
  1. What to consider when choosing a silent block for a car?
  2. Rating of manufacturers of silent blocks
  3. The best imported rubber-metal hinges
  4. How to choose Russian-made silent blocks?
  5. Which manufacturer of silent blocks is better to choose?

Rating of the best silent blocks manufacturers in 2022

Rating of the best silent blocks manufacturers in 2022

Silent block plays a big role in the suspension of the car. Firstly, the rubber part allows you to reduce shaking, motion sickness. Also, the feeling of bad roads is less pronounced with the silent block. The world market has a huge number of parts from different manufacturers: Russian, European and even Asian. The expert rating helped determine the leading leaders in the production of silent blocks in 2022.

What to consider when choosing a silent block for a car?

First, it is worth talking about the composition of the silent block. Basically, two designs are distinguished among the hinges, namely collapsible and non-collapsible. Silent blocks are classified as non-separable. They are a combination of metal clips and an elastic sleeve. The connection is carried out in one of two ways: vulcanization or compression. This design showed that the parts run smoothly, but, unfortunately, it was not possible to achieve the necessary rigidity. Therefore, the most advantageous option is the design, where the fixation of parts is carried out with the help of tension and vulcanization. What aspects to pay attention to so that the design does not let the consumer down?

  1. Materials used. In the production of silent blocks, materials with rubber properties are needed. Rubber in this production is losing its position. It has been replaced by polyurethane. It significantly increases the durability of the silent block, as it is very elastic, but also slightly stiffer than rubber. Consumers note that they do not experience discomfort when driving off-road.
  2. Dimensions. It is an important step when choosing a silent block. Most often, the selection is made through Internet services, where you enter the data of your car and you are shown the required size of the part. Otherwise, you need to make measurements with a caliper of the outer, inner diameter and length of the hinge.
  3. Durability. Good quality parts can stand without replacement with a run of 100 thousand kilometers or more. But it is obvious that you will have to pay a rather large amount of money. There is an option - to find an alternative. Ordinary silent blocks of CIS manufacturers usually serve for 50 - 70 thousand km, overcoming the distances of domestic roads.
  4. Installation features. Many motorists have quite serious problems associated with replacing this very part. Do not rush to install the part. First, you need to clean the seat from various defects, that is, create the necessary conditions for operation. Then, apply a layer of lubricant. Soap can be used as an alternative to oil. Apply marks, and put the part exactly on them. Only after these procedures have been completed, you can start pressing. Finally, check the tightness of the bolts and nuts.

Below is an overview of the company with their advantages and disadvantages, as well as reviews from customers. The list below will show the best option, which is worth paying attention to. Russian and foreign manufacturers will be represented.

Rating of manufacturers of silent blocks

The presented list includes only the best rubber-metal joints, which were selected according to many parameters. In addition to the price / quality ratio, the reviews of motorists and the characteristics of the part were taken into account:

  • composition - type of construction: collapsible and non-collapsible, as well as the type of interface;
  • materials used - old rubber or new polyurethane;
  • dimensions - diameters and length of the hinge;
  • service life - the benchmark is a mileage of 100 thousand km;
  • nuances of installation - problems with replacement.

The quality of rubber-metal joints, reviews about the company, compliance with the price and demands of modern motorists - these aspects were taken into account when compiling the rating, in which domestic and foreign companies participated.

The best imported rubber-metal hinges

It is believed that manufacturers from Europe and America make the most durable hinges.German factories demonstrate a high degree of reliability and quality of this product. Currently, Asian firms have pulled up here, which are not inferior to their European competitors. Having put a part of these brands on a car, it will not have to be changed soon.


This logo has proven itself from the very best side. The hinges of this brand are made using modern technologies. Innovative methods allow parts to extend their maximum service life. This rubber-metal product can withstand heavy loads and is resistant to deformation. The node requires a detailed check only after 50,000 km of run.

2 types of rubber-metal hinges are produced. Some inserts are made of polyurethane, others are made of vulcanized rubber. In the first version, the products have blue and yellow shades, in the second - dark. The Korean automotive giant produces 2 types of hinges. "Hyundai Mobis" and "Car-Dex" proved to be excellent. If other names are sold in stores, then there is no doubt that this is a fake.

silent block Hyundai
  • great quality;
  • high reliability;
  • long service life;
  • the product is suitable for different brands of cars;
  • parts are made using modern technologies.
  • high price;
  • There are many counterfeit products on the market.

Despite the high cost, the purchase justifies itself with a long service life. Users also note that the product is compatible with most brands of Asian cars. However, many fakes are sold in stores, which makes it difficult for inexperienced car owners to make a choice.

form part

This manufacturer has all the necessary products for the repair of steering and running gear of commercial and passenger vehicles. The product is of excellent quality. Prices for spare parts from this manufacturer will be much lower. All parts are certified according to European and international standards. The plant produces more than 1000 categories of goods (1600 items and components).

Formpart silent block
  • the price corresponds to the quality;
  • a large selection of spare parts;
  • products are manufactured in Europe;
  • international quality certificate;
  • There are branches in different countries.
  • average quality indicators;
  • not very long service life.

Parts from Formpart are suitable for motorists who do not want to buy products of expensive brands. Such clients usually have an average income. They are completely satisfied with the price, although the service life of parts is slightly less than that of famous manufacturers. However, polyurethane and rubber products do their job perfectly.


The production facilities of this plant are located in Spain, although the brand is very popular throughout Europe. The company manufactures spare parts for suspension, running gear and steering structure. About 16 million products are manufactured in 12 months. This fact indicates the popularity of the brand. Only for the undercarriage, you can purchase the entire range of seals and spare parts for machines of the middle price range. This brand produces silent blocks for budget vehicle repairs. Branded products are of good quality, they are brought in special packages.

silent block RTS
  • big choice;
  • great quality;
  • can be purchased in different countries;
  • affordable price;
  • ISO9000 certified.
  • Parts manufactured by RTS do not have a specific authenticity identifier. When buying, be sure to look at the packaging. It must have branded printing marks.
  • Every year the number of fakes on the market increases. It is becoming more and more difficult for the buyer to distinguish branded goods from handicraft parts.


Products of this company are in great demand among buyers. The plant produces a wide range of components for cars. A successful deal was the merger of the two giants Ferdinand and Bilstein. Currently, the delivery of goods is made to 130 countries on different continents.

Many factories-branches were built in different states. This is done to meet consumer needs. After the introduction of the latest technologies, the assortment expanded to 9,000 items. Some varieties of hinges can be counted several dozen.

Silentblock Febi
  • large shipments for automotive giants;
  • a wide range of;
  • product quality at the highest level;
  • long term wear;
  • branches are located in different states.
  • the presence of fakes;
  • high price.

In our country, it is difficult to purchase a quality item due to the large number of fakes. This fact is due to the huge demand for spare parts from this manufacturer. For high durability, you will have to pay more money than other manufacturers ask. The company has become popular because the world's automotive giants trust Febi.


This brand from Germany also got into the ranking of the best manufacturers. He manufactures excellent quality goods for Japanese and Korean cars. Part of the production is located in China.This is necessary to reduce the number of fakes on the market. In the production of rubber-metal joints, natural rubber is used here. And in order for the part to be used for a long time in a low-temperature climate, highly effective additive components are added to it. Great importance is attached to a guarantee that allows you to withstand a mileage of more than 50,000 km.

Febest silent block
  • moderate price;
  • high German quality;
  • long service life of one part;
  • natural materials are used in production;
  • wear resistance when operating in regions with low temperatures.
  • after the opening of factories in China, the quality of parts where rubber is present has deteriorated;
  • specialization is narrow.

Manufacturers have relied on the availability of manufactured goods to a wide range of buyers. To reduce the number of counterfeit parts, production facilities were moved to China. As a result, users note a deterioration in the quality of manufactured products. The giant produces goods exclusively for Asian cars. There were no more negative points in the reviews.


This brand from Germany is the undisputed leader. The company manufactures spare parts for the running structure of cars. Narrow specialization allows introducing the latest developments and technologies in the process of activity.

The raw material for production is carefully controlled. Lemforder hinges are popular in the domestic market. A large number of positive reviews is proof of this fact. The plant produces over 13,000 items. Spare parts are completed with cars Mercedes-Benz, Volkswagen, Ford.

silent block Lemforder
  • long-term operation;
  • high reliability;
  • wear resistance;
  • proven quality;
  • big choice.
  • high price.

Trust in this brand is time-tested. He is trusted by both ordinary motorists and huge manufacturing giants. Domestic consumers highly appreciated the wear resistance of products in harsh winter conditions. As a disadvantage, only high prices and a high probability of buying a fake are noted.


The brand is in second place in terms of demand and the proposed range of products. The company produces not only rubber spare parts, but also provides packaging services for various European manufacturers.

Long-term work was not in vain, the latest technologies were developed for the manufacture of parts for steering mechanisms. Therefore, Swag is trusted by such large automotive giants as Mercedes Benz, Porsche, BMW. Products sold on the domestic market have an average price segment. The presented goods carefully pass the international standardization and certification.

Silentblock Swag
  • a wide range of;
  • moderate price;
  • high reliability;
  • long service life;
  • The presented goods are suitable for different brands of cars.
  • the rubber component can peel off;
  • branding issues.

How to choose Russian-made silent blocks?

All parts for cars that are produced in our country are suitable for a specific brand of cars. They are produced and produced by certain manufacturing companies. This does not mean that foreign manufacturers are somehow worse. The difference is different.Domestic manufacturers are the best at making spare parts for our cars, adapting them to the Russian climate and local roads. In addition, the price for spare parts will also be much more attractive.


This is a fairly well-known manufacturer of spare parts in our market. Parts produced by this manufacturer are suitable for both domestic and imported cars. Based on the name of the company, it can be understood that the main material for the production of parts is polyurethane. The material used is from the best suppliers and is of excellent quality. The equipment used in the automobile plant is new and allows for the production of world-class products.

The main advantages of spare parts of this company are reliability, high strength, compatibility with cars of different production and excellent moisture resistance.

Of course, there are some downsides as well. The silent blocks of this manufacturer behave quite harshly on the road. In addition, there are very high risks of purchasing fake goods. Although, if we compare the products of this company with spare parts of the world's leading brands, then the chance of running into counterfeit goods will still be lower. Drivers who use the products of this manufacturer, on the one hand, praise the product very much for its reliability and durability, and on the other hand, they talk about the complexity of installation and increased noise when driving.

silent block Polyurethane
  • a wide range of;
  • well-known manufacturer of spare parts;
  • high reliability of manufactured parts;
  • high strength;
  • compatibility with cars of different production;
  • excellent moisture resistance.
  • installation complexity;
  • increased noise while driving.

pivot point

This company began its work as an ordinary car service, but over time it was able to develop into one of the largest manufacturers of spare parts in the Russian market. Silent blocks of this brand are best suited for VAZ cars. Driving a car equipped with products from this company will become more sensitive and comfortable. At the same time, additional rigidity appears in the rear suspension. The main thing is not to buy counterfeit goods. If everything went well, then the spare parts of this brand will last a very long time, which will please the owner of the car.

The disadvantages include only some stiffness of the rear suspension and a large number of fake goods. It is because of counterfeit products that many drivers respond negatively to the products of this company. In fact, if you purchase a good quality product, silent blocks will last a long time and will delight the motorist in all its manifestations.

silent block fulcrum
  • road safety;
  • increased wear resistance;
  • relatively low price;
  • increased stability on the road, which allows you to drive a car with maximum comfort.
  • rear suspension stiffness;
  • a large number of counterfeit goods.


The silent blocks of this company have conquered the markets of our country for a long time. A large plant with the latest equipment, qualified specialists, vast experience in the production of spare parts - all these are the undoubted advantages of BelMag brand products. The company has won numerous competitions held in our country and even abroad.

The advantages of the company include an adequate price and a strong distribution of products.
The disadvantages, again, include numerous fake products.Previously, the silent blocks of this company were forged much less, but recently, the number of low-quality and defective products has increased significantly. Therefore, goods of this brand must be purchased only from trusted suppliers and sellers.

silent block BelMag
  • qualified specialists;
  • adequate price.
  • a large number of counterfeit goods.


Despite the fact that this company has recently entered the wide market, it has already managed to prove itself excellently among consumers of goods. Typically, products of this brand are installed on domestic cars, although, in general, they are also suitable for imported vehicles. The quality of products is strictly controlled, which allows us to produce products that are in no way inferior in quality to imported manufacturers. The only thing that distinguishes the products of this company from imported manufacturers is a more favorable price. In addition, it is possible to make a custom-made silent block that will fit a particular car. The products of this company can be easily purchased in all regions of Russia, which is also a significant plus in the work of this company.

The disadvantages include a longer order processing time than was originally announced. There are fewer fakes of this company than other domestic manufacturers. This is due to the fact that very often the products of this company are purchased directly from the factory, to order. The discrepancy between the terms of order production also depends on the individual approach to production. After all, raw materials for the manufacture of products are very often purchased in Europe. Thus, production depends on the timing of the supply of raw materials.

silent block Priory
  • long lead time;
  • suitable for imported vehicles;
  • production of spare parts.
  • inconsistency in the timing of the order.

Which manufacturer of silent blocks is better to choose?

This is a rather individual question, the answer to which can only be found by analysis and by comparing products. In addition, it is necessary to understand what quality of silent blocks for the buyer is the main and most important. After the analysis, you can come to the choice of products of the company that suits a particular customer. If you put a spare part without analyzing individual needs, you can get not quite what you need. It is necessary to consider where exactly the silent block will be installed, forward or backward. And most importantly - purchase products only from trusted suppliers, so as not to buy counterfeit or defective ones.

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