
  1. Bolt extractor - general information
  2. Broken bolt technology
  3. Benefits of Using Extractors
  4. Difficulties of choice
  5. Ranking of the best broken bolt extractors for 2022
  6. Conclusion

Ranking of the best broken bolt extractors for 2022

Ranking of the best broken bolt extractors for 2022

Breaking off of the bolt occurs during its sharp rotation or during other careless actions. The whole complexity of the situation that is being created lies in the fact that part of the fastener is firmly stuck in the inlet and is very difficult to remove without special tools. Sometimes, however, it turns out to pick up a bolt fragment with pliers and unscrew it, but it will be much better and more efficient to use an extractor, i.e. a special tool for removing bolts.

Bolt extractor - general information

It is a tool that is used to unscrew broken bolts. The extractor looks like a steel rod, at one end of which there is a wedge or a left-hand thread. The shape of this tool is very similar to a beard or doboynik. The sizes of extractors vary and this parameter will depend on the diameter of the bolt to be removed. Experts recommend not limiting yourself to having a single extractor on the farm, but it’s better to immediately stock up on a whole set in order to be ready for any non-standard situation (usually the set includes devices for working with threads for sizes from M1 to M6). For proper unscrewing of the fastener, you first need to hook it. For this purpose, a recess is made in the center of the stud using a drill - it will be necessary for further jamming of a conical or cylindrical tool in it, with the help of which the stuck element will be removed.

Modern varieties of extractors

Depending on the operational and design features, the screws for bolts are divided into the following modifications:

  • Wedge-shaped - they have a conical faceted shape and work on the principle of a simple wedge, which is driven into the existing hole on the broken off base of the stuck fastener. After driving in and fixing the device, it must be gradually turned with a wrench. Using this model does not cause difficulties, the main thing is to take into account that the hole for the screw should be located right in the center of the base of the fastener. If this rule is violated, then the forces applied during rotation will be displaced, and this, in turn, will not allow the broken element to be removed. In addition, there is a risk of damage to the extractor itself.
  • Rod - these devices look like a faceted rod and, in their principle of operation, are very similar to a wedge-shaped tool. They also need to be hammered into a drilled hole in a broken stud, then wedged and turned out with a key. The main disadvantage of the rod type is some difficulty in extracting the unscrewed part.
  • Spiral screw - are the most common type, efficient and easy to use. They also have a conical shape, on which a right or left thread is already applied (for unscrewing all types of threads). Such extractors are not hammered into the part, but are carefully screwed into the hole in the fastener, after which they are wedged and, together with the fastener, are removed simultaneously and evenly. It should be noted that the use of a spiral screw extractor, coupled with a wrench, will require a special wrench.

Fastener Extraction Tool Kits

Such kits are very easy to find in any specialized hardware store. Naturally, it is more practical to purchase a whole set at once than single tools.Sets with the "universal" brand have gained great popularity, because. with their help, the physical and time costs for unscrewing various bolts are easily minimized, regardless of the complexity of the situation. These kits contain not only extractors with different diameters, but also additional tools needed to unscrew broken bolts, such as:

  • Collars or wrenches;
  • Drill;
  • Bushings for wrenches;
  • Bushings to maintain the direction of the drill in relation to the center of the broken stud.

The components of such kits are durable and especially reliable, as they are made of hardened or chrome-plated steel.

Broken bolt technology

Even a beginner can remove broken fasteners from the base using an extractor. The main thing is to consistently carry out all the structural stages of the extraction process. First things first, you should punch a mark in the center of the broken fastener, for which a core and a hammer are used. Then you need to drill a hole where the extractor will be inserted. At the same time, the diameter of the future hole is taken into account, because it must correspond to the diameter of the extractor. For this, a special guide sleeve is used, which is supplied with the extractors. Then it is necessary to install the extractor in the hole made, and fix it by knocking it with a mallet or hammer. Next, the extractor is screwed into the hole of the broken fastener using a wrench, tap or wrench (all the way). Having screwed the extractor to the limit, you can begin to unscrew the bolt.

IMPORTANT! It is always worth remembering that you need to rotate the tool only in the direction of the axis, because any displacement will lead to breakage of the fixture.

Upon completion of the eversion, the extractor is carefully removed, preventing damage to the edges of the wedge equipment. If a screw type was used, then the bolt is simply unscrewed. In order to facilitate the removal process, the use of a wrench or pliers is allowed.

Some features of the application of bolt extraction technology

Depending on the situation, the technology for extracting a broken bolt may differ in the place where the latter is stuck:

  1. Below the plane of the base - in this case, it is first necessary to insert the sleeve into the resulting depth and so that its diameter corresponds to the hole. Then you need to drill a hole of the proper depth. If the stuck fastener has a large diameter, then small drills are used first to gradually drill the hole. The final step will be to drive in the rod and install the sleeve to remove the fastener.
  2. Above the base plane - in this situation, all the same actions are performed as in the previous one. First, the sleeve is guided and installed, only then a hole is drilled to install the rod, which will remove the stuck bolt.
  3. On the same level with the base - here you will definitely have to use a center punch in order to correctly mark the center of the future hole. Then you need to drill a hole in the center, install the extractor and unscrew the pin.

Useful tips for threaded bolts

When unscrewing such broken fasteners, it is possible to somewhat simplify the workflow:

  • If you warm up the stuck product, then its removal will take much less time;
  • If the thread is broken, then a hex wrench can be used to unscrew;
  • Before starting work, it is better to treat the broken part with some kind of lubricant - solvent, acetone or oil;
  • Using drills with reverse thread it is very easy to unscrew the broken bolt;
  • Using a core and a hammer can be an effective move. The core is set at an angle of 45 degrees to the broken bolt and beats off counterclockwise. Such an operation must be carried out in at least four sides, and then the fasteners must move.

Benefits of Using Extractors

The use of this type of device for extracting tightly stuck bolts has several undoubted advantages:

  • The tool is quite simple to use: in order to successfully handle it, special knowledge and skills are not required;
  • Sets of such tools are quite affordable, which indicates their general popularity;
  • The set includes most of the extractor tools with the most common diameters and sizes;
  • With this tool, it is possible to quickly unscrew almost any damaged fasteners stuck in a car body, furniture or appliances;
  • If the extractors are made of high-quality and durable steel, then the probability of their breakdown is very low, and the service life, on the contrary, increases dramatically.

Of course, not every bolt can be removed with an extractor - situations are different. The main thing is to follow the rule that says that the material of the stuck element must necessarily be softer than the material from which the extractor is made.

Difficulties of choice

Immediately it is worth mentioning that the quality of the equipment in question is a determining parameter that should influence the choice.Extractors should not be acquired randomly and without a thorough analysis of all their working properties. The characteristics that determine the quality of the extractor include the strength properties of the material of its manufacture. Steel must be very hard, but not very brittle, otherwise the tool will simply break during operation. Only a few grades of steel from various manufacturers have such characteristics, but in their composition they are more or less as similar as possible to each other. Unfortunately, some manufacturing companies from Asian countries make extractors from almost any kind of strong steel. Indeed, such products have a lower cost, but their acquisition will not bring much benefit, and the tool itself can only be used a couple of times, then it will break. Therefore, experts advise buying only those sets whose manufacturer does not raise reputational doubts, while at the same time paying attention to the marking of the steel used in the tools.

Modern samples of extractors are sold both separately and as part of various sets. Professionals recommends having a complete set with extractors of various diameters and sizes immediately on hand, and it will also be nice if additional tools are supplied in the kit. Naturally, the cost of a high-quality and complete set may seem rather high, but all costs will pay off after the first use cases.

Ranking of the best broken bolt extractors for 2022

Budget segment

3rd place: "Eureka ER-86507"
votes 0

A good set of tools for extracting broken bolts, consisting of five pieces.Sizes from M3 to M18 are supported. All components are packaged in a compact blister for easy portability and storage. In the process of creating this equipment, standard hardened steel was used. The set is very easy to use, which even a beginner can handle. The manufacturer has set a one-year warranty for its product. The recommended cost for retail chains is 285 rubles.

Eureka ER-86507
  • Small mass;
  • Convenient blister for storage and carrying;
  • Sturdy steel base.
  • Little variation in sizes.

2nd place: STAYER 4320
votes 0

A very functional set from a well-known European brand. Includes 5 items for work in sizes M3 - M18. All tools are to be stored in a convenient plastic box. High quality carbon steel was used in the production, which gives these devices the necessary level of strength. The sizes present in the kit are enough to cope with most problematic situations. The recommended cost for retail chains is 320 rubles.

  • Five tools included;
  • Easy to store and carry plastic box;
  • The equipment is made of durable carbon steel.
  • Not detected.

1st place: "YATO YT-0590"
votes 0

All tools in this set of extractors are left-handed, which makes it as easy as possible to remove broken bolts, allowing you to quickly get rid of faulty fasteners. The set can work with an impressive list of sizes from M3 to M25. All devices are made of high quality hardened steel and have proven their effectiveness. The recommended cost for retail chains is 380 rubles.

YATO YT-0590
  • Durable manufacturing material used;
  • Good variety of sizes;
  • Adequate cost.
  • Not detected.

Middle price segment

3rd place: "FORCE YF-1013 63005"
votes 0

This kit includes 5 fixtures, which are made of durable carbon steel. Thanks to the high-quality material used in the design, the extractors literally in a couple of blows enter any stuck bolt and successfully unscrew it. The tools are left hand threaded. For convenience of storage and carrying the plastic case is used. The recommended cost for retail chains is 680 rubles.

FORCE YF-1013 63005
  • Adequate cost;
  • High-quality performance material;
  • The left-hand thread helps to quickly unscrew stuck fasteners.
  • Not detected.

2nd place: "JTC 5601"
votes 0

Extractor set, 5 pcs. JTC 5601 is used when it is necessary to remove damaged fasteners made of hard material (bolts, screws, pipes, etc.) without damaging the products themselves and the surface of the fastened structure. The kit includes 5 tools with different tip diameters: 2.77 mm (7/64″), 3.57 mm (9/64″), 3.97 mm (5/32″), 6.35 mm (1/4″) and 7.54 mm (19 /64″). For easy storage and transportation, the set comes in a compact plastic case. Overall dimensions - 90x55x15 mm. The recommended cost for retail chains is 760 rubles.

JTC 5601
  • Excellent value for money and quality;
  • The material of manufacture is very durable - chromium molybdenum;
  • The alloy is resistant to corrosion.
  • Wrench not included.

1st place: "Jonnesway AG010049"
votes 0

The AG010049 Jonnesway extractor kit is used to extract failed and broken fasteners. It can be bolts, studs, nails, pins and more. The set includes extractors of various sizes, thanks to which you can choose the size of the tool that is necessary for a particular job. With the help of devices, an effective, and most importantly, quick removal of unnecessary fasteners is achieved. Left-handed helix provides a secure grip. The material of the extractors is steel, designed specifically for the manufacture of such a tool. The size of the landing square of the extractors: No. 1 - 3 mm, No. 2 - 4 mm, No. 3 - 5 mm, No. 4 - 6 mm, No. 5 - 8 mm. The recommended cost for retail chains is 1050 rubles.

Jonnesway AG010049
  • Sturdy manufacturing material;
  • Convenient storage case;
  • Well-known manufacturer brand.
  • Not detected.

Premium class

3rd place: "AIST 25 Ave. 67310425 00-00005940"
votes 0

This set is extremely versatile and allows you to remove not only stuck bolts, but also studs. The composition contains 25 items, therefore, with full confidence it can be argued that with this set it is possible to solve any situation with stuck bolts. All tools are made on the basis of durable chrome vanadium, which indicates a long service life of this set. The storage case includes separate compartments for each fixture, and each compartment is labeled with its own size. The recommended cost for retail chains is 6400 rubles.

AIST 25 pr. 67310425 00-00005940
  • Super durable material;
  • Convenient case with explanatory inscriptions;
  • A large number of standard sizes.
  • Extremely high price.

2nd place: "Rennsteig RE-4719013"
votes 0

Rennsteig Screw Extractor Set RE-4719013 is a set of 5 specialized tools used to remove broken or old fasteners from parts without damaging them. Different sizes of extractors allow you to choose the right one for the job. The metal case makes it easy to carry the set, and also contributes to the convenience of storing tools. The tools of the Rennsteig screw extractor set RE-4719013 are made of chrome vanadium steel (hardened), which ensures a high degree of strength. The recommended cost for retail chains is 6500 rubles.

Rennsteig RE-4719013
  • Designed for professional use;
  • There are 5 tools in the set;
  • Polished cutting edges;
  • Work without damage;
  • Hex head;
  • Two cutting edges;
  • The ability to save a recoverable expensive part;
  • The service life depends on the hardness of the mating material;
  • Suitable for right and left hand threads.
  • Extremely high price.

1st place: "ROCKFORCE RF-T5331"
votes 0

A completely professional set containing not only extractors, but also a decent amount of additional tools. The kit supports work with sizes from M3 to M18. All fixtures are made on the basis of carbon steel, which indicates their strength and durability. The tools have a double thread - it is possible to unscrew both to the left and to the right. The recommended cost for retail chains is 7300 rubles.

  • Quite a complete set of the most necessary tools;
  • Ability to work with two types of thread;
  • Durable manufacturing material.
  • Very high price.


Forget about the hassle of extracting fasteners! To do this, you just need to have a set of extractors, wrench breakers and stud drivers on the farm. Easy, fast, effortless - now this is the only way you will work with fasteners! But for the successful completion of the work, it is not enough to know only how to use an extractor or a stud driver, you also need to choose the right tool, based on the features of the fasteners that you have to deal with most often. As a result, it is worth noting that using the extractor correctly, you can extract any hopelessly broken bolts, studs and other fasteners. In addition, the cost of a single tool or a set of extractors is quite affordable for any consumer. Therefore, when faced with frequent bolt breakages when working with fastening various structures, this type of fixture will become an indispensable assistant.


