
  1. Description of quadcopters
  2. What to look for when choosing
  3. Rating of the best FPV points for 2022
  4. Rating of the best FPV helmets for 2022
  5. Distinctive features of the helmet and goggles
  6. Conclusion

Rating of the best FPV goggles and helmets for quadcopter control for 2022

Rating of the best FPV goggles and helmets for quadcopter control for 2022

Helmets and FPV goggles are relatively recent creations. They look like a small portable device that allows you to view pictures from the camera that transmits them. These accessories look a little comical and resemble the “uniforms” of space aliens, but thanks to them you can “experience the world through the eyes of others” and admire its beauties.

Description of quadcopters

Devices belong to the category of flying toys, but they are not suitable for entertainment for kids. As soon as it became possible to connect them to smartphones and tablets, aircraft began to enjoy well-deserved popularity among teenagers and adults. Even older people get them. They allow you to look at the earth from a bird's eye view. The best manufacturers have launched the release of special devices that allow you to receive a broadcast flight from the first person.

The appearance of the device is unusual. But the attractiveness of popular models is completely different. Those who have used this item at least once will never forget the experienced sensations. People who are in love with the sky must have such an accessory at home. You can choose a product at an affordable price so as not to undermine the family budget with a toy.

Helmets and goggles are sold at specialized outlets both separately and together with quadrocopters. Products can be ordered online in the online store. It should be borne in mind that the functionality of gadgets depends on the presence of various devices: a receiver - a transmitter, a camera and other structural elements. The quality of the broadcast video depends on these details.

The image that is not always viewed is of high quality. Before deciding which company the product is better, you should listen to the recommendations of experts. It is necessary to check the glasses for compatibility with the quadcopter.Sales managers in stores or a review of reviews will help in this matter.

What to look for when choosing

The variety of models is impressive. The question becomes which is better to buy. In order not to make mistakes when choosing, you need to understand some concepts and their characteristics:

  1. Video transmitter.
  2. FPV FPV camera for flying.
  3. FPV - antennas, their types and principle of operation.

According to buyers, it is worth studying in detail and having an idea about such basic parameters.

Viewing angle (or fov)

It is of no small importance with the right choice. The main purpose is to cover a certain viewing angle. It will be easier to understand if you turn on the camera on your phone. More than it shows, it will not be physically possible to see. Devices work on the same principle. The best fixtures are able to cover an angle of 25 - 45 degrees.

The popular Eachine EV 100 has an official 28-degree viewing angle. If you analyze the sensations, then even less. A similar indicator of FatShark Dominator HDO 2 is 46 degrees, so the picture is one and a half times larger. The most comfortable use of the device with the maximum degree of visibility.

If you make a comparative table of the characteristics of glasses and helmets, it becomes clear that the latter have significant viewing angles. As an example, take the Eachine EV 800 D with an indicator of 140/120 degrees (horizontal and vertical parameters). If you use a helmet for a long time, and then put on glasses, then there will be some difficulties in perceiving the pictures.

Interpupillary distance (or IPD)

The distance between the pupils of each person is individual.Modern models are designed in such a way that distance adjustment is quick and easy, and with a large range. Ordinary people may not pay attention to such a trifle. Another thing is if a person has a very large non-standard face. Then you just need to pay attention to this characteristic, indicated in the description.

You can measure the distance between the pupils at home by standing in front of a mirror and applying a ruler to your eyes. The resulting figure will be the starting point when choosing the product you like. The distance between the pupils of the average person is from 54 to 74 millimeters.

The devices are made in such a way that you can move the lenses to the right and left until they take the optimal position for viewing comfort. Helmets, on the other hand, have one large screen, so you don’t have to adjust them. Models are also available with two screens, which are subject to adjustment depending on the IPD, but this is very rare.

Lens material

What are the options? There are few of them:

  • plastic;
  • glass.

Glass is better for perception and comfort. Helmet lenses, in most cases, are made of high-quality plastic.

Eyepiece screen resolution

FPV fixtures are equipped with two small internal screens. Helmets have one big screen. The screen type is defined in the product specifications. The permission is also listed there. There is a pattern: high resolution - large screen - large picture - you can see a significant amount of small details.

There are such types of screens:

Type ofIndicators
OLED1280*960, others.
SVGA800*600, 900*600.

Devices with higher resolution can not be budget.If you want to have a high quality image, you will have to shell out a large sum of money.

Installing modules

The rating of quality goods includes devices with the function of installing modules. Inexpensive options do not have special compartments. The power of the product, the acceptable frequency of operation, for example, 1.3 GHz, 5.8 GHz, 2.4 GHz, 900 mHz, depend on the modules. Regular receivers may not meet the requirements of users, so the question arises of purchasing additional modules for devices.

Modules must be selected based on the available compatibility. Universal designs are available, but very rarely. For example, Fat Shark and Dominator V 3 modules are only compatible with Nexwave RF. Installing modules is not difficult. It is enough to open the cover on the side of the product and insert the device.

Helmets are not equipped with such functions, however, manufacturers have launched a product with two receivers, each of which has at least 1 antenna. Products are available with four antennas, which enhances signal reception.

Digital head tracking

The function is acceptable for a detachable drone. For racing options, this is unacceptable. Manufacturers equip devices with a gyroscope that tracks all head movements and sends information to the flight controller, and the drone repeats movements through the camera. Quite a handy thing to control the filming quadcopter. You can turn your head (camera) while flying.


All devices are equipped with batteries of various capacities. If the capacity is insignificant, then after each flight you will have to recharge the products or insert another battery.

Sealing tape

Expert advice: when choosing a product, pay attention to the material of manufacture and the thickness of the sealing tape. Ordinary foam rubber is not the best option. Lights will appear due to a loose fit. Give preference to the foam material that is inside the "case" made of soft cloth material. Pay close attention to the nose, check it for tightness. Otherwise, the unpleasant pressure of the plastic on the skin will be felt.

Rating of the best FPV points for 2022

Eachine VR D2 PRO
votes 3

Each person has their own selection criteria. But this model differs from its counterparts in versatility, which is important for this category of goods. The developers have exceeded all user expectations by combining in one system an LCD screen, several receivers with various types of antennas (clover and patch), as well as a video recorder (DVR).

Incoming signals are analyzed by the built-in diversity block, which rejects low-quality images and selects the best ones. Clover antennas belong to the category of omnidirectional and are used at significant flight distances. If we are talking about close distances, then you should give preference to low-directional patch antennas.

The DVR system is used to capture images that are obtained during the flight and are intended for further viewing. Recording is carried out using Micro SD memory cards with a capacity of 64 GB. The DVR allows you to change the resolution of the video, as well as its format.

Only the Pro versions are equipped with an automatic channel search function. It also contributes to displaying certain types of technical information on the screen.Even the basic version of the product has an audible signal that will alert the user that the battery is almost empty. The frequency range and the selected channel are displayed on a small service display.

How much does the product cost? In specialized outlets, they ask for 6696 rubles for it. If you use the services of Aliexpress, then the purchase can be a little cheaper.

Eachine VR D2 PRO
  • availability;
  • the ability to change the focal length;
  • image quality;
  • one battery charge allows you to use the device for quite a long time;
  • the built-in video recorder makes it possible to place material on a memory card, and then play it back;
  • variety of channels;
  • reliability;
  • long service life;
  • build quality;
  • ease of use;
  • practicality;
  • universality;
  • double receiver with a short-range omnidirectional antenna and a narrow-beam patch antenna.
  • video ports are not provided;
  • there is no centralized power button;
  • control buttons could be placed more conveniently;
  • low-quality connector for connecting the battery;
  • the range of change of focal length for many users may be insufficient;
  • Replaceable nose pads are not provided for the base model.

SkyZone SKY-01
votes 0

The product is in the middle price segment. Has a high resolution. The diversity receiver is equipped with a second antenna, which makes it possible to receive a high-quality signal. The built-in camera allows you to make an excellent overview.

The average price is 17,000 rubles.

SkyZone SKY-01
  • comfortable in using;
  • functional;
  • excellent quality;
  • high resolution;
  • quality signal;
  • variety of channels;
  • good screen;
  • built-in optics;
  • affordable price.
  • stretching the image on a widescreen;
  • comfort is low.

Eachine EV 100
votes 1

Dual antenna device without integrated diversity module. DVR system is also not provided. In order to be able to record the pictures taken during the flight, you need to seek help from an external video recorder that connects to an external AV input. The OSD module in the basic mode displays data on the frequency and number of the video channel. The air racing mode only allows you to see the channel number and mode number. You can block the output of this information by simultaneously pressing the two channel selection buttons.

The battery of the Eachine EV 100 deserves special attention. The capacity of the two-cell LiPo battery is 1000 mAh. The output voltage is 7.4 V. The battery is located on the headband and has an LED charge indicator. As soon as the battery charge drops to 6.8V, the buzzer will sound. The battery is charged using the power connector or the built-in Micro USB port.

The average price is 11900 rubles.

Eachine EV 100
  • excellent design;
  • build quality;
  • The optimum ratio of price and quality;
  • a significant set of video channels;
  • a sufficient number of different optical adjustments;
  • automatically scans channels;
  • the presence of a built-in fan;
  • there is AV input and output;
  • reliability;
  • durability;
  • universality;
  • functionality;
  • practicality.
  • channels are scanned at low speed;
  • interference occurs;
  • the viewing angle could be more;
  • no built-in diversity block;
  • an integrated image recorder is not provided;
  • the antenna connector could be better.

Skyzone 3D
votes 0

Typical 3D videos are glasses. The kit includes a dual camera and a dual receiver. After unpacking, the product is completely ready for instant use. Video is fed to each screen separately. One or two cameras are used, which are mixed relative to each other, so the perception of pictures is carried out from a different angle of view. It turns out that two channels are clogged with their own hands at the same time.

You can buy products at a price of 22850 rubles.

Skyzone 3D
  • comfortable in using;
  • comfort;
  • excellent combination of price and quality;
  • reliable;
  • build quality;
  • excellent screen;
  • long service life;
  • functionality.
  • not installed.

Cinemizer OLED
votes 0

The product belongs to the category of universal and is intended not only for flying on a drone, but also for watching interesting movies on a computer, playing games on a console, and the like. The model is universal, compatible with the following quadcopters:

  • Parrot - Disco, Bebor;
  • DJI - Phantoms 3, 4, Mavic Air, Matrice 100, 600, Mavic 2;
  • 3DR Solo;
  • Yuneec - H 520, Tornado H 920 Plus, Typhoon H;
  • Xiaomi Mi.

The device has 2 OLED displays with a resolution of 870 * 500 pixels and a significant pixel density. Without a break, you can use 6 hours. IPD from 59 to 69 mm.

The product is sold in the original white packaging made of thick cardboard, indicating the technical specifications. Glasses are depicted on the front of the box. There is also information that the brand is German, but produced in the Middle Kingdom. At each stage of assembly, quality control is carried out, therefore, illiquid assets practically do not go on sale.

The device is powered by a rechargeable lithium-ion battery. Charging is via USB for two and a half hours. The total weight of the product is 120 grams. Can be used indoors at temperatures from 5 to 35 degrees. Storage and transportation involves a temperature regime from -20 to +45 degrees, with a humidity of 10 to 80 percent.

The kit includes glasses, AV and USB cable, adapter, special wipes for wiping glasses, adapters for attaching a rubber contour, instructions (English) and a carrying case.

The price of the goods is formed at the time of purchase.

Cinemizer OLED
  • supports 3D;
  • Supports Frame Packing 720p/1080p;
  • comfort of use;
  • the quality of the material of manufacture;
  • the arms fold inward;
  • classic shape with calm and smooth lines;
  • futuristic appearance;
  • small sizes;
  • removable ear holders;
  • there are detachable headphones;
  • adjustment of visual acuity;
  • long service life.
  • lack of Russian-language instructions.

Rating of the best FPV helmets for 2022

Eachine EV 800 D and Eachine EV 800 DM
votes 4

Models are well-deservedly popular, especially version D, which has two receivers spaced apart. It features a large screen, high-quality signal reception and a significant battery reserve. The DM product has a smaller screen, as well as a body with small dimensions. The battery life is small. Both designs are equipped with a built-in recorder and an SD card slot. Where to buy a product? Any specialized store. You can also place an order on the manufacturer's website, thereby saving some money.

The average price is 2290 rubles.

Eachine EV 800 D and Eachine EV 800 DM
  • high-quality LCD display;
  • a high resolution;
  • image brightness;
  • huge viewing angle;
  • there is no display delay;
  • frames are not lost during recording;
  • focal length can be adjusted;
  • two independent antennas;
  • three-way strap that allows you to adjust the helmet on your head;
  • can be used with glasses on;
  • functionality;
  • reliability;
  • practicality;
  • durability;
  • light weight;
  • optimal combination of price and quality.
  • not installed.

FXT Viper
votes 0

Included in the TOP of purchased products. Designed even for those people who are forced to wear glasses for vision correction. This is one of the few models that is comfortable for the elderly with advanced farsightedness. A comfortable focus point is 13 - 14 cm, walking 9 cm is also an acceptable indicator, but the eyes get tired a little more from strain.

The average price is 8500 rubles.

FXT Viper
  • comfort;
  • universality;
  • practicality;
  • durability;
  • reliability;
  • affordable price.
  • plastic mirrors create a geometric keystone effect.

Shinehalo Ls-008d with DVR
votes 0

A high-quality device, classified as a budget class, but with good characteristics. The kit includes:

  • micro USB wire for connecting to a computer and charging;
  • charger 5V and 1 Am;
  • English instruction;
  • two antennas (how to use them, the step-by-step instructions posted on the Internet will tell you, otherwise you can break them);
  • rubberized carry bag.

You can buy goods at a price of 2980 rubles.

Shinehalo Ls-008d with DVR
  • convenient to use;
  • equipped with everything necessary;
  • good combination of price and quality;
  • long service life;
  • excellent bag with carbon colors for storage and transportation.
  • not identified.

Eachine VR 011
votes 0

New made in China. Designed for use by various categories of users, including people with poor eyesight. They will not need to finish the helmet under the glasses. It will be possible to connect the Eachine ProDVR recorder without the help of a soldering iron. It is worth paying special attention to the packaging. A high-quality box made of thick cardboard is decorated with bright printing.

The battery consists of two lithium - ion batteries of 18650 format and a capacity of 1200 mAh. Charging takes place using a 1.6A charger, which is included in the kit. You can use the product for one and a half hours without recharging.

Sellers offer to purchase products at a price of 4835 rubles.

Eachine VR 011
  • the presence of an external DVR and diversity;
  • beautiful packaging;
  • comfortable to use;
  • does not cause inconvenience to "bespectacled";
  • reliable;
  • long service life;
  • charger included;
  • universal.
  • lack of an adapter for a euro socket.

Eachine VR D2
votes 0

It is very popular among both professionals and amateurs. For a small price, you can become the owner of high-quality products with two separate receivers and a built-in DVR. I would like to pay attention to the successful equipment:

  • Charger;
  • battery 2s;
  • patch - antenna;
  • clover.

Portable equipment is equipped with a 5-inch matrix with a resolution of 800 * 480. The image is bright and contrasty. These characteristics can be adjusted independently. There is no graininess. Battery capacity - 2000 mAh, current 7.4 V.The component of the battery is an 18650 battery. As soon as the charge indicator reaches a minimum, the built-in buzzer is triggered. Charging occurs through the use of a separate power supply, which does not need to be purchased separately, as it is included in the kit.

There are standard holes at the bottom of the helmet, thanks to which you can attach a tripod. On both sides, you can adjust the lenses to a comfortable distance. The edges of the helmet are equipped with soft foam to prevent scratches at the points of contact with the skin. There may be a slight light in the nose area. It is easy and simple to remove with the help of foam inserts.

Diversity is equipped with two separate receivers with a sensitivity of +95 dBm each. Antenna connector - RP - SMA. A working antenna can be identified using a personal orange signal LED.

DVR recording is carried out in three resolutions, where the maximum is 1280*720 up to 30 frames per second. Can support flash drives up to 64 gigabytes. If you download a new firmware, then the bottom lines of the OSD will not be cut off.

The helmet works in two modes:

  • direct video reception;
  • DVR mode.

The product can be purchased at specialized retail outlets at a price of 5135 rubles per unit.

Eachine VR D2
  • convenient to use;
  • functional;
  • universal;
  • build quality;
  • two operating modes;
  • a high resolution;
  • the possibility of using for a long time;
  • The optimum ratio of price and quality.
  • not installed.

Distinctive features of the helmet and goggles

Before making a final decision and giving preference to a particular model, it is worth knowing how glasses differ qualitatively from a helmet.It is best to display the similarities and differences in a comparison table:

Weight and dimensionsHelmets are several times larger than goggles. This also applies to the masses.
ConvenienceSuperiority, of course, behind the glasses. They sit comfortably on the nose, do not interfere, do not burden due to their low weight, their center of gravity is not shifted. With helmets, the opposite is true. Particularly inexpensive and sourced from China, they can slide over the nose and also hang due to the shifted center of gravity. Expensive models, of course, are of better quality and have fewer flaws.
PriceGlasses are almost twice as expensive if we consider models with similar characteristics. For example, the Eachine EV 800 costs between $47 and $50, while the Eachine EV 100 costs $96. There are glasses, including Russian-made glasses, the price of which reaches up to $500.
Screen resolutionThis indicator is almost identical. So, the EV 800 helmet is produced with a resolution of 800 * 480, while the EV 100 goggles - 720 * 540.
Viewing angleThe palm belongs to helmets. So, the viewing angle of the EV 800 is 140 degrees, while the EV 100 has only 28 degrees in one eye, or a total of 56 degrees (in both eyes).
BatteryGlasses are equipped with smaller batteries than helmets, so the latter will last a little longer.


Thrill seekers know the value of FPV goggles and helmets. These devices help you immerse yourself in a realistic flight: how to fit inside the drone and fly in any direction, admiring the beautiful pictures. Feelings are indescribable.

Where is the FPV signal received? Videos can be received at:

  • FPV goggles;
  • FPV helmet;
  • FPV screen.

Helmets practically do not differ in appearance, regardless of the manufacturer and cost, as well as functionality. They have a rectangular oblong shape, two straps are used as fastening to the head. The interior is simple: one large lens and one FPV screen. The latter is a small screen with a visor for video reception. Based on the purpose, it is not relevant for racing drones.

Electronics are available with different operating systems, refresh rates, built-in or detachable headphones. If there are doubts about how to connect a particular device, you should seek help from the instructions (if it is presented in an understandable language) or from a professional in this matter.


