A private house or summer cottage - it's great. Here you can relax and plant your favorite plants, spend a weekend or meet friends. But, in addition to pleasant garden and country trifles, owners have to deal with such a problem as waste. The world of technology and inventions does not stand still, and specialized equipment, such as a fecal pump, comes to the "help" of summer residents. You should not associate the name literally, this equipment has different designs and configurations, which allows it to be widely used in operation in country houses, industrial complexes or in other domestic conditions.
The device can be of different power and have different operating conditions, has multifunctional options, perfectly copes with pumping liquid, which has a high degree of pollution.
The unit is designed to accumulate, process and pump dirty water into the sewer. There is no mesh on fecal pumps, since its main purpose is to pump liquid without the presence of solid and large waste. The amount of fluid it can suck out depends on the size of the hole (diameter). If you have purchased such a device, then it is possible to equip a bathroom, kitchen or toilet anywhere, since it does not matter what distance to the sewer riser. The device works in several provisions, efficiency of its work does not depend on horizontal or vertical installation. The only condition is the depth, pumping, which is under his "strength".
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When buying a unit, it is necessary to take into account the presence of a grinder in it, the duration of the device, as well as the temperature of sewage water. It is important to know that devices that are not equipped with a grinder are suitable for pumping water from the bathroom, kitchen, as well as from other places where wastewater accumulates, which do not contain large and solid waste. Such units can be used in conditions of high temperatures of waste and sewer water.
Fecal pumps, which have a grinder, can also be used for these rooms, they are reliable helpers for pumping sewage from toilets. Thanks to sharp knives inside the pumps, pieces of waste are crushed and prevent clogging of the sewer.
Pumps can be divided into the following types:
Devices can be divided into:
Experts also subdivide fecal pumps, taking into account the design features of the devices:
The first version of the pumps has a horizontal design, it is possible to install such devices without dismantling the main pipeline. The second type of pumps is more often used for pumping wastewater in industrial complexes and facilities, in rare cases it is possible to use them for irrigation in household plots and for solving sewer problems in everyday life.
Outdoor types of pumps do not come into contact with the liquid. The process of pumping sewage and wastewater occurs using hoses that are immersed in a liquid. These devices are mobile, they are easy to install where necessary. But these devices, which do not belong to powerful units, are capable of pumping liquid no more than 5 mm. If we talk about the pricing policy, then they are available, but in terms of their parameters they are inferior to pumps of semi-submersible and submersible types. A device for pumping water is installed near the well itself, and a hose is lowered into the sewer water.
Such a pump is not recommended for stationary use, this is due to the fact that the body of the unit is not waterproofed, and under the influence of external factors (snow, rain, dew) it quickly becomes unusable.Also, when installing it permanently in winter, there is a possibility of water freezing in it, and as a result, damage to its mechanism. For stationary use, such a fecal pump is suitable only in closed rooms. If, nevertheless, an external-type pump is purchased, but you plan to use it in an open area, then an additional structure is required for its location.
The fecal pump of the second type - submersible - operates in an aquatic environment with chemical impurities. The body of the device is made of high-strength material, in most cases it is steel or cast iron. Such units can easily cope with water in basements, and their main purpose is to drain wastewater from septic tanks and storage tanks. It is necessary to install this type of fecal pump below the water level at the bottom of the tank where effluents accumulate.
This type of units have a float switch, an automatic on and off system, which allows it to work offline. A special branch pipe is fixed to the bottom of the tank, guides are fixed on its wall, and a cable or a steel chain is attached directly to the device.
It is necessary to carry out its installation with the help of a rope, along which the pump descends along the guides, and the unit is installed on the branch pipe under its own weight. In the event of a breakdown of the device, it can simply be removed and repaired. For the functionality, efficiency and simplicity of this tapa, pumps are in demand among owners of private houses and summer cottages. Units with a capacity of 40 kW are capable of pumping approximately 400 cubic meters. liquid per hour. These types of pumps are capable of transporting any liquid. For reliable operation of the device, it is important to comply with the technical conditions and rules for operating the device.For example, devices with shredders can easily handle liquid waste with a high degree of viscosity, as well as waste in which there are solid and large particles. Pumps will cope with sewage, help pump out water from basements and small reservoirs.
The next type of pumps is semi-submersible. Their main difference from submersible ones is that the engine of the device is located above the surface of the drain, and its pumping part is in the sewer waters. The pump is mounted on a float, which directs and controls the position of the device. This type of pump does not have choppers, but, according to customer reviews, it does its main function well. Such a pump is suitable for a cesspool in a suburban area or in a private house, which accumulates liquid and fecal waste.
This part is an integral part of the devices, which allows you to crush solid waste and pump it along with the liquid. There are many models of shredders and different models of devices have different shredders. Manufacturers of such units in their production are trying to improve the pumps and achieve efficient operation from them. However, it often turns out in practice that the operation of fecal pumps does not depend on a change in the type of grinder. Any shredders successfully cope with the task, ensuring the exit of waste and the pumping of wastewater.
In form they are:
The type of choppers in the form of a cutter is not much different from other types, but it affects the life of the device. The durability of such an element certainly depends on the quality and grade of steel.
In most cases, the source of power for such special equipment is the electrical network. Appliances that are used in everyday life consume an electrical voltage of 220 V, if the pump is used in industry or agriculture, then the voltage power in the network should be 380 V.
Household appliances with a power of 0.5 to 1.5 kW per minute are capable of pumping out from 150 to 600 liters of wastewater, while the density and viscosity of the liquid should be up to 1200 kg per m³, and the Ph level should be no more than 10.
Each model of such special equipment has certain technical standards and indicators indicated in the product passport. Exceeding the limit values will lead to damage to the unit.
Today, the market for this type of product is wide and varied, which allows you to choose a pump that is suitable for each owner of a summer cottage, a country house, or simply if such a need arises. Many models are equipped with shredders, the range of units is impressive. The countries producing devices are also different, these are Italy, Germany, Spain and others.
Goods of this group of imported production are present in the Russian market in large quantities. German manufacturers are successfully developing in this direction, they are working on the creation of pumps for various purposes. The Germans are major manufacturers and suppliers of fecal pumps.Among many manufacturing companies, Grundfos can be distinguished. The Grundfos Seg faecal pump model with chopper is suitable for both industrial and domestic applications. The pump body is made of cast iron, but this does not cause problems with its transportation, it is quite mobile. The motor is protected against overheating and electrical shorts.
The unit has a motor rotation regulator. The maximum operation of the pump power is 0.9 kW, the head is 15 meters, the immersion depth of such a pump is 10 meters. This brand is also popular because it produces a variety of garden pumps. German equipment, of course, attracts consumers of this range of goods - with quality and technology, but it “scares” at a fairly high price.
Russian specialists are also working on the development of fecal pumps, who have developed equipment that is affordable and of decent quality - Dzhileks Fekalnik. These devices are professional devices. Many buyers have already appreciated the quality of this unit. The pump is made of stainless steel, its maximum immersion depth is eight meters, and its power is 0.4 kW. The case is sealed and has thermal protection, the device is easy to maintain.
Herz fecal pumps are devices developed by German specialists. Models of this manufacturer are popular, they are reliable, durable and wear-resistant. The main feature of these units is that they can be operated in extreme conditions. They also attract buyers with good quality, practicality in use and a large assortment from which you can choose the right special equipment.Such devices are capable of pumping out up to 260 liters of liquid waste for a minute of operation; it must be immersed to a depth of up to eight meters. The weight of the equipment is just over 30 kg, since its body is cast iron, and the parts are made of steel. The motor is insulated with a Class B winding.
I would also like to note the Whirlwind units. These devices have proven themselves on the positive side, they cope with pumping liquid and grinding large-sized waste. Grinders for these pumps are produced by a Russian company. Vikhr units are in high demand among buyers. The pump body is made of cast iron, and the chopper blades are made of high-strength steel. In one hour of operation, the unit is capable of pumping 24 m³ of liquid. The power of the device is 1.5 kW.
Pumps from the Italian manufacturer Calpeda GMG are several times more expensive than German manufacturers, but the high cost is offset by impeccable quality and a high degree of wear resistance. The pumps of this manufacturer have such a detail as self-sharpening chopper knives. The unit is suitable for operation in extreme conditions, the device can be immersed to a depth of up to twenty meters. When working, the pump produces a pressure of about forty meters. For an hour of work it is able to pump up to 16 m³ of liquid. The device is powerful enough and of high quality, it can become unusable under the right operating conditions only when individual parts wear out.
Among the French manufacturers of this group of goods, SFA can be distinguished. The range of products of this manufacturer will be able to satisfy completely different needs of customers. The pumps are mobile, their installation will reduce time and costs during construction and other works.You can use them in the kitchen and in the bathroom, showers and laundries. Of the pumps of this company, the model SFA Sanitop Silence is especially popular. This device can be connected to toilets that have a horizontal outlet, to sinks and bathrooms. The appliances are equipped with a carbon filter, thanks to which unpleasant odors can be neutralized. Such a unit is suitable for apartments in apartment buildings, cottages and household plots.
When deciding to purchase such a unit, which is necessary in everyday life, it is important to analyze this group of products, read customer reviews and choose a product from a reliable manufacturer.
Place | Rating of the best submersible pumps | price, rub. |
1 | SFA SANIPUMP | 28420 |
2 | DAB FEKA VS 750 | 24432 |
3 | VORTEX FN - 1500 l | 11450 |
4 | BELAMOS DWP 1300 CS | 9850 |
5 | JILEX FECALE | 5246 |
6 | VORTEX FN - 450 | 7590 |
7 | STURM! WP 9775 SW | 7390 |
8 | JILEX FEKALNIK 140/6 | 2881 |
Country of origin: France
The device is suitable for pumping waste and sewer water from different containers. Copes with the task quickly and efficiently, thanks to the cutting mechanism, it deals with large and solid waste.
Country of origin: Italy.
This unit can be used in private houses and personal plots, as well as in apartments of apartment buildings. Installation type - vertical. The device has high performance, it is compact and mobile, weight - 17.5 kg.
The country of origin is China.
The unit is powerful and reliable, affordable in terms of price. Gets the job done quickly and efficiently. Installation of the device - vertical, engine power - 1500 W
The country of origin is the Russian Federation.
This device is produced by the Russian company Belamos. The company is engaged in the manufacture of various pumping equipment, from pumps to stations. In Russia, only the design is being developed, the assembly of finished products is carried out in China. This unit has a grinder that copes with large and solid waste. The device works in a viscous liquid, the engine is protected, the body is made of durable and reliable material.
The country of origin is the Russian Federation.
Submersible type pump, which is suitable for pumping clean water, as well as ground and drainage water. The device is convenient for use in domestic conditions, as well as for work on pumping large volumes of water (reservoirs, reservoirs and wells). The design of the device is designed in such a way that allows the pump to work for a long time.
The country of origin is the Russian Federation.
Another device of this company, which will allow you to pump out water and wastewater quickly and reliably. The body of the model is made of steel, which adds an advantage over the previous pump model. Otherwise, the characteristics, advantages and disadvantages are identical to the model described above.
The country of origin is China.
The body of the unit is made of metal, which protects it from chemical attack and other external factors. The pump on the lower part has legs, which during the operation of the device ensure its stability and strength.
The country of origin is China.
Submersible type fecal pump, the device is convenient and easy to use, suitable for household use. Suitable for pumping and pumping from cesspools and cellars, suitable for drying tanks, pools and ponds. The pump is equipped with a powerful motor - 750 W, which is protected from overheating and overload.
Place | Rating of the best n surface fecal pumps | price, rub. |
1 | SFA SANIACCESS 3 | 22240 |
2 | GRUNDFOS SOLOLIFT 2 WC - 1 | 18280 |
3 | UNIPUMP SANIVORT 255 M | 9570 |
Country of origin: France.
This type of pump refers to a surface sewer installation. Suitable for connection to a toilet or washbasin, suitable for use in private houses and apartment buildings.
Country of origin: Germany.
The device is small and compact. Convenient to use and connect. Details and mechanisms of the surface pump are covered with a plastic case. The engine of the device is powerful, thanks to which the head power reaches 8.5 m.
The country of origin is the Russian Federation.
This model of a domestic manufacturer is affordable, the engine of the device does not differ in power, but copes with the task.
Summing up the choice of fecal pumps, we can definitely say that you should not rush, consider all the features of this group of products, consult a specialist when buying such a device. The thing necessary in private houses and apartments helps to solve a number of "dirty" and "unpleasant" problems. However, the pump will be effective only if it is chosen correctly, taking into account all the necessary criteria.