for rent.
Therefore, the first and main rule is to look at information about franchises only on the official websites of companies, or contact brand representatives only using the contact details indicated on the same official websites.