
  1. Genres of fantasy literature
  2. alternative history
  3. hard science fiction
  4. Detective fiction
  5. Apocalyptic and post-apocalyptic
  6. Action
  7. Lost worlds
  8. space fantasy
  9. social fiction
  10. Cyberpunk
  11. Temporal fiction

Ranking the best fantasy books for 2022

Ranking the best fantasy books for 2022

A fantastic genre in literature is the artistic representations and reflections of the author about the world, civilization and events. The imagination of writers draws a new vision of the events that have taken place, complements the reality and suggests possible ways for the development of the world.

Genres of fantasy literature

Artistic works of the science fiction genre are called the fruits of the imagination, since the authors admit the possibility of the existence of such forms of life, technologies and world order that are not supported by scientific facts. The areas that fall under writer's rethinking divide fiction into genres and subgenres. There are many branches, but the main currents remain:

  • Alternative fiction;
  • Hard science fiction;
  • Detective fiction;
  • Apocalyptic and post-apocalyptic;
  • Action;
  • Lost worlds;
  • Space fantasy;
  • Social fiction;
  • cyberpunk;
  • Temporal fantasy.

alternative history

In such works, the events of the past are interpreted in such a way that due to some action, history changes its course. Change affects the present and affects the future. Alternative fiction can intertwine with the hit-and-miss genre or alternative geography, resulting in a character's direct influence on events in the past. The absence of a part of the mainland world or the presence of unique lands in the work can also influence the historical development under the author's vision.

J. Orwell "1984"
votes 1

The action of the novel takes place in Oceania, a country that exists in an alternative reality and develops under the dictatorship of 1984. The author's vision of the Soviet regime, presented in the violent methods of suppressing freedom of thought and speech, was reflected in the described society and actors.

The book is presented in the translation of Golyshev V. in soft cover. The format of the book is 18×11.5 cm, the number of pages is 352, the cost of the book is 166 rubles.

J. Orwell "1984"
  • budget;
  • Interesting story;
  • Small format.
  • Soft binding.

Bradbury Ray Douglas Fahrenheit 451
votes 1

The fantasy novel conveys the realities of an American society that lives without the right to use and store books. Post-industrialism reigning in the work destroys paper media by the hands of a special detachment, in opposition to which an illegal movement is being formed to preserve books for future generations.

EKSMO publishing house presents a book translated by Babenko V. with hardcover. The number of pages -256 in the format 18×11.5 cm, costing 236 rubles.

Bradbury Ray Douglas Fahrenheit 451
  • Philosophical reading of the future;
  • Hard cover.
  • Not found.

Dick F.K. "The Man in the High Castle"
votes 0

The work tells about the world in which the victory in World War II was divided between the Third Reich and Japan. As a population of an occupied country, American society has been influenced by Eastern teachings and philosophy.

The book published by EKSMO is presented in the translation of G. Korchagin and contains 416 pages. The book, worth 576 rubles, is presented in hardcover and with pages made of offset paper.

Dick F.K. "The Man in the High Castle"
  • Screened storyline;
  • Hard cover;
  • Offset paper for pages.
  • Not found.

hard science fiction

The basis of solid science fiction is the preservation of laws and factual evidence of the natural knowledge base. Science is not refuted, but extrapolated to a new level. The authors plausibly fantasize about future technologies, sometimes focusing on the concepts more than the plot. Works can resemble research papers due to complex descriptions of mechanisms and explanations of their operation, the understanding of which sometimes requires additional knowledge.

Andy Weier "The Hail Mary Project"
votes 0

The plot of the book revolves around a former school teacher who finds himself alone on a mission to save human civilization. The astronaut found himself alone on his journey, there is no turning back, just like living people.

The book is presented by Ballantine Books in the format 21×13×2 cm. Number of pages - 576, cost - 682 rubles.

Andy Weier "The Hail Mary Project"
  • The plot can be filmed;
  • Hard cover.
  • There are misprints.

Stanislav Lem "Solaris"
votes 0

The action of the novel takes place on a distant space object with a large overflowing ocean.The waters of the planet Solaris have a mind and a subtle ability for psychology, the ocean endows the hidden feelings of the heroes with a material shell, returning the forgotten past to real life.

The Neoclassic publishing house presents the book in hardcover, the pages are made of high-quality Creamy paper, the number of pages is 772. The cost of the book is 1280 rubles.

]Stanislav Lem "Solaris"
  • The plot is filmed;
  • Hard cover;
  • High quality paper.
  • Not found.

Liu Cixin "Three Body Problem"
votes 0

If you send signals into outer space, then someone can hear ... So, an extraterrestrial civilization recognized the signals emanating from the Earth, and, trying to prevent the decline of its era, was ready for an invasion. Society faces a difficult choice: to defend its independence or go under the auspices of an alien mind.

The book is presented in fanzon hardcover with offset paper on the pages. Number of pages - 464, cost - 932 rubles.

Liu Cixin "Three Body Problem"
  • Hard cover;
  • offset paper;
  • A solidly built story.
  • Not found.

Detective fiction

The turn of the plot towards investigations and searches, solving mysteries refers science fiction to the detective genre. The main characters can be both professional detectives and amateurs who are faced with intrigues.

Morgan R. Altered Carbon: Awakened Furies
votes 0

Returning home is not always smooth sailing. The protagonist of the book at home gets involved in political squabbles and becomes the object of persecution. Self persecution...

The novel is presented by the AST publishing house in hardcover. Number of pages - 700 worth 698 rubles.

Morgan R. Altered Carbon: Awakened Furies
  • Hard cover;
  • The plot has been filmed.
  • Not identified.

Lukyanenko S.V. "Quasi"
votes 0

Post-apocalyptic Moscow is adapting to new residents: insane zombies and a humanoid species - kvazi. The established order dictates that man and the new species work hand in hand.

The book from ACT and Neoclassic publishers is presented in hardcover. Number of pages - 352 worth 777 rubles.

Lukyanenko S.V. "Quasi"
  • Hard cover;
  • Interesting story.
  • Not found.

Glukhovsky D. A. "Twilight"
votes 0

A Spanish manuscript falls into the hands of a young translator, preserving Maya messages on its pages, and the translation will reveal the secret of the future of the whole world. Only the events around the hero are so twisted and intertwined with ancient prophecies that they can cost him his life.

A mystical-fiction novel in hardcover from the AST publishing house worth 938 rubles. Number of pages - 320.

Glukhovsky D. A. "Twilight"
  • Stylish cover design;
  • Convenient binding.
  • Not found.

Apocalyptic and post-apocalyptic

If the central part of the plot captures global incidents, the result of which could be the mass death of people, and maybe the whole of humanity, then this is apocalyptic fiction. The development of events after large-scale catastrophes and cataclysms refers the work to the post-apocalyptic genre of science fiction.

McCarthy K. "The Road"
votes 0

The world, tormented by cataclysms and fire, is no longer able to offer people anything but ashes falling in flakes from the sky. In the conditions of devastation and banditry, father and son set off towards the sea, but how far can they go and is there any point in this if there is no hope for a better future.

The work is replicated in softcover on 256 pages. The cost of the book is 190 rubles.

McCarthy K. "The Road"
  • budget;
  • The philosophical aspect of the plot.
  • Soft binding.

King S. "Confrontation"
votes 0

The confrontation tells about a deadly viral infection, artificially bred in laboratories and leaked into the big world. While society is unstable and looking for hope and salvation, a mysterious stranger clouds the gullible people in order to gain power.

The book is presented in the volume of 1216 pages of offset paper. The format of the book is 21.8 × 15 cm, the cost is 1369 rubles.

King S. "Confrontation"
  • Hard cover;
  • offset paper;
  • The presence of a dust jacket.
  • Not found.

Glukhovsky D.A. "Metro 2033"
votes 0

The Moscow metro became the last refuge for the survivors of the Third World War. The deserted planet has concentrated all hope in one place, where people are trying to build a new world until the belief that they will get out fades.

The volume of the book is 384 pages in hardcover format 21.5 × 17 cm. The cost is 1027 rubles.

Glukhovsky D.A. "Metro 2033"
  • There is a continuation of the plot;
  • Hard cover.
  • Not found.


Combat sci-fi is full of action, action, and lots of battle scenes featuring high-tech weapons. Actions may affect the present, but more often technologies refer to the distant future. Futurism is built in organized and intellectually developed robotic mechanisms that can take the place of secondary characters.

Lauren O. "Requiem"
votes 0

The last part of the trilogy makes you worry about the fate of the main characters and the Wildlands.An exciting story tells about the struggle for survival and the disclosure of all cards.

"Requiem" from the EKSMO publishing house in hardcover with a volume of 416 pages. The pages are made of offset paper, the cost of the book is 388 rubles.

Lauren O. "Requiem"
  • Several books in the series;
  • Hard cover;
  • Offset paper pages.
  • Not found.

Lois McMaster Bujold "Barrayar"
votes 0

The imaginary planet of Barrayar became the home of the Vorkosigan family, a family where a charming schemer became the main and only heir of influential parents. The adventures of the protagonist put his life and the lives of friends in an uncomfortable position, and the possession of part of the land of Barrayar only aggravates the situation.

The book is published under the AST publishing house in hardcover with a volume of 1040 pages. Cost - 1628 rubles.

Lois McMaster Bujold "Barrayar"
  • offset paper;
  • Hard cover;
  • Cycle of books.
  • Not found.

James Corey "Caliban's War"
votes 0

The deaths, war and transformations that have engulfed such different Ganymede, Venus and Earth call for the salvation of the Alliance of the Outer Planets. The crew takes on the task of saving one child, but gradually discovers that all of humanity should be saved.

The book is published by the Fantastica publishing house in the amount of 608 pages from offset paper. Cost - 1000 rubles.

James Corey "Caliban's War"
  • Hard cover;
  • Cycle with stories;
  • Screened cycle.
  • Not found.

Lost worlds

The discovery of new lands, countries, continents, civilizations and even worlds not previously explored by man, classifies fantastic works as a subgenre of lost worlds. The places found develop according to their own laws and with their own biological species, which is close in terms of the degree of intelligence to humans.

Arthur Conan Doyle "Lost Worlds"
votes 0

South America is a land of contrasts, so a British freight forwarder is sent there in search of dinosaurs. Scientists cannot take the assumption at face value and organize an expedition to accompany the eccentric professor.

"Lost Worlds" is replicated by the Azbuka publishing house in soft cover with a volume of 256 pages. Cost - 158 rubles.

Arthur Conan Doyle "Lost Worlds"
  • Book from the cycle;
  • 7 film adaptations of the plot;
  • The ratio of price and volume.
  • Not found.

Jack London "Hearts of Three"
votes 0

The legacy of piracy haunts the descendants who went in search of the lost treasure. Adventures are accompanied by treasure hunts, dangers, romantic feelings and the dynamics of events.

The book from the EKSMO publishing house is replicated in hardcover, in the format of 20.7 × 13.3 cm. The volume of the book is 384 pages, the cost is 337 rubles.

Jack London "Hearts of Three"
  • Hard cover;
  • Screen adaptation.
  • Not found.

Lovecraft G.F. "Spines of Madness"
votes 0

The world described by Lovecraft takes the reader to the mysterious ancient cities, plunging under the thickness of the earth. Abandoned settlements envelop polar forwarders with chilling events dating back centuries. Thanks to the fascinating details, the reader feels like a witness to an exciting journey.

The hardcover book of the AST publishing house is presented in the amount of 480 pages of offset paper. The cost of "The Ridges of Madness" - 558 rubles.

Lovecraft G.F. "Spines of Madness"
  • Hard cover;
  • offset paper;
  • Cover design.
  • Not found.

space fantasy

The events of the genre involve the presence of characters outside the Earth's surface.Heroes can be located both in the Earth's orbit, and within the solar system and beyond. Intergalactic space saturates the plots with discoveries, alien contacts, technical achievements, while the plots are light and entertaining.

Simmons D. "Hyperion"
votes 0

Human desires can lead very far, so the main characters of "Hyperion" go to another planet to achieve their cherished goals, to places guarded by a bloody semi-deity. Pilgrims are subjected to mystical trials, but this is the only way they can make their wishes come true.

Publishing houses AST, Neoclassic release "Hyperion" in paperback. The number of pages in the book is 704 pages and the cost is 464 rubles.

Simmons D. "Hyperion"
  • The ratio of volume and cost;
  • Cover design.
  • Soft binding.

Adam Douglas The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. On the road again"
votes 0

An unusual company of a robot, a girl, an adaptor and an employee of the publishing house again sets off on a journey into the boundless space. Each character has its own mood and character, and a combination of abilities helps to overcome difficulties on the way to interesting worlds.

The book by Adam Douglas from ACT publishing houses, Neoclassic is issued in paperback and volume - 608 pages. Cost - 469 rubles.

Adam Douglas The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. On the road again"
  • The ratio of volume and cost;
  • Cover design.
  • Not found.

R. Bradbury "The Martian Chronicles"
votes 0

Man's desire to conquer neighboring planets is reflected in the Martian Chronicles. The alien world is not friendly to the meeting of earthlings, like its elusive inhabitants, it makes me long for the home of all mankind, for the Earth.

The EKSMO publishing house publishes the book in hardcover with a volume of 318 pages.The cost of the book is 262 rubles

R. Bradbury "The Martian Chronicles"
  • Screen adaptation;
  • Hard cover.
  • Not found.

social fiction

Events take place in a technogenic future or an alternative present, while the main line in the plot is not surrounding incidents, but the formation of relationships between people. Unrealistic conditions contribute to the disclosure of the problems of social relations and the formation of the social structure of society.

Wyndham D. "Day of the Triffids"
votes 0

After a strange stellar rain, humanity is divided into two parts, people in power, who retained their sight, and those who were blind. Both of them are in danger of being destroyed. Triffids - predatory plants that have escaped to freedom, long for the eradication of the human race.

The book "The Day of the Triffids" from the publishing houses AST, Neoclassic is presented in soft cover. The cost of the book is 368 rubles for 320 pages.

Wyndham D. "Day of the Triffids"
  • Cover design;
  • Screen adaptation.
  • Not found.

Dashner James Maze Runner. Trial by fire. Death Cure"
votes 0

The trilogy tells about cruel experiments organized by unknown people. Participants of terrifying games find themselves in a closed space, the only way out of which is through a labyrinth.

The trilogy from the AST publishing house is issued in hardcover in the amount of 800 pages. Cost - 982 rubles.

Dashner James Maze Runner. Trial by fire. The cure for death
  • Screen adaptation;
  • Hard cover;
  • The whole trilogy in one volume.
  • Not found.

Arkady and Boris Strugatsky "Roadside Picnic"
votes 0

After the landing of alien intelligence on the surface of the Earth, the extreme journey to the anomalous zone becomes the main adventure for stalkers. Thrill seekers again and again go to the place of study, overcoming dangers and deadly networks.

The book is published by the AST publishing house in hardcover with a volume of 192 pages and a cost of 540 rubles.

Arkady and Boris Strugatsky "Roadside Picnic"
  • Screen adaptation;
  • Hard cover.
  • Not found.


Technology and virtual reality are closely intertwined with human life in the dark events of the future. The demand for artificial intelligence generates the power of global corporations that influence society. There is a decline in moral values ​​and culture in society.

Meyer Marissa "Snow White"
votes 0

Famous fairytale princesses find themselves embroiled in unusual circumstances. The space age dictates Cinderella, Snow White, Rapunzel, Little Red Riding Hood will unite to confront the lady of the moon.

"Snow White" from the AST publishing house is replicated in hardcover with a volume of 800 pages at a cost of 750 rubles.

Meyer Marissa "Snow White"
  • Hard cover;
  • Cover design;
  • Large font.
  • Not found.

Sterling B. "Schismatrix Plus"
votes 0

The central figure in the events of the book is a man traveling between two warring camps. While some consider digital technologies to be the next step in development, others think that robotization will swallow humanity. The protagonist finds himself at a crossroads, becoming a participant in the coup.

Schismmatrix Plus is published by AST in hardcover. Number of pages of the book - 640 pages at a cost of 692 rubles.

Sterling B. "Schismatrix Plus"
  • Hard cover;
  • Cover design.
  • Not found.

Gibson W. Neuromancer
votes 0

A pair of hacker and samurai will fulfill their destiny in the cruel world of robotics, bioengineering and computer technology. A girl who connects to virtual reality without improvised means is capable of much and even resist the Japanese mafia.

Azbuka publishing house presents the book in hardcover. The number of pages in the book is 960 pages, the cost is 988 rubles.

Gibson W. Neuromancer
  • Hard cover;
  • Trilogy.
  • paper quality;
  • Small font.

Temporal fiction

Fantastic journeys into the past or the future - a distinctive feature of the storyline. There is a separate sub-genre "Popadantsy", in which the main characters are able to move not only in time, but also between worlds and spaces, moving into other bodies or remaining in their own.

Popular works of chrono-fiction include D. London's Starstrider, Paul Anderson's Time Patrol, M. Twain's Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court, and A. Mazin's Varyag.


